Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
shall get pictures or something from ivy jie
and then upload here
actually, it'd be best if we paste them all around pc.
yongsheng kor shall be ultimately notorious
went for appreciation party @ eileen jie's house today!
quite crowded initially, but some people left for the celebration at jamie's
i reckon ours was more hiong though. :D
especially if yongsheng kor is there
but in wei hong's case, it's sheer homicide.
i shall come up with a list of new year's resolutions and post them here tomorrow!
happy advanced new year, everyone(:
one of my resolutions will be acting more matured to match my age. told elise just now, and she says no wonder your friend likes to ask people how old you are! you so chao lao, act 15 next year and stop using those prissy english bombastic vocabulary on me :D
what's so posh about the word stereotype o.o
i catch no ball!
Friday, December 29, 2006
chao xi huan ni
benglee kor shall be disgusted
anyway, sorry for not blogging yesterday
was too damn tired and lazy to even turn on the comp, let alone sign into blogger.
went for morning gongyo this morning and then went with the gang to orchard. went 1/3 mad at party world ktv- the same one i went to with yongsheng kor, sansan, alice jie, sherlyn, may jie, wei hong and priscilla. 1/3 mad cos my 2 of my starter-offs weren't present- yongsheng kor and wei hong. priscilla was there, so my HIGH! rate today was only 1/3 that of the other day's.
took NEOS with all of them later on. "all of them" referring to kangwei, jamie, timothy, randy, priscilla and zijia. jamie was fretting cos she went to K twice in a row for a week- she went yesterday with another bunch of people and today, with us. haha! no sweat, girl, play while you still can. cos 2oo7 is gonna be ........
shan't say no more :D
found out that i'm going to THREETWELVE next year. 312! haha. yah sounds like the last class to many, but in actual fact, we're just grouped according to our combinations and whether we're from a tablet pc class. three twelve sounds kinda good to me. (: goodbye, 211'o6. but we'll always have that special bond there, no fear ^^
watched death note 2 with cheryl jie and darryl. YAYYYYYY i'm so f-reaked. it's super cool! plot's different from manga, but still just as good. loved that totally calculating look L gave Raito when the latter said that women had a knack for forgetting things. not all women, dudes. you guys are no hard discs either :D
yah and i know i'm scribbling crapppp all over this post, cos i can't concentrate on writing properly when i'm listening to chao xi huan ni for the 5th time in a row. i've got a queer habit of listening to funny songs too many times in a row.
this chao xi huan ni addiction; thank you very much wei hong!
he's the one who sent me the song ._.
shall bear in mind that Silent Jealousy by X Japan is a good song to listen to when i'm angered. will use the massage watermelon shaped sticks to whack anything that comes into view.
till then, TATA!
alot of shit in this post, i know :3
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
yah now back to the boring lifestyle
all the kenshu meetings and stuff had made me busy
and now, PWLEH.
bought a new pair of school shoes today
cos the soles of the ones at home have all worn out and are almost ready to part with the canvas
:D i think my school skirt's going to stay that long
i hate the stupid idiotic pleats on my skirt. it's damn messy and looks gross.
three cheers for sweet revenge
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
i want to start singing properly again!
qing tian qing tian qing tian :D
elise has been complaining about her stomachache everywhere she goes.
places ranging from msn to my tagboard
sometimes i wonder if her intestines are made out of paper
cos she's always having such problems.
on the other hand, i'm always coming down with fevers and sore throats and flus and headaches
actually i'm no better than liz (elise) ^^
Monday, December 25, 2006
and i'm like so super DAMN happy.
and sad at the same time, of course.
mmn, i'd like to say some stuff here
to my group,
the zorro girls
all the kenshu GLs
and my kenshu GL partner.
zorro: thanks, guys, for being so totally spontaneous and active throughout the entire kenshu- regardless of event and time of the day. on the first day of camp, you guys already impressed me by zi-highing with the rest of the present group members. you really filled the empty spaces between each group by encouraging spongebob and astroteen to get high together. jia quan and jeremy even wanted to swop groups HAHA. though we didn't get the top 3 in the end, i think that maintaining our close bond and keeping in touch is more important. friendship before competition. i love you guys and will never forget any of you! (:
zorro girls: HEY GIRLS! i love you 4 for giving me such a great time. pei ying, clara, siew ling and sherry. i hope we can continue to zilian next time we see each other. ^^ yah and next time don't pull me out at 12am to walk from our lodge to the zorro's boys' lodge and then goestan and turn back! i'd get angry if i don't get enough sleep! (: haha. joking, but i really would like to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for being great group members.
kenshu GLs: thanks, everyone, for climbing up from bed every morning to support the whole kenshu GL team by going to pc for morning gongyo. it was truly an excellent experience to be part of the great GL team, together with many inspiring and hardworking people. all of you rock! GL NI PA BU PA! GL GL WO BU PA! continue working hard, ok!
wei hong!: HEY it's you on my blog again, man. (: thanks SO MUCH for supporting the whole group on just your two hands- i know i was damn blur and goon when it came to the Fun Night performance, so i'm definitely apologizing here for not doing my part as a group leader and having you to fill it up for me. in addition to that was your effort in keeping the group alive by leading almost every single cheer- most of which you came up with- until you completely lost your voice like me. thanks ALOT for all the laughter you've brought to both the group and the individual me. zorro wouldn't even exist without you, so i sincerely thank you for all the creative ideas, hard work, impromptu things and your undeniable tolerance for my rubbish. it was hard on you and i wish you all the best with the guitar rrrooooccckkingggg! :D stay buddies!
ok, done with the speech(:
and there are PICTUREEEEES
lovely lovely mad random boliao pictures
in the whole group, one of the most inattentive but funniest zorros was zhou dong. HAHA yeah zhou dong. jay chou jay chou jay chou! he impromptu-ed the whole skit with wei hong, who played narrator. he sang everywhere he went, from games to events. ohman, and he makes me laugh too much. like agreeing to act the breast cancer patient! -.-
i started calling wei hong and hoon siang by the last syllable of their names on day2 cos my voice was getting worse. it was like, damn shitty cos i lost my voice even before the kenshu itself. tch! so wei hong became HONG! and hoon siang became SIANG!. that sort of thing. the Sports and Games were the best, i say. it was SUPER fun. i loved the dirtiest game, Survivor. we got trashed by the stationmasters with a mixture of detergent, water and humus (topsoil). we were supposed to climb through the flooded canvas on a pose, like crawling army-style/ buddha pose (head propped on one hand and slithering to the finish line) as you get splashed with buckets of water. i had to play, of course, and twice, cos i ting-ed clara and crawled with her although i'd already finished my round. yongsheng kor was, er, kind of impressed and gave us 9/10, a pretty high score. haha!
all the other games were fun too- including tomb raider, the station manned by fiona and shin goon. climbing through a tangle of raffia string without touching them. our group had to sing to make them happy. my voice was already haywire but i still SANG. impressed? :D
fun night was okay, just that our performance was kinda screwed up at the fur elise part. thank goodness wei hong was there to impromptu, and he got zhou dong to launch into the Kiss Goodbye part immediately. i could hear laughter, which was pretty good. mass dance was funnier. all the girls had to keep dancing till they reached half the circle. it was TIRING! danced with a few familiar faces, which included wei hong (duh, he was always my starting dance partner and the one who made me laugh till i cried with that olympic-ish jump), johnson (we glared at each other and then laughed our heads off for no particular reason), chee han (he's a hip hop dancer! and from zorro too. yay!), kennedy (my dance partner again!) and thomas (we screamed when we saw each other, like typical lunatics cos we've known each other since the first s'pore and m'sia kenshu i went to). freaky! lol.
basically, this kenshu is one of the best i've been to. actually, i've only been to 2, but this kenshu will definitely leave a deep impression on me, since it's also the first time i've took up the role of a group leader. i'd enjoyed working with wei hong (but i doubt vice versa cos i kept bullying him)
and collaborating with my fellow group members. (: thanks guys!
okay, okay, time for the eye candy.
i can only post a limited number of pictures here, cos of certain reasons
like i might have to pay $150 for every picture of wei hong published
but never mind- the bottom picture has hoon siang in it, so he can't make any noise
that snap of the puss in boots style is damn funny
but he'd probably kill me if i put it here

hoon siang and his beethoven costume.
wei hong kek sai.

i'm darn proud of it
it's the art of the zorro girls (:
the guys did the identities

shin goon and L.
ok, not.
i keep calling him shin-goon-wannabe and he keeps calling me L
don't ask me why he calls me L
probably because i'd always loved sitting L-ish style and chewed on my thumbnail during S & D
other than that, zilch similarities! :D

me, sherry, clara.
i just realised i look quite shag here ^^

awarded the messiest bunk in camp christine?
eh at least it looks better than my room, can :D

the marking found on the main floor hall.
that dark patch is wei hong's leg, in case you were wondering.

sailorwomen and the TWIST

i look like a guy too
the guy in red is loong chean (zhou dong)

so cute!
zorro girls
thanks to clara for the picture + edit.

george and i attempting to impromptu one of the skits
bad hair day
haha ju hua tai XD
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
but i shall be nice and blog for a bit
today was quite fun. (: kenshu meeting ma, of course fun! haha. went for morning gongyo again, and this time, brought the flagpole with me. so you can imagine the number of interested/offended/weird looks i received from people along the way. :
after morning gongyo, we slacked around and at 10am, wei hong and i made our way to boon lay mrt for meeting. leemei's hostel. george, sherry and clara turned up! i was ecstatic. i totally appreciated it. thanks alot, love you guys loads<3. we managed to complete the script in the music room by making wei hong squeeze out all his brain juice to contribute everything. i was secretary again :D
leemei, sherry, clara, wei hong, george and i managed to compose the angklong piece for Ode To Joy. YAY! that's like, more than half the fun nite thing done. just waiting for anyone in our group to start chipping in for the other instruments. zorro jiayou! love all of you.(:
ate at one of the ntu canteens for lunch. i had gastric and was overly hungry to the extent that my pangs disappeared, so i didn't really enjoy the lunch. wei hong and leemei did. both of them even wanted 2nd helpings lol. but wei hong got nasty gastric and indigestion later on, so i'm sure the consequences woulda been twice as disastrous if he had 2nd helpings. -.- he eat too much, i eat too little. both of us are going bananas. ^^
i can't wait for kenshu, but i'm actually kind of stressed. there's only 2 days to go and we've yet to come up with the main cheers and stuff. i've also gotta go to find costumes tomorrow. arrrghhhh how can wei hong stay so calm man!
yah, i'm that sort who shakes her head and says no lah, quite shuang one when someone asks me if i'm stressed over the kenshu planning. i've got to do something about it; or i'd probably explode. sad case.
happens all the time i'm stressed- i'd start going insane and sick. sick, more like it. physically and mentally. fevers and sore throats and flus are forever occurring. most commonly seen during the exam/common tests periods, especially exams.
but anyway, zorro jiayou jia you jiayou.
thanks, leeming, for all the encouragement also(:
Monday, December 18, 2006
so drained.
woke up for morning gongyo again today. i am guai! *bows at thunderous applause awarded*. but i kind of overslept and woke up at 5.45am instead. can't blame me! i slept at 3 plus am. yay, i seriously think that i'm something more than just nocturnal :D
afterwards, while leeming, des, jiaquan, sherlyn, wei hong, nina and i were at the coffeeshop having breakfast, i realised wei hong's ultimate talent already! other than keyboarding, guitaring and drumming. er, that is making people vomit/ spit out food/ liquid at the words expelled out from that wonderfully colourful mouth of his. the things he say, man! i don't know what he said, but nina, who was sitting between wei hong and i, suddenly went PWLEH and spat out tea all over the floor (luckily not on me. bwahaha). and began having this completely crazy laughing fit, (even worse than mine when jiaquan started singing in burger king). UMMMMM. interesting.
went over to bugis with nina, wei hong, sherlyn and des. we played arcade first. I WAS SO BLOODY BUSHUANG OVER THE FACT THAT WEI HONG WON ME AT THE STUPID CAR RACING THINGGGGG! he was quite far behind me, until i suddenly collided at the last 5 seconds and he overtook and ended up in first place. omgggg i felt like whacking him with the drumstick he used to hit that arcade drum, man. and he was gagging at my expression. o.o evil tch!
said goodbye to nina and wei hong and sherlyn, des and i went to take NEOPRINTS! neoprints neoprints neoprints. yummmm. crawled to mum's office later on, and went to vivo with her for 5 hours. i am TIRED, oh man oh man
bought a set of new speakers from shibuya, and some clothes cos alot of shops there were having sales. woooot.
tired tired tired, and i've got to wake up at 5.15am tomorrow. HA. like that's totally going to be possible. i've already gone past the Drowse Time (around mid to late afternoon) and am totally energetic now.
jiaquan claims he couldnt wake up this morning cos he slept at 1.30am. i slept at 3 lah, buddy. and wei hong slept at 10am (!!!!!!) and woke at 3am. o.o coincidential.? not.
mischief managed!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
:D tokyo drift
drift! drift! drift!
yah today was quite busy for me, but quite enjoyable
group leaders' meeting from 10-12, then 1pm was the 1h daimoku chanting before meeting up with members.
i like all the cheers taught. yayyyy (:
and jia quan started being funny again
i was talking to him after the meeting and we gaoxiao-ed ._.
ni na me ai taaaaa
zhang dong liang was spasming again! :D
pei ying came today, so i've met all the girls from zorro
me, pei ying, clara, leemei, sherry
girls will ROCK zorro!
though were outnumbered by the, er, men. haha
priscilla is my hot babe! woohoo :3
Friday, December 15, 2006
learnt some stuff too :D
everyday is a learning process!
ok. anyway, here are the stuff i'd learnt in point form.
- Initial D 3 (the arcade game) can be addictive. well, judging by the way jeremy chiong-ed it D:
- boys shaking hands after a friendly match are utterly passionless. LOL. right. joking
- wei hong likes experimenting with his food, like dipping his watermelon slice into miso soup, the soy sauce thing used for soba, white mayonnaise sauce, etc. EEEP
- JURONG POINT'S TOILETS ARE PRETTY! (er, alot of improvements made.)
i am a lousy secretary, and wei hong's creativity can take a toll on him- never, ever go into an electronics shop with guys
- cos if you do, it's just, homicide :D
but anyway, HAPPY 420th SONG!
the 420th song in my iTunes (which means the song i got recently) is Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance (:
the producers are b-a-d. they NC-16ed the album. the MVs, i guess. saw it at popular this morning and was freakedddd. but wei hong can't watch it either; he's 15. bwahaha
but like he cares a hoot anyway. he's head over heels with X Japan. jeremy, on the other hand, has the authority to watch it. dangggg
don't bother about this post, it's crap. can't really write properly while listening to music. haha :D
Thursday, December 14, 2006
today was quite okay, but tiring due to the lack of sleep.
yah i've kind of recovered from the nocturnalism
but i will revert back again, cos of kenshu. :D
went for morning gongyo in pc early in the morninggggg
woke up at 5.30am! someone praise me. and called leeming and wei hong to wake them up
wei hong sounded like he just woke up, but leeming was SUPER energetic- according to her voice. haha(:
after morning gongyo, went with a whole bunch of people to have breakfast at... changi airport.
yah stop saying we're mad
cos we may be going back there again tomorrow :DD
it was SCARY sitting opposite jia quan
he kept making laugh so that green tea almost came out of my nose
(same concept as me with the beehoon at wei hong's house).
then he started doing random stuff
like breaking out into lee sheng jie's ni na me ai ta all of a sudden in front of me
and using 7 packets of chilli -.-
no one can beat my dad though! woohoohoo
he goes for about 10+ packets of chilli when eating KFC
hohoho, my dad is the King of all Chilli
wei hong is the King of all Roasted Marshmallows
cos leemei wanted to marry him after eating a marshmallow roasted by him
went to mum's office for a while after breakfast.
then we went to tua yee's house to attend the enshrining of gohonzon!
:) happy for my eldest aunt. heh
that's about it for today...
more tomorrow. :3
hate me fry me bake me try me ._.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

qishan hogging the mic and blocking the screens.

what's with the name? it's actually supposed to be tao zhe,
not tao ji ji.
omg, kbox is mean.

one of the judges in juedui superstar!
i was too busy singing and laughing to go see his songs.

i'm already at a considerable height, qishan, don't compress me.
thank you for your participation ;D

qian li zhi wai.
fei yu qing looks constipated, ain't it?

speaking of deathnote,
grace (not nan hua/pc's grace- just another grace) told me that L's real name is Lawliet.
how true, i dunno, but i reckon i can trust that :D
note: pronounce Law-light. is that supposed to be an english/jap name or what? haha.
sore throat from that kboxing. no chocolate/chips for a week now
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO this cannot be happening to meeee):
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
2 days late, but it's ok i guess :3
(okay, not Rain. wei hong.)
I'M BACK! (:
and still alive, morons, so you can stop wishing ;D (quote from elise)
i've uploaded some retarded pictures from the past few days. since the day i updated cawrahpted-, some stuff have happened.. like mum and dad and i and my maid going to vivo together after my kenshu meeting. we ate at sushi tei, and the unagi was YUM. i'm inlove with unagi+sweet sauce now. can compete with chocolate already! but i'm still the queen of all chocolates.
sounds ego, but nevermind.

the only presentable scenery pic taken with my phone at vivocity.
the rest of the pictures were either too dark, too blur or too ruined because a) people walked past when i was shooting (*makes L-worthy bang! bang! noises*) or b) nothing much to see in that picture.
i'm talking rubbish, and i have just realised how much excuses/trash people can come up with.
okay, so on to yesterday's barbeque-cum-kenshu workout session!
we didn't actually go to the gym, but we sure worked our butts off painting the flag and constructing the identities. start with the morning:
was forced to leave house earlier to meet wei hong at 1pm, boonlay mrt. but since he lived all the way in hougang, i was much earlier and had ample time to go to the library. dropped my 3 due books there and exited the library with double the amount of borrowed books as compared to last week. i love the library for doubling our loan limit to 8. YAY! but i know that if i'd borrowed 8 books, i'll never come out of the toilet since one of my strangest (but sometimes you can call it kinda normal) habit is reading in the loo. (:
crawled out of the library to the mrt station to meet a very blur wei hong. uhhh, he's never been to jurong point before. maybe once, i think. but same concept as me + hougang mall. haha! we went to popular to buy materials for the identities and flag. then off to ntuc to buy food for bbq and a bamboo pole for the flag.
before yesterday, i'd never been to ntuc with a guy friend. it's interesting to do so, actually. like the strange things they do. (elise's funky experience: asking her guy friend to go get apples and he came back with bananas. sounds kind of mad to be true though, but very shin-like.) wei hong was fine lah. we debated over the sensibility of the producers of the aluminium foil and shouted when we found the bamboo poles hiding in a corner of ntuc. bought bbq food and waited for weiliang to turn up, and afterwards, leelian. met sherry and clara at the mrt station before going off together to leemei + leelian's hostel @ ntu. aik kai joined us sometime later.
we did the flag and identities- flag's were the girls' job, identities were done by the guys. we completed everything and all of us were THRILLED. good job everyone! haha. had BARBEQUE for dinner. mmmmmnnnnn.
pictures below.

sherry and i!
marshmallow bonanzaaaa

everyone, screw up your eyes and sell this pic on eBay. RAIN IS STARTING THE FIRE ON THE BBQ PIT!
ok, not Rain. wei hong.
sorry. :D

that guy in blue squatting at the bbq pit is liang liang (wei liang). uhhh he moved, so he looks like a phantom here.

clara, sherry, me!
wei hong: *snorts with laughter*

queen of all chocolates, yeah
just like my msn name! (:
sorry again.
for the lack of nice photos
i was too busy eating, that's why. muahaha
one of the funniest things that night was when i told wei hong that one of my best friends [yeong lan] asked a question: (if your bf gives you flowers when you two go out for dinner or anything, would you be embarrassed carrying a bouquet while walking on the street?). he didn't really reply at first, but he suddenly piped up and went, "AH! no lah. actually, next time i wouldn't give my gf flowers, i'd give her trees." :D and gave me that kind of angelic (not) grin. i was laughing like mad in the station, for goodness sake, and i started tearing before you could even say oops. errrr. that guy makes me laugh too much. up till now i'm still having laughing fits over that tree thing.
i'm also starting to bully wei hong into doing what i'm supposed to do as assigned from sherlyn. not bully, but i'm not free tmr, so i can't carry out the task. SORRY DUDE! ok, i'd give you as much authority as you like to ask anyone anywhere, even a random guy on the streets, to guess my age. ok ok? haha. sorry bout that again(:
yah, apparently. wei hong's favourite question is asking people to guess our ages, cos he knows that people'd guess my age (+a few years) and his own age (- a few years). grrrrrr.
{elise, don't act les. ^^}
Friday, December 08, 2006
it's all darryl's fault
some loony pictures i've took when i was over at cheryl's.

the uber cute disney mickeymouse hat darryl bought at tokyo disneyland!


LOL a teaser picture of darryl and my gran. they were sitting opposite and i can imagine the dialogue if it was a soap:
darryl: susie(random name for my gran), dui bu qi, ke shi wo yi jing dui ni mei you FEEL le.
[translation: susie, sorry but i've got no more feelings for you already.]
ah ma: wei shen me! ni xiang yi zou liao zhi!?
[translation: WHY! you want to walk away from me and forget all about it!?]
darryl: bu shi de, ke shi...
[translation: no, but...]
ah ma: bu yao zai shuo le! *turns away*
[translation: don't say anymore! *turns away*]
darryl: *reaches out to touch ah ma's arm* susie, bu yao zhe yang...
[translation: susie, don't be like that...]
ah ma: bu yao peng wo! *looks disgusted and flees*
[translation: don't touch me! *looks disgusted and flees*]
ok, too much soap operas. hence, the randomness :DD

DEATHNOTE 2: the Last name!!! yummy. i see raito and L! misa is isolated. bwahaha
taken outside kbox cineleisure. woohoo!

HAHAHHAHAAHAHHA unintentional):
note: the money thing is a frame from my phone.
apparently, it fascinated cheryl jie and i too much.

$ kaching kaching $

ok, not scary :D
cheryl jie, darryl, twakim and i went to kbox yesterday.
we sang all the crazy songs, irritated darryl with cyndi wang, and tried out some oldies. K lunch was ok, but i thought the unagi at lot1 was still the best. :)
painted more shoes by myself. i didnt get the sneakers type this time; cheryl and i bought identical white maryjane-like shoes from chinatown. i'm still gonna work on it later, or rather, after i go off to bathe. :D
tomorrow's kenshu meeting again! hope all the group members come. stop pangseh-ing wei hong and i. i know you all are really nice people!
much love.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
today was boring.
but at least i'm going over to cheryl's tomorrow! YAY
i was thinking of painting darryl's toenails red while he's asleep and drape hotpink furs around him, then decorate him with rhinestones and jewels. sounds appealing, don'tcha think? :) oh yes, and take a picture of my Great Accomplishment and then
but anyway, i'm gonna watch deathnote again tmr, with cheryl jie (with the proper subs and all). so, for now, L WANSUI!

elise told me on msn that this picture is freaky. for someone who is even afraid of watching Incredible Tales, i think it's NOT. ummm, elise watched Silent Hill and that Exorcist thingy, you know. LOL!
Monday, December 04, 2006
i still like goong alot though. heh(:
i've watched the trailer for deathnote 2: the Last name. omg, it's freaky. however, misa misa isn't so much of what i'd imagined... in the show, she seems, well, somewhat sophisticated, compared to the original brainless flowerpot i see in the manga. she's cute but gets me on my nerves in the manga. eeep. not a pretty thought.
i was flipping the U mag mum bought just now. (forced her to buy it cos kim jeong hoon was the cover boy! :DD) i saw the picture of goong 2! they say it's called goong S- S for secret/special/start/spin off. ummmm... don't ask me why. but none of the actors are as good-looking as joo ji-hoon + kim jeong hoon. haha! :]
i've added movies to the list of shows i wanna catch.
- death note 2: the Last name
- Happy Feet
- Step Up
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
watched the OoTP trailer on youtube yesterday- the first thing that came to my mind was that they ought to sack the person who cut daniel radcliffe's hair, just like shin goon's stylist.
:D ciao ciao!
found this picture in deviantart.
L likes misa misa? i had no idea. errrr.
credits to ThisOneIsHaku for the art. :p
Sunday, December 03, 2006
ken'ichi matsuyama (death note: L) is scary in real life.
went to pc since morning to afternoon for ksrf chanting at 10am, then went off for pc choir at 12. huiting, mae jie and i were laughing away at yap mae jie's birthday presents. the pants, more like. HAHAHA. this is what happens when you trust a bunch of guys to buy clothes for women. :)
i found the Death Note movie on youtube last night. i reckon it should be the entire show! yayyy. but the problem is that it's all in jap without subtitles or dubbed voices. so it'd be like Final Fantasy 7 all over again. -.- watching their actions without knowing what they're talking about. but since i'd already watched the show with the other 3 of the stoners, i think i pretty much understand the storyline and all. the manga, however, is excruciatingly horrible to read. random people start popping up here and there to confuse us, which is boring and plus reading it off a computer screen? EEP.
but anyway. i'm looking forward to watching part 2: the Last Name with the girls!
anyone noticed this bus raito and shiori took when the insane robber struck? MISA MISA. riiight.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
gastric's back.
off to watch ouran high. nothing much about today, anyway. another kenshu meeting at pc, basically, only that wei hong and i were not pangseh-ed. hendra, leemei and sherry turned up. :D
zzzzz woke up at 9 today and slept at 1 last night. i'm beginning to wonder if i'm anything more than just nocturnal, actually.