music: flight of the bumblebee by maksim mrvica
teehee x)
proud of myself for the previous math test!
but cannot be proud, of course..
it's just a test and not an exam or something. =but i got 18/20! *pats myself on the head*
today was fine. no one paid any attention during Character Development lessons and Pastoral Care. most of the People Behind(alias grace qishan yeonglan me jiaqi sheryl SK huiqin and jupo) were busy with maths homework, which most of the class did not finish due to NDP rehearsal yesterday. sheryl's math exercise book bcame a dictionary/answer key; everyone was passing her book around to check answers. lol. english was almost the same, then recess blah.
during pastoral care we were doing maths again. then afterwards were 2 math lessons, where mr ng claimed that he could stumble onto some people's blogs and see what they've written. he "stumbled " onto huiqin's blog, and unfortunately leepo had written something about him on one of her posts: something about "math lessons so boring cos mr ng go so slow" and "i want to sleep during math lessons". something like that. and now, how about the 2-11 and the Math Homework Avalanche thing i've always talked about??? oops hope mr ng doesn't come here, but it'd be strange if he does -.-
geog was the usual. then lunch, assembly. assembly was boring. had that english speaking competition thing, but some of the contestants were quite good. history was project presentation. then HOME. (ah gooooodness)
i want to sleep, but i've still got lots of work.
2-11 and the Math Homework Avalanche: You'd Never Know When The Worst Is Coming
it's unlikely that mr ng would come here. but anyway, freedom of speech!(like real) D: