Friday, July 28, 2006
i am so mad. happy. i dunno; whatever.
the things that spoilt my day was history test and my mum. for today's history test, i found out that i've already got 3 errors!!! fecking thingys. 2 from MCQ, and i missed out a point in the reasons of Singapore's Merger with Malaysia thing. damn.
mum was infuriating today. i can't explain everything here; i'd be lying in the hospital by the time i finish describing. but anyways, today's sch was fine and all. had our last lesson of TS! but our group's project has not even been started yet. :D haha. now i know what's the use of a guy in a group for an IT project.. girls are mostly useless with dreamweaver. so says our group! :)
passed kennedy his tix today. went with grace and met a partially-irritated kennedy at the buona vista mrt station. spparently he had been waiting there for quite a while, but it's not our fault, cos mr tan decided to crap for a bit during geog lesson, thus dragging back time. we got back our geog tests and i did quite okay. :3
grace rated kennedy a whopping 7/10 for his shuai-ness. later on in the day, i realised it wasn't just the good looks but the coolness too. she said, "eh, 6/10 for the physical assets!". and said the rest of the mark(s) were for his coolness.
no comments.
we visited the new jurong west library today too. the place was nice and the book selection was average. hmm. i may consider going there again; i'm a little sick of JE library. :]
i feel like mugging all of a sudden. maybe i shall do.. phy? no, no, no. i shall try my luck with the congruent triangles :)
Thursday, July 27, 2006
more that one good news and more than one bad news.
good or bad first? :D
the good news:
- TODAY'S THE LAST DAY OF PHYSICS PBL! *pops the champagne and sprays it around the house*
- i've got the 2 extra ndp preview tickets for kennedy alr (is this counted as good news? well, good news for him anyway)
- lit test went okay i think :)
the bad news:
- kennedy hasn't replied about the ndp tickets yet. if he can't find anyone to go with him, i'm going to bang on his door at 1 in the morning cos it took me ages to get the damned tickets for him!
- i've ran out of foolscap and there's still an english paper waiting to be done. !#$%
nothing much today. phy PBL took up quite alot of time. yeong lan and i were prepared to pop the champagne when mr peh announced that today was the last day of phy PBL. but he spoilt everything by adding, "chemistry PBL will start next week! :D". zomg. yeong lan looked as if she was prepared to jump off the 3rd floor.
aft sch, qishan, yl and i went over to clementi central to buy bubble tea. :9 yum. haha. the oreo series is very ......... and i suggest you shouldn't drink it. it froze my brain, too, and by the time i got home, i had to bathe in sauna-worthy hot water to defrost it.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
nothing much today, but sorry about not updating yesterday :D
yesterday i survived through 210 minutes (and more) of PBL maths. tomorrow's PHYSICS! damn. group members have been changed here and there. milo was swopped with vincent. there's one good and one bad thing. the good thing's that vincent kinda does 60% of the work, and the bad thing is that milo is easier to bully, though i've already started to call vincent mei nu, chinese for "pretty woman". hardly pretty anyways. :] yonghui too. next lesson i shall call them chiobu :D
had art today, which was immensely boring. i don't really like the art teacher, but never mind, it's only 3 periods every wednesday. she asked me a question, i can't remember what, but i replied "change of tones" and she was like "WHAT? CHANGE OF PHONES?!"
she needs to listen more carefully next time. -_-
i've been asking lots and lots of people from all around sec 2 if they've got extra ndp tickets. the greatest possibility now is charlene, followed by katharine, then nicky from 2o5. all 3 of them have said that they would check if they don't need the tickets. if they don't i reckon it might be mine already. each person has a max of 2 tix and i need 4. brrrr! 2 for my parents and 2 for kennedy. i don't know if he'd be going anyway. -.- he says he'd go if he manages to get someone to go with him, and both him and i are unsure of the tickets and if he can go this saturday. i've already promised mum and dad, but mum is unbelievable. i think my persuading skills must be really good too. i told her that the preview's gonna be superb, with the full display of fireworks and funpacks and programmes. she was like "really hah! then i want to go!". but then i remembered what she said about our sch's performance the last time i invited her to the SYF opening.. she compared us to beatty sec and nan chiau's combined and said that their's was better! *squints* whatever.!
there's a huge hole in my knee socks already. i've gotta go get them sewn before saturday, or i wouldn't be able to wear them.
and it's always uneven- one side's high and the other low! damn.
Monday, July 24, 2006
i wanna SLEEP! omg. i'm not getting much sleep these days.
today was ok. at least much better than a PBL day, which is gonna make me have PMS for the rest of the week or something. i haaaate PBL, it sucks. be thankful you're not in a PBL-equipped school, cos dammit, the system is absolutely disgusting.
