Edward Cullen still appeals to me so much since forever.
So this was my first reaction when I had strolled over to the ME bookshelf of JE library

Now I've got difficulties tearing my eyes off the book.
Okay, so I've probably got some good ways after all, I guess, according to the tagboard. I didn't know I look like that in others' eyes- it's pretty amazing to me.
I've come up with an idea with regards to the class tee, but I'd need Jemimah's help since it requires much photoshop attention. Well I was eating Macs ice cream while on the way home after a whole day at MC, and the inspiration suddenly hit me on the forehead like a flying saucepan. Class tee issues are forever controversial, so I don't expect everyone to agree with my thoughts and ideas.
Some pictures here, all random. I know you guys are bored of reading my monotonous writings. All pictures are compressed cos I feel like it.

I totally want to try this.

Weijie was in Cold Storage.

Oooh Brad Pitt!

Not really worth the cash, actually, cos the green tea I got tasted like sugar water.

Voldemort! Couldn't resist giving him a kiss :3
May the force be with you. (Okay I know that belongs in Star Wars)

My favoooo. ♥

Yuqian and the Silver Surfer
She was quite mesmerized :(

Answer: Davy Jones HAHAHA
Stupid attempt. My dad laughed at it for 3 hours.

That's supposed to me Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones fighting on that long stick on the ship sails.
These are just doodles, I swear!

Intriguing shape of rice at Boon Tong Kee.

Omg it's Shannon!

Zhiqi ♥

The Rocky Road I made. Yum :D

Bad hair day.
This was taken on the same day I had to wear a bandanna to MC. My hair was supposed to look like this, and I didn't want to scare off the entire cohort of MC staff and students and cleaners so I had my head properly wrapped up.