when you're looking like that- westlife
i'm back.
physically tired!
had 2 tuitions in a day. it was pretty. horrific. :D
i like to contradict myself D:
went to vivo by myself later on, without telling mum. i wanted to buy some chocs for v-day! i'm going to give to 312 and some other friends. more girls than guys, undoubtedly. all for friendship-appreciation purposes. other than 312 guys, there's only my best friend in the guy list. but cheong wei hong is a scary nice monster.
when i reached vivo, mum called up. i didn't have the heart to tell her i was at vivo, but i told the truth anyway. she was like, "OH REALLY? DAD AND I ARE AT VIVOCITY TOO!" my expression was like omg!? what a coincidence. but she financed me for a bit later on. woohoohoo.
i was damn bored when she and dad decided to walk around. i carried everything for them! it was bloody heavy. but i didn't make a noise because i was hungry. when i'm hungry i'd isolate myself and go all quiet, see. dad bought mum a very expensive blouse at Tangs. not revealing the price here- but it's a 3 figure sum. mum was gloating as she got 2 other pairs of shoes too. i bought a box of Maxim de Paris chocolates for shandy jie (:
ate at food republic later on, then went home feeling freaking tired.
i want to post a picture here, but blogger's spasming. ugh.
i was acting twit in the picture (inspired by yanling and jeraldine) and there was this woman standing behind me
her pose was SO sexy -_-
okay tatata.
12.27.34 pm
chao xi huan ni- fahrenheit
i've just been to charlene's blog
i was laughing my ass off at the stupid, stupid photos
especially the yanling ones
she's SO hyper
and the timotheus twit. HAHA
i shall post some here.
to prove just 10% of craziness from 312
if you're interested, you can write a structured essay about it
and the pictures can act as your source.
please infer carefully
Do you agree? Explain your answer.

the 312 family tree.
not everyone is here, of course, but it's still funny :D
barry married jeraldine!
and they've got EIGHT kids
whoa the government will love jeraldine and barry.
i've got SIX sisters and ONE brother.
the eldest is yanling, followed by heshuang, jemimah, charlene, yihua, yuqian.
then timotheus is my elder brother.
i'm the YOUNGEST! woohoo.
i know what you did with my picture! D:

this is supposed to be our higher chinese homework
we were supposed to write love letters to ourselves for Vday.
i don't know whose paper is this, but it's one of the guys'
they pooled ideas and wrote all sorts of funny stuff
lin lao shi is going to have a stroke reading their letters.

aiSHITeru -.-
and love is in the air, i can see your underwear
mr bean is PAWNED
312 shall rule as the new age's ultimate comedians.
and barry and eugene tried blackmailing chi ho! :D
i helped a bit.
not literal blackmailing, but
they wrote all over wangpo's foolscap
stuff like "lubb lubb" and a big heart in the centre saying
things like that, yeah
and used chi ho's name to tell heshuang's she's pretty, sexy, the best, whatever
and that he doesn't like SK anymore.
(which is not even true in the first place)
heshuang came back and was like OMG
what the hell is that
the twit spelling by barry and eugene were the BEST
what lurbe lubb lorve
then they started debating over how twits spell "love" xD
i love threetwelve so much.
it's full of lunatics.
credits to charlene chan for the pictures.
she best send me the videos soon
and this is the camerawoman