music: er shi er by ng cheeyang
refers to the "split peach" hairstyle said to be worn by maiko, and to be the same hairstyle as the ofuku hairstyle. there is some debate as to whether the momoware is actually a different hairstyle though.
to all clueless people: i'm talking about geisha. LOL(:

this picture here was taken a day ago, when sheryl gave jiaqi her hei1 bai2 shuang1 xia2 pigs. omgs, they were cute! so both the pigs got molested by SK, jupo, huiqin, wangpo, hot tea and of course, ME. :D especially the black one, cos it looked exactly like it had just been lifted from the barbeque: HOT, WANTED AND TASTY. =)
i was late for sch today again. =X second time in the whole year.. a third time and i would get into serious deep shit. yeong lan too; she and i are rowing the same dangerous sampan. dangerous as in it might capsize anytime, like us if we were to -touchwood- be late again for one last time. qishan, grace and most of the others are Superstar Virgos lah. majority of them get chaffeured to school T-T
first double periods of the day was cheena. boring again; Liang was talking about the file arrangements and stuff and no one was listening. the lit teacher zuraida didnt come! everyone was cheering like hell. half an hour later i ate rice for recess and talked about yeong lan's daily diet.
yeong lan's daily diet is SCARY and i mean it!
5.30 in the morning before going to school:
a bowl of porridge, or noodles.
if i ever ate such a heavy breakfast before going to sch everyday, i would puke so badly in the bus and posters of my face might even be put up outside. "dangerous vomiting character: please refrain from allowing this creature to get on your bus." :(
9.30am during recess:
a nice big plate of rice, or a bowl of noodles.(rice is the most common thing she eats during recess)
i can only eat rice, noodles or porridge either during recess OR lunch. if i ever ate 2 meals like this, i would grow so fat i would even dread to look at myself in the mirror.
12.00pm during lunch break:
another nice big plate of rice/noodles/porridge.
once again, i can only eat either during lunch or recess. not both; and by the way i count a nice big plate of rice/noodles/porridge as a MEAL of the day. :) amanda language... haha
later when she returns home: (i don't know about days when she has to stay back though; i think she would eat more)
ANOTHER nice big plate of rice/noodles/porridge.
my... goodness.
later in the day, probably late afternoon. she has a tea time:
most likely a bowl of noodles.
*gasps* and collapses
during dinner:
like any other singaporean/cheenarian, it's the usual rice with many dishes etc. this is followed by fruits, yogurt, yakult and jelly.
i eat alot during dinner and after dinner too... but not as much as her. and don't think about what she had ate beforehand during teatime! ARGH
at night, probably right before she sleeps:
some biscuits, maybe bread and somemore.
the "somemore" is because i was too shocked to remember what she eats for supper.
i snack between meals for a bit sometimes, but if you keep me occupied i would forget about snacking and sometimes even my meals. and the shocking fact is coming right up...
i hereby declare that she is voted the person most likely to perish first during a famine/food rationing.
um, back to talking about today...
after recess was biology and we did more about issues on sex thing. we did temptation today, because it's more of a "unisex" topic and the teacher taking the guys was absent. we did weird posters and pasted them all over the classroom. -.- music was next and we had the test. i thought it was lame but ok. ms yeo scolded jiaqi, sheryl, jupo, huiqin, SK, wangpo, hot tea and jupo for going to the toilet before her class. i know 8 people going to the same Ladies' toilet may sound funny but she didn't have to waste our time by shouting at them in front of the class rightttt. she even gave them a reflection to do, which was quite boliao. tsk.
aft lunch was Thinking Skills. mr lum put us into our project groups that consisted of members beyond our imagination!!! mine was okay i guess; i had peixian, liyan and regina. they 3 are nice people. :) but those girls who got about half to all of their group members as guys were cursing and swearing. -_-" sad.ISTIC! Appreciation of Chinese Culture lesson was funny later on. at least ACC-Burberry-Liang didn't come, so our ears were spared from her shrieking. but we had to draw morning glories, for goodness' sake, and all of our paintings turned out disastrous so everyone had a good laugh about their paintings later on. :D
i took neos with SK, jupo and yileen just now. uber fun! :)