Wednesday, November 30, 2005
there`s absolutely zilch for me to update
nothing`s been happening after SOAR
it`s like harry and hogwarts
constant heartache :(
hiakhiakhiak. D=
mum`s not any help either
hope i can slink off to wild wild wet and escape theme park with huiqin and gang [whoever she`s gonna go with]
rather than wait in mum`s office for cockroaches to start crawling and cobwebs start growing all over me :(
and SAVE MY SOUL someone D=
i`m bored to death
mum and auntie cindy`s been asking me to go look for some paid work to kill time
if you ask me to choose between searching for paid work and learning a new skill
i`d much rather learn a new skill
hope i`m gonna go have fun with cheryl jiejie and darryl kor soon or something
please save meeeeeeee~
<3 amanda.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
but first things first.
yesterday ROCKED.
it was pretty tiring and all lah
but it was worth it anyways :D
woke at 7 plus yesterday..
mum aroused me by slamming my bedroom door open
she was like
at 8 plus we set off to the new pc!
i had to wear stockings :)
it was nice;
but i`m just so super chorh lorh
new pc was HUGEEEE~
very pretty also :D
after morning session of the visit to new pc
jess, yvonne, her CO friend and i car pooled
sit yap mae`s uncle john`s car
off to the expo~
ate this
then yap mae told me about the much regretted mistake she made onstage performing
when she was still in youth dance xD
i was laughing about it for the whole day
and hooting even more when someone labelled the space of the choir [for us to put our bags and stuff] wrongly
the person wrote CHIOR instead of CHOIR
and i asked yap mae jie to stand before the masking tape bearing CHIOR
while i covered the R in CHIOR so it became CHIO
yap mae jiejie was labelled CHIO! :D
after lunch we went off to change
into choir U -.-
met the rest of the choir peeps backstage
madeleine, pricilla, jiajia, grace, yinyi, etc etc
soon after meeting them we had to go on stage
another full-dress rehearsal =]
while waiting for our turn
mae and i started talking about music :)
all the crazy bands we love
english bands like simple plan, mcfly [i was utterly surprised she listened to mcfly :D] and much more
then we went crazy chatting away about the mandopop
jay chou. luo zhixiang. elva hsiao. jolin tsai. wang leehom. etc~
lols :)
during the full dress
there was this fog machine
that erupted lots and lots of smoke out or something
all of us were singing danny boy and getting distracted
cos the smoke could hover, stagnant, in the air
maybe cos the elements dispersed slowly or something
then when we were singing oh my love`s like a red red rose
all the sops kinda freaked out
when the crazy fog machine suddenly erupted a whole load of smoke in our direction
and boy
the fog erupted out STANK like anything
yap mae looked super disgusted
cos she was the closest to the fog machine
then lilian jie was also trying not to complain
smelly fog.? :D
after rehearsing
we went to the makeup artists and hairstylists
makeover time! soooo fun. :)
i did my hair first..
the lady that did my hair up for me was good
she used alot of pins and loads of hair spray though --"
she claimed she knew benglee kor =]
both of us were like "benglee so lazy hurh. never come for the dinner." x)
minutes after hairdo
came the makeup
i thought i would have looked like a wayang
but all in all, with the well-made hair
i think it was okay
i reckon i was the only one in the choir
who used eyeliner
and liquid eyeliner somemore
liquid eyeliner + untrained hand= disaster
but the makeup artist was good though
she didn`t do very well the first time round
though i was second time lucky! :P
the eyeliner was cute but abit hard to get off, hahahs. x)
when everyone was nicely done up and all
they went off to have dinner
but thanks to the heavy lunch i had
i was left bloated
so no space for dinner, lol. x)
and while trying to kill time
lilian jie, debbie and i talked and talked
about stuff ranging from our pc chapter queenstown
to choir
to nan hua ^^
then debbie and i ranted on someone
we didnt like at nan hua
i mean.
like ANYONE likes herrrr;
she`s terrible to everyone -.-
madeleine, pricilla, jiajia, yinyi, grace and i kept running off to the toilet
check our makeup and stuff
take pictures in the toilet also x)
talked to a couple of dancers
laughed away at our own makeup
say we look like wayang
then this girl dancer [dunno her name! arghs] was asking me
what she looked like
i gave her such a lame response lahhh.
i told her she looked like a...dancer.
apparently! -.-
she said she looked like a tree though
all dancers wore navy green and were coated in green glitter mah.
debbie was so funny also
she said she was gonna go onstage, unbutton her jacket and show off her tank top inside
then go. "WOOHOO! sorry horh, very hot here.." xD
hahahs, so crazyy.! x)
when it was turn to start singing danny boy, scaborough fair and red red rose
all of us were freaking out
mum sent me a message which i received only after my performance
she was reminding me to put on my glasses while singing
and in case i fell
i was quite familiarized with the stage already
so the only thing i had to fear was that flight of freaky steps that shook whenever someone stepped on it -.-
during the children`s choir
all the under-13s in the adult choir had to help the kids in children choir with their songs backstage
then when we were singing the conductor of the EWO was singing with us also-
he was singing soprano one pitch somemore x)
all of us were in fits of laughter
while singing jiyu sandoku i was smiling away like a kuku
then mum was like "thats more like it mahhh!!!!"
cos apparently i was looking at debbie
then she grinned at me
and i remembered the thing she told me she was gonna do when she got onstage
that jacket thing
so i started grinning like a bobcat
and trying hard not to go into hoots of laughter xD
but i smiled more during the semi finale
that together as one thing
choir had to step down from the upper stage
then give a bow :)
when it was finale
i was laughing and not smiling
cos madeleine FINALLY decided to dance
well she just waved her hands about for abit and turned when everyone did
and all the choirgirls were all so super guniang when we waved
i was taking precautions not to step on anyone around me
cos i wasnt wearing my glasses
and if i stepped on kennedy he`d howl [he was barefoot and me on heels] and if i trod on madeleine she`d probably punch my face in -.-
joking lahhs` =]
after the performers were let off
i went to mum`s table
mrs lee saw me and was like WAHHH!
so they take more pictures of me lah
snap snap snap
i took a picture each with ah mah and mum
on the way back
auntie nen and shandy jiejie caught up with us and were like "whoa! you look like your mum todayyy!"
i didn`t know if that was good anot
hehs :)
but shandy jiejie was like "look like your mum, but prettier!" :D
shandy jiejie very chio lah x)
cute cute one, hahas!
