Thursday, March 30, 2006
my maid just made COLOSSAL japanese riceballs for me!
that was really nice of her, considering the fact that mum bought the mould and ingredients for me a month ago and i didn't bother to do them cos' i was too stuck between watching da changjin and solving maths rubbish.
but the riceballs are too gigantic.
and she made TWO.
oh goodness.
i shouldn't have overdosed on ther yakult either!!!
i have blown ALL my allowance on food.
ramly burgers after sch for lunch, 3 packs of yakult, magnum ice cream and meiji fresh milk.
i drank 4 bottles of yakult just now. i am SOLELY regretting it now ):
<3 amanda.

yawn. actually don't feel like updating..
King of Cambodia came today. um, he didn't come into our class at all, but he did walk past and peer in. everyone was so fascinated, no one paid any attention to mdm leong. hahahs. mdm yip said the King's complexion is absolutely excellent, and he even has a personal doctor. lol.
i got quite abit of stuff to do today.. and there's ndp until 5.15 tomorrow. ARGH!
<3 amanda.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
it up for a bit. -.- no, i shall move to Saudi Arabia. the people there (the girls and women) wear
something called a tudra, i think, so it can jolly well cover up anything on my face.
today was typically boring. D&T was okay, i think, we girls had fun squee-ing over the cute inventions made by people around the world or something like that. like that salt and pepper shaker thing. and the crushed recycled bottles thing. but tomeyyto and i had better fun laughing about... brokeback mountain (:
some things are better left unsaid. XD
english was a drag. chinese was stupid- writing an essay about what? orchard road. i'm thankful mdm leong didn't get us to write about totally unfamiliar places like Little India or Kampong Glam, but writing about Orchard Road.. -.o i know i go to orchard like half my life (hyperbole; don't take me literally please), know takashimaya better than the back of my hands and absolutely love heeren, i cannot translate things like doughnuts by pop-doh, (my favourite doughnut shop) or my first love Heeren, Flash and Splash outlets and neoprint machines. seemed like alot alot of things to write about at first, but when it came to the part when i kept asking tomeyyto to translate Heeren for me, she kept saying "gou wu zhong xin" (pinyin for shopping centre). blah.
i also thought i could even give a play-by-play to liang laoshi considering the fact that she was once lost in orchard(she told us) before, telling her which places were the best to eat(eg. pepper lunch, mos burger and crystal jade :D), where to get the best boardshorts and jeans and tanks(not like she wears any though), the best neo machines and all. hahahs. but saying it in English is 1000x better than translating it into chinese. grroar.
maths test was horrifying, don't want to say anything. and now mum has come back from office in a towering rage, or rather, PMSing. and taking out everything on me. she accuses me of talking to guys on msn(um, mum, i wasn't even signed in, what talk you?) and surfing leisure places. the "talking to guys" part is a bit ridiculous. i come from a girls primary sch and the only guys i know now are the elephunk guys and PC members(she doesn't mind me talking to PC members though. but i have only talked to 2 PC guys on msn so far- weijie and kennedy), and a couple from other classes like justin. and old friends like joseph kor. i don't understand what trash she likes spouting at me. it's intolerable and i'm going nuts. never mind. it's my utmost karma to have her as my mum.. she's ok and all, takes me shopping blah, but she gets ridiculous alot of times and you'd have to tread around her c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y or you'd just have your head hacked off by her with a parang before you can say anything.
<3 amanda.
Monday, March 27, 2006

today was quite okay.(:
with an exception of mr ng tearing our heads off.
english was boring as usual. then grace, yeonglan, katharine, sarah and i were interrogated by our PE teacher for not having PE. she had amnesia and obviously forgot all about the MC i had given much much earlier on; around january. she looked a bit mad at us but we were all medically unfit so if we collapsed she would be the one to take us to SGH or something. -.o
biology was quite fun again. we still had that DNA course which allowed us to find out the bacteria growth over the weekend. and that totally cool one where we could see the bacteria glowing positively fluorescent green from the UV light. (:
then it was math when mr ng screamed at those who had been deserved to be screamed at, alias the more than half the entire class. boo. going to have a re-test on wednesday. what a piece of crap.
chemistry test didn't turn out as an utter complete FLOP, but there definitely were questions i muddled through. the chromatography questions were okay i guess, but i couldn't remember the properties of crystallisation and distillation. o.o we had mrs foo teach us later about the periodic table and stuff, and i have to say that if she was going to be our permanent chemistry teacher, i'd either:
1) faint
2) throw a BF(alias Bitch Fit)
3) die.
the last one sounds extremely exaggerating and all but itd be bad to have her as our chem teacher... in one way or another. hmms. shan't elaborate here.
geog was okay again, but mr tan seemed to pick on charmaine, kristel, suxiang and the spastic-insaners incessantly. i don't know why; they weren't making alot of noise and they were listening after all i think. well. -.- after sch i went home walking in the drizzle, took 183 (slept on the bus again), and scooted off to get a Chicken Ramly for my lunch, and did some Snack Shopping at NTUC. oh my gosh; i'm SO going to have to go for the major consultation @ Chicken Ramly Burger Rehabilation Centre or something. :D
<3 amanda.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
i am so dead.
i haven't studied for chemistry, for goodness' sake, and i have less than half an hour left.
i am SO DEAD.
i hereby declare that my MATHS is BETTER than my CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY.
and i mean that literally.
i may get passes like 30/50 for math but it's working itself up. and chemistry? i think i undersand Alien Language better than what shitty fractional distillation and methods of purification. this is killing me. it's killing everyone. let's all purchase one-way tickets to heaven together!
("all" means the people who hate chem like me or wish to fail tml's test.)
<3 amanda.
Saturday, March 25, 2006

had student activity today.. very cool. :D
went to pc with huiwen and xiangwen early in the morning. then had to host the student activity's station 3 game. something about making everyone step on a mahjong paper and squeezing them together so everyone fitted on the paper. got play before in leadership course, just that we used raffia string instead of mahjong paper. (: liying and weichuan were my partners in the game.
all the groups were pretty sporting. the last group consisted of all girls so we didn't have to worry about guys eyeing the babes =D. no lah, joking. i trust pc guys. and weichuan was bloody funny, he kept thrusting the scary Conclusion Paper at me and asking me to conclude after every game, which was terrifying. he can do the conclusions better, even without having to read off the paper.. blearghs. i so lao kui!
my main job in the game was just to walk around with a rolled-up piece of drawing paper and smacking peoples' feet to make them squish their feet back onto the mahjong paper. :D evil righttt.
after the student activity, aunite chye lan dropped me off at bugis junction. i went there to get the two monkeys' birthday presents. o.o i got a black newbie shirt for tomeyyto, a pink myuk pencilcase for grass(plus the two pig banks). i also got a brinjal for brinjole. as in, a brinjal-shaped handphone holder. hahahs. i saw a tomato shaped one but no potato. :(
and i am currently massaging my pocket. D:
jqjq's pressie dan ex leh.

grass's also; not to mention. AIYO
<3 amanda.
as i said, i have been reading alot of the princess diaries 1 and girls in love. and spotted LOTS of differences between the 3 best friends. as in, brinjole tomeyyto and i and nadine, magda and ellie. i don't know if their way of life are exactly like a normal British 14-year-old girl, but it just seems so. here are the differences:
1) they can tahan kneesocks. omgs. for us singaporean chums, most of us(including me) can't even stand our school socks to be 2 cm above the anklebone.. hahahs.
2) they are fretting about not being frenched(mia's worry) at 14 while their friends have already been. us? we don't give a damn about the guys. we're more worried whether we've broken that icy tower record/ have enough money in maplestory(not me; i don't play maple :))
3) they think hanging out at the mall with their mates after school is normal. we think homework/cca after school. D:
4) they think that a girls' night out on saturday is completely okay and normal. what am i doing on a saturday night?(that's now haha) mugging and trying to complete my damn homework.
