Gosh. His hairstylist ought to be sacked.
Doc Oct has a huge belly. Eeeep
Went for Off Centre yesterday and the show was quite cool! Okay probably not the last part, when the rapidly flickering white lights temporarily blinded me. :\
Started off with a bang by going for tuition first. Tuition was good as usual, but when I first met Jiemin outside (I was early! For the first time in months!), she totally freaked me out by shouting "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!". I thought I had this major wardrobe malfunction or something, but turned out that she was really surprised at what I wore. Hahaha yeah I know I'm the typical bedhead clad in Tshirt-Levi's-Converse half the time, but I've got as many skirts as pants/jeans I have in my room.
Unbelievable, no? :D
Met Huiling later on at City Hall MRT. Trekked to Subway at Marina Square and gorged! Subway's brilliant, especially their cookies and 6-inch loaves. *Salivates*
Mag called up Huiling later on and asked for help cos she didn't know where she was -_- Convo went something like:
Mag: Eh Huiling... I don't know where I am leh!
Huiling: Oh my gosh. What do you see around you? Where are you?
Mag: I see "Marina Square" opposite...
Huiling: *Gives exasperated look* Anything else?
Mag: Oh, got bus stop!
Huiling: Whoa where is that!
Mag: I see... I see... I see durian leh. Oh, Esplanade!
Jemimah, Huiling and I: -____-
The start of the play was pretty funny and tense, cos the audience kept streaming in bit by bit and hence disrupted everyone's train of thoughts as well as the time the actor of Vinod took to start. Overall the whole play was pretty okay. Azman was damn cute! Oh my gosh. Yeah I was squealing when he entered cos after all, Jemimah and I spent lots of time on our project trying to draw that particular scene of him and Saloma depicting Apathy.
Emily Gan was pretty unexpected. She kept jumping out and yelling "HELLO!" or "BYEBYE!" and everyone would start. When Vinod began to break down towards the end, he said his lines that had fuck! in them and when he did so for the first time, the audience let out this dull Oh... but nobody made a big deal out of it in the end. The part with PC was quite funny; he shoved a hanger in between Vinod's legs. Then Vinod imitated shooting with a rifle and ended up looking as though he was masturbating -.- The audience was quite fascinated.
Went home after the show with my feet hurting like crazy. Stupid slippers.
I think that's about it for Saturday! Today was spent boringly. Was down with a migraine half the time. Meant to complete Maths but wasn't quite well enough to do it... I'd try to do as much as I can later. *Sighs*
Off Centre pictures later, okay? Promise. Must get those on Huiling's digicam too!
Replied tags!♥
Yanling: Hahaha okay okay you're nice. :] No, that guy probably had some food sent up to him by his parents occasionally, I don't know. I didn't really watch that show, but I know for sure that what he went through is true.
Jwee: Good question: How can he survive! Yeah. Gosh, I think he'd go insane from sitting in that cage even though he initially ain't insane.
Ziting: Did that out of boredom. Lol I do weird things when I'm bored.
Ivy: Yup, I really should have watched that show! Brrr.
Estella: I looked hot? Aiyah Estella. You're only half correct! I'm hot, EVERYDAY! *Giggles* But of course, there's no denying.
Yi-xin: My maid's kewl? Okay I go tell her. And you still owe me a trip to Cafe Cartel's! And tell me if Timotheus bullied you (though highly impossible *Winks*). I'd concuss him. Cos I only lent you to him!
Jemimah: Suwer suwer. Be patient. I'm also waiting for Huiling. Tsk I'd be so exposed.
For delightful James Franco fans like ME
And Yihua!

I seriously think he really fits the role of