<3 amanda.
Friday, November 25, 2005
i think i`m gonna change skin again.
i watched sky high today!
on pirated dvd
but very clear
and RELIABLE subtitles. -.-
the whole show was super cool
i simply loved warren peace
not the actor, mind,
the character. (:
his throwing-fire ability simply knocked my socks off. :D
imagine how nice it`d have to have his fire-throwing power (:
1-11 [or rather two eleven] boys all become roasted chickens
mr thomas become roasted pig
or will stronghold`s double powers!
super strength and flyingggg
don`t even need a broomstick or aeroplane
can everyday wake up at 7.15am to go to school! :DD
those 2 bullies were pretty good too
that long limbed guy and that speedy fatso
i can reach for stuff a mile away without even having to stand up!
but later become couch potato -.-
and i won`t be failing another NAPFA test with that fatso`s speedy feet =)
then can prove to mr thomas
layla and that glow guy was goood also (:
the popsicle ethan somebody
and the crazy cloner
like sun wukong liddat
72 bian
my second fave ability was the ice girl and purple guinea pig
guinea pig can get purple highlights somemore :D
the school nurse had zappy-eyes ability somemore
and ron wilson was funny :)
flame thrower still the best lah
<3 amanda.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
i watched harry potter and the goblet of fire already! <3
it was quite nice lah. watched it at the science centre`s omni theatre yesterday..
the movie was nice
but the theatre super sucky =.="
we had to raise our heads to the heavens
just to get a better view
aiyah go science centre omni theatre you know liao lah
super disgusting
it kinda spoilt the show
went with kai lin, junfeng, dad, mum and meself
mum was sleeping half the show
and then complaining away after that =might as well don`t bring her lah
lucky the tickets were free
from cisco marrh`
dad kahpoh 5 tix
when one person was maximum only allowed around 2 to 3
then while watching
there was this stupid asshole
screaming his head off next to me
some stupid kid lah
the mother didn`t even give a damn
let that stupid boy scream awaayyy
lucky i was in quite a gd mood at that time
if not he would`ve lost his head by now
harry potter was rated 8.1 stars on IMDB
excluding the fact that the theatre was super horrible
i think i would have rated it 7.6 stars
cos the movie was too brief
i didn`t like alot of parts also
like the quidditch world cup
as yifan told me
it was merely reduced to 5 mins or less
then the viktor krum also quite crappy
look like big brother loanshark when everyone started shouting his name in the stadium -.-
and the director should have known better
if he wanted to shoot daniel radcliffe up close
for goodness sake
i had a nice view of daniel radcliffe`s pimples up close
when he was filming a sleeping scene
plus i think he worked out for several months before filming that scene
when he opened the golden egg under water
i think i preferred the skinnier version of daniel radcliffe
there were too little scenes of draco malfoy
when i first saw him on screen
i was like weeeeheeee.
then i remembered how natasha, mel, me and some other 6B gals
how we fought over the tom felton cards :)
buy so many packets of those harry potter cards
like gambler buy 4D liddat
everytime open each packet
lots of ppl would come crowding round
"got tom felton not, got tom feltom not?!" D=
but that scene in moody`s class
the spider one was cute :D
i think neville appeared abit too much
and he wasn`t supposed to tell harry about gillyweed
i think the person doing the animation and visual effects in GoF
went on strike
after having a hard time constructing a hungarian horntail
first a man sticking out from quirrell`s head
then basilisk
then a huge hippogriff
and now a dragon which is not supposed to look as though it came out of that 7pm dragon show from channel 8 -.-
poor guy. (:
another thing i didn`t like-
cedric came out too little! :(
he was okay looking
better than daniel and rupert plussed together anyway.
but before i could say the words "i think robert pattinson [ i think that`s cedric`s name -.-]`s nice looking"
cedric has gone to buddhaland =[
one more thing
voldemort not shuai enough D=
enough of harry potter bahhs`
anyone asks me about it
i shall go HAIYERH
not enough cedric and draco lah
and cho was nicee. (:
went for choir today
got alot alot of new scores
i kinda liked that latin song we learnt
but i heard it`s a christian song
hmm ):
we learnt 3 new scores in a day
from 9am to 12 pm
laudate dominium [cannot remember the name], our gift for you and river, a song form the movie "the mission"
all was incredibly boring actually
then everyone was like yayyyy
when 12 pm came
mr lai talked to us for abit since it was the last session of nan hua choir for the whole year liao
he was saying something about dancers =)
don`t know whether can mention here anot
later people like jiaqi [ esp her, cos he said something about ballet =\ ], gladys, katharine, si ying, li juan, kennedy, angeline jie
all these dancers later come find me
then i kenasai
but want to suan zhang
don`t come find me lah
find mr lai~ (:
mr lai said dancers
in his dictionary
were labelled as
merely people who like flinging their bodies around =]
i think it`s abit true
but i cannot say so much
cos my dancing sucks, apparently :)
and he also thought ballet was super duper boring
cos those ballerinas that striked funny poses
looked to him
as if they were run over by different trucks
cannot continue le
later really kena beaten up by jiaqi x)
she`s one passionate dancer
scared later she come break my hand T_T
i already sprained my ankle this year in february
i can`t afford to sprain/break anymore limbs =[
waiting for saturday to comeeee
but after sunday
nothing else to be waiting for anymore! D=
hols would be super sucky then :(
everyday talk to huiqin and gang loh. haha.
you guys all rock. :)
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
new URL for -silencekills. :)
don`t ask me why i changed the URL and all
i won`t tell you deeee. x)
today was boring as usual
wake up at 8am and went back to nan hua for choir which started at 9 and ended at 12
still the same lo
orh orh orh orhhh
was super m-ad at wangpo D=
she missed a nice session today larh
nicer than rest of the sessions, that is. -.-
mr lai promoted our positions in the society of Singapore
first he made us owls by making us master the techniques of "hooting" and using back voices
then become monkeys as we made funny monkey monkey noises aka front voices. (:
after that we also become ducks [unpleasant]
maybe my karma for teasing jiaqi yesterdayyy =
after choir it was pouring
so mum come and pick me up
then go back to office for a while
wait for her to go key in applications
then we run here run there
thanks to a couple of problematic maids =(
at 7.3o we went for chanting at mr lee`s house
felt nice, i say. =)
met ivy jiejie at the clementi central first before going to chant
she gave me oatmeal cookieeee <3
super nice
yums. thankkiews chiobu. =P
i told her if next time i realise i gain 5 kg
must go find herrrrr =D
dad won an iDog at this seminar today
haha so funnyyy
he sms mum and said: "i won a dog today. how.?"
mum was like GGGGGRRRRRRRRR`
mum hates dogs mahh
so when she got back and saw the iDog she was like
"aiyoh, what is theeeeeees! you xiao hai zi is it! [cheena for kid]"
then go pull the iDog`s tail
tomorrow go watch goblet of fire!! :D
so h-a-p-p-y
but alot of people spoil for me liao
ranging from people like jiaqi to yifan
all of them watch le T_T
only i haven`t watch
but the cinema we`re going to tomorrow
is so-called special
dad got the tix from cisco
must arrive at 6.30pm and then register first
so strange
watch movie must register one
after registration got cocktail served or something somemore
like we VIP liddat =]
see if cho chang is really as yucky as so many people said
she not ugly what. :(
those people who say she super ugly maybe eyes kena chopped or put stamp
don`t know why i think katie leung is chio anyway
but daniel radcliffe and rupert grint getting from bad to mad to worse
rupert grint looks like shaggy from scooby doo now
too much like him.! D=
so disastrous right.
<3 amanda.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
i`m back. x)
went for rehearsal at pc just now.
so super tired.. yaaawwnnn.
but i am guai :)
so come back to -silencekills to bloog
if not -silencekills will start growing rotten mushrooms, fungi and woodlice
eew. -.-
i was at the pc for like almost the whole day
10am -12pm student activity
3-5pm choir practice
5-6pm dinnertime :)
6- 6.30pm evening gongyo
6.30- 10.30 rehearsal for opening ceremony
=.= very very tired.
oh, where was i from 12-3 pm?
at bugis larh. =X haha.
i think i best start talking p-r-o-p-e-r-l-y. =] start from 10 am in the morning.
PLUS. forgive me if my writing and english vocabulary and grammar etc is a bit mad in this post; i`m listening to jay chou while blogging. thanks. :)
10am. i woke at 8.20am. actually around 8 but i lazed around in bed dreaming about some stuff so i dragged the time for 20 minutes. -.- and then i clambered out of bed, blahblah, washed, changed, etcetc, mooched around, eat chocolate bun for breakfast [where did that bun come from.? mum never buys anything that comes in any form of chocolate, usually. strange.], then rush down to jurong east mrt station wearing my newest pair of jeans and, er, nhss choir tee. cos i felt like wearing a polo tee, see, so i just picked out one from the wardrobe. blah. bleh. eehee. after that i went down. then go 7-11 buy teens. got jay chou on the front cover. i wouldn`t say he made my day; his teeth are presumably made out of 1`000`000 carats tiffany and co or brilliant rose diamonds and he must not smile or a diamond would fall out or something. mad people are sometimes very talented. haha... then when i was paying for a packet of cheese doritos and the copy of teens i told the cashier, an auntie, i didn`t need a plastic bag. and then she startled me by exclaiming, " wah! xiaomei, so huan bao ah!" [chinese for protecting the planet] ha.. not really la. but if that auntie really reads this on -silencekills i got nothing to say. D=
went to pc and was just in time for student activity. :) but i was like a typical kuku.. walk here walk there blindly and started smsing poor yifan madly; keep asking her if she was coming or not. teehee. sorry ah yifan. x) <3 but after the gongyo i received a nice message on ryan [i dunno. elise started calling my phone ryan. so i shall name it ryan. whatever..]. it was from yifan darling.! Look to your right; it said. hmm. she came for meeting la. hurrhurr. :)
we played games for the last student activity in the pc.. =] very nice game yifan and i picked. charades.. oohlala. i was in group A but she was in group C. so fun, the guessing part. :D the answer was actually michael jackson, but the miming was so modifed i was like ???????! then when they decided to let the first guy mime for me to see again, i managed the answer. ^^ compared to other groups i was okay already i think. yifan`s group was damn funny. weichuan didn`t know how to mime the words itaidoshin so the last guy, weichen was just as confused as me. [like, ??????!. haha.] nice game. at least i didn`t make a fool out of myself by not guessing the answer right or something. x)