5) sleeping over with their friends at their friends' houses are perfectly normal and okay. the only people i've slept over with are cheryl jiejie and lijun jiejie. :)
6) when a girl kisses a guy or starts BGR and the news gets in to nan hua, within 2 days the entire level knows. then on to the next level. and then the next: the whole school. and the news is hot; even if the guy/girl isn't famous or popular in school. from what i know, them 14-year-old brits think it's quite normal. hmmms.
7) um. when the parents do something wrong they'd apologize to their kids very nicely. my mum? HURR! she'll twist and turn the whole thing so when she tells my relatives, the whole story's started and it's because of ME.
8) some "perfect" ones(the brit girls) would scream if they located a pimple on any part of them. look at me. hahahahs. do i give a damn? no.
9) some would treat the guys in their sch/class as sacred objects. we bully the guys whenever we can.
10) ellie from girls in love think it's uncool to return home by 9 whenever she hangs out. me? oh sure. i get interrogated (like how an officer in CSI:Miami interrogates a murderer/ suspect) by Mother Dearest if i get home at 5.30pm.

i am feeling rejuvenated 'cos the i had been sleeping from, like, 3 to 5.
some sort of nap yeah. sounds more like a coma.
had tuition today. was feeling freaking fed up when dad plucked out some wireless cable and disabled the wireless to bring the thing to mum's office and i complained to eric about it. he(dad) wants to teach mum how to deal with her new dell computer- a thousands-of-dollars flatscreen. apparently he has installed some sort of device on the computer so that you can watch tv on the computer and use it normally also. sorry to say, but hello mum doesn't even know how to turn on a song/pause it on iTunes. i had to teach her after school. and since she uses dial-up, she can't download any songs from Ares without paying a hefty sum to Singtel/Starhub. and now i don't know what my parents have done to the wireless.
i am typing this on Notepad and later if the wireless revives itself, i can save time by transferring the content here to Blogger immediately.
finished girls in love by jacqueline wilson. reading the princess diaries 1 for the number ???th time in 14 years. it's a nice book really, and the movie's just as nice. hahahs.
had ndp rehearsal yesterday. come to think of it, yesterday was pleasant. hmms. had ice cream cake for the griffyns :] the cake was small, not even enough for all the griffyns though. :( there were 3 layers of very frozen ice cream (chocolate, strawberry and vanilla) and fruits on top. :) dearest tomeyyto bought it, but had to top up $8 for it cos the $30 voucher wasn't enough. 38 bucks for a 1-kg cake, gosh, swensens must be rolling in money.
back to ice-cream cake.
we ate with our hands but was fortunate enough to have a knife for the cake, cos if we were to divide the cake with our bare hands, all of us would be in casts by now. the ice cream cake was a solid as a rock; tomeyyto and brinjole had a great time trying to force the knife down the center of the cake. lols. eugene had one piece at first and was eyeing clarence's piece. so we gave it to him. he confessed in front of brinjole, tomeyyto and i willingly about his love for leepo. hahahs. yeah. The Confessions of Naggy Pui Toottoot. :D
tried to get Mr Tan, English and Co-Form teacher of twoelephunk to pronounce Alliance Francaise. Qi was is there and she told me how to pronounce it once last time, i think it's something like Ah-Lee-Arh-nce Fron-say. blah. lol. he went, "whoa, you learn french ah?". hahahs. no i don't. XD and he got very delighted and said, " hey! i learnt a new word today!" and pranced off, much to the atonishment of tomeyyto and brinjole, who burst out giggling. -.o
brinjole and i created a new SICK version of hai dai quan. that funny game grass and i have a trademark in. x) too obscene already, cannot put here in case major-minors come across my blog and go "OH MY GOSH" and start playing that in primary sch. hahahs.
