Yeah! Jiemin and I have started to design our class tee tomorrow. Tuesday. :D
Finally on task, right. Sorry for the big fat delay; both of us were just too uninspired to think of anything.
Macdonald's ice cream gives people inspiration. Oh maybe I'm just narrowing it down to the cone I ate the other day. ICE CREAM gives you inspiration. Hahaha.
Anything you want to enquire about the designs and stuff, please head straight to Jiemin and pretend that I'm invisible. Cos she's always the one answering the Lit questions Miss Rani asks on my behalf during pairwork :D Three cheers for our sweetest Jiemin!
Better go off to finish up my Book C, or Mr Ng will lock me in a potato cellar for 3 weeks and someone'd have to climb up my hair to rescue me. :(
But considering the length of my hair, I think that'd be highly impossible.
PS: I'm going to put a countdown counter for Eclipse on this blog. Yayness!