kudos to the creators.
had ndp, duh. was fretting cos i didn't have my costume and on wednesday is the Full Dress Rehearsal! but anyway, i had fun crapping around with yeonglan, grace and qishan. almost died due to dehydration- i told you. from this ndp i only learnt the skills of being a camel... nothing much besides that. oh yeah, the new flag looks gross and the weight of it is even worse.
hmm.. today was pretty enjoyable. first hour of sch was Slack Lesson, then we had this weird briefing about PBL with mr foo. recess, and the lesson(s) i had been... um, looking forward to for the whole week. D: hahahs, MATHS for like 2 hours? not literally actually, cos today was just a briefing (more briefing -_-). some notes, blah, and groups were assigned. i am with charmaine, auteets, yonghui and GZ. D: and this is our permanent group! GZ might just get away with killing me or something because he's this really political person who would probably give me a 1 out of 5 for all my credits and then try to destroy my blog if i don't give him a 5/5 for his credits. the sort of thing. lollll.
charmaine and i were watching Happy Tree Friends online and mr ng saw. he claims that Happy Tree Friends is extremely violent and apparently, little girls like charm and i aren't supposed to be watching it. i mean, really. just a couple of days ago i had this 2 friends of mine i haven't met for a long time come up to me and ask, "hey amanda! long time no see... you JC what already ah?!"
no, no, i'm already in my 50s and looking young, that's all ^^
mr ng saw my blog too. he was looking for shreds of evidence about me writing about him. teehee, DON'T HAVE LAH, MR NG! :D reallyreally!
during lunch, and for the first time since i've known him, justin said "hi" to me. i just stared and gave him a super dao smirk. errr. laughed too much during the Happy Tree Friends screening. yeonglan was having a stomachache during lunch. it was the first time, too, that i didn't see yeonglan eat during a breaktime. o_o afterwards we had some free time, granted by the oh-so-gracious :( mr ng. qishan and i watched stuff on youtube. to be exact, the Two Chinese Boys. YAYNESS. :) i'm gonna watch them later!!
i like playing LF2 with charmaine, but she insists on using firzen. i'm such a lousy player although i used julian cos i have not been playing for at least half a year. she kept attacking me with combination attacks of Fire and Ice and all i could do was to shoot this huge purple ball to make her fly off. i forgot the combos to the upwards exploding move so i died in the end. :D
byebye! off to doodle on windows journal and i wanna create an icon. ^^