Wednesday, January 31, 2007
today we had slightly a little less homework
so here i am blogging before i go off to do my commonwealth essay.
i have this feeling that the essay will be screwed.
quite a bit have been happening lately, but i can't seem to remember much. oh yeah, there was the nasty headbutt from timothy tay kok hooi. that evil sadist! he tried to grab everything on my table (he loves to do that) and i retaliated by attempting to bite him on the hand. then he smashed the top of his head into my forehead. NOT a happy thought. it was throbbing like shit, in fact. that stupid, stupid idiot. grrr!
today, ziting caused a SCANDAL! BWAHAHA. i'm turning on my mean machine here. she forgot to do exercise 2.5 of her A maths and somehow, so did timotheus! oohlala. mr ng was handing back the homework books and he went, "so where did you and timotheus go to when you all were supposed to do exercise 2.5 huh?" AHAHAHA. ziting's face was a perfect shade of scarlet, really. the poor dear. shan't say anymore, or she'd barbeque me on the roast pit tomorrow like marshmallows.
timotheus STALKED me yesterday too. i was at the covered walkway when i heard his voice behind me. i turned around and immediately accused him of stalking me, so he went no lor! and walked faster, so it became as though i was stalking him. >:( and he walked the same way as me too! rawr. haha.
later on, after maths, kaiying, jamie and i started spasming. we did funny things on the whiteboard which involved mr ng's desktop and our fanatical tracing. then i started the ball rolling by scrawling "mr ng is sexy" on the board. unfortunately, mr ng saw it and went, "omg you guys are so disgusting." so he attempted to rub it away, but only the "Y" came off and... okay. i dont need to explain further. jamie and kaiying exploded. they added on far WORST things (elaboration will be redundant here). i don't think he saw it. i hope he doesn't anyway, or we'd be due for detention or extra homework, probably. tch!
after months of boycotting Macs since i read Chew On This, (um, exception of CIP day cos everyone had Macs for lunch) i had filet and fries for dinner. today. just now. i squeezed all the oil out of the fries and instantly felt my arteries harden.
312 rocks. so long!
yixin is my new xin huan, but i still love everyone, including kaiyinglipolove. :D
Sunday, January 28, 2007
i was lazy
and the wireless went mad
for 2 days before it decided not to rebel me
besides, there's not much to talk about. nothing particularly interesting these days. i will inform everyone if i struck lottery or something., but life's been pretty much monotonous.
oh yeah, 312 got their notice board decorated! it's not complete though. but it's pretty and that's what matters :D
thankyou jamie and joscelin for the effort!
black and gold will never go wrong.
funny how something so small can make me lose sleep, lose my appetite and look like something that just crawled out of the TV in the morning.
it's a bit better now, that i understand some stuff about logarithms.
i hope you don't get hallucinations after seeing this picture of jasmin... omg.
it was during our 3hr choir session and we were too bored.
mum's talking about american idol now... she says that some wannabes kept singing Dont Cha by PCD during the auds. my mum was laughing her ass off at the fat wannabes singing. when i told her that she was in no position to laugh at fat people, she ignored me. i gave up and told her she was prejudiced against fat people instead.
but come to think of it, it's quite funny if you imagine the picture well enough.
yeah i'm contradicting myself? off to do something else. byebye!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

part of the credits goes to lijun jie too okay. i'm not the only one :D
i also tortured wangpo's toy monkey today by wrapping it up with my bookstrap
and sticking pens all around it
the monkey is my new friend, too
its name is timothytwo. (:
yeeeaaahh school's been boring as usual, surprise surprise. i love english lessons though. i dont know why. i've been entered for that Commonwealth Essay Writing thing with a few others from 312, and the topics are MAD. one of the more reasonable topics assigned to my age group is "the bargain", but all i can think of are the aunties i used to see when i went to the wet market, yelling at the top of their voices about fish being too expensive and the like. errrr imagine the markers' reactions if i wrote about wet markets HAHA.
i talked to wei hong for a while on msn last night. he's damn funny. what adadada HUH. (that's NOT my name!) -.- insanity is still taking a toll on him. i told him some surds were hard and he COMFORTED me by going, "OH SURDS. i've MASTERED them already :D". i swear i'm going to punch his stomach on friday; he's too funnily infuriating.
the maximum number of hours i've slept these days (last week is counted) are around 5-6 a night. so you can guess how pretty i look in the morning! it's enough to make you run away from me screaming. A maths is the wartiest thing misfortune has ever to meet- and my sentiments to that. i've still got some more to do, but i'm dead tired. ):
i'm re-reading The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole. it's a fantastic book, and i want to read any other of its serial other than Cappuccino Years, cos i've fell asleep reading that before.
