Friday, September 07, 2007
If you break the name up it's il mio cantante, which is Italian for "my singer". Edward's version (Or rather, Aro's) in New Moon is La Tua Cantante, which is something like the same. I think his means "your singer", if I'm not wrong. Pretty cool, huh.
Yup, so last post here. Goodbye, rockintoxicant! But feel free to visit the past posts. ♥
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Blogger sucks. Alot.
Maybe I'd try wordpress. It's very practical, and that's what I'm looking for right now.
Sorry about the lack of tagboard. Those who wish to come impersonate me, nag at me, scream, shout, hurl profanities, sorry. :D
I swear I'm not doing this on purpose. I'd post one last post if I really do change my blog, yeah? Okay, goodbye!
This impersonator (he/she is trying to be me, who else!) on Chrysan's blog is undoubtedly fascinating. But I shall digress here; I need to find skins.
I'm planning on a plain white one, something like Jamie's. Jamie's skins always look good, no matter in real life or in cyberspace... If you get what I mean.
I think I'd have to go on hiatus for tomorrow, I don't really know. Wish I could read minds, or be psychic. That's be utterly brilliant. I'd trade in my PS2, my iPod, my tablet, my wardrobe and all my Converse hightops for such powers. (Sigh)
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Eh Chrysan, where's your friend?
Maybe "friend" is an inappropriate word. Please forgive my thoughtlessness. I think foe will sound better.
Chrysan's blog URL is and it's freaking fun to visit, especially the tagboard. Why? There's this little phantom lurking around her tagboard, hurling unsatisfying Hokkien profanities at Chrysan, who apparently is just as confused as I am. Who's this guy? Girl? Thing? Nobody knows, for sure.
But I love controversy. *Shrugs* Maybe I'm mad. Or I just like to argue with people.
I'm still waiting for that guy to reappear on Chrysan's tagboard. I love a good vocal brawl. Oops, sorry, not vocal. Brawls of Literacy. That's extremely fun, especially when the opponent's got a mentality of a 11-year-old (or younger) and knows nothing but Hokkien profanities.
I can smell it in the air. If this person comes to rockintoxicant, he/she/it will practically shout, "You think you so noble ah!? Use all the chim chim words... Nb! Think I don't understand ah! See me no up issit! Defend your friend... You want to show me you read dictionary only lah... Kns... Ccb..."
Maybe not the word "noble", too. Hahaha.
I'm still waiting. It's impolite to let a lady wait, you know. Especially on cyberspace.
Yep- watch out for the guy/girl/thing who hides behind the pretty facade, and fake name, of anti-you. And if I'm not wrong there's still this guy who puts a ;D for a name. Quite cool, huh!
I've just reread the past tags of anti-you. They're HILARIOUS.
(In case you were wondering what happened on Chrysan's tagboard):
anti you: kk... don talk so much... meet up and settle.... dare??? ask all ur fren come down... anyone... wan wan?? DARE??u think every tag is i type de ya?? bull shit.. i only type 2.. other is not even me.. i say meet u all like small kitty.. hide it.. jux dare to scold.. no one ans.. so i bored.. don play ler.. idio
*Giggles* Eh, this is damn funny. I wonder who Chrysan literally offended- some mafia (Timotheus?) on the streets of Singapore? I don't know. "Meet up and settle" sounds so passe. Brawls of Literacy are the next hot things. "I say meet u all like small kitty.. hide it.." sounds cute. Reminds me of Hello Kitty. But I don't understand, and I don't want to understand either *Shrugs in blase manner*
"No one ans.. so i bored.. don play ler.. idio"
Here comes Amanda.
We're not so free to come look you up. If this started in cyberspace, it ends in cyberspace. Retaliate. Go on. Make it colourful. And if you wish to use the word "idiot" again, it's i-d-i-o-t. You missed the little "t" there...
