Sunday, April 30, 2006

i've just got ticked off by my mum for coming home so late.
i just came back from marina sq to get a mother's day pressie for her!
blah; not much mood to blog now. my blisters are getting worse; the flesh can be seen at the back of my foot now.. and all thanks to my adidas superstars. but it's not their fault either i think. my ankle socks were too low, and i never had a blister problem if i wore slightly higher socks. -_-
i bought this super chio notebook for mum and along with a box that cost $5.50 (so imagine how much the book costs). and a pair of roxy socks. i have half a mind to take back the roxy socks and keep it for myself or something; all my nan hua socks are getting grey and loose. yuck.
whatever. off to friendster.
<3 amanda.
Saturday, April 29, 2006

omgs. my tagboard is turning into msn messenger!
um.. well. sorry for not updating for a while; i've kinda been overworking and over-nagged at by mum and dad. sometimes they just can't give me a day's peace by not nagging about my maths and whatever that comes to their mind. T-T but anyway, i'll reply all the tags here or something.
guanzhi: yes my tagboard is like MSN or something.. but not close enough to be, what, MSN 8.5? lol -_-
SK: you saw me during speech day?! aw RIGHT. on tuesday youd be having a good laugh.. yeah. i don't look cute; i was freaking out cos all the choir peeps behind me and on either side of me were either altos or soprano twos. tsk. mr lai so evil; change my place. i wanted to stand next to weiru and charlene. :(
qi and mel: whoa, is my tagboard the battlefield for the Fight between Kakeru and Yuki?? happy birthday to qi anyway. :)
gladys: not really lah.. a little but during the rehearsal only. we didnt get to see the final performance cos we were all shooed back to the Music Room during the dance performance. :P
charlene: yes yes zilian people RAWK! let's go take neos sometime. haha.
lala. that's about it..
speech day rawked! hmm.
we went through the songs for a bit first, then it was changing time! D: the gowns were extremely uncomfortable, and we had to put on makeup. ugh. jocelyn was damn funny; during the Inspection of Lai, mr lai was like, "AIYO YOU THERE! you look like a corpse! too pale already.!". lol poor jocelyn. she had trouble with her hair and makeup so she was like this great hollywood star, with the seniors doing her makeup at the last minute, while shuxuan and huishan tried doing something about her hair. huiyun kept playing MR LAI'S FAVOURITE GAME with him, that ji-ko-pak thing. hahaha. then mr lai screamed and screeched at the top of his voice everytime he won a round or something, and all the choirgirls would shout with laughter. o_O i played about 2 rounds with me and he won me hands-down, but he often lost to huiyun, and mr lai kept saying that huiyun practised in front of the mirror all the time at home. no logic! teehee.
during the performance i wasn't wearing glasses, but i could see mao sitting in the front row in the school blazer and tie looking very extra. :D in the choir room before that was even better. mr lai warned us not to do get distracted at all, even if he burst into flames or if She Who Must Not Be Named suddenly gets a heart attack and collapses in the front row. -.- after the 2 pieces ended and when we walked off the stage, huiyun dropped her shoe and gwendolyn had to pick it up for her. XD my shoes were killing me throughout the whole performance cos my toes were so crushed, i kicked them off immediately in the music room afterwards. they were tomato-red from the pain and i changed back into my fila sch shoes, which did not much good either. i think the blisters at the back of my right foot have got themselves infected or something; they hurt alot now.
i don't know exactly what to do now.. i've got quite abit of homework and i don't know which to start with. haiis.
<3 amanda.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
not much time to update..
hello i barely even have time to do my history retest revision D:
tml's test is SO dead!
um, basically today sucked.. no fun at all. everything was BORING. but speech day rehearsal kinda cheered me up. i don't know why, but somehow i was shifted here and there and in the end i ended up right in front of Mr Lai, the Great King and Supreme Ruler of Nan Hua Choir. o.O which means i have to stand in the first row, CENTRE tml!!!
after rehearsal, the whole choir slacked around the hall to watch the dance people. they were okay but some parts were not synchronised very well. i think; i don't have the authority or status to criticise them.(: gwendolyn, huiyun, jasmine and i weer crapping as usual. (jocelyn and wenyan flew away). and i asked weiru how many piercings she had. and she said 10! 5 on each ear! zomgs. so painful; i already buay tahan when i pierced the standard earlobe-kind about 4 years back or something.. lol. charlene left her handphone in my pocket and during the rehearsal the weight was practically killing me. her Hello Kitty phone probably weighed at least 5kg... nahs. exaggerating. -.-
so mum fetched me afterwards and here i am, slogging out on stupid d&t homework; that 10 designs thing. and history retest tml. AARRRGHHHH
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

music: onara- da chang jin OST
short update here..
today was quite crappy, but choir cheered me up. (*gasps from wang hehe and jupo!!!*) and now i'm kinda enjoying it compared to last time, cos i've got more friends lol. most are from soprano ones lah, but a fair few from altos and soprano twos. :)
we ran through the 3 choir pieces today. then during sectionals the Clique(joyce, yuhao, charlene, me, huiyun etc) got so fed up with those super-boring songs we started singing onara. then none of us knew the lyrics, so huiyun and i interested ourselves by talking about none other than the hottest character of da chang jin: MIN JIO-HO! hahahs. we kept screaming involutarily, "minjiohososhuai minjiohososhuai!!!". -.- keesiaos.
watching police and thief now. don't wanna do anything for today; i'm sick of d&t.
i think i'd get another lousy grade for my isometric drawing(two). YAYYE
<3 amanda.
Monday, April 24, 2006
lazy to put mood and pictures.
today was screwed up :)
i was so tired also.. not a good start for a new week. haiis~
english was quite ok though. we had that super lame presentation thingy about those pictures, and yileen did all the talking while sheryl jqjq and i did all the laughing. we went up to the front of the class, and when yileen spoke her first sentence we started laughing. -.- what the.
i helped during PE to record down the 2.4km run timings for the class. i had another job, too; telling mrs choong this this this girl's name or that that that guy's name and we both screamed and cheered them on. hahahs.
biology re-test was ok i think. should be able to pass i think. during the the mcq i was a little blur but i could answer, well, most of those whatever plasma blood platelets red blood cells white blood cells rubbish. maybe. afterwards was maths- 3rd worst of the day. i could barely understand coordinate geometry and the stupid x-axis, y-axis, when mr ng suddenly decided to be nice and got me to answer a question. T-T evil.
lunch was the worst. i ate laksa and when sheryl told me to help her return her bowl or something, the entire bowl just fell on her and we were laksa-soupy. D: chem was no better off either. i got caught by a drifting mrs foo for drawing lopsided potatoes and korean palace girls when miss shameena (shameema, shameeka or shameena???) was explaining about the ions. she prodded my paper and was like, "eh, never listen ah!" . -.o not only me though; so i wasn't guilty abouit it anyway. *shrugs* even sheryl, jqjq and the 3 behind weren't. they were talking about abs and how to train for at least 3 well-toned abs. D: charmaine's clique was chattering away and i was all quiet, but yet i had to get caught. lolx whateverrrr
off to do my math. bye.
<3 amanda.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
just to say that i hope my bf next time would be like min jio-ho personality-wise.
he's SO romantic and a nice nice family man with brains and beauty.
and the looks are a bonus though! *faints*
but it's not as if i'm very appealing wahahaha.
hahahs. that was totally random. never mind.
i spent the whole day at home today. woke up at 12pm(again) and watched some parts of da chang jin which i missed earlier on. like the part where ___ has something happen to her, about she____. re-watched that archery part. etc. it was so sad, it almost made me cry again. the King in da chang jin may have been bad to make min jio-ho go into exile and Sansui island but if you look on the other side of the story you'd find that he's a pitiful dude after all; his first true love appeared right before him but she somehow didn't like him back. and before we knew it, the king ___.
ahahahs. spoiler attaaackkk~
ate lots of rubbish for lunch and breakfast. plenty of potato chips, cookies and other junk food. so nice. but what if i can't fit into that choir uniform on friday? AH
never mind this post. it's lame. :)
<3 amanda.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
i totally finished da chang jin!!!
well, not literally anyway i think.
i missed the part where _______ had this accident thingy
don't say liao, later tomeyyto send me into exile!!!
because i spoilt the show/ending. :)
but those who'd like me to spoil for them(alias justiceLOH)
tell me or something
i'd be HAPPY to spoil the entire thing for you :D
<3 amanda.

why am i feeling pissed?
1) i am about to finish da chang jin- the entire movie! so that means no more min-jio-ho.. T-T he's superbly handsome.
2) biology retest on monday! i thought i could have got away this weekend by sleeping from 12am to 12pm or something, but the stupid biology stuff are making me crack my head up.
went to cut hair today. *rolls eyes at gasps* not all, anyway, it's still long enough to tie the 2 braids to sch. but itd probably stick out like hot tea's, hahahs. hmm. since the blog space is pretty large now, i guess i can insert in pictures or something. if i did so with the skyhigh skin, cawrahpted- would go insane.
so sian.
da chang jin withdrawal symptoms.

*screams* MJH!<3
Thursday, April 20, 2006

music: superwoman by cao ge
i don't know why i put that totally random thing as my mood -.-
lol, today was ok. during assembly we had to go to the auditorium for that final farewell for the thai girls. :( LOTS of pictures to take and food to eat. teehee x)
i hereby declare that the Most Popular 2-11 Girl Amongst the Thailand Girls is... *drum roll*
there were LOADS of people wanting to take pix with her. half the thailand girls and the teachers too. there're 3 candidates for Most Popular 2-11 Guy Amongst the Thailand Girls too. First goes to keith kok, then vincent and eugene ties for Second. hahahs. all the Thailand schoolgirls totally wanted a piece of keith. the teachers kept pushing him to take pictures with lots of schoolgirls. so funny :D
after sch was choir. sang He Ain't Heavy, He's my Brother, Laudate Dominum and Suriram once through before it was time to try the gowns. :) everyone were handed different gowns that were once the seniors, and we had this Major Stampede where everyone rushed to different toilets around Nan Hua to change. i went into the 4th floor Staff toilet to change and it was damn freaky. i was inside and one of my friends were outside waiting for her turn. i went in, locked the door, changed blah, and guess what. i couldn't come out afterwards!!! the lock was totally screwed and it took me 5 minutes to get myself out of that bedlam. o.O my friend freaked out and i doubt anyone dared to go into that toilet to change anymore T-T
i was the first to get a fitting top and bottom gown! hahahs. miss chan was pleased, but before we knew it she was running around shrieking her head off. "WHY HAVE WE GOT SO MANY SPARE TOPS AND NO BOTTOM PIECE OF THE GOWNS?!?!" and "FASTER TAKE OFF YOUR BLOUSE TO LET ME SEE IF THE BLOUSE FITS!!! if not go and change top behind the harps in the corner there!!!"
sheer madness.
went to help Flag Committee with Class Flag for Sports Day tml. ended up with some smudged blue paint at the side of my blouse.
<3 amanda.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

don't feel like updating at all.
i only want to do my focus math then go to sleep.
today was fine i think.. chinese test went ok maybe. at least i could do most of the zao ju thing, the cloze passage was mianqiang-ness but the compre was.. well. -.- even tomeyyto said she didn't really understand alot of it.
after sch was ndp practice. this friday there was sports day so it had been pushed to today. and guess what? i ran so much now my right foot is hurting(again). the torn ligament is still giving me problems and it sucks. now i'd have to prop my foot up on a tall stool while typing before it hurts even further):
sorry about the change of icons around the blog. if you don't like the flashing animated ones and would prefer to see my lovely face more often 'round cawrahpted-, tell me or something. i can change them if you really hate it. however, please give me constructive feedback and not rubbish.(: and this is my blog, anyway, so it's really ok if i decide not to change it :D
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

D: *faints*
today was okay i think. but i'm very tired. and there's still chinese test revision, d&t Final Piece, d&t chasing arrows research and a literature 300-word long Macbeth essay!!!
curse the teachers.
only choir was interesting hahahs. mr lai didn't come again. i was talking to jasmine and anggugu(sorry, jasmine told me this was your name :D). asked them that super qianbian questions, the ones about walking in to forest, 1st animal see what 2nd animal see what, then keys cottage horse fountain table blah blah blah. as predicted, when i asked them about that fountain thing they went "oh! VERRRYYY highhh!!!!" LOL. then when i told them what was behind the questions, horse eat grass and the VERRRYYY highhh!!! thing, they screamed with laughter and the 3 of us got into trouble with miss ong. -_-"
we sort of got "detention" for laughing too loudly/ speaking when she's speaking. so we were made to run down to miss chan's desk to get the choir GOWNS! so funny; miss ong was rummaging through the gowns and found claudia's, so she told me to try estimating if i could fit in. i was happy with the length but when i saw the waist-inch i almost fainted. it was like, what, 23 inches? PHWOAR. is claudia keira knightley's long lost tiwn or something? their waists were bloody small!!! D:
booes. off to do essay.
<3 amanda.
Monday, April 17, 2006

all i can think about now is da changjin and fruits basket.
i read 18 alreadyy! it's SO super nice. the part where rin and hatsuharu reconcile was fantastic. and akito cut off rin's hair, so hatsuharu morphed into Black Haru and almost punched akito. yayye.
now i'm somewhere in the 1/3 part of book 19. kakeru is getting shuai-er, but probably still as irritating cos of that xiao you you !!! thing. -.- crazy bum. kyo too. he's getting more and more man, but everytime i look at yuki, he's still the same old girly-on-the-outside look! rawrs. and that guy in the student council,(not yuki or kakeru, the other one) LIKES MOTOKO-SEMPAI! omgs. he has such good taste. *chokes on yakult and faints*
school was a bit crappy today. the thai student exchange thing was okay but i got super stressed when one of our buddies sat next to me. if i talked to her, i would miss out on biology and stuff. but if i didn't, i look as if i was neglecting her. we also found out that they were a year younger than us and not the same age. -_-" some of the girls in our class and their buddies were playing whacko at the open ground place there. so funny; they sabotaged me and called my name when i wasn't listening. and moreover, they were like "amanda!" so softly so they went WAHHH AMANDA GO CENTRE ! (0_O)
after school went to JE entertainment centre to meet mel. ate at mac for a while, then got so irritated with that "ooooooooooorchard road" advertisement which was probably repeating itself for more than 6 times. so we left to go to that neoprint shop. i wanted to try out that limitless time machine but there were this gang of JJC girls standing guard there, and they looked ultra menacing so we scooted off to that maching where ivy jiejie had once took together before. not the one with the wind thing, but the machine with a 2 bars for us to climb around and stuff. hahahs. the neos came out quite nicely. however i thought the light for the first neo machine we took was too bright and kinda spoiled the pix for a bit.
i love the Fruits Basket Fanatix shot the most. lol so kawaii.
<3 amanda.
Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 21 people.
sorry if there're more girls than guys, or if your name was unexpectedly shown on cawrahpted-.
o1. tomeyyto
o2. brinjole
o3. grass
o4. yeong lan
o5. qishan
o6. cheryl jiejie
o7. darryl
o8. sengchiy
o9. charlene
1o. justin
11. joseph
12. huiyun
13. jocelyn
14. wenyan
15. ivy jie
shucks.. not enough guys
16. weijie
17. liying
18. kennedy
19. jessica
2o. huiqin
21. haoting
i swear i did not plan the names beforehand.
1. How did you meet 14?- choir peep. very close actually though she's an alto(:
2. What would happen to you if you never met 6? WAH! cannot think of what i'd be like without my childhood playmate-cum-best cousin :D
3. What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?- wow, lesbian ah?
4. Did you ever like 5? of course i like qishan.
5. Would 4 and 10 make a good couple?- yeong lan and justin?! how unlikely.. NO
6.Describe 8:- nice but crappy and likes to swear on msn with no. 7.
7. Do you think 13 is attractive?- well she's a good choir pal of mine.. hahahs. she's extremely smart. D:
8. Tell me something about 7:- HAHA DARRYL! shall i tell you from scratch, all his horrible childhood incidents? like once he pushed me down my bike when i was 6, and had the huge scar at the side of my left leg. and blah blah, like how we used to swop the mock exam practice papers during pre-PSLE revision. i liked chinese so i'd do his chinese which he hated, and he'd do my maths which i detested. but we got into trouble in the end- his handwriting was too messy and mine too neat.
9. Do you know any of 4's family?- yeong lan? not really. (:
10. What's 21's favorite idol?- ******* and wangpo.
11. What would you do if 18 just confessed he/sheliked you?- .................?????
12. what language does 20 speak?- tamil. hahahs no lah. singlish and chinese lah
13. Who is 9 going out with?- charlene? i've yet to ask her. maybe the president of United Nations or something.
14. How old is 16 now?- ummmm. *scratches head and waves at weijie* "how old are you nowww..?!" lol i seriously dont know. but i think it's 17-19?
15.When's the last time you talked to 12?- ehs, today? last choir practice???
16. What is 2's favorite band?- she likes any nice song and no particular favourite band, actually.
17. Would you ever date 10?- *stares* JUSTIN?! .........
18. Would you ever date 12?- i was from a girls' school but not a lesbian, hello hello
19. Is 15 single?- yes. single AND sexy. hahahs ivy jie!~
20. What is 19's last name?- *gasps* sorry girrl!!
21. Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 11?- HELLO? he is my brudder?????
22. What school does 3 go to?- nan hua high(est).
23. Where does 17 live?- marsiling there? woodlands? ya around there.
24. What's your favorite about 16?- not sure.. he's funny and makes me laugh alot sometimes.
25. Have you seen number 1 naked?- *stares at jiaqi, screams and runs away*
Sunday, April 16, 2006
2. Were you named after anyone? nope. i'm named after me. haha! lame.
3. Do you wish on stars? no, i don't
4. When did you last cry? last night at 3 am while watching da chang jin- the part where Madam
Han dies and is buried in some funny ulu place while changjin and her were on their way to cheju island. i cried like shit. (OOPS SPOILER! guanzhi: :D)
5. Do you like your handwriting? sometimes i think.
6. What is your favorite lunchmeat? huh? you mean like beef/chicken/pork? it depends on how
it's cooked and what's the dish.
7. What is your birth date? o2o91992
8. Mountains or Beach? i was first to get mountain sickness when i went up to that jungfraujoch
thingy last last year in the tour group. what'd you think i'd choose then?
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? maybe. i don't know what
people think of me.
10. Do you have a journal? i tried last time but no patience. i have cawrahpted- now, so he's my
11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? i LOVE sarcasm *winks
12. Do you have a nickname? refer to the intro of me on top.
13. Would you bungee jump? do i look like i'm the sort?
14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? if it's too tight.
15. Do you think that you are strong? mentally strong, emotionally strong or physically strong? i
don't even take PE, so how can i be physically strong mwahaha
16. What is your favourite ice cream flavour? also depends on where it's from. but i don't like
anything bitter/with a funny smell.
17. Shoe Size? :) must say ah. so paiseh D:
18. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? i procrastinate.
19. Who do you miss most? my p6 friends.. hahahs kind of
20. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? yes, i want to read what they write
because i am keipo and i rock
21. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? black shirt, black bandanna(hair
keeps getting in the way, shucks) and black fbts.
22. What are you listening to right now? to my clock ticking, reminding me that i have this
stupid math test tomorrow
23.Last thing you ate? that large-pack cheese twisties at one go. bluff you for what?
24. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? can i be the crayon box? or never mind. any
color, but i like black.
25. What is the weather? funny. i hope it rains
27. Last person you talked to on the phone? my aunt, who called to check on me cos my parents
are in japan now(:
28. Something you notice about the opposite gender? looks always comes first, naturally. but i'd
look into his soul and see if he has a rotten personality or not.
29. Do you like the person who sent this to you? huh? oh i don't know. i got this off cawrahpted-
's skin's designer's blog.
30. Favorite Drink? ice miloooo. YAKULT! fa la la la la.
31. What is your favorite sport? i don't do alot of sports, but it'd be fun to whack a hockey stick
(on someone's face o_o) or pitch a softball. i've never really tried. i'm Miss Deskbound 2oo6, duh
32. Hair Color? black-dark-brown. something like that
33. Eye Color? black
34. Do you wear contacts? no. glasses. i am too careless.
35. Favorite Food? junk food. meiji milk! yakult blah blah
36. Last Movie You Watched? *spams* DA CHANG JIN!
37. Favorite Day of the Year? it's only april, dude.
38. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? happy endings. i don't like scary movies; i'd have to get
someone to sleep in the same room as me after one
39. Summer or winter? it's always been summer in S'pore 24/7. -.o but it'd be nice to have chilly
weather for a bit in S'pore one day.
40. Hugs or Kisses? um. depends
41. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? ice-cream, cake. or icecreamcake. yum
42. Who Is Most Likely To Respond? some bored person
43. Who Is Least Likely To Respond? some busy person
44. living arrangements? in a walk-up apartment with mum and dad and maid(s). and bored to
death everydayy
45. What book are you reading? trying to find princess diaries 3, 4 and 6. and all american girl
part two: Ready Or Not. WHERE'S MY FRUITS BASKET 18 AND 19 ANYWAY? *looks for parang*
46. What is on Your Mouse Pad? i don't use a mouse. i use tablet pen/ sens-y thingy whatever
47. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? DA CHANG JIN! *goes off my rocker*
48. Favorite Sounds? anything but mr ng/ mr a.tan's "AMANDAAAA..."
49. What is the furthest you've been from home? europe.
50. What do you admire about yourself? i like me. i am me. oh, my maths test tomorrow is
dooooooooooooomed ):
Saturday, April 15, 2006

update abit first.. hahahs. but tonight i'm not going to update about today's happenings.
watched da chang jin last night till about 3.30am. -.- this show is bloody addictive. and i watched 2 discs- imagine how loooong that is! i've watched from the part about that duck soup thing, and where Madam Han and changjin were framed by the Cuis. i'd just say that i have watched way past the part changjin trains to be a female doctor, and in her female doctor school there there's this weird teacher who keeps giving her 'E's though she's the best in class. blah. shan't tell anymore; you guys go watch(:
all i want to talk about is min jio-ho and changjin!!! hahahs. damn funny. the first time min jio-ho tried 'fessing up his love to her, he grabbed her left hand and smiled at her. changjin got so embarrassed, she looked away from him. then when he held her other hand, she ran away immediately. that scene was super funny; i laughed until i woke my maid up at 2 in the morning and she got pretty ratty. XD
i watched till where changjin and liansheng reunite. changjin finds out that liansheng had been promoted to the king's concubine, but she's not the king's favourite so she gets neglected. O.O then the worst thing is that changjin finds out about something that has been unmercifully changed...
boo. the story is getting from bad to worse. someone dies and some people get promoted. some secrets got let out of the bag while some of the characters' life conditions went down to mud. but the ending will be happyyy.
i hope D:
<3 amanda.

music: zhi ying wei ni by zhang dong liang
i finally got zhi yin wei ni by zhang dong liangggg!
hahahs it's a nice song.
so i don't have to go to guanzhi's blog to hear anymore. :D
and by the way, i'm not going to have anymore spoilers for da changjin. i went out with ivy jiejie just now, who apparently knows practically the entire story of da changjin. and she told me quite a bit more about the parts around the end, about changjin, Madam Han, liansheng and the Cuis. sorry, guanzhi! watch by yourself (:
rahhs haha.
as i said, i went out with ivy jiejie just now. i think this is the only outing trip with a friend where i didn't spend money on:
- neoprints
- accessories
- hair stuff, like pretty rubberbands
- socks
i think these are usually the things i buy when i go out with friends. i've yet to go shopping by myself for clothes. maybe i'd go off puremilk for a bit and try out newbie XD. so pretty, newbie clothes :D
we went to far east to eat at Hans first. yum. i love their tea. :) then mooched around the shops there, went to funny funny shops such as tomatoCAN and pandora's box. the stuff at pandora's box are pretty chio, but my money is CAN SEE CANNOT USE. cos they are mum's, the money she left for auntie lidiya and i in case we need to buy food or something. but i was guai and didn't spend much. i was sorely tempted to buy Fruits Basket 19 at first, but resisted when i saw mum's looming face when she finds out i used her cash to buy comics. lol. scaryyy.
afterwards we lazed at Heeren and visited adorn, new urban male, and that strange jap-guys-photos shop which carried funny pictures. some of the jap guys like takuya kimura and takeshi kaneshiro were Undoubtedly Handsome without hesitation, but i was like T_T when i saw Gackt and Kat-Tun. (better don't say anymore, later mel come and kill me -.o)
around an hour later we went to marina square and walked around again. i bought minute maid lemonade and started getting worried. first it's Ramly Rehab, then Yakult Rehab and now-?! MINUTE MAID LEMONADE REHAB! lol. -.- ivy jiejie and i visited lots of shops there, the one selling plenty of super ultra chio paper products, and Surfer Girl. i don't like going into these branded boutiques with a friend(s). cos a) no spending power and b) HARD TO RESIST ROXY-BILLABONG-QUIKSILVER-RIPCURL-STUSSY TEMPTATION!!! lol. i'm the sort who would forget about it if i can't get something i really like from a branded store like this lah. :D cos more than half my days are spent in nhhs uniform, so buy so many clothes also not very worth it. one week maybe can only wear about at most twice. besides, i mostly go to pc during weekends and the dress code there has got to be smart casual, no boardshorts or tanks. ^^
rahhs. i gotta go bathe. got caught for a bit in the rain just now while walking back from mrt station; and i want to re-read my FB 15.
Friday, April 14, 2006

music: shan hu hai by lara and jay chou
today i did nothing but SLACK(:
woke at 12pm todayyy! hahahs. yeah. cos mum and dad are both in japan now and can't control my sleeping hours. :D
afterwards, completed princess diaries 5 and watched da chang jin while eating breakfast. since last evening when mum was still mooching around the house and waiting for the time to go off to the airport, i settled down with her to watch the da chang jin dvd after coming back from choir.(: i had already watched today's episode long ago, the one where Madam Han gets arrested for serving this Ming envoy lowly(but healthy, mind you) dishes for his 3 meals. cos she had his welfare at heart- this dude had diabetes and is extremely picky about food and would not eat anything that he thinks is bland/ doesn't suit his stupid tastebuds. so when Madam Han got confined to her own room, changjin had to do all the cooking of that person's food. she had to make it both healthy and tasty. (lol, my mum watched it and was like, "for goodness sake, just give that ass a bowl of maggi mee LAH! tomyam flavour chicken flavour he want what, he choose himself!" and she obviously forgot that that person is a Ming envoy who loves eating tasty and rich food, unlike darryl, who would love it if you presented maggi mee to him for his 3 meals. hmms.)
then i went off to bathe, and came back to continue. watched that part where changjin took part in that competition thing all by herself for Madam Han. Madam Cui and Madam Han were both vying for the Top Lady position, so they had to present 5 courses to the King and Queen and Empress Dowager to judge whose dish was the best and blah. changjin won hands down to Madam Cui and Jinying, though she cooked all by herself(but liansheng helped too). so Madam Cui wasn't happy about it at all, and got all the other madams of her ranking to "protest" and go on strike so as to overthrow Madam Han or something. then everything got out of control, so the King and Queen re-staged another competition and the topic was Cooking Rice. then Madam Cui had a tip from Jinying, and she cooked fragant, soft and sticky rice. Madam Han did it all by herself, unlike some people, and cooked rice with the top layer slightly harder in texture, middle was average and below was soft. something like this; and she reclaimed the title of Top Lady. :DD
to cut everything short, i've watched the part where Madam Zheng, the Top Lady before Madam Han, dies and also when changjin buries this letter in the pot of vinegar Madam Han and changjin's mother stored underground for decades. she knew her mum and that best friend had this little secret about the vinegar, so she found out, in the end, that Madam Han was her mum's best friend last time. blah blah. that part was really touching, but not as touching as the part where changjin is talking to her dying mother at the mountain cave when she was 8 years old. i started crying at that scene when i re-watched that episode cos i missed it earlier on when it was shown on tv. T_T
now i am at this episode where Madam Han gets into trouble with the duck soup she and changjin brewed together when the palace gets to go to this hot spring place Madam Han grew up in and recommended to the King, who was quite ill. so the palace maids and changjin went to get ducks for duck soup (jiaqi: T__T). then the King had this high fever and fainted so all the offcials etc blamed changjin and Madam Han's duck soup. when they went back to the duck shop to do research, they found out that the ducks actually ate sulphur. but in actual fact the ducks had this natural ability to detoxify the sulphur after eating it, so no harm came to those who bought and ate the ducks from that person's shop. it was some other reason that caused the King to have high fever and pass out. the Cui family tried to make out as though it was the duck soup changjin and Madam Han brewed that caused the King to be ill.
after that they experimented with this servant girl, Ah Hung someone, with the duck soup. but no one knew that linglu had bribed this servant girl to eat fried abalones before the duck soup, which would cause a fever, and everyone thought it really was the duck soup that casued fever and all, so Madam Han and changjin was retained in the women's prison again. in the women's prison, changjin's foster mum(the wife of zhang dejiu), came to visit her and somewhat let changjin find out that the guy she saved from the poisonous arrow(that golden pheasant part earlier on where she had saved this man from a poisonous arrow and returned to the palace too late so she got expelled) was actually min jio-ho, the only guy in the whole of da changjin who still looks fantastic with a funny form of facial hair. -.-
shan't spoil anymore for you guys.(: besides, i've only got to that part. and that's pretty far from what is shown on tv right now. so i guess i wouldn't mind missing more da chang jin episodes since i've watched quite abit. one disc in Part Two of the dvd set takes around 2 and a half hours, which is really long compared to the tv's edition. i also enjoyed fooling around with the dubbing. i made jinying speak to Madam Cui in chinese and Madam Cui reply in Korean. hahahs. changjin and liansheng are super super cute when they speak in their korean lang too :D
get ready for the next sad part of da chang jin- the part where Madam Zheng passes away in her sleep cos she had some kidney probs. blehs. stupid script. ):
<3 amanda.
Thursday, April 13, 2006

music: scar by missy higgins
i'm so tired. but have to update about ytd and today (:
yesterday was freaking funny. after sch mum had to go to orchard to change singapore dollars to jap yen cos she's leaving for japan today. but we ended up looking around far east plaza and I FOUND PAPER PEOPLE! omg omg. i was so happy; but the notebooks there are damn ex. one hardcover A5 costs $20, and that's what i bought. -_-" the cover's brown, with the words Black Magic; CHARM BOOK. heal or kill. something like this. it's total chio-ness, but i can't think of what to write in it actually. if i were to use it as a diary, i can't cos i've already got cawrahpted-. not for homework either; it'd be stupid using a $20 book to write in homework and tests and rubbish like that. maybe i'd think of what to do with it during the hols. but if i get chee yang's autograph from cheryl jiejie sometime soon, i'd stick it in there first :D
when walking down back to CK Tangs, GUESS WHO I SAW. rawrs. i saw steven lim AGAIN! for the second time. he said the same thing to my mum and i. he was on the street near marriott hotel asking passers-by if they wanted to trim their eyebrows for 10 bucks. -.- my mum was all tomato red from trying not to laugh her ass off. we quickly said "no" and buzzed off quickly, and then he exclaimed to our backs, "HEY! remember to vote for me tonight at channel 8, 8pm, contestant 4!" (the Never Say Die show) then a split sec later, mum exploded with laughter though he was within a few feet from us and mum's laughter can be loud sometimes. she was still chuckling when she went to see bags. and that's where the horror BEGAN!
first, she went to this branded boutique place to look for a suitable bag for her to bring for both her trip and normal office use. she saw this $170 one and she was like O.O i want!!!!!!!. but in the end we walked around some more, and she found this white bag with flowers. so she decided to get that bag instead. after searching for abit she found one with exactly the same design but in black. so she made me stay there with her for at least half an hour, trying (and failing) to make up her ultimately indecisive mind. -.- she paid for the white one in the end, but swopped it with another bag she saw sitting on one of the shops opposite. D: so crazy over baggggs.
today was fine. just a bit sleepy. sch hours were quite crappy, with our ex-chem teacher taking us for relief and all. but choir was super funny; we dragged ourselves there and realized that there was no choir practice. miss ong came in to announce. everyone's responses were all super retard; we waited for 5 seconds for the fact to sink in, then started screaming like crazy. and that super siao joke about choir tee. hahahs.
bye. off to do my research. i've been expanding my drawings' costumes. at first it was alot of japanese sch girls, both high school and elementary school girls, or probably the nan hua uniform etc etc. now i've taken a liking to draw girls decked out in the japanese maid's uniform. something like what you see ayame's assistant wear in his shop in Fruits Basket. quite cute but tedious. lolx. and kimonos too. rawr. bye.
<3 amanda.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

music: jiu shi wo by JJ lin junjie
today was okay. *zzzz*
just read this part of the Princess Diaries 5 that made me go haiis. yes, the one where Boris Pelkowski actually dropped a globe on his head because Lilly Moscovitz broke up with him and she just plainly refused to tell him why exactly she did so. i am thinking that he doesn't take Lilly's (substandard) explanation of "I am in love with Jangbu now and not you so it's over" as an adequate explanation, judging by the fact that he tried to murder himself in front of the whole Gifted and Talented class. O.O Lilly didn't even care. i can't imagine a guy trying to murder himself in front of me with a globe and much less, for me. -_- not that it'd happen though hahahs.
Love can do strange things to people sometimes. T.T
only biology was funny actually. we started on the Topic of JusticeLoh: Sexual Reproduction. -.o mrs lip was handing out the notes and i think liwei got too excited. he suddenly shouted "YES!" super super loudly and the entire class cracked up. lol. mrs lip was still, like, "huh what happen ahh!" and her facial expression was ?___?. hahahs.
aft sch was math remedial with none other than MR NG. rawrs. he announced that there would be NO MATHS TEST TMR! jupo and i were cheering like how a bunch of kids would cheer during NDP when they see the fireworks. *flaps hands excitedly*
choir was okay. mr lai made all the soprano ones stand up and sing this phrase of He Ain't Heavy, He's my Brother in front of the whole choir INDIVIDUALLY. we couldn't have been more embarrassed. luckily i did okay(i think) cos he would get those who didn't satisfy him to sing again, again and again. i cleared the stage in 4 attempts, which wasn't that bad. he kept asking me to sing crescendo and not high. whatever. huiyun and i were sneaking sweets at the back too. :)
then we sang this new score after a rendition of Psallite, called Hello Girls. i think French would probably have made more sense to me than the lyrics of this crazy song. the english was waaaayy WEIRD and 3/4 of the song was filled with parts where we had to go "fa la la la la la la fa la la la la" etc. my gosh. that's going to be tough. singing with lyrics are much much easier than singing with la la las. like LaLa from the Teletubbies. o.O
oh SHIT. i have not completed my DnT drawings.
that's all for now; bye.
<3 amanda.
Monday, April 10, 2006

music: L.O.V.E by ashlee simpson
first day of the new school week and it's already this sucky.
morning was pretty solemn, cos this guy in our school passed away on saturday evening. (not supporting full details here; i'm not that sure myself) he was from ELDDS and 3-11.. i don't know him at all, but felt sad for him to go so early. D: he was charmaine's friend and she was extremely upset about it too. sorry, dear charm ):
had biology test today and screwed it like shit. i got that physical difference beetween an artery and a vein thing right, something about the vein having valves so that the blood wouldn't get back-flowed or something like that. but i totally messed up the things about E.coli and the bla gene question, as well as the one where we had to identify this mass of red blood cells thing. i totally forgot plasma was liquid and not a cell! gosh, i feel like banging my head against the wall. it was supposed to be phagocytes and lymphocytes but i didn't know about it at all. *groans*
and i am supposed to do well in my history test tml! nan hua is so stressing the shit out of us. so i have 3 major tasks for now-
- complete history revision
- memorise He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother choir score or get ready to get kicked out by mr lai for speech day performance(probably)
sometimes i wonder why i even bother to enter nan hua.
but hey, chin up.
*rolls eyes*
i hate them for all i know and they irritate the shit out of me sometimes.
Saturday, April 08, 2006

music: feng by hong yuyang
slacking at home now.. yawnnn. slept till 10 without worrying about mum banging open my door and thrashing pillows in my face. cos she watched her da chang jin till late at night and didn't tell me to join her as she always did. -.o rahhs.
was at pc for almost the whole day yesterday. since 3.30, to be precise. went for student interaction day, and the attendance was quite lousy lol. jess, huiqi, huishan and i met at aljunied mrt first, then crapped our way to pc. interaction was till around 5 plus, and i met mum, dad, my first and second aunt and the 2 maids downstairs. went for evening gongyo. then attended oko ceremony, but i was SO super sleepy i actually dozed off. and i was in the 4th front row. oops.
i didn't manage to borrow Shakespeare's Macbeth. i would have liked to somewhat try and decipher the stuff in there since dad and benglee kor told me there was some sort of taboo thing, blah blah whatever. something like the actor who plays the lead in the play would always have something bad befall him etc. o.O
but i did manage to borrow 2 classics and 2 bimbotic books. the classics were jane eyre by charlotte bronte and wuthering heights by emily bronte. bimbotic books were i was a non-blonde cheerleader by kieean scott and some weird jacqueline wilson book called vicky angel that put me off on the very first page. :( i've finished the cheerleading book and i thought it as quite okay. and i insist i want to read up all the princess diaries and the second book of All American Girl: Ready or Not!!!
someone sponsor ):
bought myself a new billabong pencilcase while shopping before student interaction. was at bugis and hovering the thought whether i should get an myuk one or a billabong one from 77th street. hmms.
<3 amanda.
Friday, April 07, 2006
music: jiu shi ai ni by ng chee yang(:
forgot to inform that i am un-lactose intolerant.
it's both a good and bad thing, of course; i can drink up to 2 glasses of fresh milk a day and crave for more. but it makes me oh-so-fat too. so i guess i have to try quitting being too lactose tolerant, or i'd end up, in 2 years time, looking like moses lim's twin sister. i can't help it cos my body prduces too much lactase.
[lactase right? sorry cos i often get confused in biology =\]
my darling has gone mad and i'm freakin' worried about him.
Thursday, April 06, 2006

to lau zhiwei(alias mr Yellow Coloured Bra): thanks for the supplies of Chee Yang-related merchandise :D
quite happy today :)
had Character Development in the morning for the first 2 lessons, as usual, blah. i think it shouldn't be called Character Development.. it'd be better off as S.L. alias Slack Lesson. nobody bothers to listen during Character Development. they all look attentive, but you'd never know what they're doing under their desks. *winks* :DD
english was damn funny. JBASE(aka judith ANG, or alias jupo. JBASE is her newly-acquired nick thanks to mr ng, which stands for Judith Bimbotic Ang Shi Ern) suddenly appeared in front of the class and announced to everyone, including mr tan, the boys, and the girls, about the material of our FOC class tee(part two). she was like, "everybody! you know our new class tee material very transparent lehhh! for girls wear already can see the bra. !" something like that.
JBASE, that was ultimate indecency!!!
was drawing again during pastoral care. (we have character development and pastoral care; are we that problematic?) liang said i drew well. it's something really pleasant to hear, considering the fact that she hardly ever praises anyone in the class. o.O after pastoral care was math, and it went by with a great piece of news: the math test was postponed to wednesday. so that leaves me with a bit more time to study, as well as biology test. geography was fine, talking about arid and arable land, reclaimed land etc. and mr
tomeyyto and i kept singing Chance Chance and Superwoman today. LOL. so funny. she kept getting the first sentence of Chance Chance wrong. and we tried imitating Cheeyang in the "zhuan ying" part of the song. it sounded pretty funny, but i think we didn't exactly go out of tune. tomeyyto also heard that cheryl jiejie is in the same college as Cheeyang and in the same level too, so she kinda had that O.O expression throughout Pastoral Care.
after school was choir, and we learnt 2 new songs.(: one was a latin/german song and the other was pretty nice: He Aint Heavy, He's my Brother. lol that song was nice, but got some high pitched parts. huiyun was freaking funny too during choir, all with that Da Er Long (gangsta) imitation and Anger Management. hahahs so lame.. XD
walked to the mrt station with joyce, and got soaked to the skin cos it was practically a storm. we kept laughing our heads off when joyce's umbrella flew in the wrong direction. :D bought a colossal curry puff at JE mrt station, and i actually finished it all! omgs, the saturated fats!! RAWR.
the tagged victims have to come up with eight different points of their perfect lovers.Specify the gender of the target.
lol rebooca yap has just spammed my tagboard and demanded me to do this whatsoever-.
the eight points;
- not obese/fat please.. considerable looks too(:
- it'd be better if he had a stable income and career.
- can tolerate my randomness
- loving and caring
- willing to follow my religion
- NOT the sort who pulls their partner out of bed at 6 in the morning for a jog in the park- i'd be better off sleeping
- lets me go S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G-! (may be more welcoming if he sponsors- no lah joking :D)
- gives me a hand with stuff, blah blah.
stupid becca yap; i'd be sure to get her the next time i'm arrowed with this fact-y thing. -.-
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

...and apparently from the overdose of yakult. i drank 4 bottles today and shall make my own brand name(: YAKULT MAKES YOU DRUNK! ><>phantom of the opera by gaston leroux and san guo yan yi by ???.
english was pretty funny. wangpo went up to the board to write an answer for that chronological order thingy, and spelt Singapore as Singape. yes i know our ancestors used to be apes and all, wangpo but Singape is too much of a laugh. everyone was in hysterics when mr tan flared up and went, "HESHUANG! you don't know how to spell Singapore is it!". but not wangpo's fault; she's from china :D
biology was stupid; we sat in that air-conditioned box for 20 minutes listening to mrs tan teaching 2o9 and she hardly bothered about 211. -.o tomeyyto looked as though she was freaking pissed; hahahs. we learnt new stuff at maths and had another long-lost taste of the Math Homework Avalanche: You'd never know when the Worst is coming. LOL.
on the way home i bought myself lunch; spaghetti with ham and a hotdog and fried egg. nothing on a Ramly, of course, but the worst thing was walking home with it. the entire box went almost vertical, and half the watery sauce spilled out from the container. rahhs. thankfully the plastic bag was durable, so i had to bear with the leaking container and tomato sauce at the bottom of the bag. there were a few people staring at me(i gave up and held the box by the hands, still wrapped in the plasitc bag) and the spaghetti. they were probably thinking, "oh my goodness~! this cold-blooded cannibal has unmercifully hacked of some innocent soul's head, put it in the styrofoam food container and brought it back for lunch! there, look, there's blood leaking out...!"
that's all for today. have to do homework quick; or i wouldn't be in time for my da chang jin.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

my goodness, after what cheryl jiejie had done for me, i absolutely DON'T KNOW what to say to her the next time i see her. D:
anyways, i received her sms in sch. read it during chinese when liang was writing stuff on the board. she said she had got one for me! zomg. i don't know how to react the next time i see my
cousin. i expected i walked around the class the entire day with an expression like this.

today was pretty fun. esp biology, where we could make our own perfumes with lots and lots of different smells. for instance, white musk was the most popular with me. :D it smelt excellent. and there were the nice ones too, like vanilla, sandalwood, rose, peppermint and grapefruit. the stinkiest was the citronella(alias mosquito repellent) and the lavender was a bit too strong, but i added some to my mixture anyway. (: i had this super great smelling perfume in the end.
got ticked off indirectly by liang again today; not because of me reading cheryl jiejie's sms, but because i was filing a bit of the history hol worksheets nicely for mdm yip. then she started going, " bu shi shang hua wen ke de dong xi tong tong gei wo shou qi lai! " (those things that are not related to my chinese lesson, keep them at once!) o.O i had already completed the chinese worksheet she assigned, as well as the english SRP. what the. and it wasn't as if i wasn't copying notes on the board.. crazy. i just filed in a couple of worksheets and she scolded. -.- never mind lah.. heck.
thinking skills was pretty slacky, but we received this piece of news: 28 thailand schoolgirls are coming over to nan hua for 3 days! so cool. 210 and 211 would split them up, which means 210 and 211 will take 14 girls each. but the problem is that we're supposed to find stuff for them to do for 3 school days. that part is hard. we know games is an easy alternative but the thailand schoolgirls might not speak alot of english so it's hard to communicate.. i've got some games in mind but i doubt they're very appropriate. things that might make them go "EEEEE" and games that might get them dirty. lols. too much planning of choir party and going for kenshu (i only went for two though hahahs). trivia pursuit is an excellent game but if you're gonna be the one playing, it's nasty. LOL. being the host is still the best. :D the tempura vegetables have decided to do a banner for them. i hope it's going to be fun.
can't wait for ndp practice.. yayye.
three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for chee yang!
hip hip
hip hip
hip hip
XD lol i have gone nuts.
<3 amanda.
Monday, April 03, 2006
i am so freaking ecstatic for him(:
today was okay, just quite plain, and as usual i didn't understand anything the chem teacher said. lol not funny. -.-
during biology we had some sort of "experiment", sniffing perfumes and identifying whether they were they were spicy, woody, floral or citrus etc. i got lucky and spilled half the bottle of citrus on my pencilcase and table. and guess what my pencilcase smelt like mosquito repellent for an hour later. -.O ew.
during geog, mr tan found out that sheryl jqjq and i were called brinjole, tomeyyto and poteeto respectively, he decided to name us the tempura vegetables. my goodness.
lol i'm now doing maths and talking to seng chiy and darryl. -.O i learnt a chinese high word today: bonding(:
<3 amanda.
Sunday, April 02, 2006

dead blog symptom.
shall update about friday, saturday and today hereeee.
i didn't know getting your homework done earlier would earn you such a nice feeling.(:
friday was fine. don't remember much about the day, which was boring (obviously). but ndp practice rockked. 2o9 is joining us i think, because i saw them doing the flag formation we did during the last last practice. poor people. they were running with imaginary flags while perspiring the shit out of them while 210-212 were resting and slacking in the canteen. -.o
not long after was our turn; we ran and ran from the carpark to the courtyard, from one end of the courtyard to the other, then to the car porch, then back to the carpark again. omgs. my asthma was acting up again, then the in-charge started calling out those who had medical problems and stuff to go see him. hahahs. that part was funny; cos he told me and a few other girls about the distance we'd have to cover at the National Stadium, (100m plus!) us running half the circumference etc. after he spoke he started staring at me, then i was like, "why are you staring at me and not at anyone else...?". so the other girls started laughing. -.o then the in-charge's excuse was because he thought i looked rather pale. -.- fair, he means. i can't seem to ever get a decent-looking tan. the last tan i had was at sentosa with hot tea, and it has long faded. rawrr.
during break afterwards, grass, brinjole, tomeyyto, yeong lan, qishan, pei xian, april, liyan and i began playing that daft ole' game, concentration. lol. so lame; but we had good laughs everytime anyone blurred or something. XD not long after we could go HOME(:
but i went for chanting lah. duh.
saturday was amusing. had tuition in the morning as usual, then went off to popular bookshop to get some stuff. on the way there i saw LOTS of nan huarians, which made me freak out hahahs. i thought there were some sorta function at nan hua they just came back from, and which i didn't go to or something. i even saw maomao's friend jipeng. alias guang liang. -.o was sorely tempted to get my LAST RAMLY BURGER at the pasar malam~ <3 (but didn't)
at night we went for ken and adeline's wedding dinner.. yup. the ones from pc. auntie lifang's son, ken. i know his younger bro and sis.(: the part where they had to read out this pledge thing was funny. the one about ken saying what "my money is wife's money, but my wife's money is her money." :DD and alot more. went back home by around 11+ 12, then burnt some midnight oil to finish up all my homework. :) guai right.
today was okay too. um, we had chanting session at pc at 10, but we were late so had to sit at the 3rd level. mum sat this totally wrong place where people with their babies/ kids kept filing in and out, and half the time she was shooting irritated looks at dad and i as though it was all our fault. -.o went back after that, then went to JE entertainment centre's kopitiam at level 2 to have lunch. bah chor mee rocks! (: mum forced me to share this red bean milk ice thing with her and i didn't get to eat my banana split.): boo.
went to my paternal granny's house straightaway after lunching, where we slacked and i fell asleep on the sofa. watched some tv, then went home and here i am now.
yawnnn. off to complete the stupid history worksheets.. i plan to copy off tomeyyto. hahahs. actually i can take my pick; some of the worksheets are with me. history rep mah. :D
<3 amanda.