Monday, January 30, 2006
just a brief update here i think.
the second day was the best, aka yesterday.(: i had fun with cheryl and my other cousins also. mum and dad and i went off to lijun jie`s house first, then went over to cheryl`s for lunch. then we drove to xiaojiu`s house to see clarice and family and the lil` new baby cousin of mine. :D <3>super cute. :D
at around late afternoon everyone went over to our house for dinner, karaoke, lord of the rings return of the king and ps2(darryl). we had lots of fun and sewyl jie also taught me another 2 signs for "whateverrr".. lols.(: i definitely lorve cny! :D
at night we visited er yee and family.. talked to sewyl jie and took LOTS of funky pictures. perhaps i shall post one here sometime.. hahahs. see how first.
<3 amanda.
Sunday, January 29, 2006

today was pretty much boring. D: but i received a few angbaos.(: one each from my parents, one from my eldest aunt on my dad`s side and my grandma from my dad`s side as well. tml we`re gonna go visit mum`s side. YAY!
on tuesday i`m gonna go get started on my geog stuff etc. it`s been a great day, not having to rush the shit out of me to do math and work.. grroar. m freedom days are numbered; and i`m currently playing Dad n Me to vent my anger and de-stress.. hahahs. i`d always die everytime it comes to that breakdancer part. leepo actually completed the entire game! omgs. i gotta call her shifu sometime. ):
so excited for tml.. ohyeahs. :D
<3 amanda.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
just basically lazed the shit out of me around at home.. i`m done with that super funny book, the Growing Pains of Adrian Mole. i thought it was really sad when adrian kept getting his heart broken by that pandora person, and his parents are really huge arsholes. hahahs. i give this book 7 1/2 out of 10.(:
i also ate alot today. fried rice, bak kwa, marshmallows, toast, ice milo, peach melba. etc etc. grroar. FAT.
<3 amanda.
Friday, January 27, 2006
im here just to say that i wanna let my hair grow till it`s like that of chiyo-chan`s.. eh hehs. super cute.
NOT the hedgehog chiyo-chan you see on this blog, my dear, but the chiyo-chan in memoirs of a geisha. and please do take note that i said chiyo-chan and not nitta sayuri.. i haven`t seen what zhang ziyi`s hair looks like in the movie. -.- but reeealllyyy.
the maids are outside spring cleaning the entire house. scrub, wash, paint, blahs. i best clear up mine too, considering the fact that mine actually looks so much like a pigsty.
<3 amanda.

screaming: kai shi dong le by stefanie sun.
hellos peeps! :D
it`s the weekend and i`m SO lucky to be alive.(:
tml is chu xi (new year`s eve) and i am going insane from the prospect of ANGBAOS and MEETING MY DARLING COUSINS AGAINNN. so i can bully teh kor and sing fa ru xue with cheryl again like what i did back in december. :D w-ell. but it`d be terrible for mum cos she`s been running around to get foodstuffs and that fish konnyaku jelly, bak kwa, candy, chocolates, pineapple tarts, and blahs. she says it`s superbly shitty for her during cheena new year and all but i doubt she has much of a choice anyway. i think i shall just keep her happy by not getting in her way. =X
today we had cheena new year celebrations in school. there were lots of performances, lion dance, teachers` singing, people flinging their arms around, guzheng, c.o, speech by mr foo, sing-along and nan hua idol 2. -__-" 1700 people in nhhs and there were only 4 finalists! HAHA. i wouldn`t say anything about their performances and all in case i get sued for indecency.. but i can tell you that qishan and i laughed our guts out at some of their singing. and thick skin. D:
everyone was anticipating the teachers` singing. :D i only knew a few teachers who came out to sing. like twoelephunk`s geography teacher mr tan and one of the choir teacher in-charge miss ong. that`s all; the rest of the teachers that went onto stage to sing were those whom i knew by sight only.. like mr liu and that teacher who sang lydia by FIR. -.- i was totally impressed by mr liu`s singing, hahahs. mr tan sang okay but jqjq was in fits of laughter when she heard hinm rehearse yesterday.. miss ong sang yan wei die by liang jingru, which freaked me out so much i just sat there on my cramped butt and laughed. the concert lasted for 2 whole hours and my ass was aching so much i would have just conveniently spread myself out or something in the school hall. ):
after sch mum and i went to taka for 5 hours. and bought so little things i doubt we even spent $150 dollars today.. mum was moaning when i told her i wanted to visit heeren. she hates heeren cos:
1) she`s old and 3/4 of the people there range from 11 to 35 years old, which is undoubtedly young
2) she doesn`t want me to go to flash and splash
3) she wanted to look at kitchenware in robinsons and taka
4) mum was lazy.
