Tuesday, October 31, 2006
i'm not watching goong today. i'm actually getting a bit sad.. cos i'm almost done with it. in the middle of ep 20 already... and yul is getting eviler. (kim jeong hoon still rocks)
kinda looking forward to kenshu'o6 too. new challenges and the sort. but, at the prospect of having to see someone i don't really wish to see during this year-end kenshu fills me with utmost dreaddddd. gah! i think only kennedy knows about this? he was laughing about it on msn when i told him. had to tell him, cos he was the only useful guy online and i seriously don't know what goes on in the minds of males.
i'm leader for this year-end kenshu! omg. what the what the what the. why can't it be anyone else in my chapter! liying and jessica i can understand- liying was leader before and jess- i think she's helping out in the more major stuff (?). lijuan jie is out of the question. so i think it was all down to kennedy/ me, and somehow i got picked. o.o
why is this happening? why wasn't kennedy picked instead of meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!#$%^&
actually, i dont know why i'm updating my blog here. i've got nothing much to say about today.
but sometimes, my nothing much can somehow become a huge, long, crazy post no one bothers to read. haha!
there are many, many, many things i want to do this NEHols (Non-Existent Holidays). for example, painting my ndp shoes. i've yet to come up with a design, but i've got plenty of time to do so. therefore, no hurry. i want to learn rollerblading/ ice skating, shorthand and chess.
if you're gawking at the number of things i can't do, please continue. it is normal to feel that way.. :)
i seriously hate coming up with utterly useless and stupid things like time-sheets. omg, what era is this? people are free to do anything they want with their lives. (with an obvious exception of people living under the control of my mother) yet my mum insists on a time-sheet. i've always thought that only people like Christopher from The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time (not too sure of the title- it's been ages since i've read that book).
one word for all the stupid things like time-sheets and controlled outings and rottings in my mum's office- SHITTY!
Monday, October 30, 2006
you know what? i think i shall stop reading deathnote manga on my comp. it is thoroughly irritating me. reasons?
- it's getting boring
- it's getting too complicated
- random bunches of people start popping up and i don't know who the heck they are
- kira is unbelievably good-looking but devilish!
- misa is getting on my nerves
- and of course, it's HELL trying to read off a computer screen for an extended period of time!
as a result, i decided to skip book 6 and go on to 7 after i finished 5. and guess what. i picked a random chapter, and the stupid chapter showed the part where L gets killed by the stupid, idiotic, cynical, morbid and horrigible YAGAMI RAITO! grrrr. it's absolutely useless even if he has the brains and the looks. he is such a conman and an unbelievably cruel serial killer who, obviously have lost his mind (if he has one).
and L's successor is a guy/girl? i don't know. i only saw a picture of a guy acting exactly like L. eating, the way he holds cellphones and papers etc, the way he sits and the mysterious aura hanging all around him. tch. the guy/girl (still unsure) somewhat reminds me strongly of momiji sohma in Fruits Basket. ha. ha. ha.
know what? i think i'd stick to watching the movie... L is funnier/cuter there and the actor of raito is good-looking enough to make up for his character's !#$%^-ness. 29th december is the debut of Deathnote II- the Last Name.
obviously, it will suck cos L dies.
kim jeong hoon is still cute. yay
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Du Chang Qing Ge! :)
i don't like Selina much though. sorry to say, but she's a bit whiny at times. :
i'm currently rotting at home, with mushrooms and rare species of fungi growing out of my head. no idea what to do while waiting for Princess Hours to load.
grace and i each got our copies of the Death Note notebook today! :) we were totally fascinated by it. there were even entries by Kira! yup, the ones in the manga/ movie where he kills Raye Penber and blahblahblah. i think Naomi's name is there too, etc etc. it's all in chinese characters and i think it would be best if it were in kanji. :] haha!
i have just been on Drama Wiki and since curiosity got the better of me, i typed in Joo Ji-Hoon in the box and they gave me his details. the first reaction was \[O_O]/
kind of looks like spongebob, that emoti :3
joo ji-hoon (actor of shin goon, Princess Hours) is 187 cm! zomg. just when i thought kim jeong hoon was tall. i think 179 is an ideal height already. imagine angela zhang standing next to joo ji-hoon. ladders, anyone? :D
tall guys are cool, but guys who bang away (artfully) on grand pianos are cooler.

eg. lin jun jie in MV cao cao/ sarang heyo zhi dui ni shuo. :D
ok, time to load Princess Hours. sayo!~
quote of the day: Power is nothing without control. :)
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
double, bubble, toil and trouble.
today is the last day of school. it's been a really nostalgic moment for me... the crazy times 1-11 and 2-11 had together. i sound as though it's the end of the world in the next few hours or something, but it's really sad to leave everyone behind and embark on a new journey very much alone.
anyways, we went out for an excursion today. took a damn lot of crazy pictures with IMH-worthy poses. i'm uploading the better-looking ones on friendster.
the things that have been circling around me these days are... :)
- Princess Hours.
