"If I can get a day to myself, I won't answer the phone, I'll read or go for a walk. Simple, basic things. People think there's always time to do that but there isn't. Life is short."
-Viggo Mortensen (Actor of Aragorn, the Lord of the Rings)
One paper's screwed, the other was okay.
You don't need to be a genius to know which was screwed- Chemistry or SS. OF COURSE it's the fugging Chemistry one. The people who suggested Chemistry be compulsory should all go right down to the bottom of the bog, or better, meet Hades and burn in hell. I'd send them flowers.
Dissected a sheep's heart for Biology practical today! It was awesome. One of the reasons why it was a great session was also because Mrs Ong, for the first time in days, didn't glare at me malevolently (i.e. shoot Star-Wars-worthy laser beams around). A really pleasant change! I was utterly exuberant and welcomed the Bio practical, for the first time in my life, with open arms.
Ostentatious facade :D
Yuqian blatantly refused to touch the heart and that was that. Hence I had to do the chopping and the gouging and the squishing (the squishing part was on my own accord, really...)
There were squeaks here and there during the practical.
Yuqian: Wah Amanda. You're my new idol man. You dare to touch (the heart)... So disgusting.
(Blogger's postnote: I hope the "disgusting" part was meant for the heart and not me)
Charlene: Eee. Yuqian, you more bimbo than me lor. See I also dare to touch.
Huiling: Ew, the heart's so slimy.
Stella: Why your (sheep's) heart so smelly one!!! (Looks revolted)
Guanzhi: Ha ha, I like your newspaper. (Stares with wide eyes at it)
(There was a huge picture of this curvaceous model with a huge bust in lingerie.)
Timotheus: Eh I smack this thing (the heart) into your face ah!
(Mafia shall always be mafia. He's so mean to me.)
Lucas: Jamie will look at this heart and go "INSPIRATION!"
I think the Lucas quote is the best. Mrs Ong was fascinating today. She kept digging away into the heart with her gloved hands. Mmmn.
I was cheered up today by the Lit essay too. My analytical skills are okay after all :) I handed up my essay to Miss Rani during lunch and she handed it back to me, marked, and complete with constructive comments. She said I'd done pretty good on this essay, but I'd have to watch my timing. You know how I can get- I'd write and write and lose all track of time. Elise says my fanatical writing amuses her.
Went to KFC after school with Huiling, Jamie, Mag, Stella, and Yuqian. Mag was being funny again- she was supposed to go on a diet or something, but she forgot, and bought a meal to gobble up. Only after she bought the food did she remember about her supposed diet.
She still ate everything.
On the last note, read Xiaxue! I love her latest post about gay bloggers and loonies who keep emailing her stupid stuff. The emails are written so hastily; they sound extremely uncivilised and uneducated and immature. I'm beginning to think that I have something against immature people. Most of the time I turn out to be right about these kind of things. Sixth senses!