Alright, I apologize for the lack of updates... It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's been distracting me for the past too many days, right?
(It's a rhetorical question. Don't answer it.)
So, for the past too many days nothing has changed for the better. Everything's been pretty morbid as usual, but the CTs are over and at least, at the very least I can stay home to read peacefully. Read? Why read? Well what can you expect from a psychotic bibliophile whose parents absolutely prohibit her from going out or chilling with friends, except for once in a very, very, blue, or rather, navy-colored moon?
That very, very navy-colored moon suddenly appeared on Sunday, but it didn't appear without resorting to a quarrel. YES- I have to actually quarrel with my mum if I want to go for a movie. It's not as if I'm going to Iraq to get my head blown off or something, though it's a better alternative as compared to living in this slaughterhouse.
Both my parents are PMSing at the same time. It's extremely agitating, not to mention annoying.
Thus, on Saturday I got Eclipse and hence blew my $34.24 away. No regrets though, no regrets at all. Eclipse is brilliant. I'm reading it for the 4th time (and still counting) now. You should have seen what I looked like after SK told me the Kino at Bugis still had copies left. I practically flew to Bugis before tuition to get my hands on one. There were only 2 copies left, and I got lucky.
But judging by Jwee's luck yesterday, she's not as lucky. She went to FIVE places to check out the stock. Oh gosh. Just when I thought SK was crazy enough to shuttle from Taka to Bugis within a day.
I devoured Eclipse and finished it within a day, haha. My expression was seriously scary I guess. I don't know what I look like when I'm reading. Must be frightening. That's why Elise never wants to come near me when I read (before tuition last time in P4/5).
Maybe I looked sadistic, just like how I looked like during the sheep's heart dissection.

Mmmn. Davy Jones flashbacks.
But I mean, really, that's a genuine heart. ♥ A sheep's one.
Digressing comes to a halt here :D
Sunday was spent rather well, if not for the fact that I was extremely broke (Eclipse). Watched Rush Hour 3 with Huishan and Pris at Orchard Cine, and the show was utterly hilarious. I loved the part where the nun had to translate the swearwords into French for the Chinese guy, as well as the part where Chris Tucker thought that Jackie Chan was doing it with the lady. He kept going all "Oh yeah baby my boy has grown upppp!" Hahaha. Stupid fool.
And the taxi driver!!!

Sing the National Anthem! (Cracks up laughing)
The 'Yu' and 'Mi' part was downright funny. When Genevieve was making out with James Carter (Chris Tucker) she said, "I've never made out with an American man before." and Chris Tucker HAD to reply with "Me neither", which sent my popcorn down the wrong tunnel. Ouch.
Even the NGs were so cute.
"So, what do you mean by 'I'm not your brother'? After all we've been through? Rush Hour One? Rush Hour Two?" -Chris Tucker
I'd never laughed so much in ages.
Huishan and Pris were being insane again. I think they ran out of drugs.
No, no, just joking. They're only 14. I meant medicine for the mind :)
Oh and there's a High School Musical 2! Wow. I never even got to watch #1. Will watch it sometime soon, if time allows (highly impossible).
Monday, which was yesterday, was spent reading and reading and reading. I've finished Meg Cabot's How to Be Popular- it's a great book for distracting yourself from Eclipse. The Jason guy in that book was quite cool. I'd predicted right from the start that Steph was totally going to end up with him- it's a Meg Cabot, mind you.
Just like Romeo and Juliet as Bella had said in New Moon. "Romeo dumps Juliet and Juliet ends up with Paris" wouldn't have made it big, and everyone probably would have forgotten it by the 1600s.
Besides, all the Parises in this world are pretty rotten. I don't mean the country- I mean people, DOA (Dead Or Alive). Like take for instance, Paris from Troy, who only knew how to comfort other men's wives (chuckles). He didn't really redeem himself despite the fact that he'd killed Achilles. Hector is dead and he caused it indirectly. It's all his friggin' fault.
Then there's Paris from Romeo and Juliet. I can't remember, but I think he died. I vaguely remember him making some request to be laid next to Juliet's soon-to-be-fossil-fuel carcass or something like that. Romeo and Juliet turned out to have a terrible ending, thus the title "the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet", not "the Love Story of Romeo and Juliet". Pardon me if this may sound biased, but anyone who claims Romeo and Juliet is a love story is lying through their teeth.
What kind of love story must that be if both died in the end?! Lose- lose situation. (Makes tsking sound)
Maybe it's not a good idea to get me started about Paris Hilton.
The reason why I advise all people around the planet not to get plastic surgery. Similarity: Michael Jackson. Haha.
And wouldn't you rather be bio degradable?! Oh zod, save the Earth. Please.

(Actually I don't even know if she's gotten plastic surgery, but it looks like she has.)
I can't believe my mum called her pretty once. Um. She's not, for someone so rich.
Sorry about blibbering :)
I love all Tuesdays, plainly because of the subjects of the day. Triple English rocks! I love it so much. I do hope Miss Seto sets us essays sometime soon. I miss writing essays.
Speaking of essays, my last two essays have been horribly depressing. The second-last one I did, I killed my best friend (No... Don't worry Wei Hong, I don't see you enough these days to kill you). The last time round I did another essay, I made my best friend a drug trafficker.
Hahaha :D But no ulterior motives!
Right, so I'd best get going now. Sorry once more for not updating earlier! ♥
Love ya'all.