after that was experience sharing, then rev. shinga ku`s guidance etc then OOOH. go bugis time. i went with yifan, as in take same train but i went around myself... i was lost in that place. -.- yeah, totally lost, just that it didn`t show by having the words I AM VERY LOST IN PARCO BUGIS JUNCTION engraved on my face. but i managed to get to edge. and walked around. and saw freshbox, puremilk, new world order etc there! wowwww. now that i can close my eyes and navigate myself around takashimaya i have turned my attention to the in stuff in bugis junction i think. woohooo! =D i bought a pair of earrings. a bookmark. a keychain for my apple. and ATE and ATE and ATE. majority of my $ was spent on FOOD. i can`t really remember what i ate altogether but i do know i ate ALOT. hahah. i recall eating beard papa cream puffs, yummm. but the puff sold in bugis had more cream compared to taka`s so when i bit into one the cream ooooozzzzeedddd everywhere even my chin was covered in it. T___T so jialatttt.! then there was this couple who walked past and saw me covered in cream, and now i`m totally surprised [to the extend it knocked my nan hua socks right off!] they didn`t file me a lawsuit for ultimate indecency in public. weeheeee!. x)
at 2 plus go back to pc while eating tako pachi. hmmmm. delicious.. but it totally spoilt my appetite when i saw those snails on the walkway. eeeeeeeewwwww. all the snails smushed. apparently some unknowing soul stepped straight onto them so now they`re in buddhaland while i stare at their corpses and think the words French and Escargo. D=
speak about dinner.. that`s the besstttt. :) i went over to mac at singpost with priscilla and madeleine and their younger sis [ whats her name.??] and yinyi. all of us crapped and crapped and talked and ate and opened packets after packets of chilli sauce. talking about trash, from that prince turn into frog show to the idiots in school then to volleyball.. so random right. x) but very very nice having them and jiajia and all the choir peeps and chiobus and shuai ges for friends bahhs`. :) you guys rawk. hurrhurr. best to PC choir on the 27th. =D
then all of us went back for evening gongyo and rehearsal in time. <3 quite nice and all. but we received the oh-so-beaaauuutifuulll uniforms liao.! AARGH. prepare to see me grow older on the 27th, peeps! then i won`t mind if you called me Ama from then on. LOL. -.-
thank ya, babe. xD
i have started calling yap mae jie CHIOBU.
rawk on, choir. :))
<3 amanda
so random.
Friday, November 18, 2005

madness. =D
HI PEEPS :) <3
i`m b-aack from superstar virgo.
wows. had a nice time there though the trip was totally short, from 16 november at 8.30pm [that`s the time everyone can start boarding the ship] to 2pm today. hmm.but if you had lots of cash to spare it`d be less boring i think. lol.
day 1. we went up the ship at 8.30.. waited like typical hell at harbourfront to get our cards. as in, access cards and approval blahblahblah. plus mum didn`t want us to have any food before we board so that we could eat like mad after we boarded and checked in so i almost fainted in the queue. to make matters worse there was this huge family of indian people that kept pushing us around. eeyerh. -.-
after we left all our things in our super tiny room 11002 [i think i kinda like this number. :)] we went for chinese dinner set at the pavilion room. i recall the sweet potato congee [i picked out all the sweet potatoes and gave them to mum cos the first-and-last time i ate sweet potato was in kindergarten and i had diarrhoea after that], fried prawns, mixed and stir-fried vegetables etc. it was great. :)
after staring at mum to press her on to finish her last few spoonfuls of congee we practically flew down to the mediterranean buffet to gorge ourselves in their super fantastic DESSERT. =] the only thing i remember eating that night for dessert was at least 6 pieces of chicken wings and the chocolate ice cream topped with 2 whole spoonfuls of sprinkles and chopped nuts plus hersheys chocolate sauce. :D YUM. and the odd cakes, fruit ones, strawberry ones, chocolate-and-almond ones with walnuts. oohlala.
after gorging ourselves so much i almost vomited, we went off to the Lido to watch tropicalia! omg it was excellent. the cast consisted of mostly the westerners in that show. but i remember the one-wheeled "bicycle" riding there done by the chinese from China. :) when the show ended we went off back to the room to sleep.
day 2. i woke up at, like, 8 am in the morning to bathe.. after bathing and some mooching around the room we went down for breakfast at the mediterranean again. i had lots of cereal. some french bread, scarmbled eggs, a fried egg, toast and muffins. i left the bacon cos it was totally like eating expired beef jerky.. yucks. :(
at around 10 plus i went off to the best place in the ship. the starlight arcade.! <3 color="#33cc00">car racing, shooting guns in this strange old machine no one really wanted to play, shooting sharks to rescue fellow divers and more. :) but the 3 best games were awesome, simply funtastic. =D i loved the motorcycle race. in that game you had a weapon you could wield to whack some fellow competitors near you while racing. i used some weird girl at first cos she came out first in the list of bikers so i just chose her. =\ she turned out to be super lousy. D= and i came out number 17th! hahaha. but after that game i used a guy that looked like the spitting image of wolverine from x-men. he was such a pro. besides his long sharp knife-like "nails" on his hand you could use, he had a spear used to stab anyone who comes to near to you. ouch. and he could do a back kick which was great. i forgot the name of that guy. starts with a G. hmm. g-string. lol, lame. -.-
besides that motorcycle game i loved the all-time fave dance dance revolution! i preferred the one i used to play at cheryl jiejie`s house though, that one`s less challenging and easier to step on the arrows. theree were 2 additional arrows on the one i played at the arcade, one pointing north west and the other pointing north east. quite easy larh, but i was playing with my flipflops so it was quite irritating. then there was this 3 xiaomeimeis [by the look of them around 7 years plus and sisters] fooling around on the other machine.. they each took 2 steps and everytime their arrow came on the screen they screamed in chinese, "ta na ge! ta na ge!" [step that one step that one!] so half the people sitting near the dance dance rev were staring at them. =.= i can use 2 legs to step and they had to use 6. like whoa. and they had, like, three times the number of misses and booes. lol, xiaomeimie mahhs.` cannot blame them.
