omgs. my tagboard is turning into msn messenger!
um.. well. sorry for not updating for a while; i've kinda been overworking and over-nagged at by mum and dad. sometimes they just can't give me a day's peace by not nagging about my maths and whatever that comes to their mind. T-T but anyway, i'll reply all the tags here or something.
guanzhi: yes my tagboard is like MSN or something.. but not close enough to be, what, MSN 8.5? lol -_-
SK: you saw me during speech day?! aw RIGHT. on tuesday youd be having a good laugh.. yeah. i don't look cute; i was freaking out cos all the choir peeps behind me and on either side of me were either altos or soprano twos. tsk. mr lai so evil; change my place. i wanted to stand next to weiru and charlene. :(
qi and mel: whoa, is my tagboard the battlefield for the Fight between Kakeru and Yuki?? happy birthday to qi anyway. :)
gladys: not really lah.. a little but during the rehearsal only. we didnt get to see the final performance cos we were all shooed back to the Music Room during the dance performance. :P
charlene: yes yes zilian people RAWK! let's go take neos sometime. haha.
lala. that's about it..
speech day rawked! hmm.
we went through the songs for a bit first, then it was changing time! D: the gowns were extremely uncomfortable, and we had to put on makeup. ugh. jocelyn was damn funny; during the Inspection of Lai, mr lai was like, "AIYO YOU THERE! you look like a corpse! too pale already.!". lol poor jocelyn. she had trouble with her hair and makeup so she was like this great hollywood star, with the seniors doing her makeup at the last minute, while shuxuan and huishan tried doing something about her hair. huiyun kept playing MR LAI'S FAVOURITE GAME with him, that ji-ko-pak thing. hahaha. then mr lai screamed and screeched at the top of his voice everytime he won a round or something, and all the choirgirls would shout with laughter. o_O i played about 2 rounds with me and he won me hands-down, but he often lost to huiyun, and mr lai kept saying that huiyun practised in front of the mirror all the time at home. no logic! teehee.
during the performance i wasn't wearing glasses, but i could see mao sitting in the front row in the school blazer and tie looking very extra. :D in the choir room before that was even better. mr lai warned us not to do get distracted at all, even if he burst into flames or if She Who Must Not Be Named suddenly gets a heart attack and collapses in the front row. -.- after the 2 pieces ended and when we walked off the stage, huiyun dropped her shoe and gwendolyn had to pick it up for her. XD my shoes were killing me throughout the whole performance cos my toes were so crushed, i kicked them off immediately in the music room afterwards. they were tomato-red from the pain and i changed back into my fila sch shoes, which did not much good either. i think the blisters at the back of my right foot have got themselves infected or something; they hurt alot now.
i don't know exactly what to do now.. i've got quite abit of homework and i don't know which to start with. haiis.
<3 amanda.