music: dang ni by cyndi wang.
muahaha, i feel like eating ba chor mee.
sorry for updating for the past... 2 days. ya. was pretty sick and tired so i didn't even want to turn on the comp. yawn~
yesterday was quite... ok i think. :] PE was the usual. mrs choong half-scolded me for not bringing MC again. -__-" lit was funny though; we had the plays and our group picked the last number! hahahs. some of the plays were good; the boys' were pretty impressive. grace, yeong lan, qishan and i talked to Liang for a bit during recess. Liang has to go for exams in June???!!! omgs.
english was Video Journalism. quite boring as usual; we talked and talked and talked over and over again about our project and how we had to do it. chinese was abit of a disaster! we had test and half the people were shouting at Liang for setting such a lousily difficult paper. D: jupo practically passed up a blank paper... phwoar.
maths was fairly ok, probably because i understood whatever mr ng said. then afterwards was NDP REHEARSAL! my gawsh; im freaking tired cos we had to run the field. as in, not the one our school officially owns but the one beyond it. yes, the field where we spoiled our shoes nad socks but wading through ankle-high mud and muck a few practices back. now they put out canvas sheets at muddy areas so i guess it's much of an improvement already. :)
i'm not physically fit to run and everytime we have to cross the LENGTH of the damned super-uneven field, my respiratory problems come back and it's hard to even breathe normally. for those who have experienced shortness of breath before, you get what i mean. and people like hot tea, jupo and sometimes sheryl keeps asking me to go faster... i know i have to go faster and i know i want to go faster but it's really difficult. so if you guys are contented with overtaking me, it's ok lah. oO
crawled to pc after practice. mum didn't even want to pick me up, which is extremely irritating cos my feet were dying and might buckle under me anytime. so i had to put up with it and crawl there myself. and after chanting she even wanted me to go home myself cos i had a short meeting about PC Family Day organising.. it was just 10 bloody minutes and she didn't want to even wait for me. so i forced her to wait and in the end she got ratty. wtf lah. 10 minutes also cannot :(? so evil. she even wanted me to go to the coffeeshop to buy she and dad and my dinner just because the didn't like what auntie lidiya cooked for dinner yesterday, or some such thing. my legs were already like jelly and dad still tried to get me up. both are them are soooo nasty x(
PS: go to my previous post to check out the birthday-shirt colour quiz thing! hahahs. i still cannot forget that i ate mr ng... lols