- Kim Jeong Hoon. (is da loveee)
- Death Note!
- L from Death Note. well, Yagami Raito isn't bad too; he's nice-looking and L is super cute.
i have been drawing lots too, lately. i plan to plaster pictures on my wall. i'm starting with the inside of my cupboard.
i have also taken a liking to scribble on the underside of my arm (note: underside of the arm, not armpit, thank you very much). the ink there is less likely to fade/smudge as compared to ink on the palm. i draw and write alot, causing natural emissions of perspiration and thus damp hands. beautiful effects can also be observed if i happen to wipe my hand (the one with the wet ink) over my face, like i always do. kudos to qishan for the splendid observation.
i have also made an interesting discovery. my mother says Kim Jeong Hoon is SHORT. um, all the webbies here, apparently, report that he is 179, which is around 11 cm taller than me.
FYI, 11cm is alot.
and omg. that means the actress who acts as caijing in Princess Hours must be towering over me too.
*thinks about shin's height and faints*
for the first time in my life, i realise how short i am.
but it has been reported that many Singaporean males are not-so-tall, so... oh, whatever. kim jeong hoon has a habit exactly like mine. :] biting nails. nail-biters wansui :D and he is the oldest of all the 4 main casts (chaegyung, shin and hyorin). what the! he is born on... 1980, which means 9 years older than cheryl jie and 12 years older than i am (!). add, subtract, multiply, divide. he is 26!
majoring in dentistry... cool. always top student in his Uni. O.o i am top too! from the bottom. haha, just joking. or... i think i am ;D. he is... a camwhore. cheers, buddy! zilians like maylynn and jupo and qishan (and of course, ME), REJOICE!
if you feel disturbed by this post because a) you're a fan of shin, b) you're emotionally unstable or c) whatever reason i also dunno leh, you can always flood my venting machine. :)
people, remind me that i need to buy drawing block and art pencils. :D
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
but the prices there are not-so-rocky. haiis.
i've almost finished my wonka's whipple scrumptious fudgemallow delight. mmmmnn. sad! i miss it so. now off to start on the new version of the cadbury triple decker (!) choc/ kitkat cookie dough.
makes you salivate at the thought of it, dontcha?
i hate it after EOYS. i dont know why.. it just sucks. there's a funny feeling and aura hanging around. i'm feeling just as stressed as during the exams! shit. i have done many things during this week though, to keep my mind off the pessimistic side of things. like, watch Ice Age 2 and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (borrowed off from Video EZY), shopping at Candy Empire, lunching at IMM Pepper Lunch with yeong lan while talking about random stuff. there was the share of doing some not-so-nice things in sch too. (can't reveal much on cawrahpted- :D). and playing Speed, getting sim card (phone revived. get my number from me. :p) etc.
suddenly i am sick and tired of living. actually i have always been. i'm not saying this to spite myself or anyone else. i really am, very, very, zoned out.
i shall go off to read Molly Moon 3. thanks, qishan, for the birthday book.
about Molly Moon so far: mad maharajas, reed and green crystals, elephants, seeing your past selves, much adventure and of course, hypnotism + timetravel.
i dont even want to think of what i have to study next year. ha.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
and there may be lessons where the 'chers would hand back the EOY scripts.
oh my gaad.
though i may like to see what i got for english essay though. hee
princess hours- kim jong hoon! :DDD
that black haired snobby prince looks abit like jiu kong to me. you know, that insane guy who's one of the hosts in that comedian-talent-show. ha.
phrase of the day:
i shall not succumb to anymore unforeseen extortions of ungentlemanly and obscene vulgarities from ____, even if he suddenly morphs into Johnny Depp, fully clad in that bandanna, ripped pirate's garb and... tattooed eyes.
quoted from elise. :
the "tattooed eyes" part was good. admit it. i finished up that two words for her.
don't ask me whowhatwhyhowwhenwhere is that phrase meant for/ took place etc. too complicated. heh!
*prances around bedroom and collapses on bed*
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
i'm at stage 5 of lf2.
something really funny just happened. i was running back to get some beer to replenish the mana bar and within 2 seconds, boom, i was dead already.
stupid bunch of 40 magicians. rawr!
i've killed julian-com already. haha, julian versus julian comp. those little pesky julian-wannabes are damn irritating. in case you were wondering, they go by the name justin. lol, sad case, kor.
i have also observed that when 2 of those large power energy balls of julian's collide, they form really pretty black-purple explosions :D
off to play one last round. i wanna challenge the comp to see if julian is stronger, or firen.
it's really cool when freeze and firen merge to become firzen. :] heh.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
i was awake till 2 yesterday... gosh, i'm turning nocturnal. i've got less than 14 hours to switch back to being a human, but it's hard.
feel like eating something and sleeping, but it'd be more that my life's worth to do that now.
off to mug physics.
AAARRRRGGGGHHHHasfhopriutrharearhseifugaciwurthgaoerug 1234567890
rahrahrahrahrahhhh D: