Because there was NO MATHS
I mean, really. We've been taught not to act like typical hypocrites and go "Ah, I love Maths! Gosh! Maths is so interesting, I can fall on my butt anytime to do it! Blah! Blah! Blah!" When you actually HATE Math, like me, right? Same applies to Chemistry. Gosh, I think Chem has taken the place of Least Favo Subject on my list.
Fell asleep in Elective History. The only okay part of the whole 1-hour long lesson was the video of Hitler.
Hitler's got some really nice hair! (There I go again) Its parting is so... retro. Reminds me a bit of Mr Peh :D
Later on, I was doodling and doodling on my book and realised that I'd dozed off. Woke up to see Chrysan and Timotheus sniggering from across me. Maybe it's just kind of weird to see someone whom you've never seen sleeping since like, forever, to suddenly drop down and snore (not that I did snore), eh. AND drawing at the same time.
So it was like, my right hand was busy tracing circles all around while I was actually sleeping. Now I don't blame them for laughing.
SK is officially going to read Twilight.
Where's the Twilight FC? But to be strictly accurate, I think it's more like "Edward Cullen FC" to me. (Scratches head and giggles)
Eugene Wong is afraid of me now. He doesn't want to talk to me. (Waves pompoms around again)
Went to JE with Maylynn, Charlene and Yuqian after school. Bid goodbye to Maylynn a little while later before the other two and I went to Macs to have lunch.
Charlene could make me laugh non-stop for one-minute straight. WOW. A feat. Just by making so-and-so's signature move. She did it so convincingly, I have to give her a standing ovation. Talked alot of rubbish and went home.
I feel disgusted with myself for eating at Macs. What with all the brutal chicken killings... Eeek. Read Chew On This. (Yeap another book recommendation) It's really good, especially if you're the one who loves gore and the blindingly horrific truth about fast food chains like KFC and Macs etc.
I'm serious. Read it, borrow it from the library, whatever. The last time I read it I boycotted Macs for six months straight. If you're worried about the content then that's another story altogether. But really. Look at what happened to Twilight when I first read it! :)
Now it's got quite a bit of members in a FC, and still counting. Hip hip, hurray.
I've got about 80+ pictures to upload, which is quite impossible to do now, but let's be hopeful for just this once- I'd upload them, bit by bit. In the meantime, I won't take as much pictures with my phone anymore. Deal.
MC pictures here.
I miss the gang of S4L 7146 so much!
Especially my crazy insane partner Zhiqi.
Watch her eat cheese and you'd get terrified.
She ordered pasta at Pastamania during lunch back then on one of those days, and the way she poured Parmesan cheese... It's scary, it really is.
She adds humongous amounts of cheese every 3 mouthfuls she takes. After the meal, I thought she would've stopped or something, but she actually screwed off the cap of the shaker and poured about another 2 spoonfuls in her mouth.
(Kowtows to Zhiqi)

Pure torture

This was the top I wore when Zhiqi and Shannon claimed: "Amanda you look haunted."
I was trying to take a picture and chew at the same time, hence the expression :D

Eurk Zhiqi >:(

Oh hey yo

"What's your PROBLEM!?"
"Uh, nothing."
"Yeah, right."

Attempting to finger-whistle


She's not that shy. Hahahahaha!

Kissy kissy

Conned her into taking this picture.
That's all for now; more next time! I'm a very lazy blogger-picture-uploader. Apologies.
My cousin's hospitalized with appendicitis. He's just done with surgery... Ow.
Darryl kor get well soon!♥