when you're looking like that.
i can't believe what i'd just gave away-
now i can't take it back.
i don't wanna get lost;
i don't wanna live my life without you.
am i supposed to leave you now?
when you're looking like that.
look at this! :D

i can totally feel the green light from yihua's house
or where ever she is now.
i've just collected new moon from the library and read the first chapter. it's just as good as the first book, twilight. vampire romances do rock big time.
was supposed to go to choir and pc today, but i didn't stay cos i fell ill. zzz dying of lack of sleep! and a lousy diet. i learnt a new word this week! it's IMBA. according to charlene, it means a short form for imbalance. so everytime she goes imba leh imba leh, at least i know what she's talking about.
i've more or less bought all my new year's clothes, and believe it or not, they're all skirts.
i forgot to tell everyone that i wear skirts out as much as i wear jeans/pants out.
i know i don't look like the sort, but still. (:
school was crap today.
2 tests in day.
i wrote more than ever for elective history
we were supposed to talk about goals during CEP today, and write them on pieces of paper. i couldn't think of much, so i wrote "I WANT TO GROW TALLER THAN TOH SOH KHOON"
because i wrote that in my handbook, see.
i'm only 5 feet 6.5 inches (168cm)
she's 169! rawr
okay i'm kidding
but she really is tall and skinny.
SK and i played with our shoes.

i stayed back after school in class to do maths.
i wasn't the only one- there was still yanling, jeraldine, charlene, timotheus, jasmin, zhao an, jupo, huiqin and wangpo
jupo, huiqin, wangpo and zhao an minded their own business and were quiet while doing their own stuff
i was hungry so i isolated myself half the time.
i chewed my pen and ruler.
bit yuqian when my gastric acted up.
i asked timotheus if i could bite him (he's got muscles, see.)
he said no ):
jeraldine, yanling, jasmin, charlene and i were SUPER noisy in the classroom after we did maths
we created as much noise as 700 aunties in a fish market bargaining for cheaper prices.
the 5 of us took VERY VERY LAME pictures and videos
that involved jumping about, super(wo)men, reciting of chinese poetry (!!!), rowing boats and bao yang's table with the wheels
omg i couldn't believe our retardism.
shall post the less sickening pictures/videos here next time.
and i received my first ever Valentine's Day gift.
in 2007, that is.
thank you shandy jie!

shandy jie is the love. thank you my dear!
i'm definitely going to give the 312 peeps Vday food. yum.
edible stuff because i can gorge on the leftovers! :D
i'm also reading Adrian Mole now
i really loved the part where Adrian Mole's best friend Nigel opened the Gay Club!
the headmaster ordered a closure of it as the school governors couldn't sanction the use of the school gym for "immoral purposes".
Nigel was like, "But sir, the Gay Club is for pupils who want to be frisky, frolicsome, lively, playful, sportive, vivacious or gamesome during the dinner break. What is immoral about gaiety?"
The headmaster retorted, "Nigel, the word 'gay' has changed its meaning over the past years. It now means something quite different."
Nigel said, "What does it mean, sir?"
The headmaster started sweating and messing about with his pipe and not answering, so Nigel let him off the hook by saying, "Sorry, sir, I can see that I will have to get an up-to-date dictionary!"
imagine if that happened in Singapore. nan hua. HA!
i shall go to sleep now.
i'm damn tired.
why won't chinese new year hurry up and come!
i want to eat bak kwa.