"Afraid of a needle," he muttered to himself under his breath, shaking his head. "Oh, a sadistic vampire, intent on torturing her to death, sure, no problem, she runs off to meet him. An IV, on the other hand..."
-Edward Cullen, Twilight
1) Name something that made you smile today.
My new book, Twilight :D Edwarddddd!
2.) What were you doing at 11:00 this morning?
In PC, chanting.
3.) What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Limping to the fridge and drinking milk straight out of the bottle (oops)
4.) What is something you will never forget?
My past? Bits and pieces, I think. Nostalgia will bring them back.
5.) What is the last thing you said aloud?
"Eh mummy, tomorrow is a holiday."
"You create one ah? Don't bluff me!"
6.) How many different things did you drink today?
Uh, iced water and... ice milo?
7.) What color is your hairbrush?
I don't have one. *Smirks* Really.
8.) What was the last thing you bought?
A chocolate ice cream from Macs, which I shared with my dad.
Before this? Twilight! ♥
9.) What was the last gift you bought?
Umm, um, um. Not good at remembering such stuff. Uhhh.
10.) What color is your front door?
My house's front door? Dark brown.
11.) Where do you keep your change?
In my wallet or in my pocket, but mostly I leave it lying around.
12.) What was the weather like today?
Bearable. Not too much sun, which was excellent.
13.) What is the best ice cream flavor?
Generally it's Cookies and Cream.
14.) What are you excited about?
15.) Are you very random?
16.) Do you want to cut your hair?
Yes, yes and YES!
17.) What would you do if you got pregnant?
Scream, and contemplate suicide. Well I don't think I'd be so stupid, will I?
18.) Do you talk a lot?
To a certain extent. Depends on my mood, too.
19.) Do you watch The O. C.?
Nah. Not interested.
20.) Does your screen name have an “^”in it?
Infantile. There's not a need.
21.) Do you know anyone named Steven?
Steven... Uh you mean that guy who stripped to his yellow underwear on the Singapore Idol auditions?! Ew, ew!
Oh and d'you know, that Steven guy once approached my mum and I to offer a $10 eyebrow plucking service (to my mum). My mum and I ran away screaming and laughing.
22.) Do you make up your own words?
23.) Are you ticklish?
A little, sometimes. Sometimes I don't pay attention.
24.) Are you typically a jealous person?
Yes. Jealousy is a typical emotion in people.
25.) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “J”?
Jeraldine, Jemimah, Jeremy, Jos, Judith(s), Jasmin, Jamie, Justin, Jonathan, Joachim. Uh sorry that's more than one, hahaha.
26.) Who’s the 1st person on your received calls list?
*Checks* Ivy jie.
27.) Who was the last person to text message you?
Kaiying, Lipo love!
28.) Do You Chew On Straws?
Used to. I used to chew on them till they actually splinter. Quite remarkable. But now no.
29.) Do you have curly hair?
It gets a bit wavy and haywire at the ends...
30.) What is the next concert you’re going to?
Not too sure, no plans yet.
31.) Who has been the biggest disappointment to you recently?
And JK Rowling, for making so many nice characters die.
And Jacob Black, cos from what I see, he's getting in between Edward♥ and Bella. Pfffffft.
32.) How many times have you sworn today?
Zilch. Yesterday about five times, though...
33.) What is something you say a lot?
"Really ah?" or "Shh, I'm sweeping the floor"
34.) What is the last thing you ate?
Blueberry muffins. Baked 'em.
35.) Have you seen the movie “DonnieDarko”?
Hahaha, omg, is it the one with the Jake Gyllenhaal thing?
36.) Do you have work tomorrow?
No, I don't have a job.
37.) Is marriage in your future?
Sure thang.
38.) When was the last time you said “I love you”?
I was reciting Edward's line when I showed that part to Shannon, once more proclaiming how romantic Edward is. Edward! Edward! Edward!
Let's try the mush talk here. "Your heart and mine are interwined, and we shall beat as one! You're the fiery passion of my girlhood and my loins (R21, R21) and the protagonist of my life! (Kiss)"
39.) What should you be doing right now?
Homework, what else?
40.) Do you have a nickname?
Not really, though I don't know why Eugene Lee still calls me Ah-ma, which is so outdated. So Sec One.
41.) Are you a heavy sleeper?
Very. I can sleep through a storm most of the time.
42.) When was the last time you used a skateboard?
Quite a while ago and I can't remember whose. Was just mussing around.
43.) What is the best movie you’ve seen in the past two weeks?
Past two weeks? Pirates 3? Okay no it's not fantastic, considering the extremely antagonizing ending. Lose/lose situation. Grrr.
44.) Are you currently crushing?
Crushing what? A beetle under my foot?
Or do you mean someone I have feelings for. Does Edward Cullen and James Franco count?
45.) When was the last time you did the dishes, be honest?
A week back. Hah. I washed a LOT of dishes, okay!
46.) Are you currently depressed?
Not really, maybe, I don't know.
I love Levi's jeans; it's such an ostentatious brand.
Random. Sorry. Okay.
Pictures! All sorts. ♥
I haven't uploaded the ones in my phone. Sorry! Please give me some time.

James Franco.
To me, yes. Maybe not to you. *Shrugs*
And with this bronze coloured hair!!! (Edward's hair is bronze, too)

An avatar. He's got a nice bone structure.

James Franco can totally pull off that "unfair smoldering eyes thing", I swear.
Full force if he puts on golden contacts. PHWOAR!

This is supposed to be Jasper Hale? Uh...
Kind of turned me off there.

This dude is supposed to be Jacob Black! Steven Strait. Yeah he was in Sky High, starring as that cool guy who could throw fire or something. I wanna rewatch Sky High! Besides, he looks perfect for the kind of "I love you Bella but unfortunately I'm not your right kind of monster" look. The pleading, earnest, please-accept-me-and-not-Edward look. Right now I have the accept-Edward-if-you're-in-the-right-mind look. Hahaha.
I don't like Steven Strait much, by the way- James Franco is way hotter.

I suddenly found a picture of Orlando in Troy!
Yes, Troy. Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Eric Bana. What's there not to watch?
My favourite character in Troy, however, is of course not Paris. HECTOR!

Harry Potter spoofs and wrongnesses.
Enlarge to view full-size.

AZKAMAN. My favourite Sirius Black!
Well at least he's better than that Doc Oct, who's got a revolting pot belly. Sirius Black is cool.

Wrong movie.
No ring here, only wands. Shoo, Dobby. Oh I mean Gollum.
Hahaha my mum's favourite character in Lord of the Rings is Gollum. Mine is Legolas, followed closely by Aragorn, then Sam!

Things get out of hand when you eat the wrong things...

See any differences?
There's a big, big dinosaur. Aye.


Johnny English!♥ Okay go watch that show. As in, the real one, with Rowan Atkinson in it.
Wise wizards community, huh!

ROFLMAO Box Office Confusion.

Duelling Is Dangerous Because You Can Conjure Up Flying Matrix People By Mistake.

He can't spell his name. Poor boy.

Ohhhhh wrong movie.

Hahahahaha this one made me laugh my guts out. Good luck Snapeee!♥ You have a visitor.

They even included Phantom of the Opera!

I love the Star Wars ones the best.
LIGHTSABRES!♥ Professor Flitwick's been sacked and Yoda's taken over.
May the force be with you.

My definition of ostentatious, don't you think? :D

There's been a slight misunderstanding here...
Enough for today. Hope you enjoyed the 1 July posts. :D and I repeat myself once more: