Tuesday, February 27, 2007
okay i'm damn bored. here to blog.
it's chem now! salts salts salts.
tio pawned by SS and elective history and some of emaths. that's like, half the papers i've sat for so far. wrote 6 pages for english mwahahaha. i'm beginning to regret it now. i hope the nice marker wouldn't penalise me for overwriting.
higher chinese was so-so, but definitely better than ss and elective history and a bit of emaths.
got to go study biology and amaths later after school.
i have a feeling i'd get pwned by amaths too, damn.
and i just got caught by mr liu.
not for blogging in class, but for writing an = sign instead of putting an arrow for my chemical formulae. !#$%
Friday, February 23, 2007
just another post where i want to write down every single thing stuck in the gutters of my mind.
pardon me if my stuff goes all over the place.
okay i didnt go to school on thursday, mainly because of my molar gum. the damn thing was swollen and i couldn't eat anything, so i was too hungry to even walk. i woke mum up and told her i was dying. she got irritated and blamed me for the 40 over chocolates and bak kwa i ate over the past 3 days. ):
went back to nan hua today, unable to even talk. not literally so, but it hurt ALOT if i opened my mouth too wide, or sealed my jaws too tightly. therefore i refrained from speaking so as not to trigger the pain again. still, SORRRYYY to everyone who were freaked out by my peanut butter silence today.
forgot to bring thermometer this morning, but even if i brought it i would still have to report to the General Office, cos the battery was completely flat. got into trouble with chrysan, weijie and rodson. hahaha the whole lot of thermometer-less people got told off by mr chia too. the 4 of us freaked out like mad when mr ng turned up and dealt with us personally. he said we had to write TEN THOUSAND i will not forget to bring my thermometers each. weijie had to write TWENTY thousand, because his mum is a teacher, which meant that he was in deeper shit than us. ohohoh. :D
it was PURE TORTURE during recess. i saw people everywhere, eating. eating. when that was the very thing i couldn't do at that moment. that TAY KAIYING even bought a pack of famous amos cookies and ate it in front of ME. she made all the masochistic mmmnn chocolate chip cookies!~ sounds which made me feel like smashingggg something. i stomped up to class and saw mr ng standing outside 312 with a funny expression smudged on his face. :O
he saw me and asked how my gum was. as usual, i didn't say anything, and he assumed that the thing causing all the trouble was the growth of a wisdom tooth. i couldn't do anything more than go "uh" or "er" or "mmn". and what was his reaction? he went "whoaaaa so PEACEFUL. so QUIET. mmm..." kaiying started laughing like mad. -.-
CEP was the last lesson of today's half-day. had some class discussions regarding the class tees, international summer camp, CIP and other stuff. halfway through the double period, the front of the class exploded with laughter because of BARRY. apparently, he sniggered/giggled/laughed insomuch that he snorted mucus out of his nose. EEK. chi ho, yihua, eugene and timotheus were screaming with laughter and both mr peh and mr ng were utterly disgusted LOL.
went to pc at night. after chanting, i saw my old gang of friends again! ivy jie, san san, wei hong, priscilla, johnson, yongsheng and quite a few others from the kenshu'o6 days. felt nostalgic all of a sudden, omg.
i miss kenshu!
i miss ZORRO
i miss the crazy planning times with the all-time-best-friend-CHEONGWEIHONG
i miss all my fellow Group Leaders):
i miss the morning gongyos
i miss EVERY SINGLE BIT of pre-kenshu, kenshu and post kenshu times!
beep beep beep.
pre kenshu was super fun and exhilarating. :) i can remember the first few meetings when hardly anyone turned up, but nevertheless wei hong and i had lots of crazy fun together. during the first meeting at wei hong's house, nobody turned up and we did the group proposal, cheers and drafts together. watched him play o2Jam and chiong-ed his superbly CORRUPTED LF2. then before everything else there was that outing with yonghsheng kor and the rest of the buddies. priscilla was SO quiet last time. then she and i went bananas at party world KTV :D to the extent that i reckon all of them remember the havoc priscilla and i caused. HAHA
during kenshu, everything was pretty fun. esp the GAMES and the gross detergent station game! i lost my voice throughout the whole camp, so wei hong had to do all the shouting. i love ZORROoohlala. (:
post-kenshu was rather quiet, but i still kept in touch with the Zorrogirls sherry clara pei ying and siew ling. initially yin yi and i thought that we would drift away from our group leader partners but miraculously, we didn't! wei hong is my best friend HAHAHA. and yin yi still talks to bangbang, who had caused scandals. :O oooooh.
okay it's getting late. tired now.
i will vent more next time, after the common tests.
can't write properly while listening to jaychou either. :]
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Slept in your bed: me, of course. but lots of people who come to my house like to lie on my bed. i wonder why.