and that joystick game! omg that was one of the best. they choose several games for you to compete with a fellow competitor. i played with auntie lidiya.. so funny. got this game must go catch chicken and avoid the dog and i started yelling, "unfair unfaaaiiirrrr! auntie you come from kampong so you got much more experience in catching chickennnn!" so a load of kids came behind us and started watching and laughing their heads off. -.- i lost that chicken game cos i was too busy shouting so i kena concussion by hitting the trees. but i was the best at the games needed for us to catch money. wahsehs. as long as is catch money auntie would lose to me derr. =D there was a couple of times this game was selected. something like stepping on a bridge and not falling off when the wood broke. and got one is must stay firm when this plate you gotta stand on keeps breaking into smaller pieces and quaking so you had to run about but not fall off. :) and theres one more you have to run through doors at flaming walls. and must cross bridge without falling off. hahah. so siao. but very fun.
at around 4 plus pm i went to swim! well not swimming. just paddling around. i had a soak in the boiling hot jacuzzi before popping out to the gelato nearby to have large vanilla magnum ice creams coated in rich chocolate. :D super shiok. after eating i went back to the jacuzzi, stayed there for 10 minutes plus till this fat old indian man and his wife climbed in, so i scampered. =\ haha. off to the parthenon pool, the shallowest part, where i bobbed about as some old man stared at me cos i couldn`t swim [apparently]. after swimming i went back to bathe... then.. sleep. zzzz. so tired, so i slept til around 7 liddat, then rushed to have dinner with auntie. [ mum and dad dropped at KL to shop. mum bought this super cute black belt for me! :)] the pasta that nice was good. and we ate oranges again. in this whole trip the thing i ate the most was oranges. at least 20 slices liddat. mum, dad, auntie and i gambled our luck with oranges; see who picks the sour one and all of us would laugh at him/her. =)
at 7.40 we reached the Lido and we were abit late.. but it was ok cos we were still admitted though we had to sit right at the back. :( but can see lah. yesterday`s show was more of chinese kungfu and chinese acrobats. :) they invited some guest performers, the acrobat all the way from china and shaolin monks to perform for us.. the monks were good but the acrobats were better. =] there were stunts like balancing the bowls on the underside of their feet and then throwing them back up to the stack on their head. of course there were the chinese dancers that danced while holding sticks with the rotating plates on them, and more. =) very amazing. i watched it twice, the first time with auntie and the next with mum, dad and auntie. woohoo.
auntie and i went out for a stroll after the show while mum and dad went to watch... Fever. R(A) show sehs! D= the western dancers [those few main ones that performed for us during tropicalia] went bare on top and blah. mum said the light was so dim she couldn`t see much, plus she was so worn out by the day`s shopping she almost fell asleep while the dancers performed. T_T somemore Fever must pay money one, $20 SGD. the ones we all got watch also don`t need, like kingdom of kungfu and tropicalia -.- might as well don`t go larh. i would much rather take half that amount to go spend at the arcade. =
day 3. today. we woke up pretty late. :P hurr.. 9 plus in the morning, so when we went down there were nothing left for us to eat for breakfast at the mediterranean. =x but we still had $80 + credit for us to spend on food and beverage so we went to blue lagoon to have brunch. their ham-and-cheese toasted sandwich was good but they took so l o n g to serve it. by the time the sandwich arrived i had downed at least three quarters of my chocolate milkshake, mum had almost finished her hor fun [ she said it was disgusting; the sotongs were tough and the prawns weren`t fresh. -.- ] and half of auntie and dad`s sotong mees were already down their stomaches. =\ mum helped me with one of my four super-gigantic sandwiches so i had to swallow the last piece of sandwich and keep it down; thankfully i didn`t puke. hahah! if i did it`d be disastrous. =.= afterwards we mooched around and waited for 1.30 pm to arrive as i munched my way through another magnum ice cream [this time the chocolate coating was with almonds, but what is happening to my appetite?! it`s getting bottomless.!]
so now.. i`m here. -.- [durh] i kinda miss the ship and it`s endless loooong corridors to our bedroom, the starlight arcade, the live shows and the food there. :) what i didn`t miss most was the tiny bedroom which squashed us all and the toilet and the hard water we had to endure with during our shower. the hard water left our hair desperately dull and loose. :( as long as the water doesn`t come from the toilet bowl or the sewage i think. heh.
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
very high today!
lol. today going on the cruise already... everybody wish me bon voyage. x) weehee, thank you thank you. *president wave*
sorry for not updating -silencekills for such a looong time; too lazy apparently. cos my tablet`s been l-a-g-g-i-n-g so much i would much rather go to sleep. -.-
went to action city a couple of days back. eh... bought my super super cute dice keychains. i think amanda lim has a pair too, if i`m not wrong. :) mum made such a huge fuss over that squshy dice keychains; she said i was a gambler and blahblahblah, going to spoil nan hua high`s reputation [where does she get all these ideas from hurh. i guess she`s got a more lively imagination than i think she has, but why is it that she still doesn`t get that joke i told her 1 month ago.?] cos everyone on the streets will look at my squashy dice keychains and start yelling, " OMG there`s a gambler in nan hua high omgomgomg" fit to bust. like wow; she doesn`t know what i can do with a deck of poker cards.
i can only play bluff. -.- that`s all. and call me a gambler. the only dice i`ve ever used was the one used to throw in monopoly... she is the one who keeps going to peek at casinos.. first at the australia one when we went to melbourne, then at one of those immensely deadly posh ones in europe along with auntie michelle, uncle gary, cheryl`s dad and mum etc. and left me outside sitting around like a kuku.
enough of my squashy dice keychains. i bought 2 pairs of shoes yesterday! in mum`s fengshui book it said, " if an elder buys a pair of shoes for a child/ someone younger, it means that the elder wishes the latter a smooth journey blahblahblah". didn`t read on from that part. woohoo. i finally got pumps! and pretty cheap ones too, plus working shoes with heels. hiak. how am i supposed to walk in them? and mum was somemore like, "aiyoh, the heel so short only, very easy to walk one lah!" see first bahhs`, now i`m wondering which to wear on the day of the choir performance dinner. -.-
bought another pair of jeans too; the only pair at home that fits me is about to rip or something if i continue to, well, keep wearing it continuously. plus i accidentally cut my leg just now, with no rhyme or reason. i happened to be wearing my black shirt and looked down casually at the throbbing pain in my leg and saw mounds of blood trickling down like mad. it had been a bad cut; the blood was enough to soak a whole tissue inside out and a bit of the flesh had been unmercifully hacked off, ouch.
