2 days late, but it's ok i guess :3
(okay, not Rain. wei hong.)
I'M BACK! (:
and still alive, morons, so you can stop wishing ;D (quote from elise)
i've uploaded some retarded pictures from the past few days. since the day i updated cawrahpted-, some stuff have happened.. like mum and dad and i and my maid going to vivo together after my kenshu meeting. we ate at sushi tei, and the unagi was YUM. i'm inlove with unagi+sweet sauce now. can compete with chocolate already! but i'm still the queen of all chocolates.
sounds ego, but nevermind.

the only presentable scenery pic taken with my phone at vivocity.
the rest of the pictures were either too dark, too blur or too ruined because a) people walked past when i was shooting (*makes L-worthy bang! bang! noises*) or b) nothing much to see in that picture.
i'm talking rubbish, and i have just realised how much excuses/trash people can come up with.
okay, so on to yesterday's barbeque-cum-kenshu workout session!
we didn't actually go to the gym, but we sure worked our butts off painting the flag and constructing the identities. start with the morning:
was forced to leave house earlier to meet wei hong at 1pm, boonlay mrt. but since he lived all the way in hougang, i was much earlier and had ample time to go to the library. dropped my 3 due books there and exited the library with double the amount of borrowed books as compared to last week. i love the library for doubling our loan limit to 8. YAY! but i know that if i'd borrowed 8 books, i'll never come out of the toilet since one of my strangest (but sometimes you can call it kinda normal) habit is reading in the loo. (:
crawled out of the library to the mrt station to meet a very blur wei hong. uhhh, he's never been to jurong point before. maybe once, i think. but same concept as me + hougang mall. haha! we went to popular to buy materials for the identities and flag. then off to ntuc to buy food for bbq and a bamboo pole for the flag.
before yesterday, i'd never been to ntuc with a guy friend. it's interesting to do so, actually. like the strange things they do. (elise's funky experience: asking her guy friend to go get apples and he came back with bananas. sounds kind of mad to be true though, but very shin-like.) wei hong was fine lah. we debated over the sensibility of the producers of the aluminium foil and shouted when we found the bamboo poles hiding in a corner of ntuc. bought bbq food and waited for weiliang to turn up, and afterwards, leelian. met sherry and clara at the mrt station before going off together to leemei + leelian's hostel @ ntu. aik kai joined us sometime later.
we did the flag and identities- flag's were the girls' job, identities were done by the guys. we completed everything and all of us were THRILLED. good job everyone! haha. had BARBEQUE for dinner. mmmmmnnnnn.
pictures below.

sherry and i!
marshmallow bonanzaaaa

everyone, screw up your eyes and sell this pic on eBay. RAIN IS STARTING THE FIRE ON THE BBQ PIT!
ok, not Rain. wei hong.
sorry. :D

that guy in blue squatting at the bbq pit is liang liang (wei liang). uhhh he moved, so he looks like a phantom here.

clara, sherry, me!
wei hong: *snorts with laughter*

queen of all chocolates, yeah
just like my msn name! (:
sorry again.
for the lack of nice photos
i was too busy eating, that's why. muahaha
one of the funniest things that night was when i told wei hong that one of my best friends [yeong lan] asked a question: (if your bf gives you flowers when you two go out for dinner or anything, would you be embarrassed carrying a bouquet while walking on the street?). he didn't really reply at first, but he suddenly piped up and went, "AH! no lah. actually, next time i wouldn't give my gf flowers, i'd give her trees." :D and gave me that kind of angelic (not) grin. i was laughing like mad in the station, for goodness sake, and i started tearing before you could even say oops. errrr. that guy makes me laugh too much. up till now i'm still having laughing fits over that tree thing.
i'm also starting to bully wei hong into doing what i'm supposed to do as assigned from sherlyn. not bully, but i'm not free tmr, so i can't carry out the task. SORRY DUDE! ok, i'd give you as much authority as you like to ask anyone anywhere, even a random guy on the streets, to guess my age. ok ok? haha. sorry bout that again(:
yah, apparently. wei hong's favourite question is asking people to guess our ages, cos he knows that people'd guess my age (+a few years) and his own age (- a few years). grrrrrr.
{elise, don't act les. ^^}