Video Journalism for english today, and we slacked around cos there was only 1 camera for us to import the clips. the importing took quite a long time, too, so only some of the groups managed to get the importing part done. for PE we had BADMINTON again! YAYNESS. i love badminton! i'm getting better at it i think; though not as good as last year when cheryl, twakim, darryl and i played tgt at their house during the hols. :)
mugged like hell for history during recess. later on was double geog which was quite boring again, but the funny part was when we had to fill up that form for the new 'cher to see; questions like "what problems are you facing in school now" , "what are your dislikes/likes" blah blah blah.. for "what problems are you facing in school now" i put 1) I HATE PBL MATHS AND SCIENCE, 2) too much homework and stupid tests and 3) i haven't read finish my lit book
chinese was o.o as usual, but when huang lao shi (the new 'cher) came into the class, yeonglan and i started hooting at eugene and claimed that eugene looked like huang lao shi. :D hahaha! eugene took it quite well and nodded his head and dao-ed us. lol. mugged again during lunch. for music we watched this video thingy about chinese orchestra, and the entire 2-11 screamed with laughter when they introduced a type of music instrument called the GUANZI. HAHA! the moronic milo. a word to the wise: do NOT even dream of bullying charlene, or i'd thrash you cos charlene's my choir dearie too! teehee :3
during history we half-celebrated and half moaned (well, for yl and i and those who crammed like shit during breaks). history test is postponed to this friday! woots. double lit later on; almost fell asleep trying to read Shadow of the Beast and looking for the characterisation rubbish. :d
did more VJ after sch. was a waste of time! the stupid people in the com lab started hogging the camera and surprise, surprise, there was only ONE effing camera to be shared between so many groups (not to forget people from other classes), so our group mainly slacked around and i played more of Forgotten Warrior on my phone. justin came along and went, "whoa, smsing boyfriend ah!". lol, brudder. dream on! D:
he was nice and kek-ed for the third time today. :9 he didn't want to intitially, and asked me to go ask KEITH to kek instead. keith is a bag of bones with super sexy legs (he can compete with models of the catwalks in Paris! hurrhurr); and the chances of him having nice muscles are one in ten thousand. i was like -.- as if he's got an ounce of muscle!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
today'se ndp rehearsal again.
almost died -.-
mum chased me out of the house at around 9 plus in the morning. she and all the maids and dad had to go to her office, so there wouldn't be anyone at home. i slouched off to the library to wait for yeonglan, who met me there and we went to lot 1 together. :3
both of us had lunch, shooped around, serached for assessment and took neos there. the neos part was the worst. there was this swotty auntie who spotted both of us in our PE attire and snapped at us, saying that we couldn't enter the arcade. we weren't playing at the arcade, mind you, we were just the nearest neoprint machine. stupid rules; it's not as if the arcade's such a HOLY place. i mean, rules are meant to be bent :P
we went to sch together later on and yeong lan almost killed me because she kept talking endlessly about her birthday present and what i can give her and what i must not. ummmm. i hope i have the CASH, my dear girl. D: then set off to stadium with everyone.
everyone rotted at the stadium. (: the food wasn't KFC again, thankfully, but it was still CHICKEN! omg. it was quite gross, though edible at the same time. most of us spent our time laughing, talking and playing games but grace and i started this fanatic picture thing. grace kept taking candids of me (and vice versa). -.- i look funny in most of them, but heck anyway. :D we could go to the stands to watch abit of the marching part and some of the choir. grace and i LOVE the motorola flags! sweet pink. ^^
performance was only held like, hours and hours later or something. the item went okay. the finale was fine, but grace's and my flag kept flying into the soka peoples' faces and i think they got abit irritated. lol. the worst part was when that stupid ndp organiser and instructor kept asking us to retreat and go run once more for the finale. we ran back and forth for a total of 12 times and everyone was dying. the last 2 times we chiong-ed, i screamed, "FOR !@#$%^&*"!!!. muahaha. today there were little fireworks also, which made all of us disappointed. :(
grace and i keesiao-ed on the bus after dismissal. we stuck chips in our mouths, made faces and took pictures. ppppfffttttt. loonies. i saw charlene at the front gate and bid goodbye to her. BUT THEN BUT THEN i made a mistake! she wasn't alone! she was with mei lu! milo. loh guanzhi! HAHA. i was like, "bye charlene! and.. OH! SORRY! GOODBYE GUANZHIANDCHARLENE!" *cackles* i'm evil. 209 girls were giggling and laughing away and grace, yeonglan, qishan and i were muttering, "tsk! stupid milo, walk closer to her! walk closer to her lah!" BWAHAHA. :3
enough for now. posting pictures. :D

BALLOONS! many thanks to the Motivators for their fantastic balloon-sculpting :)

SK and amanda ^^
dang it, my fringe is super duper short!

grace and i in the bus.
can she change her signature-trademark pose? D:

i swear this picture was taken by grace without my knowledge. --"
candids! haha.

apples, grace and i.

another candid.
munch munch :(

look, a cross-eyed loony.
:D candid again.

balloon moron.
candid by grace.
enough pictures; the uploading is killing me.
it takes one minute to upload one photo.
i wonder how kai wen uploads hundreds of photos at a time on ykwphotos.blogspot.
he probably has alot of time to burn??? or issit because there's some other way to upload many photos at a time -.-
either. i dontnoe :]
byebye, off to sleep :9
Friday, July 21, 2006
what a drastic change of weather from the previous few posts eh :)
first lesson of the day was PE, and we did BADMINTON again. omg i love badminton. that's the only sport i can make myself partially useful in i guess. i love playing badminton with cheryl, darryl and twakim the best though! later we went over to the auditorium to participate in the International Summer Camp thingy. quite boring; it was like a geography lesson without laughter, textbooks or interesting topics. grass was in time for the food, so yeonglan, qishan, grace and i went to the back of the hall to gorge ourselves on the buffet. :D
rushed out of the auditorium halfway through group presentations by other people. ran in and out of the auditorium for like 4 times, so malu. =X got changed and met maylynn and charlene dearests. flew to choir room only to realise we were quite early. -.- well, at least earlier than Miss Horny 2006, (alias kesmeen D:) who spent half the time tying her hair in the ladies. felt super duper bored waiting outside the audi for our turn, so maylynn and i slouched off to the toilets to talk. :D met a whole bunch of other choirgirls i've never talked to there.. mostly my juniors or the sec2s. we gossiped about anything and everything under the sky, ranging from magazines to NDP. minjie loved the flagbearers' dance moves and i had to demonstrate and teach them. x)
our performance was abit of a laugh.. stupid horny kesmeen kept laughing. and LITERALLY HA-HA-HA laughing. one minute she was grabbing hold of the curtains and lurking behind it, the next moment she began laughing like a banshee ON STAGE. i was chuckling too, but mine was more of heeheehee rather than kesmeen's horrendous BWAHAHAHAs. did the rice dance!!! LOL. i kept stepping on gwen and irritating the shit out of her, but she was more preoccupied about associating herself with words like "pretty", "cute" and "chio" than screaming at me or something later on. haha, the cute girl. tou pai-ed her outside the auditorium; and the pictures were PERFECT but she deleted all of them cos it was too.. candid. haha.
had a shock during performance too. i was shifting my attention to the 211 peeps, and i happened to see MILO grin at me. omg, my mouth almost fell open there, right on stage. later on i tried to catch his attention to get him to look at charlene or something, but the git just acted blur.
finale was damn funny! i was in row 3, which meant that i had to stay on stage with row 4 while rows 1 and 2 went over to the steps. some idiot suddenly blasted the confetti stick with a deafening BOOM! [:D :D :D :D :D ] next to kesmeen and i, so our expressions were kind of like O.O for the next half-minute for the rest of the time onstage. i think grace was drooling when her ACBC guy, the One in Black, started dancing what seemed like the Int'l Summer Camp dance, which were mostly ripped movements from Macarena. slowly but steadily the dancers onstage started following suit along with the guzheng plus some Summer campers. and what did the CHOIRRRR do? stand there, sway, clap and most importantly, act dumb (actually don't have to act). -.- but some choirgirls (including me) started dancing away in the music room afterwards. lol retarded people :3
charlene insisted on going over to 211 with me after we were dismissed by a disoriented Miss Chan. xD it doesn't take a genius to find out WHY. :] she wanted her zilian pictures bluetoothed to her phone from mine, but i refused cos eugene had started yelling at me, telling me not to be a.. lightbulb/lamppost. :9 well of course! the pangseh part was the funniest. :D milo tried following the rest of the guys back home but eugene tried persuading him to go back with
and then it was my turn to try pangseh-ing charlene. but it was hard, since i had to go the same way/staircase/corridor as her, right down to the front gate. charlene wanted to follow me, and milo, of course, followed charlene! so i was like D: and tried running away but to no avail. :] then a SUPERWOMAN by the name of SHERYL NG BRINJOLE came to my rescueeee! HAHAHA. both of us ran as far as we could. ^^ my first successful pangseh- victim is my darling charlene, so sad T_T
went to pc at 6 for evening gongyo. leelian freaked me out by informing me that i had to take over tze han's place and.. make an announcement over the mic to at least a hundred people in the TWO halls, one on the third and the other on the second, the main one. i was like OMG SO IMPROMPTU?! and in the end i kind of screwed it up in a good way :D i said "good MORNING" instead of "good EVENING". i didn't realise it at first, until the hall started laughing away and i'm like !@#$%^&* "sorry, GOOD EVENING!". shiiiiaaaatttt. haha; first time mah. leelian said it was a good joke; she's an usher and she said that more people decided to stay on to hear the rest of the announcement after laughing. tsk.. so kuku luh. yap mae jie did the chinese translation and she said "this SATURDAY" instead of "this SUNDAY". reverend even laughed appreciatively and said he would be doing his morning gongyo, something like that. ARGH!
half the people i know started coming up to me and greeting me with a sociable "good morning!" later on. lols, so lame. :3 jeremy and hong ming were red from snorting; and jeremy offered to buy everyone breakfast when i returned to my place. grrr. :D
ohyes, keith kok has a new admirer. i won't tell who; it's more than my life's worth to do so. :] apparently the person says that keith's super cute when he walks and his.. looks. urh yeah. ok. anything.
that's all for today. my hands are aching :P
Thursday, July 20, 2006
i finally know what an aardvark looks like too!
haha, was bored, so i went over to google to check it out.
some of the pictures looks weird and gross, so i'm not wasting my time posting it.
i've got all my pictures from my phone to my comp already! omg i can't believe i did it. :D and chucked some songs into my phone from iTunes too, so my phone isn't that lousy after all, though it only has a max cap of 20 songs and 200 pictures.
had a lousy day today. why? because today is THURSDAY. i'm not saying that thursdays always suck, but that's because we've got physix PBL again. the sucky thing. at the end of the lesson, yeonglan and i wrote our STANDARD reflections. hahahs. all the negative things about PBL, how boring/gross/a waste of time it is, and the sort.
did some henna on my hands today! second time. :D i wrote my name at the back of my left hand and bite me(: on my right wrist. drew a butterfly for yuhao, whose hands looked like art galleries by the time she was satisfied. passed justin ong while walking back to class; he said "hi" and i was like "hi" back, and he dao-ed me when i told him jupo said he was shuai! dang it. but jupo really did say he was! no comments. maylynn was like *rolleyes* DUH! when i told her that justin dao-ed me. seems that she's kind of immune too? lols.
we had choir aft school later on. charlene, maylynn and i were seriously considering ponning choir but changed our minds in the end cos we decided to stay in the international summer camp thingy. lol. besides, the closing ceremony is just tomorrow, and it'd be sad if miss ong/chan kicked us out at the last minute. the 3 of us made a wonderful decision! chori was supposed to train with mr thomas manhart today, but i think he lost his voice from the solid 8-hour-long vocal practice he had with some other students of his so he called up to say he couldn't come. everyone was like woots! and slacked around after renditions of the rice-dance-cum-we are the world. i wanna teach 211 the lame rice thing( choreographer: huiyun dearest!) tomorrow so that they can coordinate with us. 209-212 peeps would be attending the thingy tomorrow. :d
casmeen of chori likes kissing people. to all choirgirls and the two guys, PLEASE BEWARE!
though i think the guys might be happy if she were to kiss them or something.. haha
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
there's phy and lit test tomorrow and i've only studied half of my phy and MY SHADOW OF THE BEAST IS STILL UNTOUCHEDDDD!
i dont like our sec2 lit book. it's lousy, it really is. gross plot and weird story. i'd probably much rather do Macbeth than that stupid Beast thingy. but my favourite subject'se still
today was boring as usual. art was very ..... cos we were made to listen to the art teacher !@#$%^&*()-ing and stare at painted pictures on the projector. one of the pictures depicted naked women and everyone went omgomg. there was double chinese and double english. listened during chinese but stared at the whiteboard during english. PC, then NDP rehearsal.
for NDP we changed some of the movements for finale cos mr low had to take on more safety precautions regarding the SOKA performers' heads and our metal-pole flags. eh heh heh. we've got new wristbands last week, by the way. two yellow ones each for all the flagbearers. it's qutie cute; it glows in UV light and it's really sheer bling. (: received our shoes today too. everyone was disappointed- the shoes were no difference from our normal sch shoes. all white, and still with the usual, white knee socks! i'd much rather wear my old northstar ones than these new ones; i'm pretty sure they'd bite.
rotted with yl for a while at clementi central before going back in 183 laden with food. hurrhurr. i like the puffs at clementi :) yum yum.
by the way, i've been feeling kinda bored lately and don't feel like blogging, so i guess cawrahpted- shall suffer :D
Saturday, July 15, 2006
and not fun at the same time T_T
as usual, we rotted at the indoor stadium for quite a while before going to the kallang stadium to perform. had makeup session, dinner, ice cream, and more crap etc. :P
the very --" part was during the miscommunication we had about the ice cream. there was ice cream for us, but it seemed that we had rehearsal before we could have them. however, half the people had already ripped open the paper and gorged themselves, including grace, qishan and yeonglan. i didn't, and THANKFULLY I DIDN'T, lol. 3 ice creams were shared between 4 of us and we had to finish all 3 within a span of 10 minutes. with a mouth like mine, there wasn't any problem. :D yayyyy.
when we were shooed back to the indoor stadium, there was this old guy photographer with a huge camera- those kind the media people would lug around everytime there was an occasion or something. yep, you could guess what he did. -.- he raised the camera and i just did a random pose and HE SHOT ME! D: i have absolutely no idea where that picture's going to. o.O
crapped for at least 1 and half hours or so before we had to do the makeup. had lots of fun! :D told jokes, heard more jokes. and some of the guys were obliging and FLEXED their muscles! HAHA. so fun. today i prodded a total of 4 doods' muscles and shouted "EEYERH, SO SCARY!" twice. the nice people were zixin, vincent, eugene and justin(again). zixin's and vincent's were mortifying; even qishan and SK were like !#$%^. lol. eugene finally obliged, and he was wrong about himself being fat. hello? he's a basketballerrrrr??? -_-
kor was nice. he looked positively tired after dinner but when i walked past him in the direction of the toilets, i spotted him and muttered, "eh, kek leh, kek leh...". teehee. at first he didn't want to, but when i pleeeaasseed him, then he flexed the arm and i poked it. :D haha.
dinner was KFC again. at least it was better than the nasi lemak thingy we had last time, before the SYF performance. XD performance went well too. we were running the finale round, the one with leepo in the lead, and i got distracted by the big video cameras. i waved at the nearby audience while running and smiled at the cameras :D so boliao!
while the performers were resting at the performing grounds, i was talking to grace and qishan and suddenly this cameraman with another bigbig camera popped up and took a picture of grace and i posing. i also have no idea where the picture goes to! grrrr. i want syf/ndp pictures! the stuff i've took are all still stuck in my phone :(
the fireworks were LOVELIER than family day's!! omg. everyone was even more distracted, and narked when we had to turn around to do Kallang Wave with the flags. seriously, who would watch us when there are such pretty fireworks right before your eyes? hurrhurr. the dancers were also yelling at us, warning us not to look up into the sky after the fireworks were displayed, or we might get burnt by the debris. before our performance we saw some fireworks and disobeyed completely by opening our mouths and facing skywards, staring and going "WWWAAAHHHH!!!". eh heh.
the bus thing was the WORST of all today. we waited for more than an hour and a half for the stupid bus that was supposed to take us home. only 2o9 and 211 were stranded and the rest of the flagbearers, tap dancers and core group had already gone home loooong ago. everyone was tired and noisy and got shouted at by mrs lee. -.- grace and i laid out our flags and lied on them, right at the pavement like quite a few others. we didn't really rested. we laughed about rubbish stuff and got rather nostalgic, back to the orientation camp days. haha.
bus only arrived at, what, 12.25am. grace was wishing everybody Happy Sunday. half the people slept on the bus, but i didn't. got a scolding from mum when i got home- like that's MY fault. damn it. she knew it was the bus driver's fault but she was like, "your stupid school! and you stay out so late for what? sijgmsoricgjoerjihgohetsoeuthewosuqho".
what the HECK!
PS. don't blame me if this is a substandard post- i'm listening to music and typing and thinking at the same time. :D
Friday, July 14, 2006
i still find mr lai's joke funny.
but so far, i've got absolutely no response from the people whom i've told the joke to.
all their facial expressions are literally o.o
elise has requested the joke to be on cawrahpted-.
what are the top 3 similarities between an NTUC plastic bag and michael jackson?
tag if you want the damned answer :D
so far, i've got 2 guy friends of mine to 'kek' their arms.
as in, flex.
guanzhi and justin, eee. haha.
now my fave phrase is "GUANZHI! FLEX!" whenever i see him :D
not interested in anything else on that guy.
i made a mistake, too. charlene mistook yonghui's name for guanzhi ^^
i got kor to kek today too. -.-
not funny; his is nice but didn't really get to poke it.
only briefly. once during recess and aft going to staff office.
justin is quite a nice person, i think. AMANDA LOVES ALL :)
i'm nice hor.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
gotta go sleep soon; it's 11 going on 12!
today was quite okay; art teacher didn't come so we sort of did our own shoe-project by ourselves. at least qishan and i got started, haha. after the triple periods came recess, then double chinese and double english.
we're getting a new cheena teacher! tsk. i don't know how to react. -.- for english we did more VJ- the editing of the video and watched a video made my jacklyn and joel. quite laughable, but lots of super lame areas. D:
aft sch we had NDP REHEARSAL! yeeeaaaahhh. did some arrangements and stuff for the finale. changed movements etc. i almost got a fanciful concussion from auteets' flagpole. ^^ haha. then went to JEC with qishan. blah. we ate at ZINGDO, for goodness sake. the kimchi soup tasted... well, i shall say that i'd much rather drink drainwater :). the chicken was fine and all but i forgot about cooking most of the vegetables in that hot pan thingy. oops. so i had to eat the carrots raw. :P
qishan and i went up to Fuji Ice Palace to watch people ice skate later on. it was SUPER DUPER EXTREMELY EFFING HILARIOUS. we were talking about random rubbish and suddenly the song, "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban came on and we began talking about... GUANZHI! BWAHAHA. everything was typically spontaneous or however you put it. too much fantasy i guess. :(
i neglected to mention that i was wearing my PE attire in the Fuji Ice Palace. lol, the temperature there seemed to be colder than usual. and guess what i was drinking? bubble tea! and not just the tea anyway, i was drinking ICE BLENDED. :D i can say that i am STRONG, though i thought my teeth were chattering away while i talked to qishan. qishan was just as cold though she was wearing her PE shirt with skirt, and she wasn't drinking ice blended- just normal milk tea with extra pearls. her lips turned purple from the cold and probably from laughing too much at an all-too-disgusting image of guanzhi we made up. brrr.
met lijuan jie at marsiling mrt station a while later. my stomach was in a terrible state and i didn't even know there was a toilet in the mrt station. dammit. i almost died from the pain. i think it was the food, for it was the last thing i ate. lijuan jie, jessica and i ended up being the only ones attending the home visit to liying's place. kennedy was supposed to make it there but it seemed that he was too tied up with stuff in sch and he still wanted to go home to bathe and change and eat before coming over! liying was like WHAT?! !#$%^& over the phone and i could understand, cos if he went home and did his stuff before coming, i reckon that it would be time for him to turn around and go back to where he came from by the time he reached marsiling. haha.
i will definitely go look for him the next time i'm free, in pc or home visits or whatever. the favour he promised me is to... flex and let me prod his biceps! that's my latest craze. :D guanzhi's one of my targets, but apparently he isn't very generous. kennedy would be a better target- he is less aggressive :)
maybe i shall try bullying kor into flexing next time. however, it seems to me that he's is sociable only through msn, which is unbelievably lousy.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
charlene is obsessed with YONGHUI!
she kept bugging me for his email add during choir, so i had to oblige. take it easy, yonghui ^^
today was disgusting. had PBL for 7 bleeding periods. i read the damned question and fell asleep- well, almost. mr ng would hang me from the 6th level from a piece of thread if i really did. ): not only me either- everyone was O.o when they saw the question. stupid, stupid venn diagrams again. i hate tuesdays now- a complete waste of precious time learning boring rubbish. the only fun thing that happened during PBL was that guanzhi flexed his arm and allowed me to prod his stone-like biceps. lol, but when i bugged him to lift the shirt sleeve so we could have a punch at his biceps, he refused and even insisted that the biceps are LARGER THAN CLOUD STRIFE'S?!
i shall see for myself during full-dress ndp rehearsals, or probably the NE Show this coming 28th july. our costumes are sleeveless so i'd see if i can use my flagpole to puncture his biceps. :D
had CHOIR today. i successfully failed once more trying to drag jupo to choir. -.- did a new song; Medieval Gloria something. a very short piece with little splitting of the sopranos. huiyun was having a GREAT time cos she had a sore throat and her voice was probably equivalent to that of a man's. LOL. and she's in soprano ONE, for goodness sake. imagine if Sarah Brightman or some other famous soprano suddenly swops their parts and morph into, what, basses? haha. the best part was when mr lai snapped at everyone cos he somehow heard someone sing an octave lower. huiyun sounded like a cow. *cackles*
did We Are The World again and laughed our heads off with mr lai about the repeating choruses at the end. it repeats for probably around 6 times. haha, weird! mr lai was mortified and told huishan to turn off the cd player sharpish. had rehearsal for the International Summer Camp opening/closing ceremony later on. it was quite boring, though not as bad as PBL. we were forced to do gross actions while singing We Are The World: impromptu choreographed by some guy organiser. he'd get sacked if he worked for NAFA dance.
huiyun and jocelyn made fun of the actions- the Hawker Centre Dance. YAYNESS. something about duck rice and add rice and don't want to pay money. -.- how lame can we all get! :D
took 183 home and managed not to fall asleep in the bus, which is considered an amazing achievement, considering how worn out i am now.
mr lai just told us a joke, too, about michael jackson. everyone was in fits upon hearing the answer. i can't believe he's leaving in september!! i am SO furious; and so is everyone else. we hope She Who Must Not Be Named is NOT talking over the Nan Hua Choir, or i'd just get myself murdered in the girls' bathroom so i can me Annoying Amanda- Moaning Myrtle's sister or something...
i'd go around nan hua, disturbing people during examinations and tests.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
i rotted today and nothing else ^^
i did go to the library in the afternoon though. borrowed 4 books and got a nasty earful from dad when he saw my library fines. it was like, how much? 15 bucks! zomg. oops, i really don't have a habit of returning my library books :P
saturday was NDP'o6 FAMILY DAY! yeah, as if. no one in my family came, and neither any of my outside-sch friends. so the tickets were used as spare paper for folding aeroplanes. :D it was really fun; we got to sit and rest and the air-conditioned indoor stadium for quite a while, then do our makeup there. everyone rotted there- talked, slept, crapped and most importantly, zi-lianed. -.- me especially. a pity the pix are stuck in my phone. grrr.
