oh YES. speaking of guitar,wei hong told me that he would like to get a better electric guitar. so i asked him through sms for his old one.
he was like,
"Wa. All my wives leh! How can anyhow give!?"
yeah, his guitars are his wives
and so is yongsheng kor
brokeback series 2
as continued from timotheus and keith kok
okay kidding
don't soot lubber ban at me ):
thanks to jemimah, i'm engulfed in this... lubber-ban-sooting fetish. i've been drawing lots of electric guitars everywhere too. on my worksheets, at the back of my notes, on ripped-out pieces of sketchbook paper. guanzhi, heshuang and SK all think that i'm mad now! >:D
yeah one of the examples drawn in the shortest time ever (5 minutes)

it's pretty big, so i could take a picture of it and hence post it here
i couldn't draw too large ones at the back of my notes and worksheets, obviously.
i showed elise just now
she said
"that looks kind of pretty, terrible"
then she showed daniel (her brudder)
he said
"it looks okay. in fact, it looks kind of nice"
contradicting statements! :D
i went for choir today
it was bloody tiring
and i was hungryangrysiantired.
we did some kind of malay song
lyrics depict rice padi fields and potong potong potong
potong = cut. teehee
i wanted to die when it was only 5pm
and choir ends at 6 ):
but anyway, wave that fact aside. magdalene and stella got into choir! hoohoo. stella's in sop 1 and mag's with us (2s).
jiayou for choir, okay, girls! :D
SYF's coming right up.
auds are next week! ARGH
okay i'm super duper tired now
i need matchsticks again
update next time; i can't write properly now.