ndp rehearsal was quite okay. 15.6% fun, the remaining was torture under the sun. i'm so going charcoal every friday. o.o we ran from the carpark to the courtyard non-stop, up and down the courtyard more than 10 over times. quite torturous; and on the day itself we're going to have to wave a 3m long flag one-handed. ARGH! rahhs. the instructor was fierce but funny; he looked alot like a kopitiam uncle trying to get the 2o1 to 2o9 people to dance, and then do the formations with the 210s, 211s and 212s. hahahs. we had free ice cream also, lols. nice. after rehearsal i dragged myself to the mrt and ended up standing throughout the journey from clementi mrt to aljunied mrt. bleh. went to pc and chanted. was grateful i didn't fall asleep. but now my thighs and arms are aching like shit. that goes to show how far away my ability of running is from brinjole's. by the end of the whole thing, brinjole was barely even panting, for goodness's sake. omgs. she's so on.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
whats the name of your class? TWOELEVEN! :)
alias: twoelephunk
class tee?: YES! and another one's somewhat on the way :D
school: um, nan hua high.
1) the chio-est girl? i think should be charmaine/jupo. :)
2) the shuai-est guy? um, i didn't know there were guys in twoelephunk.. XD no lah. i dontnoe.
3) Nicest gal? i dontnoe. all the girls like each other in one way or another.
4) Nicest guy? um. i think should be eugene, keith, zhao an( sorry hor, he very nice to bully x)), zixin, yonghui, dek guan. actually those who talk to girls without bullying them :D
5) funniest girl? yileen is funny sometimes. um, most of the spastic insaners. i do funny/nice
sometimes. i think. XD AND JUPO!
6) funniest guy? no idea.
7) most biantai guy/girl? GUANZHI AND WANGPO
8) best couple? *wink* i shall not betray charmaine.. hmms..
9) cutest girl/guy? well the girl part is charmaine/kat/kristel/suxiang bahs. all also cute. girls
10) crappiest girl/guy? me.
11) most paikia student? spastic insaners. i sometimes also very pai :)
12) loves to sing? CRAPPS INCORPORATION
13) loves to dance? tomeyyto, kat, siying, gladys
14) quietest? weijie, jialin, liyan etc.
15) class tee designer? ME ME ME. TOMEYYTO AND BRINJOLE ALSO. <3
16) smartest? brinjole, audrey.
17) most vulgar? guanzhi. melvin.
18) noisiest gang? spastic insaners, no doubt! vegetables and crapps inc also very noisy most of
the time lah :)
19) most disliked? not mentioning anything not supposed to mention :D
20) most irritating? everyone's irritating at different point of times.
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
mixed feelings today :D
brinjole's aunt has decided to *gasp* throw in another batch of FOC tees for us cos apparently the material for the previous one was not good enough. hmms. her aunt is great eh, hahahs. so we're deciding on another design :)
mr ng didn't come today. *sighs -ahem-sadly* so we were thrown a bunch of maths to do. and to pass up by the end of the day.. gross. ):
had geog presentation also. and got into a little trouble during chinese. XD that's all for today. blah.
elise has given me something to do(again!). whatever.
post the number of random facts the same number as your index number in class.! then pass it on to 5 people of your choice. remember to inform the people of your choice!
i am ELEPHUNK #6. :D
1. i have cedric diggory on my handphone wallpaper.
2. i have legolas (orlando bloom, who else!) on my tablet desktop wallpaper.
3. my face is on my msn and friendster display pic...
4. i have 12 fantastic songs on i scream!, alias my fave songs playlist.
5. i am rooting for nobody in campus superstar, but i think zhiyang and teresa have good vocals.
6. i tuck out my shirt, pull my hair back into a ponytail and pull down my socks after school everyday.
whatever, hahahs. um, i want these people to do this thing:
1. tomeyyto
2. brinjole
3. bec
4. amanda lim
5. hot tea.
yayye. stupid elise, better STOP getting me to do these ah.
<3 amanda.
Monday, March 20, 2006

today we had no lessons.. lol amusing right. just had PE (leepo, yileen and i ponned together- just that i had a letter XD) and music for the whole day. (: and abit of biology; though there was no biology today. D & T teacher didn't come today. and mdm zuraida. so we slacked for 1 and a half hours. i crapped with yeong lan and qishan for 1/2 hr, slept for another half, and devoted the last lesson of freedom to daydreaming. -.- afterwards was biology, as mentioned; mrs lip took lit for biology. hahahs. didn't do alot though :D
i'm listening to alot of feng by jay chou. no, not that i'm listening to jay chou fart, but it's that totally classy song i like alot now. x) and chance chance (with a dancer-singer that can shake his ass so well in the MV, surprise surprise!). still trying to dl love is a love song in your eyes but to no avail. ): waiting for brinjole to send me that, as well as some of kelly's songs. lol.
had health check today, which took up 3 lessons(alias 1 and 1/2 hrs :D). my spine wasn't that bad, but was stuck with the nurse for quite a bit cos she wanted to know almost every detail about my fractured ankle and cast and crutches back in 2oo5. -.o and did a funny test assigned to us. asking about our health and well-being. all my answers were true but 3/4 of them were positively negative. yayye.
went back home after sch. no comments; i was locked out of the house cos auntie lidiya went over to mum's office and mum only told me when i had reached jurong east mrt station. boo. mooched around at kopitiam first, the new one at JE entertainment centre. ate this huge dish of chocolate and strawberry ice cream, whipped cream and chopped nuts, maltesers, strawberry sauce, hersheys chocolate sauce and two pieces of weird strawberries that were so sour i had to down 3 mouthfuls of chocolate ice cream before the sour taste went off. ): looked like an idiot eating alone there. then went to buy lime magazine and sat at mcdonalds eating a medium fries while reading. then went to get a chocolate milkshake which i regretted buying soon after, cos i had been scolded at by this stupid security guard while trying to sneak my milkshake in. -.o
the stupid guard was bloody nasty; i think he was having menopause or pre-menstrual syndrome. he shouted "HELLO! NO DRINKS!" right at me extremely unkindly. my fault, yes, but he ought to go for manners lessons or something. bleagh. so i came up with a smart-and-stupid idea. i sat at a bench in JE entertainment centre and began pouring the contents of my milkshake cup into my waterbottle. eh hehs. smart right. so there was no reason that ass would chase me out of the library again. x) if i weren't in my school garb i would have probably barged right in.. lols. no lah. i am a nice girl and i abide rules. -_____-''
borrowed a couple of meg cabot's and a jac wil book for teenage girls. hahahs. me and my girly books. XD
<3 amanda.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
er. sorry for the retardation. but they just so totally rock.
thanks to liying and weijie lah. they ate ramly burgers during dinner out with jess, kennedy and i. and i was so curious to find out what ramly burgers were, i dragged mum to the pasar malam yesterday and got myself a ramly burger. chicken pattied. yeah. it was SO yummy! so i ate it for lunch again today. WOOHOO~
hope the pasar malam at JE doesn't close down or move. i really wish it doesn't cos if no pasar malam, no ramly burgers.
<3 amanda.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
dead blog symptom :D
today was quite fun. yeah i guess so. but tiring. leadership course rocked hahahs! GRIFFIN <3s ALL :D
we are like, so full of lorve(:
our instructor was nice nice shawn. tomeyyto and brinjole were bloody excited. tomeyyto says he got piercing. COOL! as in. on the ear, for a guy. benglee kor's got two on both ears, but that's like so gay. it's in to just pierce one side hahahs.
i liked earthquake and that shifty people through the two raffia strings game. and the skit. LOL. how clarence acted "PUSHING". and "SLAPPING". charmaine and i were talking about who lee yishuo tombstone liked and hollered at the top of our voices about the CLASS TEE.(: boy, was he jealous. and no we didn't add his name :D
griffin won the whole game amongst so many groups! YAYYES. we won swensens vouchers. we planned to use the vouchers to get a cake to celebrate in school much to the envy of the other half of twoelephunk. XD warlords or warlocks or wallets or something like that. their initial D car design for the first part of the course was NICE(: somemore got brake one sehs. lahahas. just missing a edison chen/jay chou in the car only.