Made you cry: my swollen molar gum from eating 40 chocolates and bak kwa overdose ):
You shared a drink with: can't remember.
You went to the movies with: er, deathnote 2 with cheryljie and darryl?
You went to the mall with: is jec counted as a mall? if yes, today, with charlene and yuqian.
Sent you an e-mail: sherry with some super funny stuff about mathematics.
you kissed: can't remember.
Said”I love you” and meant it?: can't remember as well.
Been to New York?: no,
Been to Florida?: no, but my best friend wei hong goes there everyday. so envious.
California?: no
Hawaii?: no
Mexico?: no
China?: no
Canada?: no
Danced naked?: NO!
Wish you were the opposite gender?: er, i doubt so.
Had an imaginary friend?: no. but when i was a kid, i liked to talk to myself. i don't have brothers or sisters, so you can't blame me!
Red or blue?: er. blue!
Spring or fall?: fall, i guess.
Most reliable medicine?: laughter and chocolate, but i have currently temporarily gone off the latter.
Last noise you heard?: my maid yelling at me to have my dinner.
Things you like in a guy?: honesty and loyalty come out tops, but there are too many required qualities to put here.
Do you have a crush on someone?: no. really, no.
What book are you reading now?: new moon, stephenie meyer. AH edward cullen is the LOVE!
Worst feeling in the world: let me think and get back to this question next time.
What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: shit shit shit, so fast morning again!
How many rings before you answer?: i don't count.
Future daughter’s name: yet to think of. or actually, too many. :D
Future son’s name: carlisle!
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?: righty.
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?: er, no. my fingers are all over the place, but as long as i'm fast, who cares!
Siblings: nil.
Do you do drugs?: i'm guai. no.
Do you drink?: water?
What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: -_- what kinda question is this man. herbal essences, can?
What are you most scared of?: shhh.
Where do you want to get married?: when my career is established. and the right one is located :D
If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?: grow skinnier.
Favorite number: 9 and 2!
Been In Love?: i don't know what is love- it has too many definitions.
What Type Automobile Do You Drive: number bus 11 :)
Do You Have A Job?: no.
Do You Like Being Around People: depends on what kind of people i'm supposed to be socializing with.
Are you for world peace: sure.
Are you a health freak: no. not at all.
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: not that i know of. :]
You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: in k2, some boy in my class bullied me and i tried to bite him. then i burst out crying. :O i dont know why either, don't ask.
Does Anyone Like You?: i think so? today, charlene said she likes me and that i was mean. SO CONTRADICTING RIGHT
And How Many?: i'd go count, then i'd tell you.
A “Type” Of Person You Always Go After: people who are easy to talk to and will have no communication breakdown. oh and sense of humour- i like BEST :D
Do you Want Someone You Don’t Have Right Now: i want wu zun and edison chen, can?
Ever liked a close boy/girl friend: yes. i love everybody :O EXCEPT FOR CHARLENE CHAN
Are You Lonely Right Now: i'm not too sure, because there's someone in my head, talking to me. that's why i'm never lonely. :] voices! okay, i'm joking
Ever Afraid You’ll Never Get Married: next time then say.
Do You Want Kids: ditto the previous question.
Room in house: my room! duh.
Memory: too many clouded ones. which one are you referring to?
Day Of The Week: eh... weekends, esp sunday.
Month: any month with a considerable number of holidays.
Season: rain rain rain. omg i love the rain. i can't stand the sun.
Cried: yeah. my gums were too painful i started tearing. T_T
Bought Something: new year clothes?
Gotten Sick: my gum my gum ahhh !#$%
Sang: 5 hours in all of karaoke during 2nd and 3rd day of CNY. enough?
Said I Love You: i don't remember :O
Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: i love everybody. everybody, this goes out to you! :D
Had A Serious Talk: with my stuffed tortoise. it's a good listener.
Missed Someone: yup.
Hugged someone: yes. i hugged SK today.
Kissed someone: :]
Fought With Your Parents: my mum. i was quarreling with her.
Dreamt About Someone: i dreamed that i was visiting my ah ma during CNY. o.o don't ask.