but she was nice today though, she promised me a new roxy schoolbag and wallet. initially she stopped by this watch store at centrepoint today and wanted to get me this beautiful adidas sportswatch but i declined.. cos it the watch`s price was just as nice as the watch`s design. o_O we mooched around, walking here and there and everywhere until we had no place to go so we went to HEEREN. ohyeahs. saw a few nanhuarians there who stared at me. very nice to see meh.
in sch the boys and spastic -insaners invented some sort of crazy game; i would have named it Paper Volleyball. D: cos they scrunched up one of the spare leaflets consisting of the programme for that morning`s celebrations and hit it around using their hands. =.= very lame but very fun. wangpo was screaming her head off and vincent was helping the girls; versus the guys. eugene was lousy at hitting the paperball considering he`s from basketball. all the girls and guys went "euuugeeneeee!" when he missed once. keith had the same treatment. and in case you wondered when they started playing Paper Volleyball, it was during english lesson cos chen bi de was absent. hahahs.
<3 amanda.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
today was basically fun.. and i mean only the choir party part. xD school day wasn`t that good at all considering that we had that maths homework we`ve got to pass up tml.. ALOT ALOT OF QUESTIONS. like, Q2g to 2r, then 3e to 3p. OHMYGOSH
just tell about the choir party today lahs. it was pleasant, yes, considering the fact that we didn`t have to sweat like pigs in the parade square to play captain`s ball with the rest.(: the "we" referred to those planning the trivia pursuit thing though. the rest trooped back after the scissors-paper-stone thing and captain`s ball downstairs while the trivia pursuit people just slacked away in the music room with mr lai. -.-
trivia pursuit was pretty much sadistic to the soprano twos i think, cos they lost. the soprano ONES had the most points! ohyeahs. :D altos came in second so they didn`t have to drink the blended stuff. D: i know the ingredients consisted of things like undiluted prune juice, raw eggs (ewws.), some raisins, soya bean, lots of water and that super-vomit-inducing thing. ginger blended into liquid form and it was actually added into the mixture. i almost puked when i smelt that.. grroar. plus today was the only day of my life when i could control so many people in front of me to just be quiet and listen. i just waved my hand and all of them fell so silent it freaked me out.. hahahs. they all were just mainly waiting for the questions lah. altos complained they couldn`t hear and soprano twos kept rushing for the baton.(:
during biology today we had SPA.. Science Practical Assessment, for your information. everything went well for my experiment to test for protein in apple juice, soya bean, mineral water and milk until my test tube of soya bean milk was tipped too far out; so my half worksheet was soaked in soya bean. gross it was; but i hope it didnt affect my answers. D:
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006

i`ve just came back from pc student activity this morning.. i didn`t manage to wake up this morning at 6 plus to get to pc for morning prayers or anything cos i was just so freakin` tired i slept right on. -.- but i got to pc early enough for me to rehearse the dance item to welcome the 13-year-olds to the student division.(: it was a mixture of lao kui and fun, shaking our asses in front of more than 30 people in the room.. D: thankfully it wasn`t solo or i would have just shriveled up and died.
that so called dance thing was just about lijuan, jessica and i standing up during our turn to shake our butts (as mentioned above) and do some strange movements mr black-and-full-of-trash would be proud of. -.o leemei was funny too; she posed as a student with a university hat thing and wanxin jie as a professor.. leemei jie borrowed my glasses for the play and i couldn`t see half the things around me. now, to all those who have perfect eyesight or do not need their glasses 24/7, thank your lucky stars. D:
<3 amanda.
Friday, January 20, 2006

i hate this
i`m freaking tired right now and thankfully it`s, like, the end of the week. but i`ve still got to get to pc by 8 in the morning tml. i best get everything done today.. like. homework and the trivia pursuit planning for nan hua choir party this coming thursday. i`m gonna have to come up with the not-so-nice stuff to put into the blender and the questions we`re gonna ask. in general, i`ll come up with around 40 questions which are classified into: 15 media, 5 math, 10 geography and 10 science. however, considering that i`m such a nosey parker and keipo 2oo6, i`ll be bound to compose more than the actual amount of media questions. -.- plus the rental of a blender for the game. maybe we could borrow one from one of the choir teachers or even the peeps.
byebye; i`m off to do my stuff. YAWN. what a bore..