<3 amanda.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
so totally tired.
hmm.. there`s choir from 3 pm to 9 pm later.. haha. hope i can meet jiajia there or something; then we go have dinner together like that time liddat. x)
auntie jo came back from the superstar virgo yesterday. she said it was ok only; mainly maybe cos she had to take care of her kids there. and she also mentioned about the rooms: the balcony room, the one mum booked, is gonna be really small... HIAK. =( but she said, too, that there`d be lots of programmes... the pub her mum and maid went to was great [like as if i can enter] and so was the disco. =D and auntie jo even said they didn`t exactly check the age at the disco! :) so perhaps i can sneak in and have a vodka or twooo. =.=
she also said there were aerobics class to take up, and the parthenon swimming pool`ll be really deep so i best go off to the jacuzzi instead. x) i think anything is fine; i just wanna take lots of pictures there or something. and EAT! =)
<3 amanda
Thursday, November 10, 2005
bored as usual today; it was really shitty to be exact. argued with mum who still didn`t care about my poor apple.. madness. and now she`s spying on me every moment, [SURPRISE SURPRISE PEEPS] yelling at me when i check my mail and all. BLAH. like, whatever. =[ everytime she sees me on the lappy means only one thing. I AM CHATTING ON MSN AND
i feel really guilty.. haha. cos i ate today. not that kind of regular-3-meals thing. well. JUNK food. typical. i polished off a giant-sized bag of calbee prawn crackers and a box of pocky. and a slice of blueberry cake. oh, yumyum. =D there`s more but i cant even remember what i ate. =
i`ve just been to her hideout. omg! she sucks right down to the core. i don`t really tell people off like this; so it means i`m REALLY pissed with whoever i`m referring to. what a freak. screw her. the sight of her makes me wanna throw up whatever i`ve just ate for dinner just now.. eeyerh.
i can`t stop flipping through the star cruise pamphlet! it`s pretty nice there i think. i`m not really trusting whatever benedict says; he goes there every year and is bound to get bored of it. this 16th november`s my maiden voyage, haha! i`m thinking of visiting a number of places. the pool, parthenon pool comes out top of my list. it`s just a plain old pool but maybe i`ll have a shot at the jacuzzi, if everyone doesn`t vomit blood at the sight of me in my swimsuit. -.- and i could go peek at the writing room; see what it is like. i can still update -silencekills there if i go to the internet room.. but mum`ll go bonkers. x) so maybe skip it.
the card room serves "cards and board games". hmm. sounds niceee. but card games? i`m like a pile of cow dung lying on the floor when it comes to card games. i can only play bluff, for goodness sake! joseph taught me while we were in europe. nono, on the plane back to singapore that time. it rocked! i remember playing blackjack on the plane too but i can`t remember anything about it anymore. x)
"Activity Centre" = Games loan Centre. haha! mans, who would want to play games on the star cruise? i might not mind but like as if mum and dad are gonna sit sround with their dopey daughter playing dumb board games, scrabble and the game of life and monopoly when the stupid casino is just a stone`s throw away. i reckon i can go swim for the whole day and come back looking worse than i had been when i was at sentosa. like a roast duck, probably, then can go join force with jiaqi`s ex-flame. -.- i might go to the amphitheatre too. open air terraces. and go have a photo shoot with the assistance of auntie lidiya, who`d be tagging along with us to the cruise. =]
I wanted to go to Neptune`s wet and wild but Benedict said it was for babies and little kids... =( i can still pay a visit there, of course, with the absolutely wonderful consequence of getting permanently stuck in a tunnel or something. YAY. *waves arms and cheers* the Starlight cinema`s just as ridiculous as me going to the casino too; the Starlight Cinema is in the child care centre. booo. i mighta want to watch tom and jerry or mr bean there. x) teehee. i can go to the starlight video arcade! Ben says it`s nice there. but must pay money de; don`t know if mum would allow. =(
Places like Star Track, Star Deck and Sports Deck are mainly for excercise.. but like as if i would wanna work my butt off there and end up tired and all for the rest of the day. hmm. i can play table tennis with auntie lidiya though! Deck 11, Amphitheatre. weehee. FUN. :)
Or have a shout out. Out of Africa: the Karaoke Box. If i can be admitted with Aunt Lidiya i would totally CHIONGGG` there! :D like the Lido; got magic shows and stuff like that. and topless shows from what i heard from a disgruntled Auntie Cindy and her over-excited Benedict. =.= the Galaxy of the Stars sounds a treat too: "Live music, Dance lounge, Snacks, Afternoon tea and Cocktails". But if they play slow music and all i`m outta there.. maybe the discotheque`s nicer. :) yeah right. for the over 18s. HAIYERH. :(
I shall keep the cams snapping at the Gallery, woohoo. Snap snap snap. it`s gonna be GREAT.
