Not alot, but it's okay :D

Me, Charlene, Jwee.
In the bus on the way to Choir SYF.

Maylynn was conducting Ave Verum in the bus.
Then I shot her.

Charlene and I were slacking in VCH, talking about everything under the heavens.
Then I told her about my long-time ambition
"I want to be Eugene when I grow up"

She wanted to be a photographer
(This shot was taken by her)
Ask her if you don't believe me.

Behold, Charlene's nostrils.
The only thing greater than yourself!

Her 9-shot picture.
Look closely enough and you'd see that all her poses are around the same -_-


Heh :D

Stray clicks

Jasmin looked really cute in the gown and makeup!

The tico shot
Then the real tico loomed up behind us...

Fairy dust

Jwee trying to pop in

I wonder who was Jwee trying to impersonate

My face looks like a mango


Nonono, not the bra.
Charlene was also really interested in this Triumph thing.
She took a shot of it too!

Yi-xin was saying something about inner beauty the other day in class.
Look at Ben&Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ♥
Thank you Shandyjie! :D

Sure, Yi-xin, I give you INNER BEAUTY!
But the ice cream was fantastic... To make up for its melted exterior.

Yuqian and I

Dedicated to Kaiying -.-
Fat hope, girl, Pete already has Ashlee.
Okay, I shall introduce to you the Horror of Science Tuition.

She likes to camwhore with my phone.
And she takes pictures where she hides most of her face :O

Then Joan likes to say stuff like,
"I am NOT emo. I'm the most un-emo girl you'd ever find."
Sure, and if that's true I'd drink 5 cartons of lemon barley.

Then 5 seconds later she'd tell me,
"I am emo and emos are HOT."
There are 239572409875 more solo pictures of her in my Bluetooth folder and I'm lazy to post them.
Slap me, someone. I feel like eating and eating and eating and eating.
Eleven Literature character analysis worksheets.
Eleven more to go.
Will someone tell me what to write about traits of Razali/Azman/Ah Seng!?!?!
They might as well get us to write a character analysis about the waiter in the restaurant.