was let off at around 4 plus. dragged myself to the bus stop and slept in 183. woke up just in time to get off the bus. sat around the new food court at jurong entertainment centre eating chocolate ice cream with hersheys chocolate sauce and chopped nuts and lousy whipped cream. smsed jessica. got scolded for being late. hahahs. rushed to meet fang fang, jess, weijie and liying at the entrance of ivory heights. brought them to huiwen's house for home visit. chanted first. then talked. then received a call from a lost kennedy. ran here and there to look for him. found him. brought him to huiwen's house. talked somemore. realised with the help of weijie why the sky is blue. XD talked and talked again. drank coke when i wasn't supposed to. laughed. crapped. :)
..................then went off to eat with jess and kennedy (the other 2 ran away to buy Ramly Burgers) at long john's. ate fries. no appetite. (thanks to the nuggets, pocky, cheese dog, lemonade and the thousand other things that went down my stomach earlier on) drank lemon lime. LEMON LIME ROCKS! :D
eehee. then here i am.
don't feel like blogging le. bye.
<3 amanda.
PS: i've just received 4 new friend requests on friendster. that's hot.
PS: -.o
Saturday, March 11, 2006

i am still alive!
i would have enjoyed myself this march hols if not for my stomach flu. i don't know what it is, but it`s just bad. and irritating. had the illness since around wednesday night. fever came first, then it shot right up to 38.9 deg and stayed there without budging. the next day was just as bad. then on friday i began to start throwing up whatever i eat. o.O threw up 3 times. eerghs.
bore myself for a while by lazing around the TV yesterday. no programmes to watch in the afternoon, so had to stick with surfing channels around before stopping at ch 5. watched some kick-ass soccer teams battle it out on the pitch. GO MAN U! :D
after the show ended, had to watch another stupid soccer show on suria where no teams could even score one goal after 1/2 hour. so lousy. i think even the primary school kids could kick better than them. -.-
watched phantom of the opera(again!) afterwards and i think the Phantom rocks, but not handsome enough.
<3 amanda.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

=got scolded by mr ng today!
must put in more effort for maths homework liao.
don`t wish to talk much about maths today lah. it was such a bore. the only amusing thing that happened was that funny part where jupo irritated mr ng and he threatened to turn her teeth in to a piano keyboard. -.- lame but at least a lil` laugh in the whole 1 hour of maths. lala.
then during geog i was accused of peeping at mr tan while he was tucking his shirt into his pants. like. hello! if it was nicholas tse/ orlando bloom i would probably have took out my phone and start recording hahahs. besides it was TOMEYYTO that pointed him out first, not me, so it didn`t start with me and it wasn`t entirely my fault. XD mr tan exclaimed across the class, "EH AMANDA! don`t peep!" like. not funny lol. -.o
that`s all the things i remember about today. how stupid.
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

today was a drag. had double of almost everything. double history, lit, chinese, geography and maths. haiis.
biology was super funny. yeah. that relief teacher whose suspected to be-ahem- our old discipline headmissy`s son. hahahs. son. i think. *winks at those who had laughed their guts out at what they heard/saw during biology today*
double history was okay, just like usual, listening to mdm yip talk and talk. and since i`m the history rep i`m supposed to collect all the song compositions etc for her. yackkkk
after chemistry remedial i felt super tired and slept on the bus on the way home. woke up to find myself being the only one left in the bus at JE interchange. hahahs. walked home and got some junk food to eat at pasar malam
blahs. go do homework le.
<3 amanda.
