"Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought, useless and disappointing."
-Sam, A Cinderella Story
MC was boring today :( I know the reason and everyone does. We hope to rectify it so as to cause less arguments and unhappiness, but it's tough- it really is.
Frog dissection pictures!
I know I owe this blog a hefty load of pictures but it's tiring and slow to upload everything. Blogger's not fast, you know.

Stiff frog knocked out.
(As good as dead)
It was bloody hard trying to stab it with the pins.

Huiling trying to cut open the frog.

The membrane Mrs Ong was telling us about- though she was talking about the one in humans.
Remember? And then Timotheus got very hyped up about the intestines-exploding-out thing.
Bio students ought to remember.

Last picture in my phone- Yuqian didn't take anymore.
Go to Charlene's blog for more blood and gore :D
Cheryl jie visits Charlene's blog! Hahaha, Charlene HAS to be honoured!
More next time. Goodbye! ♥
I smell Froot Loops outside. Weird.