:D this post is originally from jamie's blog.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
i am HAPPY today!
in the below source, he is reasoning with her.
he never hits girls, which is a thing ALL GUYS (in particular: guanzhi, timothy) HAVE to learn from him.
i didn't have the time to, anyway.
timotheus didn't do such a good job i guess.
this picture was taken yesterday :D
went to daiso myself and the rest of the gang left
called mum and said she would pick me up at a much later time -_-
for, like over an hour.
some of them were the usual nice ones, like Feng and Fa Ru Xue
the piano part with his friend was
i started by watching Shan Hu Hai
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
i'm listening to MY SONG now :D
ah and i feel a bit better now
timo doesn't hold no grudges at me no more
so that's better.
but my commonwealth essay's only got 1091 words
which is 109 words away from the cut off point
but never mind i think
because my eyeballs are already hanging out of their sockets from staring unblinkingly at the comp screen since 3pm.
zzz i'm really tired.
i hope mr ng won't yell at me for not finishing maths
i'm zonked out.
brains are fried already.
take them to the chorus!
come here, girl
go ahead be gone with it
2:35:49 pm
i'm feeling damn guilty
okay i sot him today.
i meant to soot his neh or something but the lubberban decided to take a detour to thwack his mouth.
then he was like, super super mad afterwards
and he dao-ed me!
i have apologized to yishuo and timo!
but anyway.
received lots of FOOD today. thankyou to the darlings who stuffed me with chocolates/sweets/marshmallows and the various other pressies!
guilty guilty guilty. :X
and throughout choir my gastric was alksjdhfg.
i didn't have lunch or anything to eat before choir.
jasmin whacked my stomach during sectionals, my gastric was killing me and timotheus poked my stomach (hard!) after school
cos i soot lubberban at him.
not lubberbans, actually. wads of paper.
i sot yishuo during literature when miss rani wasn't looking.
all the guys started laughing and yishuo swore colourfully for the next 15 minutes of the lesson.
why won't the hols hurry up and come!
i have no date for valentine's, so halt the imagination
i'd be spending the day at home doing my Commonwealth Essay. ):
Monday, February 12, 2007
1) likes to bite when hungry (evidence please refer to yuh-chien :D)
2) skin colour (undeniable)
3) nocturnal (actually, the Cullens don't even need to sleep.)
4) detests the sun (SO utterly true.)
i got 5 hours of sleep last night again
i need more SLEEP
someone help me!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
when you're looking like that- westlife
i'm back.
physically tired!
had 2 tuitions in a day. it was pretty. horrific. :D
i like to contradict myself D:
went to vivo by myself later on, without telling mum. i wanted to buy some chocs for v-day! i'm going to give to 312 and some other friends. more girls than guys, undoubtedly. all for friendship-appreciation purposes. other than 312 guys, there's only my best friend in the guy list. but cheong wei hong is a scary nice monster.
when i reached vivo, mum called up. i didn't have the heart to tell her i was at vivo, but i told the truth anyway. she was like, "OH REALLY? DAD AND I ARE AT VIVOCITY TOO!" my expression was like omg!? what a coincidence. but she financed me for a bit later on. woohoohoo.
i was damn bored when she and dad decided to walk around. i carried everything for them! it was bloody heavy. but i didn't make a noise because i was hungry. when i'm hungry i'd isolate myself and go all quiet, see. dad bought mum a very expensive blouse at Tangs. not revealing the price here- but it's a 3 figure sum. mum was gloating as she got 2 other pairs of shoes too. i bought a box of Maxim de Paris chocolates for shandy jie (:
ate at food republic later on, then went home feeling freaking tired.
i want to post a picture here, but blogger's spasming. ugh.
i was acting twit in the picture (inspired by yanling and jeraldine) and there was this woman standing behind me
her pose was SO sexy -_-
okay tatata.
12.27.34 pm
chao xi huan ni- fahrenheit
i've just been to charlene's blog
i was laughing my ass off at the stupid, stupid photos
especially the yanling ones
she's SO hyper
and the timotheus twit. HAHA
i shall post some here.
to prove just 10% of craziness from 312
if you're interested, you can write a structured essay about it
and the pictures can act as your source.
please infer carefully
Do you agree? Explain your answer.

the 312 family tree.
not everyone is here, of course, but it's still funny :D
barry married jeraldine!
and they've got EIGHT kids
whoa the government will love jeraldine and barry.
i've got SIX sisters and ONE brother.
the eldest is yanling, followed by heshuang, jemimah, charlene, yihua, yuqian.
then timotheus is my elder brother.
i'm the YOUNGEST! woohoo.
i know what you did with my picture! D:

this is supposed to be our higher chinese homework
we were supposed to write love letters to ourselves for Vday.
i don't know whose paper is this, but it's one of the guys'
they pooled ideas and wrote all sorts of funny stuff
lin lao shi is going to have a stroke reading their letters.

aiSHITeru -.-
and love is in the air, i can see your underwear
mr bean is PAWNED
312 shall rule as the new age's ultimate comedians.
and barry and eugene tried blackmailing chi ho! :D
i helped a bit.
not literal blackmailing, but
they wrote all over wangpo's foolscap
stuff like "lubb lubb" and a big heart in the centre saying
things like that, yeah
and used chi ho's name to tell heshuang's she's pretty, sexy, the best, whatever
and that he doesn't like SK anymore.
(which is not even true in the first place)
heshuang came back and was like OMG
what the hell is that
the twit spelling by barry and eugene were the BEST
what lurbe lubb lorve
then they started debating over how twits spell "love" xD
i love threetwelve so much.
it's full of lunatics.
credits to charlene chan for the pictures.
she best send me the videos soon
and this is the camerawoman
Friday, February 09, 2007
when you're looking like that.
i can't believe what i'd just gave away-
now i can't take it back.
i don't wanna get lost;
i don't wanna live my life without you.
am i supposed to leave you now?
when you're looking like that.
look at this! :D

i can totally feel the green light from yihua's house
or where ever she is now.
i've just collected new moon from the library and read the first chapter. it's just as good as the first book, twilight. vampire romances do rock big time.
was supposed to go to choir and pc today, but i didn't stay cos i fell ill. zzz dying of lack of sleep! and a lousy diet. i learnt a new word this week! it's IMBA. according to charlene, it means a short form for imbalance. so everytime she goes imba leh imba leh, at least i know what she's talking about.
i've more or less bought all my new year's clothes, and believe it or not, they're all skirts.
i forgot to tell everyone that i wear skirts out as much as i wear jeans/pants out.
i know i don't look like the sort, but still. (:
school was crap today.
2 tests in day.
i wrote more than ever for elective history
we were supposed to talk about goals during CEP today, and write them on pieces of paper. i couldn't think of much, so i wrote "I WANT TO GROW TALLER THAN TOH SOH KHOON"
because i wrote that in my handbook, see.
i'm only 5 feet 6.5 inches (168cm)
she's 169! rawr
okay i'm kidding
but she really is tall and skinny.
SK and i played with our shoes.

i stayed back after school in class to do maths.
i wasn't the only one- there was still yanling, jeraldine, charlene, timotheus, jasmin, zhao an, jupo, huiqin and wangpo
jupo, huiqin, wangpo and zhao an minded their own business and were quiet while doing their own stuff
i was hungry so i isolated myself half the time.
i chewed my pen and ruler.
bit yuqian when my gastric acted up.
i asked timotheus if i could bite him (he's got muscles, see.)
he said no ):
jeraldine, yanling, jasmin, charlene and i were SUPER noisy in the classroom after we did maths
we created as much noise as 700 aunties in a fish market bargaining for cheaper prices.
the 5 of us took VERY VERY LAME pictures and videos
that involved jumping about, super(wo)men, reciting of chinese poetry (!!!), rowing boats and bao yang's table with the wheels
omg i couldn't believe our retardism.
shall post the less sickening pictures/videos here next time.
and i received my first ever Valentine's Day gift.
in 2007, that is.
thank you shandy jie!

shandy jie is the love. thank you my dear!
i'm definitely going to give the 312 peeps Vday food. yum.
edible stuff because i can gorge on the leftovers! :D
i'm also reading Adrian Mole now
i really loved the part where Adrian Mole's best friend Nigel opened the Gay Club!
the headmaster ordered a closure of it as the school governors couldn't sanction the use of the school gym for "immoral purposes".
Nigel was like, "But sir, the Gay Club is for pupils who want to be frisky, frolicsome, lively, playful, sportive, vivacious or gamesome during the dinner break. What is immoral about gaiety?"
The headmaster retorted, "Nigel, the word 'gay' has changed its meaning over the past years. It now means something quite different."
Nigel said, "What does it mean, sir?"
The headmaster started sweating and messing about with his pipe and not answering, so Nigel let him off the hook by saying, "Sorry, sir, I can see that I will have to get an up-to-date dictionary!"
imagine if that happened in Singapore. nan hua. HA!
i shall go to sleep now.
i'm damn tired.
why won't chinese new year hurry up and come!
i want to eat bak kwa.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
i'm damn pissed with youtube.
it's rebelling me
*bites youtube*
and my wireless too!
*chews wireless*
today was oh-so-perfectly retarded.
i stressed my butt off studying biology and didn't have recess. ): my gastric pain acted up and i felt as though i was going to die. it's also because i've not ate chocolate for FOUR days! ARGH. four miserable days without chocolate. i used to chow a bar everyday, especially during the holidays. elise FREAKED when i told her that :D
biology test was so-so today. uh i got one careless MCQ question. only after the test did i find out about the mistake. i was so hopping mad, i strangled timotheus twice. once for the MCQ and another time for the graph i forgot to label. omg i feel like killing myself D:
that show we watched during Malay this morning was SUPER funny! hahaha. i would have enjoyed it even more if i wasn't trying to swallow down information about hypertonic and hypotonic solutions. i like that kuku guy. forgot his name, but he's the blur king everyone screamed with laughter at when he came on screen. the producer of the show is lousy. he didn't say what happened to that main character couple. -.- i hate shows with lousy endings that leave you suspended in the air.
i'm having cup noodles for lunch now. elise says that i'd suffer from premature ageing if i eat too much maggi mee. ERRR why are you quoting my best friend? lol. but it somehow sounds as ridiculous as charlene's am-cio (something like holding back laughter) concept. she told her own best friend not to am-cio in class yesterday, or he'd get breast cancer for keeping all the hahahas in his chest.
i'd also like to thank ZITING and KAIYING-LIPOLOVE here for chiong-ing the chemistry presentation today :D sorry i didnt help much.
reply to tags:
jasmin/yoda- okay okay. you shall be YODA. that scary creature. HAHAHA. the hyperventilating DARTH VADER is sexy okay. i shall be called Darth Vadress. oh and ask nicky to quick choose his character! :D
serene: :D SPECIALLY DEDICATED TO THE LUBBERCLAN OKAY! nicky, you, me and jasmin. woohoo.
kaiying: D: lost a hand?! sorry i didn't watch Star Wars. at all. i was just somewhat interested in Darth Vader. and SEXYBACKKK!(:
charlene: i'm not a meanie. YOU ARE. ditched me for timotheus. BOOOOO :D i like yuh-chien now. HMPH
jos: LOL mwahahaha i shall soot lubberbans at you too >:D
okay TATA people. :)
get your SEXY on
thankyou cheryl jie for the song!
the lyrics are plain weird
but it seems to be a nice song to groove to :D
okay i have nothing to update about, i am bloody tired.
it's official- i have an average of 5-6 hours of sleep a day.
so i shall go do my work now
then try to sleep earlier tonight
:D byebye
Monday, February 05, 2007
yeah i told wei hong that.
his reaction was
Argh. Fine.
i'm freaking tired. the 5-hours-of-sleep-a-day thing is back! rawr. i get ratty/insane when i don't get enough sleep. ):
i've been pretty much obsessed with the lubberban thing these days, especially during the weekend. let's listen to the history of the lubberban clan! (:
once upon a time, there was this little cute girl called Jemimah. she was from the same tuition class as another nice girl called Amanda, and during one session, Jemimah decided to tell Amanda about her previous class 210's poem for their chinese teacher last year. it had this phrase about sooting lubberbans, thus Amanda started laughing her ass off and the lubberban sooting got embedded in her mind.
on friendster, Amanda decided to do some online lubberban sooting to irritate people. they dodged, they ducked- but only one of them was truly fascinated by the lubberban fetish. her name was none other than Jasmin. she knew Amanda through choir, sat next to her during practices and hence knew Amanda's frequent insane spasms.
Jasmin accepted Amanda's testimonial about soooooting lubberbans. in the meantime, there was this guy who was also very fascinated by the lubberbans. his name was Nicky, aka Nicholas. he wrote back a testimonial expressing his joy while reading Amanda's lubberban testimonial. somehow, Jasmin and Nicky decided to join forces while Amanda continued sooting lubberbans at them.
while Amanda was attempting to soot lubberbans at Nicky, she wrote a testimonial to this pretty girl called Serene. Amanda tried appealing to Serene to give her permission to soot Nicky, since Nicky was of Serene's property. Serene replied cheerfully, stating that Amanda could have the permission, and that Amanda was advised to spare lubberbans to Serene so that Serene could join Amanda in sooting Nicky and Jasmin.
currently, Serene and Amanda are on the Dark Side while Nicky and Jasmin are on the Good Side. the themes for the lubberban clan are Star Wars and Harry Potter, as decided by Amanda. Serene was bestowed upon the name of Voldemort while Amanda was to be the sexy noisy hyperventilating Darth Vader. On the other hand, Jasmin has decided to take on the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Nicky has yet to decide his Harry Potter character.
the weapons both forces are going to be using for the Final Showdown will be as follows:
- Amanda: the all-original Lubberbans and lime green lightsabres
- Serene: yet to be decided
- Nicky: a guy named Yishuo (who happens to be the drama king of Amanda's lit class) and his super-spiked hair
- Jasmin: Toilet paper and Toilet bowls stuffed/soaked with shit.
both forces are recruiting more members.
interested parties please inform the Head of the Lubberban Clan (Amanda). please notify her by tagging on her board. (note: TAGGING, not SPAMMING)
okay that was SUPER lame
but everything is TRUE :D
i got this scare by timotheus today during biology. shan't elaborate here- it involved peanuts and the scary materialising-out-of-thin-air from him. but ohFREAK, i was bloody frightened. -.-
went to JE library with charlene just now. we swapped lame jokes on 183 and i felt like punching her face in at that Purple Passion "joke". LAME would be an understatement to describe it. i tried to find New Moon and Roots from the library but to no avail, so i ended up reserving both. $3.10 for 2 brillo books shouldn't be an issue. :D yay, can't wait.
i feel like sleeeeeeping now, but there's still the book review and emaths to do.
>:( mr ng is the evil.
bye, peeps.
Friday, February 02, 2007
dang dang dang
i want to learn guits already
i want to buy a new wallet >:)
i like yihua's wallet!
the ozozo one
so cute. i should get black to match my phone :D
yeah and i shall reply to tags:
kaiying: YEAH SK has her methane. lol. chi ho. and ziting and i are NOT pushing timo around!
he dao-ed me on friday. he is so dao. i will bring a pack of lubber bans on monday
then i will soot:
1) kaiying
2) jasmin
3) nicky
4) timotheus
5) anyone i see/ who irritates me
jasmin: omg you crazy woman. i've added posts to my blog already, so i won't jump out of my skin everytime i attempt to see my tagboard :X
you'd scare anyone who comes to this blog, not only stalkers. AHAHA
yanling: gimme your blog add. i'd link you (:
ziting: yeah. timo dao-ed me and charlene on friday D:
oh yes. thankyou about the guitar
that goes to show that my friend is blind
elise failed art, you know. LOL
and i'd like to credit jemimah and 210'06 for the lubber ban thing.
i'm addicted to it aleadi
it's been exactly a week since jemimah told me about the lubber ban sooting
i will aim jasmin and nicky first, according to my msn nick
i can always get kaiying in class
and timotheus will probably concuss me with a basketball first
piu piu piu
sounds like stars wars.
i want a lightsabre for my birthday! sponsor sponsorrrr.
oh YES. speaking of guitar,wei hong told me that he would like to get a better electric guitar. so i asked him through sms for his old one.
he was like,
"Wa. All my wives leh! How can anyhow give!?"
yeah, his guitars are his wives
and so is yongsheng kor
brokeback series 2
as continued from timotheus and keith kok
okay kidding
don't soot lubber ban at me ):
thanks to jemimah, i'm engulfed in this... lubber-ban-sooting fetish. i've been drawing lots of electric guitars everywhere too. on my worksheets, at the back of my notes, on ripped-out pieces of sketchbook paper. guanzhi, heshuang and SK all think that i'm mad now! >:D
yeah one of the examples drawn in the shortest time ever (5 minutes)

it's pretty big, so i could take a picture of it and hence post it here
i couldn't draw too large ones at the back of my notes and worksheets, obviously.
i showed elise just now
she said
"that looks kind of pretty, terrible"
then she showed daniel (her brudder)
he said
"it looks okay. in fact, it looks kind of nice"
contradicting statements! :D
i went for choir today
it was bloody tiring
and i was hungryangrysiantired.
we did some kind of malay song
lyrics depict rice padi fields and potong potong potong
potong = cut. teehee
i wanted to die when it was only 5pm
and choir ends at 6 ):
but anyway, wave that fact aside. magdalene and stella got into choir! hoohoo. stella's in sop 1 and mag's with us (2s).
jiayou for choir, okay, girls! :D
SYF's coming right up.
auds are next week! ARGH
okay i'm super duper tired now
i need matchsticks again
update next time; i can't write properly now.