Give me my Romeo; and, when I shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night...
-Romeo and Juliet, Act III Scene ii
Extremely impatient!!!
Eclipse, Eclipse, Eclipse.
Wait, wait, wait.
Sheesh. Eclipse is contributing to the further deep-frying of my brains.
Today was quite boring... But at least not shit-filled, which is considerably good. Inked "I must not tell lies" on the back of my left hand (It's still there) and Miss Rani asked me if I wrote it myself, haha.
Maybe she was kinda expecting, like, "No, teacher so-and-so" made me write it. Which further explains the whole bleeding-black thing :D
My phone got scammed today. Will post some pictures soon (Cackles); I'm using my dad's comp for today. I kinda hate my tablet cos it's so frigging slow. The start up takes about 10 minutes. My dad's is as quick as lightning. Maybe it's got something to do with the file overloads.
Today's Haoting's last day too. I'm so going to miss her! I kept trying not to cry. Hope she writes to us, and visits us during the hols. Goodbye Haoting! We'll all miss you lots ♥
Some stupid pictures from Mugglenet :D I love Photoshop; it just works wonders.

Mutated Willy Wonka

Manga overload :D

I know this picture looks almost the same as the one below, but still. (:

Wowwwww. My favo character in Harry Potter is Willing to Work for Food.
Haha, okay, enough gobbledegook. Off to play Pacman!

Hey wow woo sexy car. A "Lotus Elise", hmm. But I still love Aston Martins many many.