or more vampires! (won't say no to romances).
oh and by the way, my tagboard is scary. i don't dare to look at it everytime i sign in, because of the
Saturday, January 20, 2007
it's the weekend!
okay, everything's been fairly ok these days, with the obvious exception of the overflowing maths homework. i'm damn dead thank to A maths. now i can totally see why wei hong hates it so much! but no matter how much he hates it, my hatred would definitely be x100. :D
uploading pictures in blogger is so slow and ley cheh ):
i've been spending LOADS of time on this post and the pictures thing just keeps rebelling me!
mass uploading is going crazy, so i'd have to upload one by one, which is not possible cos i'm damn lazy.
so i guess i'd upload next time, if ever. haha
i want to upload the picture of timotheus and keith's brokeback but i think both of them would probably burn me in the incinerator first :D
yesterday was rather hectic. 312 went to west coast for CIP project. it was SUPER FUN! especially all the cheers and stuff. my group didn't get to do graffiti paintings; dang it! we did the not-so-fun nature study instead. we could have done the paintings later on, but the rain made us stay in Macs until 3pm, where we were dismissed.
timothy was mad throughout the whole nature study thing. he kept bullying all the girls! (duh). he whacked me on the head with my markers and i didnt bother to retaliate, cos i told him that i don't play with unusually naughty little boys :D weijie was nicer, but he kept pronouncing lollipop and "lolliPOOP". errr.
went for tuition after CIP with jemimah. talked and talked and talked all the way to bugis (: jemimah is the cute love! lol. but both of us felt like sleeeeeping during tuition, which wasn't surprising, since the teacher turned off all the lights and the only source of light was from the OHP. plus the aircon... silence... omg. reminded me of that time during bio, when i fell asleep watching the video. :)
i waited for the rain to subside after tuition and ran over to bugis to walk around. i bought a pretty lime green pencil box with lots of zips! haha. now i've got lots of things that are lime green. pencil case, spectacles, bag and bookstrap. i have a file from art friend which has limes all over it and i'm seriously considering whether to bring it to school to hold my stuff cos my folder is falling apart.
reyes' birthday party was next, and i went all kuku and started playing with clarice's kitchen toy set. i tortured Barney's friend, whoever that green dinosaur was, with lijun jie and we laughed over the toy food which was so darn amusing. :D
went home, bathed and slept till today 12pm.
zzz the photos will be uploaded next time, probably 5 years later.
or when blogger decides to make the pictures uploading thing go faster.
till then, bye!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
i'm back
update abit before i go off to do Amaths ):
and my tablet is lagging! pwleh. irritating.
i was at kinokuniya, bugis when i saw THIS!

the entire Fruits Basket series! kino wansui. scanned around for the new book, book 21, and saw who was on the cover.

NOT a pretty sight.
i don't understand why they have to put this disgusting woman on the cover. YUCK!
akito on 15 was bad enough. (book 15? is it book 15?)
okay, anyway, school's been damn boring these days. homework, homework and more homework... most of it credits to mr ng. ): evil as ever, he is. if i were him, i'd be terrified of being assassinated outside nan hua for giving so much homework- due on fairly unreasonable deadlines.
looking forward to CLASS TEE! yay jamie is designing it, and i think it looks pretty chio. i'm addicted to yakult now.
nothing else to say; so i'll buzz off.
byebye! <3>312 we so sexy we look like WHOOO!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
yeah, okay, elise and i are still laughing over it
he was trying to kek the american accent,
but no go, Rain. nuh-uh.
ask your younger brother to teach you the hardo gei hipshake
you might be even more popular, who knows :D
(younger brother refers to wei hong, who's been claimed as Drizzle, Rain's younger brother)
i'm so damn doomed anyway. i've asked for extension of deadline for my maths homework from mr ng on friday, and i thought it'd be good if i could tidy up my slapstick work by using a new book (for some reason, the one i'd just used is falling apart). however, i realised that i had no extra spare book after i've ripped the pages out! awww. good job, amanda. shit, i hope there's no maths on monday, so that i can hand it up to him after school. :
got to leave for chinese tuition soon. sian-ed out; i missed yesterday's session and have to go for today's session and i don't have jemimah to talk to.
zzz woke at 10 today, and still feel like sleeping.
insomnia will be the last illness i'd ever suffer from, haha
Friday, January 12, 2007
i can't really open my eyes now
i need matchsticks
today was supposed to be E-learning day, but i didn't even have time to log onto the internet, till now. shit, i'm super shagged-out and there's tuition tomorrow.
it's from 10 to 12, then i'd be free from then onwards till 2+ pm, where i'd most likely jetset off to bugis to keipo around for lolita skirts. haha okay don't ask me about the random fetish. :D
elise is going to JAPAN for the new year! omg that stupid rich girl. japan, you know! japan! but luckily she's not going to tokyo to shop, or i'd probably march straight down to her house right this moment to bury her alive. i think she's going to hokkaido? sapporo? or where ever. but still, it's JAPAN!
