to lau zhiwei(alias mr Yellow Coloured Bra): thanks for the supplies of Chee Yang-related merchandise :D
quite happy today :)
had Character Development in the morning for the first 2 lessons, as usual, blah. i think it shouldn't be called Character Development.. it'd be better off as S.L. alias Slack Lesson. nobody bothers to listen during Character Development. they all look attentive, but you'd never know what they're doing under their desks. *winks* :DD
english was damn funny. JBASE(aka judith ANG, or alias jupo. JBASE is her newly-acquired nick thanks to mr ng, which stands for Judith Bimbotic Ang Shi Ern) suddenly appeared in front of the class and announced to everyone, including mr tan, the boys, and the girls, about the material of our FOC class tee(part two). she was like, "everybody! you know our new class tee material very transparent lehhh! for girls wear already can see the bra. !" something like that.
JBASE, that was ultimate indecency!!!
was drawing again during pastoral care. (we have character development and pastoral care; are we that problematic?) liang said i drew well. it's something really pleasant to hear, considering the fact that she hardly ever praises anyone in the class. o.O after pastoral care was math, and it went by with a great piece of news: the math test was postponed to wednesday. so that leaves me with a bit more time to study, as well as biology test. geography was fine, talking about arid and arable land, reclaimed land etc. and mr
tomeyyto and i kept singing Chance Chance and Superwoman today. LOL. so funny. she kept getting the first sentence of Chance Chance wrong. and we tried imitating Cheeyang in the "zhuan ying" part of the song. it sounded pretty funny, but i think we didn't exactly go out of tune. tomeyyto also heard that cheryl jiejie is in the same college as Cheeyang and in the same level too, so she kinda had that O.O expression throughout Pastoral Care.
after school was choir, and we learnt 2 new songs.(: one was a latin/german song and the other was pretty nice: He Aint Heavy, He's my Brother. lol that song was nice, but got some high pitched parts. huiyun was freaking funny too during choir, all with that Da Er Long (gangsta) imitation and Anger Management. hahahs so lame.. XD
walked to the mrt station with joyce, and got soaked to the skin cos it was practically a storm. we kept laughing our heads off when joyce's umbrella flew in the wrong direction. :D bought a colossal curry puff at JE mrt station, and i actually finished it all! omgs, the saturated fats!! RAWR.