Och. Someone stop me!
The Os Listening Compre was later on, at about 2. THE EFFING THING MADE US LISTEN TO MUSIC FOR HALF AN HOUR -__-
But still, I had time to catch up on sleep, so that was fine actually. I was quite afraid to fall asleep at first, but when I turned around and found, like, 3/4 of the class dozing off, I slammed my head on the table followed suit. Huh. Pig trait #2...
Went Kboxing after school. Sheesh it was fun, but I was tortured by my contacts on the way there. Then Charlene and Yuqian and I kept playing Superstar-and-fans (roll eyes). We can be lame, too lame in fact, sometimes.
Home later on.
(Sighs) I'm not in the mood to write now.
So I'd just... :)
With inspiration from Low Yihua and Jemimah Seow; they started this idea first. Haha
Dearr diiariiex,
Todaee ii go out kaikaii wif maii Boiboi... boiboi sh0 kewt lorrhx. he saee maii dresses todae sh0 kewt w0rx... of cos lahhs ; ii g0 tuu Far Eastt* derr NWO buyy everrithiing fer t0daes one nehs.
(Must... stop... bile from... rising...)
Fiirst we g0 eat @t Mac... iie luk at hiim l0ngl0ng hehe ^^ thenn iie thiink 0rf lastt tyme he aSk miie be hiis steAd... 3 mths 2 daes 21 hrs 45 min alreadii w0rx.. he iish stiLl sh0 kewt... keke
("Still so cute"? Yeah I would like to see you say that when he's old and infertile. Besides, I highly doubt this relationship will last for more than half a year. 5 bucks.)
Thenn we g0 see sh0W.. Ex0rciSm.... Sh0 sCArriie w0r! iie sh0 scared den iie cryy lerhhx... Boiboi saee dunch scaredd... but iiee stiLl scARedd.. Boiboi sh0 brAvE sh0 manx lehhs. o^.^o Hehe Afterr sh0w we paii neopwintx.. Pink machiine..
("Brave"? Yeah I bet another 5 bucks your
Laterr we g0 playy p00L! ; mit JiEMuIs... *[[aii nii men 184]]* maii p00l quiite zaii worhs..; Deyy saee Boiboi and iiee tgthr sh0 l0ng, dey jeal0us alredii w0r hee... Then g0rrt 0nE boi... c0me over askk miie hp n0.. saee iie veri chiiox lehhs; [hehe i noee lahhs] Wann sTeAd wif miie. BuT iiee saee iie hAv la0gongs alredii... bUt hE saee w8t ferr miie w0rx... aiiyo whyy liidat..*
(Sorry, but was the guy who asked her out visually handicapped, or was it just that he couldn't tell the difference between a mentally mutated being and a normal one? I was surprised he didn't ask for a one night stand or something. Uh, ew.)
4amm... cAb h0me wiff La0gong boiboi...; he kiiss miie w0rx. shyy alredii lahhs... kekex he saee he luRbe miie 184...* la0g0ngx and la0pox lurbbe 4evr...;
(Ew, ew, ew, ew, EW. I bet his mouth rotted like the one in the cigarette ad after kissing her, cos of the thick layer of foundation the mentioned twit probably applied. Maybe a spatula/ shovel would be enough to remove the foundation on her face. Errrk.)
Okay I'm never going to add another twit post in my blog. Yuck. Abolish Twit Talk. ATT. Someone hurry up and start a campaign.