Later tags:
anti you: haha.. anti you.. you act cute argh? = =" cute sia
Wow, MPD!
MPD= Multiple Personality Disorder
anti you: ask her go shoppin?? she cant de la... muz reach HME early de... hme gal.. if not parent will call all police to come her.. o my~~
Chrysan just eliminated some vowels and it stumped you. Brilliant. And what's with the shopping? Have you gone shopping before? Or are you actually a cyborg who feeds on nothing but batteries? Educate me :( Please!
anti you: why you suddenly so cb bitchy? people good to you already and you are fucking bitchy! NBCB! spammers! CHOING arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~ oh my~~ nb sab going to open her CB mouth again~~ oh my~~ i scared sia
Infantile juvenile freakazoids.
If Chrysan seems bitchy to you.. Sorry about it, then. Well. And I thought it was spelt as "chiong" and not "CHOING"? Um, and we know how exaggerated you are already, so there are excessive 'h's in the word "argh" that you can remove, you know.
If you're afraid, then don't go to Chrysan's blog. Maybe you should just go back to your home, aka the bottom of the cesspits. And look who you're calling spammers. What with all the cb, nb? It's boring, it really is. Go revamp your vocabulary wardrobe. I suggest the dictionary.
anti you: fucking bitch! u really thing u big big ass sorry i mean big shot argh?? o my~~ eat my ass lah! NB see ur ugly nbcb face i can vomit liao sia! dundeh~
No, your ass is too freaking big. But no one bothers to eat your ass anyway. We'd rather eat the remnants of the trash from yesterday.
We can't choose anything from the cesspits because it's your home after all, and intruding the privacy of your... home is impolite. Plus, can you insult more colourfully? You're really getting on my nerves because just about everything is the same.
anti you: oi nb cb or sab!you all die liao or scared to open your ass? nb! next time dont dare to talk then dont talk! knnbccb! u think u big shot argh? go to hell le cb! o my~~ where are you sab!! big ass sab~~ open your big ass mouth la! where are you sia? where u stay? i come find you! nb
"Open your ass"? Means? I don't understand. (And I don't wish to degrade myself by understanding such inept ways to express angers too, ha)
What has cyberspace got to do with their bottoms? You're contradicting yourself, dear. First you accuse them of being dead because they're blatantly ignoring you. Then you tell them not to talk. What do you want? Please state clearly. Thank you.
And you'd leave little trails of poop if you ever went to anyone's house. I'd rather not endure the smell... I have a slightly weak stomach. If they go to hell, you're Hades's cousin/ spawn of Satan already. Or were you hoping for a reserved bus seat to Heaven?
I hope you enjoy disappointment, then~
This controversy thing is super fun. I'm like Emmett and Jacob bracing themselves for the fight. The newborns! Fun, fun, fun. *Waves arms around wildly*
I don't even seem to see the ;D or anti you dude anymore. Where are they? It's impolite to keep me waiting >:(
I'm trying to figure out what's the real problem here, but I think that this two people, one seriously random and the other plagued with MPD, are deprived. Of... love? I don't know. Try acting cute, maybe that will help! If it doesn't then I don't know what works for you already.
Or you were so evil you died, and then your records were so shockingly dirty, Hell spat you straight back out from its deepest pits cos you'd just terrorize everyone there. Talk about a hell-given gift! You can join forces with Cyclops in our school already. Need any introductions?
That sounded freaking bimbotic. But what's there not to love about Topshop jeans? Uh, other than the price tag, of course.