we had kfc for lunch, but the quantity was pretty pathetic. i didn't have lunch earlier on so the miniscule chiken-patty burger, small whipped potato and chicken drumstick served as my lunch-cum-dinner. :( i was starving, and thankfully jia lin didn't want her burger, so i split half with qishan. later on we went to do our makeup, but most of them didn't finish all the blusher, eyeshadow, foundation, lipstick etc cos there was insufficient time. i only managed to do my foundation and double-layered blue and white eyeshadow without lipstick/blusher, so naturally i looked like a moron or something that just came out from ju-on. :D
everyone was rushing like hell from the indoor stadium to the outdoor one, and we ended up rotting at the outside of gate 4 again, wakaka. crazy doodoos.
performance was pretty good. (: i managed to run the entire course without getting an asthma attack/stitch! lol. at the end during i think formation #8, aka the sha-sha thing, this videocam came really close to me when i was "sweeping the floor". -.- im like !#$% cos that cameraguy appeared out of nowhere and i was trying hard not to whack him with my flag. first he filmed my flag movements, then slowly up to me. EEE! where's that vid going to?! i was totally trying hide my face and i sighed with relief when he flew to some other place to tou-pai someone else. haha.
after the whole thing ended, our finale was super duper messy, haha. like hello, we learnt it the day before, on friday, so how were we supposed to do the thing right without much practice? the kallang wave was ok, but the one-two-one-two was O_o. everyone was messed up and laughing away. it was even worse when everyone turned around, severely distracted, by the pretty fireworks. mr loh had warned us time and again NOT to look at the cold fire nearby but i still looked, lols. nothing wrong; i just had a little peek. the core dancers nearby probably had more to worry about, esp those who stood right next to it. XD
reached home afterwards at around 11 plus coming 12. yawn. hahahs.
Friday, July 07, 2006
had ndp rehearsal in the morning in sch first. we did new movements for the ndp finale- 2 slightly diff. kallang waves, one windscreen wiper and one alternate movement thingy. it was quite fun, but my legs were aching from the continuous standing up and squatting down. old already; don't blame me T_T
aft sch i went to taka with the stoners! :D as in, qishan, yl, grace and i. Weird Thing #1 happened when we were entering wisma through the mrt station. i was smsing on my phone and COINCIDENTALLY looked up to watch where i was going- guess WHAT i saw. omgs. this woman walking in my direction like, totally didn't zip her fly! at first i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but her underwear was WHITE and her pants were BLACK so it was really obvious! i told grace, who happened to see it too, haha. she said we should go look for that lady and tell her, but the lady had already disappeared. -.-
had lunch at yoshinoya first, then mooched around the food area to buy some junk food to eat. crawled up to Art Friend later on, and stayed there for about 1 and a half hour to get the art stuff for our shoe art project. qishan and i ALMOST got everything we needed. we piled up everything into the basket and squatted at a corner to calculate everything. we got a nasty shock cos it exceeded our budget by a good $15. -_-" so we had to put everything back (not me; qishan was scooting around and trying to return the unwanted stuff back to their original positions while i threw most of the things into a nearby carton box :D). bahahahs.
ate more junk food later aft we got our stuff. :) yl and grace bade qishan and i goodbye as qishan and i went over to far east plaza to collect my Minou shoes. we were actually LOST in orchard, for goodness' sake. first time we walked so far away we almost reached Specialist Shopping Centre. then we turned around and walked for at least 1000 km to... far east SHOPPING CENTRE. we were cursing by the time we reached far east. lol. i actually got lost in Orchard Road... what a joke. it's like me getting lost when i was 10 years old in Holland V (my mum used to work in Holland V until around 2 years back, when she moved to BTP. i would spend hours and hours in my mum's office rotting and studying D:).
i collected my cow shoes and Minou first. thankfully the saleslady didn't recognize me; mum kicked up this huge fuss at her shop the last time she was at Minou cos we literally waited 3 months, since 1st may, for that bleeding pair of canvas shoes. i think mum scared alot of the customers away and was angered even more when the saleslady totally gave her the typical heckkaire freaking attitude. blehs, super lousy service. -.-
took neos later on. the machines were quite outdated.. i think JEC's is abit better. or perhaps because i'm more familiar with the ones at JEC.. the machine qishan and i tried out was abit weird, but never mind. the photos turned out abit weird, cos we didn't have alot of time to decorate. and worse still, qishan accidentally used a her pen to hit an unknown button which shut off her side completely, so it was left with me to decorate. stupid machines, they should translate the jap for BETTER REFERENCES!
