"...But that doesn't change anything. You're still my enemy in the morning."
"You're still my enemy tonight. But even enemies can show respect."
-Achilles and Priam, Troy
NDP 07 yesterday was undoubtedly fascinating!
I totally miss NDP. As in, last year. How we moaned about the KFCs and the stupid cakey makeup and the antagonizing training sessions. But now I miss them all!
Watched Troy later on.
How can I forget how great Troy can get?! Especially what with all the Brad Pitt + Eric Bana + Orlando Bloom concotions. It's hardly fair, is it, lumping all the drop dead gorgeous actors together into a tragic Greek mythological story.
And I know you guys just want to see pictures. (Actually, more like "Kaiying" wants to see them pictures...)
First up. ERIC BANA! ♥
He was brilliant as Hector. A pity he had a wimpy Casanova for a younger brother.

"I see 50,000 men brought here to fight for one man's greed."
Brad Pitt.
The one that we've allllll been waiting for.
Oh maybe only Kaiying.

"Let no man forget how menacing we are, we are lions! Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach? Immortality! Take it! It's yours! "
Orlando Bloom.
I liked him better in Pirates. I loved him best in the Lord of the Rings!

"Father, you are a great king, because you love your country so much. Every blade of grass, every grain of sand, every rock in the river... You love all of Troy. That is the way I love Helen."
Noble, but maybe not noble enough. Besides, he staggers and hurls himself at his brother when he gets sliced on the leg. There's this warrior I saw in one part of the show who got shot by an arrow. His reaction: He broke off part of the arrow, grumbled something inaudible and carried on slewing Trojans. Ha ha.
Helen; played by Diane Kruger.

"Menelaus (her ex-husband) was a brave man. He fought for honor. And every day I was with him, I wanted to walk into the sea and drown."
Indeeeed. Her beauty is incomparable. No wonder they speak of her as the "face that launched a thousand ships".
I told Elise on MSN and she said, "And mine will launch a thousand aeroplanes!"
Me: "Yeah, the ones made of wood you can find in cereal boxes."
Enough of Troy! Well I recommend this show if you haven't caught it, as well as National Treasure, starring Nicolas Cage and Diane Kruger (the girl who plays Helen in Troy).