I think I'm going to grow my fringe out, and hack off the back ASAP.
ASAP, in this case, stands for As Short As Possible :D

Okay I know it's a tad too short, but that saves up on lots of hassle too *dreams* Less chance of having a BHD (Bad Hair Day) as well. Even if there were to be one, it'd just be bedhead or something, right? Who cares anyway.
But of course there'd be the usual stereotypes to consider, like EUGENE WONG, who's been calling me a guy since forever. To him, I think short hair equates guys and long hair equates girls.
Thus I guess Johnny Depp and I ought to swop places, right? He can be a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl who's been labelled crazy and useless and I can dance off to Hollywood and get worshipped by millions of fans around the world for playing such a charismatic, interesting swashbuckling pirate in Pirates of the Caribbean; particularly someone you wouldn't know whether to hate or to like for making Will Turner the captain of the bloody Flying Dutchman.
Having short hair for a girl does not buy you a one-way ticket to the lavender end of the rainbow either- I'm straight!
I'd get it cut soon. Not today, probably not tomorrow, and of course not Tuesday, but I'd get it cut.