LOL and we were laughing our asses off on msn at the Rain advertisement :)
Hello Singapore this is RAIN
Thursday, January 11, 2007
i survived another school week :D
yeah and you know 312 is sexy.
nothing much these days, just more mountains of homework. credits to mr ng, no less. i've been starting to agree with jonathan's msn pm. E maths= Edmund Maths. ohwells, how perfectly correct is that statement! haha.
i've also vented my anger on some buds of mine during homework time. uhhh ranging from kaiying to timotheus, actually. oooops sorry, guys. i shall shut up next time. and timotheus-the-snowball has yet to complete digging my grave for me for whenever i need it. yay.
currently browsing around on eBay. punk lolita skirts appeal to me much... though that doesn't mean i can get hold of any of them. yeah, don't laugh. i'm inspired. -.-
so long, then.
bye! (:
Monday, January 08, 2007
lime green and black!
yeah i'm starting to like lime green alot
so i'd add that colour on to my favourite colours' list
black, white, pastel pink, gold, silver and limegreen :D
hohoho off to wait for kaiying to come online or something
i can't do my emaths without her; she's offered to type out the questions on msn for me cos the book is still out of stock in the school bookshop. thanks, girl!
i'm also getting this massive headache i can't get rid of. ):
Friday, January 05, 2007
i am not supposed to be blogging
on account of the number of questions assigned for A maths
yah thanks alot mr ng, we appreciate you for making our weekend so... colourful -_-
met our lit teacher today! ms rani. she's pretty good. our chinese teacher seems quite nice too. both are females, duh. talked and got to know more of jemimah, magdalene and huiling during literature- we are officially known as the 312 literature girls. haha :D
fell asleep during biology today. and literally! i'm so sorry. it's not my fault. cos we were in the AVA room with the nice, cool aircon blowing towards us. the lights were out as we had to watch this supposedly ultra interesting video about endoplasmic reticulums, ribosomes, cell membranes and the odd nucleus. crap, i didnt hear alot of stuff as i think i slept for 3 minutes or so. and there's homework! charlene and yuqian were dozing too, i think. so was stella. i dont blame any of you. :[
there's cca extravaganza tmr, for the SGNs. don't ask me what SGN stands for- ask mr lai or any sec3/4 nan hua choirgirl. not to sure if the 2s know. lol imagine their reactions if they knew that they were called SGNs last year.
sleeping time. yaaaaaawn.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
sorry, was lazy to update
first day of school was quite okay, despite only having 3 hours of sleep the night before. ummm so far i've met all my classmates (duh) and some teachers. i think my biology and social studies teachers are the okay ones. both are women. one of the teachers i've met has this... interesting voice that can send anyone to sleep. mr ng and liang lao shi are still our maths and (higher) chinese mentors. ARGH! mr ng and the avalanche strikes back. 310 didn't get off lightly either. they got issued maths homework today, and i guess 312'd be getting their own dosage soon :[
our english teacher totally made my day yeah. she made us write an essay on the first lesson! hohoho. i love english essays, so i ended up writing a four-paged one. it's definitely over 600 words, which is the max, so i dunno if she'd dock my marks for overwriting. haha :D
there's still my eng literature teacher to meet, i guess. quite anxious at the prospect- i hear that lit teachers are usually quite sensitive to a quiet, responseless class, particularly if we're literature students. yah, go heat up the class in the microwave.
some dumb pictures of joan's stuffed dummy she kept playing with today. it's got no name, the poor thing.

haha there are more pictures
but i'm super lazy to upload more :D
i'm reading a book called twilight now. it's pretty good. i like this name i picked up along the way- carlisle. don't ask me why i like it.
oh, it's pronounced as car-lie-serl. yeah. i reckon.
computer's lagging more than ever. i haaaaate it when it lags ):
darn tired. and there's maths tomorrow!
it shall make my day. (pui!)
make you, shake you, ketsu- thank you! :B