I think Charlene is a rich kid because she uses $48 conditioners.
Wow. Haha.
Okay so basically I'm back to advise all 312ers, those reading this page at this very moment, to head for Jemimah's blog for the class t-shirt design. Please give us both comments!
Sorry, alteration. I think you best give Jemimah the comments cos I'm pretty useless with feedback. Ha
And Jemimah is doing it again. She's pushing the credit to me! And I only drew the words! (Sighs) The credit goes to both of us and all of you out there. If you're any other Nan Huarian who've just stumbled across my blog here, or probably even came here intentionally but without any notification, kindly note that our design is already copyrighted.
I sound mean. But sometimes we have to be mean, or we'd just get eaten alive when we step into the outside world. Cos there're more mean people than nice people on this planet if you watch closely.
Most of them are hiding under horrid masks that are striving to contain their evilness. So, beware :D You'll never know when someone decides to chuck a knife in your head.
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
Tomorrow you'll see the words get carved at the back of my left hand :)
Umbridge is so annoying. Her laughter makes me feel like smacking her with anything I can get my hands on.
So, all in all, 312ers, please give Jemimah ready suggestions about the design. Your constructive comments are much appreciated. Awww don't be shy!
Yay, my mum taped down Jacky Wu's variety show! His shows are full of nonsense sometimes, that's why I love them.