Monday, March 06, 2006

i didnt like today. and i mean that literally.
got back art and lit commons today. was one of the 33 people in class who failed. -.- like so surprising yeah. had a 9/25.. lol. considered quite a good fail? laha. so shitty.
art commons was reasonable, hahahs. um, had a 64/100. it seems okay to me; i had thought i was going to die for art. xD hot tea was the highest (*like surprise surprise :D) with a score of 76/100. that`s like a super good a1! and she only used pencil for her entire artpiece. phwoar. i`m going to kill her if she doesn`t take higher art next year.
was scolded by mr peter tan today. apparently we were referred to as rude. nahs, cos we made fun of the accent of his english name. brinjole, tomeyyto and i were at the staff room enquiring for mr tan and then mrs foo went "peeeettteeeerrrrr!" so we copied her and unfortunately he didn`t let us off. our detention was very fun. the three musketeers had to stand in the sun for 10 minutes. -.o nice detention; we spent more time laughing. lol lame.
theres alot of work to do.. better go now. haiis.
<3 amanda.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
just a update `round here..
i am rotting. lala.
nothing to say also...
so update for whatttt.
mum has been leaving her candy wrappers around the living room. i am not going to clear it up for her. apparently she had ate so much candy while lying on the sofa and then dozed off. -.- what a way to lose weight! she has decided to join attitude`s pilates lessons. i am so freaked out.
mum/dad just bought a copy of Horrible Science for me. the title is called Suffering Scientists. i wanted Horrible Geography`s Earth-Shattering Earthquakes but since tausarpiah had lent me the book once during higher chinese lesson, i shall not read it again.(:
i think i`m going to buy a copy of Murderous Maths for mr ng or something during teachers` day. however, i recalled him saying that he would only accept 2 presents: a red pen and good results for us. sorry mr ng, i doubt it`s within my ability. hahahs. o.o
<3 amanda.
Friday, March 03, 2006
commons over but so freakin` dead. like duh.
sorry for not updating for so long. abit busy, see, dance rehearsals(like hello i didn`t know i could dance. like shit lah. i have pitied kennedy for being my dance partner during 2oo4 kenshu, which is bad enough.) and now we`ve got to tap dance for ndp. SHUCKS!
on the 1st march we had our first ndp rehearsal. we weren`t made to tap dance yet. but we had to learn this
that dance thing was funny. we had so many steps, things named "starfish" where we had to lean back abit with our arms spread out, then kneel on the floor immediately. and "washing machine" (name credits to jiaqi) where we had to wave our arms like a windmill. and "gorilla", "cheena dance" etc. sheryl, grass, jiaqi and i did more laughing and exclaiming "shit!" rather than dancing during the rehearsal. -.o fun but tiring. yeah.
yesterday was road run! sheryl came in as first among all the sec2 girls. :D so cool. i didn`t run of course, so i stuck with charlene and watched and shouted at the people running past us. we stressed the shit out of them by telling them "ehs faster! 500m more!" then some would go HARHHH and start walking. eh hehs. so evil right. and when sheryl ran past us as the first sec2 girl, those 2 ncc guards on standby went PHWOAR FAST MAN! and cheered her on. yayye lol.
when the teachers` race started, charlene and i started watching them take off and charlene freaked my guts out by screaming "OMG SHUAI!" when mr adrian tan ran off. i shouted "MY GOSH; CHARLENEE!" and mr chee started staring. HA. mr foo(principal) cycled throughout the race and mr chee yelled at him, "eh MR FOO! HANDICAPPED AH!" and we all burst out laughing. hmms.
after the run when grass and i were rotting we went to the playground to play that twirly twirly thing that almost made us go sick. b lim came soon afterwards, blared on the whistle and shooed us back to the field where we got sunbaked. my thighs are currently pink as hams and abit sore. -.- and i did not enjoy the "nan hua family walk" back from west coast park all the way back to school. everyone was complaining about the people sitting in the air-conditioned rooms` lack of humanity. hahahs. qishan was ill so she took Liang`s car back. eeheeeeee
i best go now. i wanna sleep. yawwwn.
<3 amanda.