I'm reading some twit's Friendster profile page now, and it's all about the ::r3sPecTmAiiSTYLE]]* and the XINGANS*<33 and the MUaCkiies. *Shudders at involuntary shiver down spine* But no wonder MOT had such fun. Some of them are pretty intriguing.
Like, love confessions. Hahahaha. No, that really pisses me off. Take your little tong huaz :D somewhere else, please. Tsk, it's grossing us out. "Us" being all the right-minded people with the screws in place on our right brains. Suggested place: the bottom of the bog.
Isn't anyone out there going to start a Abolish Twit Talk campaign?
Then there are people who act hardcore with the keyboard by attempting to scare little kids by posting messages like
"If you don't send this in 5 minutes some headless, dismembered, sentient creature will come to your house tonight, break your windpipe with one karate chop, (don't stop me, I'm having so much fun!) slit your throat and then paint messages with your blood. Then he/she will go eat all the chocolate in your fridge. After he/she is satisfied, your body will be burnt on an ironing board on top of a Dumpster. Your ashes will linger in the ozone layer and create many holes because your hostility affects the ozone layer worse than any can of hairspray. Beat that, John Travolta. Yours sincerely, Mr Hoogalongkangbreadfacedoxymoron."
Then, for good measure,
"There was this boy who deleted this message and this happened to him. He was found dead in the closet, however, and not a Dumpster."
But really... :)
NC-16, huh. But it's the seventh month now. No wonder such bulletins are so prevalent. Stupid people.
Damn it I hate all science teachers. I mean, all of them are weird and stuff. Including my tuition teachers. Yeah, whatever. People who dabble too much in Math and Science are plain freakazoids that resemble robots as much as squirrels resemble squirrels.
*Runs around in circles*
I'd be a mental patient anytime. Better than a cyborg. At least I get to eat food and not batteries hahaha.
Literature remedial today was pretty boring. I kept entertaining myself by drawing on Mag's thigh. The cuckoo girl was mercilessly teased by Huiling and I for having pretty pimples. Then Huiling created some liquefied pimple thing out of an innocent strawberry bubble tea. Yuck.
Kaiying, Ziting, Chrysan, Jamie and Jos appeared quite literally out of nowhere this morning at Clementi Macs. They saw my hair. Huiling was trying to convince me that it didn't look as bad as I assumed. Mag was constantly Ah Shuing me, and our superfluous weapon: "Eh, your pimples can join together, ha ha ha"
Magreaction: AAAAAAHHHHH! *Goes hysterical*
Snuck out to JP with Mag and Huiling, and Mag fell down a bottomless pit near the train station, met a Chesire Cat and a bunch of poker cards that tried to kill her. That was the last of Magdalene Phua we saw. Hence Huiling and I decided to continue with our Journey to the West(side shopping centre, Jurong Point). We were supposed to look for a box for me to put pens in, but I ended up with an myuk pencilcase.
Went home after that, fell asleep and dreamt of doing surveys and filling up forms. Weird. Woke up a while later and listened to Mum scream at me for something, but I forgot what. I don't think I even heard her.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Yes, yes, you can go buy 4D or something, because Amanda is FINALLY uploading pictures on her blog. Right, right, right? Right! Go! Go!
Okay maybe that was a rhetorical question... I'm not too well-versed with these kind of subtle stuff, so it may not be prudent to use it so often, or people will think I'm going crazy, though I think I already AM crazy, whatever, so, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. Stupid secants and cosecants and cotangents. They're scrambling up what's left of my left brain. Sheesh!
*Stamps foot*
Talk about too much rum...
(Digress halts here)
Pictures, from 31st August to 4th September.

Doing crap stuff during the Teachers' Day celebrations.
Like for instance, camwhoring.

Huiling and Charlene.
I don't mind them using my phone, of course, but Charlene's weird, because her phone's resolution and megapixels are tons better than mine.

Huiling looks so happy when she takes pictures with me :D

No she doesn't look as happy when she takes pictures with Charlene.

The food in the RGPS canteen is still AS GOOD AS EVER! ♥
I ate one bowl of mian, a garlic bread, 2 steamed buns and a cup of jelly. Mmmn.

In Plaza Singapura after Gelare- Taahira and I were fighting over Zac Efron, because Zac Efron's quite hot!
Did you see him on that American magazine?! Gosh. Wow, the abs. *Watches Elise run around cyberspace*
Elise loves Zac Efron.

Amanda and Amanda!

Jemimah the scary girl. But thanks alot for the cute surprise, haha!
Me: "Skip the formalities... The cupcake looks good"

And look! It's my birthdaaaaaaaay!
This was taken at 12.36 am, as you can see. Haha.

Spent the afternoon of my golden day with 2 of my best friends!
We had ample time to go to Orchard Cineleisure for some shopping and food before moving off to our Cultural Meeting, so that was brilliant.

Priscilla insisted on Take 2.

She was damn grumpy during the train ride because she was freaking hungry, and Huishan podnapped my iPod. Hence I had to deal with one grumpy girl and one antisocial one.
I remember how Pris was like during the Harry Potter movie last time- her tummy was giving her major problems but she somehow couldn't do anything about it, so she was locked up in her own head throughout the outing.
Priscilla. *Sighs*
But she's fabulous to have around. The kind of things she does!

I should know better than to stand next to 2 extremely skinny people and take a fullbodshot.

We dined at that Hong Kong cafe (the name is too long; can't remember it).

The metal cups they served us drinks in made us feel like high class convicts.

After 10 years (metaphor alert), the baked rice came.
(Baked spag for Pris.)

Girl, recharged.

Food critic!

Pris's battery life jumped from negative 48% to 130%. She was finally in the mood to make her maniacal faces.
Wildly loony is Priscilla's norm.

Yep- trying to gross Huishan out.
I bet Huishan was having a hard time trying to make the bile that had rose up from her liver go back down when she saw that Pris was trying to be convincingly cute :(

She pulled that one on me, too.
I puked all over. Some stomach.

We kind of made a mistake ordering this gargantuan dessert (mango ice). Why? Because:
1) We were about to explode (no kidding) from the oversized portions of baked rice/spaghetti, and
2) It was friggin' cold in that HK cafe place.
Advice: Bring a jacket next time, and share your baked item with someone.

Know what I mean when I said Huishan was blur?

Groovy girl.

Yeah were we like, fighting a war to keep the ice cream aloof.

Our melted remains.
I was the last to stop eating! And I'd finished most of my baked rice! Call me a champ, call me a champ.
Both Huishan and Pris surrendered because they were freezing already.
I'd borrowed Huishan's jacket earlier on when we were walking in the rain and it got soaked, hence she couldn't wear it :\
She and Pris had an umbrella! Don't blame me, c'mon :D

More antics by Pris.
Anyway, I didn't realise that I was in the same cafe as SK and Serene until we exited. Oops.

Zac Efron woo!
In the lift.

Huishan bought me this. Paaaatrick!
She regretted that later on because I kept talking to Patrick.

Pris and I.
Saw Chrysan and Jaww outside Taka.
(Did I get his name right, Chrysan? Whoops.)

Why is this picture so Charlene Chan?

Obsessed with my new friend.

Later that night after the meeting, we parted and I went off to meet my mum, dad and maid at Vivocity.
Hilarious stupid stuff happened there.
Okay first we went to Marche and queued for ages for a place. Mum and Dad decided to whip out something they'd gotten for me at Holland V earlier that day when I was at Orchard Cine.
A niceeeee hairband.
Watch the photos.

Thanks to the baked rice and mango ice, I could only manage some cheese sticks, a lemonade, a mushroom soup and a scoop of Panna Cotta ice cream.

Yeah my hairband!
It's black and fluffy with red horns on top. Talk about horny. Stop laughing, damnit.
I sat next to the glass panel, and a bunch of kids that were playing catching actually stopped their game, stood outside and stared at my nice headgear.
I wore that around Vivocity. From Forever 21 to Levi's to Topshop to Mu-ee to Mini Toons, and to another bunch of places. My mum and dad were having lots of fun going nuts with me, and my maid couldn't quit giggling.