D: amanda.
nice rightttt.
my dearest cousin was born on 18 january`o6.. yayye. xD he`s totally cute and clarice has just upgraded herself to the title of jiejie now. but jqjq`s aunt passed away cos of cancer and it`s like, on the same day.. =x one life in and one life out ehs. --'
today was pretty boring. yawnnn. compared to the other days anyway. we had double thinking skills, PE, recess, english, double biology, double chem and then DOUBLE DISGUSTING ACC. yuckkkks. so erxin; i practically ran for my life when the bell rang, and so did the others.. that teacher`s totally freaky. last time when leepo didn`t hand in one of her worksheets that freaky teacher actually waited for her till 3++ o` clock when she returned from netball to the classroom. then made poor leepo complete that particular worksheet in front of her, correct answers and all before she could go home. that`s what i heard from wangpo anyway. :( I LORVE LEEPO`S HANDS ANYWAY :D
the only funny thing that happened today was that major announcement to the entire twoelephunk about zhao an`s uniform top which apparently fell right into the toilet bowl in the male bathroom. everyone were laughing their guts out when they heard that zhao an just picked it up straight ftom the toilet and put it back on.. D: grosssss!
i best go rest now. my limbs are falling off
better to accept, then pretend he never existed.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
i`m in school right now and typing this post on notepad so i can transfer it to blogger posts when i get home.. nhss_wlan has banned blogging, grroar.
today was pretty good; geography was FUN. mr ahmad tan was so cool! he watched Bleach, for goodness sake. he was saying something about him morphing into hollow or something from Bleach and everyone were like ............... and keith and grass went O___O. hahahs. so cool righttt. and he made jqjq, grass, sheryl and i cry. (with LAUGHTER!) he came over to our desks when we were doing the mindmap for presentation and talked to us at first, then walked away. sheryl thought he was out of earshot so she began ranting about his perfume being stinky and strong... but before she could finish her sentence he reappeared again behind sheryl, who was like ?!?!?!?!.. and he didn`t hear anything, apparently! cos he even asked us a question about fossil fuels which was strongly contrasting with sheryl`s joke about his perfume. then he left himself in question marks and us in tears. -.O
a while later he walked back to our desks and we began roaring with laughter again.. and he was like. "everytime i walk past here i must check my fly." so the 4 of us started laughing and crying like shit again. T-T especially me cos i had an asthma attack from laughing. -.- mr ahmad tan is just SO funnyyyy~ :D
the sadistic freak gave us a whole load of math homework today again! ohmans; this sucks. and mr edmund ng watches happy tree friends. it`s like as if dad had started worshipping 5566.
<3 amanda.
back to b-e-d-l-a-m.
Monday, January 16, 2006
i kind of like, started the day strangely today; and that didn`t involve the fact that i was almost late for school this morning. -.- woke up pretty early.. yeahs. like 4.20 in the morning. i don`t know what roused me, but it certainly was bad. i tossed in bed till around 5.45 am and fell asleep for a while. then woke again at 6.20 am! i was like O__O when i saw the clock; i had overslept for 20 minutes. grroar. so sleepy now, but there`s still the chinese test and abit of my math to try and complete by tml.
we had lots of free periods today again! more free periods than on last friday. we missed our 1 and a half hr period of art and then chen bi de`s english.. it`s not entirely our fault for getting substandard teachers anyway. but grass and i went mad, turning around at zhao an and exclaiming "PAD!" at him.. -.O he didn`t get a single thing and that`s what matters or he`d probably sue us for indecency.
i finally got my essential fiction genres. i`m beginning to have 2nd thoughts on whether it was a right choice getting the english textbook since all chen bi de do in english lessons is spout useless rubbish.. compared to our math lessons it`s really....bad. so far we`ve only learnt a little about formal letter writing during english and it`s nearing end of january already. as for math we`ve advanced from standard form to algebraic manipulation, and now hovering somewhere around those rules about (A plus B)square equals to Asquare plus 2(A)(B) plus Bsquare.. gahhs. we`re really fast, if you get my point. =X
<3 amanda.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
im SO lazy to updateeee ):
anyways, to make it short and sweet lah.:D
mum, dad and i were at orchard for like almost the whole day today. =) we went to crystal jade to have high tea (=.=). at crystal jade we met this old friend of dad`s, who coincidentally happened to be the husband of the female judge of campus superstar.. so cool(: she was quite nice looking for her age lah. then we spent LOTS of time getting stuck at the Osim place watching and testing the iGallop and iSqueez. o.o the iGallop was good but sitting on it for too long a period will cause me to feel like hurling.. x) strange side effect. the iSqueez was GREAT.(: very comfy for my feet, but i didn`t like the vibration effect cos it made my feet go all itchy and yuck.): dad boought both so he basically burned a hole in his pocket. *grins*
i bought a fabric pen at imm todayyy! SO cute sehs. it`s pink in color and i`ve used it to doodle on one of my old home shirts.. mum said i was super wuliao; wasting dad`s $ on drawing smiley faces all over my shirt. :D aiyahs. i`ll upgrade my drawing when it comes to drawing on something i`d be wearing out.. teehee. xD
<3 amanda.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Copy and Paste the following into your own blog and complete all SE7EN bullets of the SE7EN questions. Then, pick SE7EN ppl to pass it on! Have fun!
SE7EN things that make me smile:
001. junk food! <3
002. shopping for funky stuff(:
003. er.. no school! yayye.
004. sleeping? lol. i love sleeping.
005. travelling to other countries! yeahhh. sponsor sponsor.
006. funny stuff.
007. him? i think.
SE7EN ways to win my heart (right now):
001. (:
002. teach me that shanghai noon crab game. *stares at grass*
003. gimme a whole junk food store! yums.
004. errrhs. *scratch head*
005. do away with exams. (:
006. bring me to the states now.? hahahs.
o07. :D i dontnoe.
SE7EN things I believe in:
001. my math is improving abit(:
002. my buddha.xD
003. that FA RU XUE rocks.
004. ers. that justin ong lai piah likes grass.
005. *looks at number oo4* oops. x)
006. that i don`t like my maths and literature teacher. sad right.
007. that the dong jie mv rocks my socks. :DD
SE7EN things I'm afraid of:
001. eating pumpkin/ capsicum
002. getting into serious trouble.
003. that all my loved ones will vanish someday?=X
004. dying. typical singaporean.
005. the dark and horror stuff(: i can even get so freakked when it comes to watching.. Missing. -.O
006. errs. too many stuff. hahahs. i don`t like being alone though. 0.0
007. getting too upset.?
SE7EN things I do everyday:
001. surf the net.
002. sleep, sleep and sleep.
003. eat and drink? lol lame.
004. daydream.
005. SING. ni fa ru xue, fen fei le yan lei~
006. worrying.
007. smsing nonsense.
SE7EN people I want to see right now:
001. nicholas tse! yayye. lol jk lahs.
002. luo zhixiang. get him to teach me the dance in zhen ming tian zi.
003. all me 6bee mates! miss you all.
004. SOMEBODY IN THE MEDIA I HATE SO MUCH so i can pour starch mixed with rotten vegetables and shit on her head.
005. er. i have no idea. xD
006. ?___?
007. him.?
SE7EN people who should also do this:
001. dont ask me
002. i have no idea
003. i dont know
004. amanda sequel part two
005. weiting
006. lorrmei
007. what lah. i give you 3 ppls` names liao, still buaysong ah!
actually it`s because i`ve got nothing better to do while watching the fa ru xue music vid.. i think out of the many MVs i`ve added under my favourites, only fa ru xue, jian jian dan dan and zhen ming tian zi plays immediately without having to wait for it to load. x( but still. the BEST music vid i`ve watched so far was JJ`s dong jie. i don`t know why i find it nice, but it just is. jian jian dan dan is good too. it`s super cute, and in that MV lies the reason why JJ`s SO super chubby. xD cos he was stuffing his mouth with bread from the start to the end, stopped, then at the end he was still crying and eating a sandwich. 0.-
bye, off to watch liu xing zhu jiao! yayy.
<3 amanda.(:
today was nice(:
but abit boring; hahahs.-.-
we had 2 whole hours free, basically, and everyone was like OMG PARADISE!!! thanks to the biology and english teachers lah. both of them weren`t free to teach. mrs lip(bio) went to participate in today`s orientation camp for the one-rs and mr chen bi de(english) was ill i think. x) both lessons were double periods that came one after another (this sentence does not sound righhttt -.0) so i slept, like, for a full hour. second time sleeping in nan hua i think. first time was last year during my OC and i was hot and sticky at first, and then when i woke up entangled in my sleeping bag, the temperature change hit my like a saucepan aiming for my headdd. xD boy, it was COLD. i kept sticking to grass at that time and we both changed in the utility room in the overcrowded girls` bathroom. that was so bad.(:
i was walking along the long path to take 151 to mum`s office this afternoon when something strange happened. this 2 NUS high lower sec guys were shouting away, and they were yelling about a helicopter in the sky.
i was like O__O. if they had shouted cos they had seen harry potter on a broomstick or something i would have not been surprised at them for shouting away. -.- but a helicopter. r e a l l y. O.O
during PE today i taught jupo and hot tea that game from the hot chick; the one passed down by tausarpiah and an extremely popular game between tausar and i during higher cheena lessons. jupo was fairly fascinated but hot tea freakked and yowled when i sang that part about the cock-roaches. then she went to leepo and started going eeeeee and leepo also went eeeyyyerrhh. -.O i think play with jupo better. -.-
bugis junction`s kweh chap is NICE.(: and i like it.:D
Thursday, January 12, 2006
anyways. today`s assembly was total chaos for the sec1s and 2s cos we had seperate sessions from the sec3s and 4s.. everyone was stuck outside the hall after lunch and mrs lim started lecturing us for the mess outside. -.O
we had this performance by this cheena opera troupe. it was very cheena. lol; but the shows they put up were pretty nice. i liked the face-changing guy and the mr fire-blower! hahahs. whatever their official names are. :D the face-changing man was the first i had ever seen, live, on a stage. i thought i would have to go all the way to szechuan or something to view that kind of awesome stuff. xD everyone was mesmerized and all by those 2. o_o
there was this 2 performers working alongside one another too; they did abit of miming and swordplay and catch-the-monkey, if you ask me.. they started jumping up on the table and going up and down and pretending not to see each other. =\ it was quite lame. but thanks to those twotwelvers` behind jqjq, grass and i we were very much entertained. they started crapping on about watermelon knives and watermelon and cooking. -.O all of us laughed our asses off throughout the entire cockroach dance aka sun wukong`s sister dance. :D
i`ve got absolutely no homework today! hahahs. i guess. excluding the unnecessary ones like wrapping and designing the exercise book for thinking skills class and those cme trash. trashy as they are, i still got to get it done or liang lao shi and mdm noridah would n-a-g. =X
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
today was fine but that stupid math lesson ruined everything. yes, totally. D= the math test kinda grossed me out so i`ll expect another f9 or something.. but i do know that i had gotten the first question correct. not only double math grossed me out though. we had a double period of basic malay programme during the last hour in school at the auditorium. the teacher [miss ???. we don`t even know her name. 0_0] basically just yowled at us for that hour so not much was done. x) talk about sub-standard teachers...-.-
<3 amanda.
sorry yeahs.
i`m gonna make this post snappy for today cos i`ve not bathed and packed my bag and now it`s, like, almost 10pm. school tml, aka i`ve gotta sleep at around 11 bah.): bored. there`s double math also! aaaahhh. AND THE SEC 1 MATH TEST! *collapses*
the hot chick was pretty much funkayye just now; i watched bits and pieces of it. i watched one leg kicking also.(: that "boys are cheats and liars" part was cute; it totally reminded me of tausarpiah and i during higher chinese class when both of us started singing that cheer.:D
wish me luck tml okays. :(
<3 amanda.
boys are cheats and liars;
they`re such a big disgrace.
they`ll tell you anything to get to second base
-ball baseball!
he thinks he`s gonna score.(:
-censored censored-
parental advisory: idiotic content.:D
Monday, January 09, 2006
today was pretty much crazy.. twoeleven laughed too much thanks to our geography teacher. mr AHMAD tan! *hysterical laughter* he was also talking about carl`s junior`s hamburgers halfway through talks about the interrelationship between man and environment, making everyone salivate. and mr tan also drew this vampire on the board which made us laugh even more. gawd. he is FUNNY.
twoeleven met more teachers today! like. the pe teacher [forgot her name. oops.] who was fairly nice to us. but not so nice when she decided to take our height and weight. T_T i grew taller but definitely fatter. now i`m 167 cm and ?!?! kg.. eww. like i`m gonna post my weight on cawrahpted-.
and that chemistry teacher fiasco. jiezuo of jqjq, yileen, snowwoman, grass and wangpo. [i just sat and laughed. -.O] for biology we dropped iodine into funny liquids. amylase and distilled water and boiled amylase and starch.(:
our handbook looks nice. well better than last year`s anyway.. all the nan hua mascots but no choirgirls..:( no c.o, no library, no green club, no harp, no gb, no guides etc. but definitely must have those flinging their arms around. so lame.
