music: kiss goodbye by wang lee hom
hahahs today was a mixture of fun and anxiety.
i can tell you why it's fun but not why i'm very anxious... lol.
woke up this morning with my fringe sticking up the wrong way again. i had to clip it into place for a while before it was back to normal. =/
english was boring.. we slacked and the T.Vs(tempura vegetables, hah!) studied for bio test. well, most people were anyway. :) and grace, yeong lan, qishan and i "ponned" PE to study bio again. actually we didn't really pon; the teacher was merely re-testing the people who wanted to redo standing broad jump. and qishan's scab was bleeding while we were reciting the symptoms of AIDS and things like that. no one knew, until yeong lan spotted the blood on sheryl's skirt. we were like MIGOSH, cos sheryl told me to look after her skirt while she went for PE. and qishan happened to rest her scabby bleeding elbow on sheryl's skirt so GONG XI FA CAI! qishan didn't seem too bothered about it.. but i was cos i thought sheryl would kill me or something for not taking care of her skirt. qishan merely brought the skirt to wash at the ladies' later. -.- and i was in a flap although i wasn't the one who caused the bleeding skirt.
aw, forget the blubbering above.
biology was after that.. it was okay i think. at least i understood most of what they said. maths was after biology and mr ng didn't come! the relief teacher came into the class and everyone was like "yes mr ng never come seh!" or "whoa! no maths today!" :DD. sheryl let me hear a... song. apparently it was passed around among some people in class, and sheryl got it on her tpc. we were laughing our asses off upon hearing it :). then jqjq and sheryl watched memoirs of a geisha. i think i'm going to rent the dvd from video ezy during the J-Hols and watch at home. but before memoirs of a geisha, i'm going to rob benglee korkor of his FINAL FANTASY 7 animae first.
muahaha :D
chemistry was the usual. everyone was sleeping mentally or physically. the 3 musketeers behind were actually snoring away- they put their heads on the desks and jupo, especially, was sleeping so soundly she didn't even hear the teacher come. but the chem teacher didn't seem to know they were not listening; she just ploughed on with her covalent bonding and free atoms or whatever it was. she expected everyone to know everything she said, but sorry we don't!
geog was still the same, and i entertained myself immensely by doodling on my geography textbook. i drew a comic strip titled "What is Priceless in Geography Lessons." hahahs; i best not let anyone see that or i'd get laughed at. D:
after school was FREEDOM! grace, yeong lan and i went to take NEOPRINTS. :) i am such neoprint fanatic. i had a ramly burger at the clementi central pasar malam and it brought back... memories. memories of splurging half my allowance on lunch everyday at the pasar malam when it was still at JE. i could eat ramly burgers for lunch 4 days consecutively without feeling guilty. woohoo. i asked the guy to put alot of barbequed black pepper sauce which burned yeong lan's tongue when she insisted on trying it. oops
the neoprints were pretty good. we took 2 machines. the first one was abit wasted. the timing was bloody limited and we didn't get to decorate alot. but the second one was FAN-TASTIC! :D we stayed in that machine for 45 minutes for both decorating and taking. we took loads of retarded shots. and the 3 of us were happily decorating cos there was limitless time. so we pushed a random button at the top and guess what! we could take more shots without having to pay more. :O and this went on and on for a loooooong time- everytime we decorated a first batch and hit that button, we could take a second batch(but consisted of less shots). then a third, a fourth, and finally a fifth which allowed us to take one last shot. the 3 of us were damn tired of smiling at the camera so we made extremely spastic faces. XD
while we were decorating, the machine flashed through some neos that others took in that particular machine. and guess who we saw. we saw JUPO! grace, yeonglan and i were like OMG JUDITH ANG! and the people outside the machine could hear us cos were practically shouting. at the end of everything the machine made us look at some photos and grade them so that they would go up one higher rank or some sort of thing. out of all the photos we saw, we degraded every single one of them but jupo's. lolx; we actually upgraded jupo's shot to one grade higher. faster thank us, curry puff! :D
hahahs. i think that's the end of today. :) if you didn't understand anything i wrote up there, feel free to forget this post; i'm pretty tired and i want to sleep :(