word of the day:
today was okay but very lao kui during english VJ( Video Journalism).
and i mean it!! D:
we didn't have PE today cos of the rain and they were supposed to run 2.4km. so everyone slacked in class, but a fair few did their work etc. lit was the usual, but this time it made everyone infuriated. lala shall not elaborate here~
english was fine and all but it was super super embarrassing.. joel was teaching us about camera shots, which angles to shoot what and blah, about tripod stands and how to control the camera for the director of the group. -.o first he turned on the camera and picked random people to focus on, so as to talk about their facial features etc. he picked charmaine, katherine, audrey, wenfu, liwei and probably some other people i can't remember. =X afterwards was the nightmare part. he did a demo on how one is supposed to do a presentation and look at the camera to speak and report like those reporters on Channel News Asia. then everyone was so impressed with his rendition and started laughing, including me. i think i laughed a little too much, cos he suddenly turned to me and told me to have a go with the presentation. D: i think i shall not go into details here :D
ndp after school was tiring but fun. there was this part where we had to run into 2 lines and since hot tea wasn't present for the rehearsal, i had to stand next to leepo. and when everyone chiong-ed into position, leepo chiong-ed abit too vigorously and very nearly smashed her flagpole into my face. -.- then she realized what she had done and within a split second she was screaming her head off even though she merely gave me a shock with a flagpole. HAHA. that part was damn funny, cos later during the encore telecasts of those parts, everytime leepo saw me she and i would start laughing for no apparent reason. D: there was this segment too, where i had to run to position alongside jialin, madeleine from 212(i think that's her name?? =O), leepo, audrey and keith etc. i was still stoning there and they had already started doing their actions so i had to rush to my place, which was totally obvious. =.= evil.
at 5.30pm training ended and i flew to clementi mrt to take a train to aljunied for daimoku chanting. i was so damn tired on the train and my legs were almost buckling underneath me, not to mention my HOLY-LY HEAVY bag. :( but luckily i could nab a, area with a backing near the door for me to lean on. i was so sleepy i actually fell asleep standing up. my head kept swinging sideways, back and front so this uncle right in front of me somehow contented himself by staring at me sleep. i woke up and still saw him shooting weird glances at me. -_-" never see people sleep before meh.
omgs, my eyelids weigh a ton now. and tomorrow's polling day! hahahs as if i get to poll or something. it's a public holiday tomorrow, and apparently according to dictionaries the words Public Holiday actually means REST. but i think mr ng begs to differ...