i think! :P
<3 amanda.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
thanks to jiaqi mans! she sent me zhen ming tian zi. i thought what song was that lol, and when i heard it i was like OMG JIAQI I LOVE YOU. cos i`ve never figured out what the name of that song luo zhixiang danced in his latest album, cui mian show. the one when he corroborated with jolin tsai. his dance was COOL. like nick. :D lalala.
did nothing much today larh.. did math as usual.. then went to orchard with mum. first go to taka and walk around like 2 kukus, then i kept bugging her to go to heeren, and she was like haaarrrhhh must go ah... =P teehee. but just go there for fun only; never really buy anything.. we went to random shops. one near the print club, and i saw an uber HUGE ballpoint pen being sold. i was like, omg, SO huge lols. but not very hard to write with though. and putting it in my already-very-enormous pencilcase would be a problem. x)
and mum and i even saw these type of pens that had fingers on the top... not real fingers, mind, plastic ones doing different signs. yes there were all sorts, pointing the thumbs-up, twist, and number one signs.. and middle finger too. mum was like whoa not bad ah. when she saw it. HA. x) she swore abit today when a couple of her business partners pissed her off or something. blah.
afterwards we went to peak and pine.. see here see there. and i had to go to the loo so badly i was hopping around like mad holding myself, then the saleslay was smiling at my mum but casting me strange looks. -.- what larh. you do look like this when you wanna go to the loo also right. stare stare stare. very nice to stare ah. =.= so i had to rush off to the loo.. best thing mans. the loo was SO super stinky, like someone let off a stinkbomb inside or something.. eeyerh. so quickly run out after doing my business lo. =x
bought a couple of cute clippys and another of my orchid rubber band there. x) so cute. mum was ecstatic over the clips for some reason. she was like, so cute! so cute! and then keep looking and prodding at them, lol. got a pic of a girl on one clip only bahhs`. but quite niceee. :)
and then we went on to walk around. i even found the whole line of shops i had never seen before! those flesh imp. flowers in the attic. havaiianas. woohoo. but didn`t get to buy any larh; very ex. xD and mum and i sipped bubbletea and pointed out very obviously and loudly to random girls around, stage-whispering, "ehh... i got so fat anot.... whoa! my thighs got so big??!" D= hope no one heard.. or big trouble lol. =) i was very fascinated with one of the things sold in Action City. that moving potted plant thing that operates by solar energy! so so pretty.
after walking around with Miss-Disgruntled [she was abit pissed cos i kept spending time in flash and splash] we went back to her di er tian tang [if you know what i mean]. takashimaya. go to the food section [SIN SIN SIN! D=] and bought kuehs and more kuehs. mum kept heehee-ing cos she, apparently, ate half the box of my kuehs that was intended for me. and the other half went to dad so guess what i had left. =.= the box and a bunch of guilty looks from mum. [dad was too busy with his new digital camera]
we spent lots of time waiting for my favourite tutu kuehs. =) yum. then we kept joking about the tutus and the auntie who tended the shop. about she and her shio bachangs. HA! thats the funny side of mum. and we kept giggling so much the auntie thought we were abit mad. D=
yawn.. story ends here.. i best go check my friendster. :)
bye guys.
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
so irritated.
PMS-ing; don`t come near me.
mum don`t allow me to go for rgp`s cip fair tomorrow! D= i`m really, really, disappointed.. she says NO means NO. well, maybe i may be able to wear her down. whatever.
i`ve been dying in her office. nothing to do... really salute benedict, can everyday go there and stare at bukit timah plaza`s four walls. but i know he`s like me, sian diao already, now just waiting for his PSLE results. hahah. hope he get into the National Hospital for the Severely Unstabilised. NHSU. sighs, still searching for the crude stands for NHHS. x)
and i`m starting a countdown. to the day i get to go to the cruise! wowies. i guess i`m getting really really mad over it; like me over the sudden madness of nicholas tse... last night i dreamt i was on the cruise. i dreamt mum and dad went gambling, then they came back into the hotel room and saw me staring at the cruise bedroom`s 4 walls. [see i told you i was bored STIFF in mum`s office everyday!] then for some mad reason, mum started swearing at me. well she called me asshole in my dream. then the end, no more. lame.
ok. byebye. off to watch tv.
<3 amanda
Monday, November 07, 2005
plain weird.
like you didn`t know, haha.
hmm.. updating today. lazily. well, or my blog will start growing mushrooms like my rotting ps2.. that ps2 of mine can go auction already. maybe can ask mum to let me bring to her office so i can play. fat hope i think. -.-
i am currently into a number of things. here`s the list; read it if you think you`re my friend, or because i swore at you for leaving you ntuc fairprice trolley lying around which caused my iPod earphone to get double damage. or if you hate salmons, maths and your stupid geography and cme-pe teacher. AND. read it only if you wish to give any of these to me; if they are, well, give-able. -.-
1) nicholas tse. [SURPRISE! D=]
2) those movies of nicholas and stephen. my schoolmate the barbarian and 2oo2.
3) singing that jingle from lime coke. put the lime in the coke, you nut, and drink it altogether~ <3
4) my new type of drawing; the eyes are changed.
