DEFINITION OF A CHAO AH LIAN.with lots of nice comments from me; whether i agree to this statement or not. :)1. Long rebonded hair when hair is ALREADY straight.i agree. especially those with fringes as long as their hair; and then they'd purposely let it down hanging in a long, wet strip in front of their faces. they love wetting their entire head of hair with water after tying their ponytails.
2. Act cute poses when taking neoprintsneutral. you can act cute when you take pictures but NOT in a totally unconvincing way. twists are ok though; and i've always realised 'ah lians'' neoprints are often very... er. easy to recognise. hahahs.
3. Type with aLtErNaTe CaPs ^^ or alot of additional letters. "xiiaogurrl" :xagree. i used to do that when i was younger, but stopped soon after. i think it's best to speak the NORMAL way. yeah. now i find it infuriating everytime you read friendster profiles of certain ah lians- you'd have to figure out almost every single word all the time.
4. Add Z, X to the back of every wordagree 66%. like.
girlz rulez. the Zs aren't necessary. and besides, you've got an english grammatical error there: it's girls rule and not girls rules; much less girlz rulez. D:
5. Use "wOr" 'hEe' "nEhz" 'kEkEx' "mAhx" 'oHhz' or something like thatstrongly agree. i used to use
worx last time, but stopped now that i find it... weird. ya. it's ok if you use it occasionally i think; but the alternate caps thing is irritating now, the more i look at it. -_-
6. Include "gal" "girl" or "ger" in their usernamesstrongly agree. i don't understand why anyway. like xiiaogalgal. omgs, it's bloody ACBC- act cute buay cute. not only "girl"; they like using "baby" and i don't know why. you're twelve already. or probably thirteen. or even older. stop boring us and start speaking/typing english in full, proper words and sentences please.
7. Sometimes fat thighs + short DENIM skirtsnot that agreeable. fat thighs are beyond your control; with an obvious exception of me. i eat too much and i don't care at all. but it's always self-confidence that counts when it comes to clothes. but i do notice clothes that come in hundreds of different layers- there is a off-the-shoulder-top shirt outside, a t-back as the second layer and a tied-up halter bra. so many layers for what? lols.
8. Include unimportant information in their friendster (height, weight. LOL)um, i've never really considered this before. but i do wonder why they like talking about their jies and kors and dis and meis and laopos and laogongs and ah mas and ah gongs and ohwhateverotherfamilymembers there are. i'm not saying that being sworn sisters and having a so-called family is wrong, but 'ah lians' got them all over their profiles. and
i lubbs maii jiiexx and gorxzxzxzxzxz ZZZZZs. ERRRR.
9. Add strangers to their accountdisagree. i do have strangers in my account too. but hey, hang on; stop saying that i'm twisting and turning everything in this post so that i don't turn out to be a 1o1% ah lian. i definitely don't fit into number 1,3,4,5,6 and 8 so far. :)
10. "gerr misshh boii" "lorve euu" =pPpplain ugh. and i defintely AGREE. whats with the love declarations all over friendster? it's irritating. i know it's nice to have a bf and you love him, he love you, you want to get to second base with him and vice versa (lol, joking), but you don't need to tell the entire friendster population that. hahahs.
11. Include their sad love fairytales in their friendster [[waitin fer yew ta cum back]]yes, i agree. whose gonna come back? blahhhhh. i'd be better off watching Korean soap operas. YAWN.
12. Shop at aunty boutiques. (THIS FASHION)agree! lols, This Fashion is not that bad... some ah lians go to don't know
where in singapore to get their stuff that look funny. i'd rather wear brand imitations than wear funny 10000-layered clothes. lol.
13. Fetish for PINK. Everything HAS to be PINK. slightly disagree. i like pink too, and charmaine is a complete pink fanatic but she'd be one of the last people i'd label as an ah lian.
14. Call themselves weird names. MILKster PINKster Pinkalicious missyprincess tootdolliex xiaokeaii- ahhlynn sadahgalcompletely agree. especially things like xiiaoobabiiex and xiiaokeaii and the sort. *shivers*. grow up, PER-LEASE!
15. Must have JIEMUIs. [JIEMUII QINGSHENN]neutral. this is related to what i've written in 8. jie-mei and 'family' relationships are fine and blah, but if it's not kept within the four walls and graffitied all over friendster, it's not that advisable. and those with the Lian Spelling like
maii baobeiixx erzii and nuerrrxzz. Z.O.M.G.
16. Many god-bros and sis.this seems to be common in this post, hahahs. god-bros and sis? i slightly disagree. i'd rather have god-bros and sis rather than people calling me
maii xiiaonuer and
maii xiiaobaobeiix mummyy. tsk. i am so disturbed.
17. Yell, "NNB! Diao simi diao?" when you look at themfrankly speaking i don't really understand this one. i know what is NNB; but the diao simi diao is rarely heard of i think. D: i dont know about this one.
18. Loves technoever since i've entered nan hua i've been listening to lots of Cpop. then i realised Cpop is
not lian, unless you're the sort who makes up weird clubs and societies with a bunch of other people to dance to the songs you like and in the end, the dances come out awful and your little group slowly dissolves. that's lame. what a waste of time.
19. Wears PMK, NWO, Von Dutchstrongly disagree. PMK and New World Order are not ah lian brands. just because they're local doesn't mean that they are Lian. but as for Von Dutch... i'm not that sure cos the authentic Von Dutch labels are only found in USA i think. but some ah lians do wear PMK and NWO; but that's only in their looks and how they act.
20. Attention-seeking hair color. Purple, Green, or Red.agree. purple hair, green hair, red hair, multi-coloured-rainbow hair. all done up with hairspray. ew. i know people do such coloured streaks on their hair during school events like sports day where they cheer their house/class/team on and have spirit, but it's gross if you do it too frequently, and even worse if you have the long permanently wet fringe plastered on your face all the time. EEEE.
21. Know nothing else except HOKKIEN profanities. :)disagree what's wrong with hokkien? i converse to my ah ma in hokkien sometimes because she's more fluent in that dialect. :O
this post is not meant to be taken seriously, if you're hyperventilating with an anger-steamed face now. :)
according to the original publisher of this post, you'd have to match yourself with these facts to see if you're an ah lian. if you hit 10, you're it.
let me see... according to the original post without any of my personal comments, i score a whopping... 6 and a half. i wear PMK and NWO, defintely, and i act cute sometimes when i run out of poses for neoprints, or when my friend does so and i just follow along. i don't add strangers to my friendster, by the way. it's usually them who add me and i don't know why either, but i accept their invitations anyway. about the family thingys, i'm not sure cos it's usually me who gets forced into the 'family'. about god-bros and sisters, i've officially only got 2 god-bros and one god-sis. that is justin, joseph and jo ee. hmm, does that count? :)
i dont know about the only know hokkien profanities part. in the first place, i don't exactly know what profanities mean. secondly, i don't see anything wrong with dialects, but using it too much may affect your english and chinese. the half comes from 4: adding Z and X to every word. i do words like
lolx(:. does that mean i'm an ah lian too? hahahs.
this post was ripped off from many thanks for posting such a witty post. :) lol.