it's all darryl's fault
some loony pictures i've took when i was over at cheryl's.

the uber cute disney mickeymouse hat darryl bought at tokyo disneyland!


LOL a teaser picture of darryl and my gran. they were sitting opposite and i can imagine the dialogue if it was a soap:
darryl: susie(random name for my gran), dui bu qi, ke shi wo yi jing dui ni mei you FEEL le.
[translation: susie, sorry but i've got no more feelings for you already.]
ah ma: wei shen me! ni xiang yi zou liao zhi!?
[translation: WHY! you want to walk away from me and forget all about it!?]
darryl: bu shi de, ke shi...
[translation: no, but...]
ah ma: bu yao zai shuo le! *turns away*
[translation: don't say anymore! *turns away*]
darryl: *reaches out to touch ah ma's arm* susie, bu yao zhe yang...
[translation: susie, don't be like that...]
ah ma: bu yao peng wo! *looks disgusted and flees*
[translation: don't touch me! *looks disgusted and flees*]
ok, too much soap operas. hence, the randomness :DD

DEATHNOTE 2: the Last name!!! yummy. i see raito and L! misa is isolated. bwahaha
taken outside kbox cineleisure. woohoo!

HAHAHHAHAAHAHHA unintentional):
note: the money thing is a frame from my phone.
apparently, it fascinated cheryl jie and i too much.

$ kaching kaching $

ok, not scary :D
cheryl jie, darryl, twakim and i went to kbox yesterday.
we sang all the crazy songs, irritated darryl with cyndi wang, and tried out some oldies. K lunch was ok, but i thought the unagi at lot1 was still the best. :)
painted more shoes by myself. i didnt get the sneakers type this time; cheryl and i bought identical white maryjane-like shoes from chinatown. i'm still gonna work on it later, or rather, after i go off to bathe. :D
tomorrow's kenshu meeting again! hope all the group members come. stop pangseh-ing wei hong and i. i know you all are really nice people!
much love.