5) listening to november`s chopin by jay chou.
someone just PLEASE tell me what to do tomorrow, other than maths. maybe i shall help mum. empty the trash bin.
cobwebs keep growing on my head.~ <3
<3 amanda.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
2oo2 and my schoolmate the barbarian was nice. watch it, peeps. x)
yo people!
though it`s the hols already i`m still updating -silencekills very randomly.. sometimes you`d see 2 posts for one day, then no more updates, then one more post, another very short one, etc.etc. randomness. yup. me. x)
watching more and more tv than i have ever watched from year 2oo3 to year 2oo5.! i`ve just watched about 3 solid hours of tv. :) but i kinda missed the singapore awards thing.. so disappointed. there was junyang and JJ. wanted to see them perform but alas. =[ then i bathed. ate. watched DAREDEVIL! =) ben affleck`s character was SO awesome. but i hated the show cos the stupid scriptwriter killed off elektra when i thought i was promised a happy ending with ben affleck and jennifer garner. oh w-ell. yes elise they are together and chad michael murray has broke up with his sophia bush. men and their chao4 kuan4s. [correct spelling, elise.?]
i was watching nicholas tse and stephen fung`s show. that 2002. SO COOL. it totally rocked mans! nicholas tse was uber shuai and he practically knocked my socks off. stephen fung so hilarious sehs. x) fell in love with that girl in coma somemore. xD and nicholas plus that nurse! lols. he looked nice, really good when he grinned. ^^
enough of this whirlwind romances.
earth to me. -.-
yet another week will be wasted.. mum will bring me back to office tomorrow and i will do work and rot there and more cobwebs shall be sighted. then i will start fighting with benedict and snatching his handphone and throwing my math assessment books at him. i`m going to make a countdown too. a countdown to the cruise day. hope that one doesn`t arrive when it`s not supposed to.. you get my idea. :( i wonder if harry potter`s gonna air on the superstar virgo or something; or i`ll go paddling around in the parthenon pool and getting stuck in the neptune`s wet-and-wild tunnels. teeehee.
i gtg.. go check friendster liao.
byebye. x)
Friday, November 04, 2005
teehee. me posting again..
i'm playing november's chopin by jay chou now! it`s kinda nice; hot tea`s nuts over it. :)
tuition`s just finished an hour plus ago.. the tuition guy was good; he was patient and all. w-ell, gotta do more math lo. x(
migraine`s getting ok now. later i may be going to jp again with dad or something.. yay! maybe. i think he`s trying to get some digital camera for that cruise trip cos we can`t possibly lug that huge black camera around. -.- seeya tomorrow peeps. :)
there`s choir tomorrow; can`t wait.
first that 5-course thing, and now i guess i have to go for a brain scan, really. cos i`ve been getting seriously horrifying headaches, especially in car rides or any vehicle rides, and it doesn`t stop, like, 2 hours later so you can imagine the agony. -.-
and mum doesn`t care.. when i went to the doctor`s for my 4-course she didn`t even care, and couldn`t make a decision whether she wanted me to take the inhaler or not. one minute she says no way you will die if you use the stupid inhaler and the next she says oh it`s fine with me if you take that inhaler; buy the better one, the one costing 38 bucks.
what`s going on.
and now my headache is back; it`s recurring, and it`s really, really bad. that stabbing feeling in one side of the brain and there`s always that feeling as though you`re about to throw up anytime. :( it`s really nasty everytime a relapse comes and mum couldn`t even be bothered. just now she even half-yelled at me, saying that i was very troublesome, first the asthma attacks and now the migraines [i think it`s migraines, but how d`ya explain that puking feeling.?]. like I wanted all these; i would have been happier to be nicely active and healthy. imagine if she has kids with real pitiful problems, heart diseases and the sort. i think she`d go NUTS. -.-
goodbye; off to take my Appetizer, Soup, Main Course and Dessert.
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
yawn.. it`s o9:51 am now [ignore the dates and time displayed below], and i`m still wheezing.
i haven`t take my 4-course medication yet.. they`re giving me really bad bad side effects.. quaking, yes positive quaking tremors in my hand and when i look skywards the ceiling is about to cave in [not because the stupid upstairs neighbour is drilling and hammering away like mad]. and i have sleepless nights though the liquid mixture is supposed to make me feel drowsy. i didn`t sleep last night, only a few hours, like 12 to 3, then never sleep much liao. -.-
haiyerh, this sucks.. =(
waiting for mum to come back now, but i still gotta complete the entire course of antibiotics. YUCKS.
byebye, off to friendster and gmail.
<3 ya all, peepos!~
updating for the second time todayy.
was sleeping just now.. lol.
i think i overdosed on the medication.?
one of the medicine i had to take made me feel super drowsy
so when mum was blabbing on about asthma and inhalers and deng lijun`s boyfriend in front of the tv just now, the ceiling looked as though it was about to cave in any moment. -.-
so mum cut short her lecture about inhalers and asthmas and deng lijuns to let me go doze off in my room
i think i slept for quite a long time.. apparently i was having this really really strange dream while i was sleeping..!
let`s talk about this strange dream. =.=
hmm. i can only remember bits and pieces of it.. i remember dreaming that it was history class. yes, we were literally having a history lesson in one of my old tuition centre`s classroom. strange hurh. then some 6b girls were there. i can`t remember who larh, but i only remember dreaming that taahira was pouring a jug of ice water on my head when i was copying notes from the board. i was screaming and shouting at her in my dream.. and then taahira started laughing laughing laughing like hell, and made monkey faces at me.. i was so mad i took the jug and smashed it on her head and she fainted. yeah. that`s about it. oh yurp, i recall mdm mehmutha [shittos!! forgot how to spell her name.?!] sitting next to me and asking me if i was alright.. then miss vidya was still droning on like a 100-year-old fujitsu vacuum cleaner about why qin shihuang died and then boasting to everyone that last time she was a friend of qin shihuang [dreams CAN get strange sometimes don`t they.]. o.O
and that was all, end of story. i woke up wheezing again with sweat pouring down my face. =if you find whatever i had written on top strange, i think one of the dreams i had last time was stranger... i dreamt that jiaqi was wearing a red plushie cocktail dress and waltzing happily with SOMEONE [he was wearing a tap dance outfit. ?!?!]. and i was the only audience watching. then they dance dance dance until suddenly got interruption.. grass went barging into the auditorium and started yelling.... end of show. then i could not remember anything else. -.-
dreams, dreams, dreams. haiyerh, next time i want to dream about him, can?
<3 amanda, still trembling from her medication.