Everyone's off to camp! Time flies. One more week of the holidays and it's back to bedlam.
As if it's not been bedlam round here, to have a control freak tailing you around, huh. Hope you guys have enjoyed your break, unlike me (with the obvious exception of MC sessions.)
Today my mum said something really horrid to me. To be strictly accurate it wasn't my mum who said it, but I'm fairly sure she played a part in attempting to smash my ego completely (Mission Failed, hahaha!). I was polishing off a box of chocolate Pocky and 2 bars of Kinder Bueno when she caught me chewing away.
She said, "Eh still eat this kind of rubbish ah! I tell you, you so fat already, how many times must I tell you to stop eating chocolate everyday."
Then came the part which pissed me off entirely, but of course, I tried not to display my blooming anger. Sometimes my mum doesn't try to watch her words or anything.
"You know what your so-and-so aunt says about you? She says you're as fat as a woman who's been a mother of two kids"
Okay, win already lor.
Seriously, she was quite nasty in two ways: Number one, if my so-and-so aunt had really said that, and if she were a nice mum who'd try to cushion her daughter's feelings, she would have said something like, "Ah... yeah yeah yeah" and then shake it off like a random crass remark. Number two, it wasn't compulsory to transmit the message to me, right?! Okay, I'm fat. Yeah. But why are these kaypoh people more worried than me, for the love of everything beautiful? I don't pretend I wasn't a little hurt by the comment- in fact I just brooded about it for a moment and returned to my Pocky.
But she can't go around shooting her mouth off and telling stuff she could have kept secret! These kind of remarks may have potential to hurt people's feelings, FYI. And she'd just unknowingly grind some innocent victim's once-intact ego under her 5-inch stiletto heels or whatever. These kind of things are sticks and stones to me, really, but some people do take such stuff seriously.
I've been reading Princess Diaries: Volume 4 recently, and completed the book within a day's time. It's a charming series, now that I've decided to start from book 4 onwards. A couple of days back when I went to pc and saw Sansan jie, the lovely girl offered to lend me the rest of the books in the series for my leisure reading. Thanks girl! Really appreciate it. Then when I asked her why Wei Hong didn't turn up for Student IC Chanting, she said, "He's baking a cake for his friend's birthday."
I could have fainted. I'd never guess in a million years that my best friend #1 actually BAKES, oh my gosh. Okay I'm not the only one here who bakes, but CWH?! Weird. I hadn't been so shocked since my mum allowed me to go out in peace with my friends (after PSLE. That peace didn't last long, unfortunately, probably about an hour. After which, she started calling me up to scream at me about my rebellious streak).
Yeah I have a rebellious streak for going out with my friends after PSLE. Hahaha
In Princess Diaries 4, Mia speaks out about feeling inferior to many of her peers, and I realise at that very moment how similar our plights were. She was feeling inferior cos many of the people in her surroundings had a particular talent, while she hated herself for being a breastless, un-Kate-Bosworth-like princess freak.
At least she's a princess, hello!
I'm also talentless. So doesn't that make me a talentless, degraded fifteen-year-old schoolgirl whose only school rule she's ever broken so far in NHHS is the anklesock rule?
Damn, this is funny. Let's make a list of some of the talents the people in my surroundings have.
Don't yak at me if your name is not here please. No sulking will be entertained on this blog.
Amanda's List of People with Talents
Cheryl, cousin: Needless to say. HCJC, good singer, extraordinary pianist (Hello diploma! I've never even seen a diploma before), musically and very academically inclined. Obvious great time manager.
Darryl, cousin: Chinese High School. 'Nuff said.
Wei Hong, best friend #1: Extremely musically inclined. Never took music lessons from a teacher before, which means everything was self-taught. Can play the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, piano, keyboard, drums, harmonica.
Priscilla, best friend #2: Fairly athletic, good dancer. Was seen trying out in the People's Association Hiphop group auditions before.
Yi-xin, best friend #3: Softballer, athlete. Won 3 trophies and don't know how many medals in the last Nan Hua Sports Day.
Kaiying, lipo partner: Look and count how many As she's got on her report card. 'Nuff said.
Ziting, buddy: Same as Kaiying. Very, very hardworking girl. 'Nuff said as well.
Jos, buddy: Brillo artist, and has an equally beautiful report card.
I've got to stop here before I start stomping around the room trying to think of something I'm really good at.
Someone TELL me. You can keep quiet if you can't find any talents of mine, really. Hahaha.
Bye bye, off to do something else, like eat Rocky Road.
(Yes I'm fat! Gotta problem? :D)