-Orlando Bloom
Oh great heavens above with cheesy macaroni flying in the air
Damn, POTC 3 actually got a frickin' SEVEN POINT FOUR stars out of 10 by IMDB.
Maybe it's my problem, I don't know, but I feel irritated by Jerry Bruckheimer. The scriptwriter. The producer.
Fair enough, I give the show 1 out of 5 stars... Initially it was 2 out of 5, solely based on the brilliant graphics, but when I thought about what happened to the ever-so-handsome Orlando Bloom, 1 star was sufficient.
For the graphics, I repeat. The ending sucked like hell. Will and Elizabeth may have got married but their ending was *pukes blood*. Then I was much too devastated to really watch what happened to Jack Sparrow. I only vaguely remembered him sailing his, er, sampan again, just like the start of the first show.
Spent 4/5 of the show deciphering the plot.
Cheryl was almost just as clueless as me (I think). But she managed to watch Dead Man's Chest, and I didn't. Pffft a little behind times.
I liked the proposal part (hahaha Barbossa was damn funny) and the multiple Jack Sparrow thing. Hallucinations can be amusing.
Davy-Jones-like-Jack Sparrow: Everybody stop!
*Clones freeze*
Davy-Jones-like-Jack Sparrow: I lost my brain! :(
But come to think of it, Jack Sparrow sucked when he made Will the captain of the Flying Dutchman. Bootstrap could have killed off Davy Jones by himself, nay? Or Jack Sparrow. Hello Jack Sparrow, you don't have a wife or a passion for anyone- returning to shore once every 10 years won't make you lose anything- perhaps your usual supply of rum but YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE WILLIAM TURNER WHO IS SO MUCH MORE HANDSOME THAN YOU!
Sorry about this post, ha. Some pictures. William Turner (Orlando Bloom) is my desktop wallpaper now, to keep me occupied.
