Okay, I think I shall relate what happened a couple of days back. My parents returned home hooting with laughter one fine night, and claimed that they saw my twin on the streets.
Twin. Miss Seto!!!
According to them, my "twin" was a spitting image of me, with the same hairstyle, same glasses (though I wear contacts most of the time now), same skin tone (that's sad. Really), same height and same face shape (even sadder. I've got a face shape of a mango, damnit.).
If whoever that girl was lived through her life not getting called a geek/ emo/ moron, or possibly labelled androgynous (nicer term. Not-so-nice-and-less-classy term= tomboy), I really salute her. My mum said she was a couple of years older than I was. INTERESTING, I HAVE A SISTER. Wowiezowie.
Jamie, however, got extremely freaked. She was screaming on MSN, "Gosh that's your doppelganger!!!" (Doppelganger= something like your splitted soul or whatever.)
I'm hardly Sun Wu Kong, so how do you expect my soul to split itself into pieces? Jaaaaaaamie.
Back to the topic: Elise. Apparently, Elise was surfing through flickr.com for some suggestions for short cropped hair or emo hair or whatever she was hunting for, and she saw

Yes, she sent me the picture on MSN and I actually thought it was me, for a fleeting moment. But I swear that's NOT me. My fringe is not that long (But on the way. *Smiles*).
I don't even look like Erika Toda or whoever. It must be sad having a mango for a face, and getting called eeeemooooo to the face at least thrice a day.
Today was uneventful, and later I've got tuition. Misery is taking over. The only thing I'm looking forward to is the Harry Potter OoTP movie I'm going to catch with Cheryl and Darryl! Please, please, PLEASE let Sunday come quickish.
HCL O level Oral exam was horrifying just now. I stumbled over 4 words during the passage-reading, looked all around (north-south-east-west) while having the stifled conversation with the examiners, and got stuck at a couple of words at the end of my supposed sentence. PHWOAR.
And I screwed things up even more later on!!!
After I finished the whole exam thing, I took my time to put the chair back into place and bowed goodbye to the examiners. Then I stepped back and said bye again (cos I didn't know what to do). The most embarrassing part was smushing myself into the orange couch when I turned around and headed for the door D:
Charlene and Yuqian tried to comfort me by assuring me that the examiners probably wouldn't have heard my nasty collision.
Impossible. The room was dead quiet and I was lumbering about like a blind elephant. Even a person with difficulties hearing would have heard my smash sound. Pffffft.
I'm getting more and more like Bella. A typical klutz. Argh!