lol i'm quite proud of my "new" blogskin.
nahs, i merely changed the picture underneath but the layout's still the same. check it out. (:
today was fine and all, d&t test was a bit of a disaster. my isometric drawing sucked i think, so i'd be expecting to get a 5/10 or something for it. -.- the rest of the questions were rather answerable, no blanks though i think some were wrong.
english was weird as usual. we did something about marshmallows and research etc. strange, really, cos to me marshmallows were nothing more than soft fluffy white edible sweet things either coated with chocolate or barbequed over a fire to be eaten. then i saw all those information about medicinal uses which were pretty cool. :) mr tan is mr MARSHMALLOW MAN! bwahahaha
chinese casued sheer drowsiness. afterwards was biology, which i think is getting more interesting(ahem). we were talking about the subject of Homosexuality. is it illegal or weird etc. o.O afterwards was maths, which made me panicky as usual because of Evil Edmund. hahahs. no lah, mr ng can be nice in some ways actually(i think...). but he gives homework like nobody's business. well like duh, it's nobody's business but ours in the end, cos we'd be the ones to bear the consequences if we don't complete it on time. Math Homework Avalanche haunts 2-11 again!
after sch hours was ndp rehearsal again! omgs, they made us run in the field beyond the school's property, where no one tends to the mud, soil and weeds. it was SUPER DISGUSTING. it had rained earlier on so the field was filled with muddy water that could go as high as half your feet, and none of us had brought extra shoes or socks. the Flag Group people were horribly splattered with mud, and i was all right until the small hole at the front of my right shoe somehow expanded. my entire shoe was flooded inside, and i felt as though i was walking on water.. hahahs. D: lots of people found small frogs and plenty of dragonflies were flying about so we had to duck. we looked like refuges at the end of the whole thing, while all the Dance Group people(2o8-sec1s) were happily upstairs in the hall learning their dance steps, and we were down there getting tortured, splattered and mucked up. everyone tried washing their shoes after practice at the field but it left everyone's shoes soaking wet so most of us ran around barefoot.
now i've got this infection at my left foot's second toe: it's swelling and i can't even walk properly, much less run on this coming friday. and after ndp rehearsal on friday is chanting @ pc! omgs. how?