List out your top 5 birthday presents you wish for:
Since my birthday is tomorrow, this will be pretty good.1. Electric guitar stuff. Like, necklaces, shirts, keychains, whatever. But actually if you get me anything else, like cows or Aston Martins or something, I'm fully gonna accept them too :)
2. Pass my EOYS.
3. Vampire. Cullen. 4th book. (Okay that's more than one but in the same category)
4. A lot of money. (Then can go to Seattle or LA or Florida or California or NYC!!!)
5. 5 more choices of birthday presents :)
But of course! :D
Yesterday was fun. The only not-so-fun part was the part where I quarreled with my mum- she was being extremely unreasonable (again. Wow, surprise surprise!). And tomorrow is my birthday! Sheesh. I controlled myself by not flinging out derogatory slurs at her or anything, though she made me pissed off.
Don't want to elaborate here.
Anyway, I negotiated with her and she finally allowed me to visit RGP (is it so difficult?!) after school. Met up with some old acquaintances once more; Taahira, Darlene, Vrindha, Weiting, Celine Soh, Jolene, Amanda Lim, Simin, Geraldine, Deborah, Hanna, Siti, Mel etc.
And some others I think. If I forgot don't hack me up please. It's not my fault; it's a hardware problem.
Mel's turned all stylo. The cute fancy JRocker who listens to Jet and Maroon 5 (I like Jet and Maroon 5 too!). She looks good in skinny jeans. Mel give me your legs. :(
Taahira and Amanda Lim kept making me laugh. Darlene, Taahira, Amanda Lim, Vrindha, Mel, Weiting and I ended up at Plaza Singapura where we mooched around and ate at Gelare's. Pretty cool. They gave me a treat for my birthday. Thanks dears.

L-R: Weiting, Taahira, Vrindha, Amanda, Amanda, Darlene.
Most of the pictures are with Taahira and Vrindha. My Zac Efron picture is with Taahira. We were squabbling over Efron, because Efron is quite hot in Hairspray.

Zac Efron
Not that I'd watched it, though. I want to. Damn the EOYs to the deepest pits of hell where they belong.
I'm fantasizing about

...Yes! B&J's!
Glutton. Peeesh.

Absolutely mouthwatering.
My favorite flavor (Not that I've tasted many before, but you get the idea)

I want to try Americone Dream, S'mores, Phish Food, Dublin Mudslide, American Pie, Fossil Fuel, Peanut Butter Cup and Chubby Hubby.
Anyways, on a last note, look at this.

An 18k gold-plated iPod shuffle. Beat that. I also hear that they're going to promote diamond- encrusted ones.
Xiaxue can jolly well afford one, since her blog is worth $2,867, 298.66. Charlene's blog had this "How much is your blog worth" thing and I clicked and typed my blog in. $11,290 point something something. Xiaxue's is worth $2 million plus!
Counting in US dollars, I think.
She can buy more than FOUR Aston Martins! Dammit. Lucky sheed.
That's all for today. More next time. ♥