Weird Thing #2 happened later. qishan and i found a $10 note on the floor outside FEP! i was qutie confused cos i picked it up and tried to give it to the info counter old uncle but he refused to accept it; he said we should keep it for ourselves. -.- i didn't keep it in the end; i left it near the escalator outside the building and ran away with qishan. hahahs. i don't know whether it was the right thing to do, but i didn't feel good planning to use money that was dropped on the floor by someone else. but in the first place i shouldn't even have picked it up. :( lols. next time i see money on the floor, i'd just take it that it's transparent ^^
browsed through books with qishan later around 4pm. i saw the new Molly Moon book! AARRRGHHH I WAAANNNTT IIITTTT! :D lol. it's book 3 and i hope it's gonna continue. :)
went to pc afterwards by train. felt really tired, but went to chant anyway.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
oh wells.
i wont have much time to update these days.
times are bad, really bad :D
today was the usual. was mugging for chem test in the morning, throughout recess, after recess etc. SO hardworking. :( physics PBL sucked. more like PBL sucks lah, so b-o-r-i-n-g. some people find it nice but people like yeong lan and i find it disgusting, especially after the maths one, which didn't leave too good an impression on us the last time. yeong lan's Reflective Journal for PBL was entirely filled with negative comments. :D i was checking for her grammatical errors and tenses. im like O_o when i saw the last sentence! so angsty, hahahs. she was like, "Overall, I hate PBL! ...". something like that. hurrhurr. the journal's going into mrs lee's hands, by the way.
physics was 25% fun today. the First Meeting Template was okay, and we started laughing about the Ah Nan and Ah Hua thing, about Ah Hua getting married to Ah Nan. put the names together and eliminate the Ahs. you get my sch name. -.- i wonder who were the people who chose these... interesting names. D:
i slept during assembly free period today. everyone was doing their own stuff- sleeping with their heads kissing the tables (me), reading chem, talking, laughing, rotting on the comp, PLAYING LF2 (jonathan wenfu and some others... interesting view from the back :D), or just simply rotting at their desks. chem test later on was okay i think. maybe not that okay. i don't know, but i definitely could answer more questions than last time :D
had CHOIR after sch. :) dr manhart taught us again. in the middle of the practice some beijing kids on the exchange suddenly popped into the choir room so we had to perform something impromptu for them. we did laudate dominum and they clapped and left afterwards. -.- what a waste of time. we had a new score today too! it's We Are The World by various singers and we're supposed to perform it for International Summer Camp. hmms. :)
went for Family Day debrief later on at pc. was dying in the mrt- my bag weighed at least 10000 kg and i had to lug it around. GRRR.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
i dont feel like blogging these few days :D
photo update about ndp rehearsals these days. all the rest of the zi-lian shots are still stuck in my phone... bloody hell.
thanks to kai wen for the pics (:

i think i see me... xD

i super love this picture. my legs actually look lean! :DD
lols, there'd be 63 pictures coming right up...
if i get the phone prob solved first.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
1) my phone is mad.
2) the cable shows that it is connected to my phone but bloody hell, NOT MY TABLET!
3) my tablet's Bluetooth has gone bonkers.
so that means i can't send stuff to/from my comp!
but anyway.
today was...
haha, it was really fun!
basically just went to sch and then to national stadium together.. did our makeup there. the makeup was GROSS. so many layers of stuff clogging our pores and the guys (and girls as well) were all extremely revolted. the eyeshadow was hot pink and dark blue, for goodness' sake. the blusher was equally disgusting. the lipstick was super funny; we had a good laugh trying to apply it on the guys :D
i successfully helped qishan apply lipstick and she did the same to me.. i used the brush and i didn't do very badly! :) lols. the next person i helped apply was GUANZHI. hahahs, very gay leh. it wasnt my fault either. yileen said there was no more time to use brush to apply stroke by stroke, so she went over guanzhi's lips with the lipstick and it didn't turn out... very accurate. HAHA. so i had to touch it up for him, and dammit he just won't sit still. he kept bending his head away so i couldnt see a thing. all the boys looked super CHIO with all the makeup! xD
i ran through the whole thing without my glasses on, which is a miracle. i've regretted- i'm going to wear my glasses for both ndp actual and ndp preview on 8jul and 9aug! zomgs, lucky i didn't trip over stuff. but i did almost collapse when we were crossing the field; my legs went abit funny. the rest was pretty smooth, except for the last formation where we had to do that sha-sha thingy. i was horribly worried for jialin cos she was having fever and still running the entire course. pro girl. she looked abit green when i went back to position though.
finale was fine and all. mum and dad sat at the front there, exactly opposite my finale formation position. they spotted me! hurrhurr. dad saw me first and then pointed out my weird running style and huge shoes to mum later on. what a way to identify his half-dead daughter, hahahs. zhiyang and teresa were there but it seemed that zhiyang wasn't really screened on tv, i think. i loved the part where we could let go of the balloons. :) pretty pretty!
went back to sch feeling super high afterwards. grace's mum sent us all home.. yayness. ^^
i hope i get that stupid phone settled sometime soon... my phone is samsung E730, hope anyone passing by can help :D