<3 amanda.
Friday, January 06, 2006
sorry for not updating cawrahpted- for such a damn long time; i spent my last few days either doing geography, math or cheena homework, worrying about the textbooks not bought yet, laughing my guts out with Eight Insanties/ Geography Teacher, or just plain sleeping. x)
i haven`t met some teachers yet. but the coolest teacher is definitely 2-11`s geography teacher! he`s darn funny; crapping with us during his first lesson so much that he caused almost every twoelevener to gawk and stare at him for the rest of the day everytime he passed.(: i probably can`t hold a candle to his crapping?:D
our lit teacher was pretty boring; i preferred miss koh in sec1. our biology teacher was okay, our higher cheena teacher remains as liang lao shi. mdm yip`s our history teacher [and the one who gave me authority to perhaps yowl at people who don`t pass up their work cos i`m the history rep after all! :3] and we`ve got a campus superstar judge for an english teacher. nah; just joking. the Eight Insanites [zhaosimin, qishan, grass, jqjq, snowwoman, shitto, chehmeh and i] agreed on calling him chen bi de: judge of campus superstar. cos our teacher`s name is peter chan, which is pretty coincidental. grroar. i do not really like my math teacher; his pastime happens to be giving homework and marking them and we happen to be his class. ahhh.
i`ve seriously got to sleep sometime soon cos i expect nobody to understand a word of what i`ve said up there.. i`m rather beat and i`ve got that cca extravaganza tml thanks to the sec1s.-.O
we`re gonna sing that pao latte somemore!. tsk.
mr lai is rather disturbed. hahahs.
update more tml if i have time bah(:
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
like nobody knew that~
all the sec2 nan hua peeps were let off lessons today! *cheers and whoots* but. we found out who our new teachers would be and i was like O__O when i heard how fierce our new math teacher is. i haven`t seen him yet, but what i heard from jqjq and sheryl is that he is freaking damn fierce. craps. anyone wants to bet 10 bucks he`ll skin me alive sometime soon?(:
b.lim was pretty scary today also. because she..laughed. eh heh. but she never cracks so much as a smirk during school hours, [not that i`ve heard/seen of] and today she actually roared with laughter with the entire sec2 girls in the auditorium when giving us a talking-to about a wide variety of things guys are not desired to know. like. multi-coloured bras not allowed in school, er, one-dollar bras at OG and these kinda strange stuff nobody like b.lim would talk about. she was freakin` funky from 9.30am to 10.30 am today. for the rest of the school hours i don`t know. x)
then all the twoeleven peeps just stoned in the classroom all the way till 2pm because we had nothing better to do.(: [i am well practised] and jqjq gave me a super cute clip with a moo on it. plus sheryl's slipper keychain, and grass`s pressies.. (: i feel like 2nd sept all over again! lols. x)
<3 amanda.
Monday, January 02, 2006
enthu righhhttttt.
to all twoeleven peeps: please pass on the class tee message onto your buddies soon.. and miss softballer chang how long more do i have to waaaiiiiitttttt~
T_T boy, this is HARD. *bangs head on the wall again*
byebye, i go vent my anger on my ice cream! <3
and OH MI GOSH campus superstar is on and i didn`t knowww.
<3 amanda.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
i don`t want to go oouuuuttttttt
yes. VERY surprising innit. amanda rejecting an invitation from the holy of the holies to go out. but they don`t know me well.. i`d never go out if we have to buy things like furniture, plants, kitchenware and assessment books.. and now i`m being forced to go see plants with them! D=
*bangs head on the wall*
stupidd wirelessssss~
suddenly sms me for no reason and say she wants to sit with me this coming tuesday.
so i replied with an sms consisting of only two very descriptive words
"crazy woman". -.-
elise just asked me to do something..
post 10 bad habits i have on cawrahpted-.
another crazy woman.
- reading mags in the toilet
- not thinking before talking
- slacker
- indecisive at times
- major stoner
- major wardrobe malfunctioner
- sleep too much
- crap too much
- talk too much
- eat too much
are you happy now?(: