FLAG PEOPLE! stop trying to spot me, i'm not in this picture(:
picture from kai wen photos!

CHOIR ROCKS! :D i'm in the front row, kinda blocked by the Supreme Ruler of Nan Hua Choir.
photo from kai wen photos.

and... this is what i watched just now.
TO JACK NEO. (hmm, and JOSHUA ANG and SHAWN LEE too.. haha)
lol, i guess it's I Not Stupid withdrawal symptoms now :(
shawn lee and joshua ang were pretty in the show.
yeah, all grown up and sexier(?). when i recalled the length of their socks in the first show,
i snorted with laughter. :D
hope mum/dad doesn't come find cawrahpted-. cos i've not written much about their negative stuff, which are sometimes unreasonable at times and the sort. mum likes to snap at me when she's down, though it's not my fault. dad always nitpicks at lots of things at home.
aw. they watched the show with me just now. they didn't really care. they only bothered to make noise at the funny stuff. i laughed like hell at lots of gaoxiao areas in the first few parts of the show, like the Pineapples, the one where everything their parents/ bosses/teachers said were all the 4triwetuq3ir0oewkflrjgoirgfypew85,we985?!?! rubbish emptied out at the end of the lecture/day. XD
hahahs, the little girl acting as Jerry's "girlfriend" is CUTE! :)
i have a fetish for cute and guai little boyboys/girlgirls.
i cried like hell at the end of the show, starting from the part Jerry stole $500 to buy an hour of his father's time. adults don't realise that they CAN find the time, but they are the LAZY ones that think things their kids participate in are unimportant. only the trash you see in the bloody report book is the most important to them, apparently. i am disappointed.
when huang yiliang "died", i cried. when the narrator gave a speech about how people OUGHT TO RECEIVE MORE ENCOURAGEMENT, (esp. kids), i howled. my mum offered to get books about mental derilium. my dad couldn't be bothered and went to sleep. :(
haiis. o.O
who CAN be bothered after all, right?
today was the usual boring shiat. went to IMM with mum in the morning to do registered post at Singapore Post, then to eat brunch at some Hong Kong delicacy place. afterwards we went to an employer's home to pass a passport. then to King Albert Park to borrow dvds, I Not Stupid 2 and BRING IT ON! (: then balik office. that was all for the day. really. just stuck myself in the office as usual to do trash work and get badgered by ah dict (though i have to admit that he was quite a company, but not when i'm trying to draw an atomic structure for
mum doesnt realise my only 3 forms of entertainment in the whole world are:
- rubbishing around for a bit in class. of course she doesn't realise this! or my she'd probably do a.. um, free tongue piercing for me.
- blogging. she knows about this, i think. she knows i blog. but she doesn't even know that blogs can be viewed by anyone who knows your blog URL. and everytime she asks what blogging is and i tell her "online diary", she goes "DO FOR WHAT! WASTE TIME! READ YOUR CHEMISTRY OR DO MORE MATHS! well, she's not the one doing it... and it's for my OWN GOOD! XD
- shopping? this is okay. but only get to go on certain weekends, or sometimes the NEHols. but everytime she buys something for me, there'd be a complimentary 15-minutes long nagging service FOC. please expect things like,
"i buy things for you, you must go home and do 1000000000000 pages of assessment!". oh i mean. "when would you be good? i hope you would be just half as good as judith/sheryl/yeong lan! i'm satisfied already!"
i hope too.
but she has to understand everyone is different. there is aboslutely NO use in telling her this kind of things. she always defends herself, and most of the time she goes twisting and turning whatever i say until it's my fault. the next time she complains about losing her diamond-studded underwear, i shall be the prime suspect, no doubt. maybe the reason is because... because... beause i felt like wearing it! lalala because sexy people wear sexy underwear!
i really need the books on mental derilium :(
it's ok if you didnt like this post. (: