you're 1o2 this year. you're evil; you didn't tell me. :D
too many things have happened these few days. NDP preview being one of the most memorable. almost everything went ok for preview i guess. the Singapore Idol finalists visited the performers when everyone was rotting in the Indoor Stadium! lol. i don't really watch SG Idol now, but i do recognize qishan's favourite paul twohill. -.- i like gayle, but she's out! bleh. she's quite chio. they gave away goodies- those thick string thingys people use to hang from their necks which bear their names or handphones, fully autographed posters and notebooks. i got one of the notebooks! :D lucky lucky me. paul twohill actually drew on his own face, zomg. he signed and drew a Hitler moustache and a goatee on his face. LOL.
nhhs performers rotted ALOT in the indoor stadium. did rubbish like play all sorts of weird games, take pictures, sing, dance, sleep, talk etc. i took lots of pictures with qishan and played sadist games with her. :) we tried the multi-shot effect thingy and it turned out super funky! ahaha. and resorted to taking pictures with toilet signs.


mr adrian tan walked past me and caught me posing for the above pic.
he was like "ah, where'se ze toilet?".
and i got him to take a picture with me :)
the toilet sign is glowing behind!

learnt a lesson not to use flash too often for pictures.
they turn out blurry. :(

and yes, the gents at the indoor stadium.
i told you i was bored :D
the show went good, and i smiled at the camera when i shot past it. haha. not much time to pose! though i'd try next time. :D mum and dad went for the show, and they could spot me from the crowd cos of the way i moved. -_- they said my butt stuck out when i ran, but that's not the point. i told them in detail where i was going to be- i'm not one of the flag-throwers, i'm not the ones standing on the guys' shoulders etc. like anyone wants to carry me anyway, LOL. i almost fell while squatting low during the final formation, the sha-sha part and i ended up laughing at myself in spite of the mistake. :] hot tea and i went bananas at the finale. gurmit singh was quite near us and his hair probably covered half his face or something.. paul twohill #2. -.- kaira gong was CHIO! omg. hot tea wolf-whistled and i shouted "wahseh, so chio!". i literally threw the flag up during the flag-wave and managed to save the heads of the soka people in front. haha.
after the show, everyone got bored waiting for the audience to leave. i called kennedy, whom i gave tix to the other day. i gave him TWO tickets, which was considered EXTREMELY WOAH in nhhs at that time cos almost everyone needed extra tickets. and that guy? HE DIDNT GO. omg, i was prepared to yell vulgarities. yeonglan gave me her share of tix when i told her that kennedy needed them and he actually didn't go! whatever his reason was, i couldn't hear it due to the noise level in the background. not only was i mad at him, but yeonglan was mad at me too.
mum and dad went to suntec to have dinner before going to my sch to fetch me. mum said the soka's performance was worth mentioning, but she had the same remarks as SYF opening ceremony. she was like, "donno what you all doing lah! alamak, the core dancers like step cockroaches, and you all just take the flag run here run there, where got nice...". BRRRR. "take flag run here run there"? hardly. everyone was trying not to die, my dear mother. and the lack of water everytime after the show. ha! "run here run there". talked to ren ting, kennedy's younger sis on msn later on and asked her to kill him for me. we were plotting ways and she came up with 1) skin, 2) chop into 18 pieces and 3) sell at the market for 20c per piece. :D haha, so cheap only.
today we had art. the art teacher was very _____ as usual. she made us draw cubes that made us moan and groan and nag and sigh. blah blah blah TONES, blah blah blah must be 15 cm by 15 cm by 15 cm, etc. i hoped i wouldn't fall asleep like what i did yesterday in choir. mr lai was talking about the choir scores and what we're supposed to sing during the EOY concert. FYI. we've got to sing around EIGHT songs! gosh, that's quite alot. some of the pieces that were picked included Psallite, Laudate Dominum, Medieval Gloria, What Do The Stars Do, I Will Sing, Joshua Fight the Battle of Jericho and more. Laudate's no problem at all, but i heard we've got to sing that freaky song. what? YES, it's called I Bought Me A Cat. and it goes, (don't laugh)
i bought me a cat,
my cat pleased me,
i fed my cat under yondel tree cat says fiddle-eye fee :)
and the song goes on. it starts adding i bought me a duck/goose/ hen/ pig/ cow/ horse/WIFE. yes, wife. every animal says a different thing. duck says "quaw quaw", goose says "quaa quaa", hen says "shimmy-shack shimmy-shack", pig says "gri-ffey, gri-ffey", cow says "baw-baw", horse says "neigh neigh" and WIFE says "honeyyy, honeyyy".
hardly funnnyyy, funnnyyyy. D:
by the way, cows say "BAW BAW?" wtf. i thought it should be MOO MOO. don't insult cows, i don't like it. :\ haha. some of the girls started giggling when the horse part came, cos it goes "neigh neigh" which sounds like "neh neh", which means boobs, of course. hmmm. and pigs say gri-ffey? i thought it ought to be oinkkk. shimmy-shack shimmy-shack? LOL. crazy so-called animal sounds. -.-
anyways, back to today. :) for double cheena we did a lousy essay, which was unbelievably boring, especially if you've got the best chinese student in the whole of 2-11 sitting next to you. -_- yeong lan wrote, like, more than 2 full sides of a compo paper? that's quite abit for a chinese essay, but peanuts when you're talking about english essays to me. hurrhurr. i LOVE english essays! pfuit. we don't get to do much anymore. for double english, mr p.tan spent half the double period shouting at everyone. reason=quite unknown to me. when he was yelling his head off i was peeling away at the peeling scraps of blue paint on the desk. haha. i think some of his saliva ended up in the vicinity? errrr. not nice.
had ndp rehearsal aft sch. wasn't really a rehearsal though. it was for the core dancers, but the flagbearers mainly slacked around and watched the core dancers. we got to watch a great filming of our performance! very pretty, especially the shocking colours. i think the neon orange and yellow gloves the core dancers got recently came of good help; they added abit to the brightness. but i think the flagbearers' electric blue and yellow-sequins costumes are still the best, together with the hot pink flags. :D mr low was pointing out our mistakes here and there. he says the flagbearers need to have a mimimum width of 2 and a half metres apart from one antother when running, or there'd be no effects on the rippling flags. then he suddenly pointed out a guy who didn't hold his flag properly during the cross-over of the field. it was JONATHAN! HA. by the way, the camera ought to film the tap-boards from above during the final formation. during the kallang wave thingy; cos the tapboards actually form a picture of this year's mascot for NDP. the globe shape. go to kai wen's blog, to view one of the pictures of the top view of the tap-boards. it's really nice :)
and a effing funny picture of me trying to assassinate milo, armed with a pilot pen.
sorry, charlene, your milo's so nice to kill :D
picture credits to SK!
clicky on the picture to read da captions -__-