For the first time in years we decided to watch a movie together! :)
The last show we watched together (in a cinema) was... Troy, I think. I remember watching Unleashed with my mum and dad too. Woah. How many years was that?
Mum was surprised when she saw this fat lady on the floor.
(I meant the show Hairspray!)
She almost shrieked when I told her it was her handsome (he's handsome for his age) John Travolta.
I went to Italy last time and the guys there were so handsome! The trash collector at the Leaning Tower of Pisa made my mum and I freeze because he looked like John Travolta.
My dad was all moany, since my mum and I were capable of doing nothing but stare at guys when we were at Italy. That was the only time my mum allowed me to gaze at handsome men.
Well there are none in Singapore anyway. *Shrugs in a blasé manner*

Wow Zac Efron again!!!

At least I look better with my fringe covering my forehead. Elise says I look like a furrreak without fringe.
Mum, dad, my maid and I watched Ratatouille. It was great! One of the best animation shows I've ever watched.

I know what you did last summer.
You can't see it here, but during the spare hour we had before Ratatouille, I shared a truckload of M&Ms with my mum and I'd gobbled up all the blue M&Ms. (Mum was irritated because I kept picking and poking at the blue ones)
Then I went to the toilet a half hour later and realised that I'd been walking around Vivo with blue lips, a pair of horns on my head (Hellboy!!!) and a bling necklace.

Shoes. ♥
I took a picture of myself with the new disastrous haircut but I didn't want to plague you guys and be responsible for a surfeit amount of hospital bills.
Besides, that photo was twittish. *Sighs* Well.
Literature remedial tomorrow, and I don't know when I'd be able to blog again. Friggin' EOYs. May the creators burn in hell.
Yup need some rest- it's 1am. Relatively early for me though. Ah ha! Goodbye.
Maybe tomorrow. I've got pictures on hand, but some are corrupted files.
Thanks, anyways, for keeping the tags coming in. Love y'all for the birthday greeting smses and the pressies and stuff!
I just got a disastrous haircut today. Now I look like a japanese schoolboy. Assssssss!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
It's my birthday in 17 minutes!
Dammit, old already lah.
But one more year and I can watch NC-16 shows!
(It's not as if I don't watch NC-16 shows now, though. Cyborg.)
Today was pretty good. I mean, it's the eve of my birthday! Of course, I got into another quarrel with my mum- she didn't even want to give me face on the eve of my birthday. *Stamps foot* But quarrels are inevitable sometimes. Thank goodness I'm not a werewolf, or I'd have exploded in the MRT or something today.
Had tuition in the morning, and my tuition teacher gave me 6 Amaths questions as my birthday present.
Went down for a walk in my new Nikes later on, and came back about a half hour later because it'd started to pour. Lousy timing; I fell asleep 15 minutes after stepping into my house because the weather was so darn good. No wonder I think I'd love Forks.
As usual- overslept, and didn't bother to change into something more presentable for HChinese tuition. Thus I resumed my t-shirt-and-FBTs-and-sneakers garb and flew off to the MRT station.
(Digress: I sound like I'm writing an essay here. Sigh.)
Reached the train station in plenty of time, but I forgot my wallet, so I couldn't go anywhere. Fabulous. Waited for my maid at the station as she came down to pass it to me, and ran into my gran at the station. She saw me and was all, "Eh! Ying Xuan! Jin tian ni de sheng ri hor. Lai lai, wo gei ni yi ge hong bao, ying wei wo bu zhi dao ni yao shen me. Ni na na ge qian zi ji qu mai ni yao de dong xi lor."
Translation: Eh! Amanda (Yeah, damn it that was my chinese name. Stop laughing)! Today your birthday hor. come come, I give you a red packet, because I don't know what you want (for your birthday). You take the money and go get something you like.
The crisis arrived just then- I was running so late I'd almost decided to give up and turn back while I was on the train to tuition. It was already 3.55 and my tuition was at 4. In Bugis. I was only at Redhill at that time. I called Jemimah the Wonderwoman, who apparently told me she couldn't go for tuition.
I thought it woulda been fine to skip once, since it would have been about time to take the return train home by the time I'd reached tuition. Hence I IMed Jemimah and told her I wasn't going for tuition, though she herself wasn't too.
Then she suddenly IMed back, as quick as lightning, to get me to go for tuition without her. I thought she'd downed too much morphine or something, because she was acting like a saint of all academics. To cut the long story short, I was convinced by her to go for tuition. She was supposed to give me a surprise for my birthday. *Makes face* She could've just told me, haha.
When I reached there I was already a half hour late, and Jemimah kept me suspended throughout the entire lesson. She refused to tell me what she was going to do to me, even though she'd claimed that half my surprise was already ruined because I'd forced her to tell me that she was actually going for tuition.
I was wondering when Ronald McDonald would jump into the tuition class.
We mostly gossiped during class, pretty much the usual, and I eavesdropped on the girls sitting a table away from us. They were talking about some guy who'd ran into their class and proposed to one of their classmates. HAHAHAHAHA. That's utterly ridiculous. It was as brilliant as tales about LA and fashion shows.
Jemimah finally sprang into action after class- we went to the open sitting space near the centre to celebrate my birthday. She'd brought a nice chocolate muffin and candles! So that was the surprise. Thank heavens- I honestly thought the class was going to sing me a birthday song or something equally embarassing, and I'd have used (what's left of) my nails to scrabble a pit for me to hide in.
Thanks Jemimah! That was really sweet and I absolutely loved it. Even the part when the random kid came up to us. Haha. *Chuckles* And your birthday is one day after mine.
Now it's my turn to keep the secret about your birthday present from you. *Cackles* You suspended me for hours, and I'm going to suspend you for days. Beat that.
Pictures next time. Sorreh, no time to upload. My comp's as slow as a tortoise on tranquilizers, and the only comp at home that is tolerable is my dad's. In fact his comp is pretty darn fast.
Elise and Daniel insisted that I meet them near my house (they live in the Jurong area too) so that they could pass me my gift. Prettaye necklaceeeeeee! I love it. Thanks dears. ♥
Cafe Cartel? deal.
It's 12.17 am already, and I've got 4 birthday presents and lots of birthday wishes. The first was from Weiting, Vrindha, Taahira, Darlene, Mel and Amanda Lim, second from granny dearest, third from Jemimah and the fourth from Elise and Daniel. :)
Now Mr Ng's on MSN, wishing me a happy fifteenth. Haha thank you.
I better go get a good night's sleep now; I don't want to have the eyes of a panda on the exact day of the fifteenth year of my existence. on Earth. Hopefully I get to see 3 out of my 5 besties tomorrow, mainly Wei Hong, Pris and Huishan. Give me face lah, Wei Hong, turn up at PC on my birthday. Heh.
Incoherent now. Need Edward Cullen.
Where's my lovely
Friday, August 31, 2007
1. Electric guitar stuff. Like, necklaces, shirts, keychains, whatever. But actually if you get me anything else, like cows or Aston Martins or something, I'm fully gonna accept them too :)
2. Pass my EOYS.
But of course! :D
Yesterday was fun. The only not-so-fun part was the part where I quarreled with my mum- she was being extremely unreasonable (again. Wow, surprise surprise!). And tomorrow is my birthday! Sheesh. I controlled myself by not flinging out derogatory slurs at her or anything, though she made me pissed off.
Don't want to elaborate here.
Anyway, I negotiated with her and she finally allowed me to visit RGP (is it so difficult?!) after school. Met up with some old acquaintances once more; Taahira, Darlene, Vrindha, Weiting, Celine Soh, Jolene, Amanda Lim, Simin, Geraldine, Deborah, Hanna, Siti, Mel etc.
And some others I think. If I forgot don't hack me up please. It's not my fault; it's a hardware problem.
Mel's turned all stylo. The cute fancy JRocker who listens to Jet and Maroon 5 (I like Jet and Maroon 5 too!). She looks good in skinny jeans. Mel give me your legs. :(
Taahira and Amanda Lim kept making me laugh. Darlene, Taahira, Amanda Lim, Vrindha, Mel, Weiting and I ended up at Plaza Singapura where we mooched around and ate at Gelare's. Pretty cool. They gave me a treat for my birthday. Thanks dears.

L-R: Weiting, Taahira, Vrindha, Amanda, Amanda, Darlene.
Most of the pictures are with Taahira and Vrindha. My Zac Efron picture is with Taahira. We were squabbling over Efron, because Efron is quite hot in Hairspray.

Zac Efron
Not that I'd watched it, though. I want to. Damn the EOYs to the deepest pits of hell where they belong.
I'm fantasizing about

...Yes! B&J's!
Glutton. Peeesh.

Absolutely mouthwatering.
My favorite flavor (Not that I've tasted many before, but you get the idea)

I want to try Americone Dream, S'mores, Phish Food, Dublin Mudslide, American Pie, Fossil Fuel, Peanut Butter Cup and Chubby Hubby.
Anyways, on a last note, look at this.

An 18k gold-plated iPod shuffle. Beat that. I also hear that they're going to promote diamond- encrusted ones.
Xiaxue can jolly well afford one, since her blog is worth $2,867, 298.66. Charlene's blog had this "How much is your blog worth" thing and I clicked and typed my blog in. $11,290 point something something. Xiaxue's is worth $2 million plus!
Counting in US dollars, I think.
She can buy more than FOUR Aston Martins! Dammit. Lucky sheed.
That's all for today. More next time. ♥
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My mood's been pretty hostile these days. I feel like exploding but I'd try my very, very, best not to. It's hard, but I've done it.
Not to mention that I'd blatantly ignored some people when they'd asked me stuff because I was attempting to not explode, if you get what I mean. Naw it's not PMS. I've never got PMS. Much. *Shrugs*
Charlene's getting all MPD these days. One second she's pushing me away and shouting at me, telling me to butt off her floorhead, and the next she's clinging onto me like a little leech, just without the blood sucking part. Funny. A second Mag Phua, but Mag Phua didn't have MPDs.
Then today Mr Foo announced in front of the entire school about his great achievement. Apparently he's got a PhD, but no one's got any idea what he majors in. Probably related to Chinese. Definitely not English Literature.
Not that I can tab, but his tabbing is pretty kickass.
To give you an idea about Threadless, it's an online shopping site. Yup, the one where my cousin Cheryl ordered a tee for me for my birthday. *Runs around the room five times* Quite a bit of designs below.

Both Cheryl and I loved this. BUT it was out of stock. Cleaned out. Brrr!

If I'm not wrong, I think Cheryl got this.

If this was already in stock, I'd have got it, without a doubt.

Like the robot!

This was my second choice. There's ladies' cut too.

Cheryl got this too- One for herself, and one for Darryl. Quite cool!

I got this.
Well I thought it was quite cute, nothing too controversial.
My mum wouldn't nag. If I'd gotten the Procrastinators one, I can't imagine what my ears will look like now.

I loved this too. Maybe I'd go print one by myself, or something.

Yes!!! Pickles are cucumbers soaked in evil.
Like, Math teachers are humans soaked in sadism.

Pretty cute too, but I wouldn't want to wear it out cause it screams "LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE!"
And besides, I prefer the witty ones. :)

Mmm, lollies!

Cheryl wanted to get this for Darryl, but it was completely wiped out, too.
We should print these for the guys in our class.


I love this Marc Jacobs necklace-watch. It's so PRETTY. :D
The price is even prettier. $300+ I think, I dunno. Definitely a 3-figure sum. Sheesh!
My birthday is coming in about three days' time! Hip, hip, hurray!
Someone get me guitar-related stuff. Keychains, necklaces, shirts, anything. I love the whole guitar idea. :) But I wouldn't say no to a model of an Aston Martin Vanquish/ DB9. *Salivates*\
Enough here today; I'm dead beat.
Toodles! ♥