Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy Birthday Harry Potter.

Aston Martin Vanquish/DB9!!!
Not that I'm going to get it, duh, but well. :D

I got to know Aston Martins from the Stephenie Meyer website. She claims Edward has one, so there. But I genuinely like the car ALOT. Even my dad says I have good taste.

Then I said, "Can I have one for my 21st birthday?"
He said, "How much?"
I replied, "About $600k"
And he said "Carry on dreaming"


I am strong. I will survive this ultimately disappointing letdown.

Wow. Blinded by its beauty!

The insides are just as beautiful!

According to Jonathan (Yap, I think. Tell me who), the DB9 Volante is more expensive than the Coupe cos of the roof. Wow if that's true I think the DB9 Coupe is fine with me already; an extra $100k for a funny roof is redundant. I'd much rather take that $100k to pay for gas.

Besides, I wouldn't want the car to be roofless much of the time since I hate the sun. Yes yes I hate the sun. Alot. I'm sorry if you're offended by this thought/opinion or something, but the sun just makes me uncomfortable. It ain't got nothing to do with shimmering vampires.

Today was good since there was triple English :) I ♥ English lessons! I love writing. Yeah. Surprisingly I wrote a lot for Literature today- probably the poem was just easier than the William Wordsworth and Emily Dickinson ones we got last time. The poem this time was about standing up for yourself and a little on feminism, that's why I was so encouraged.

Took neos after school with Charlene and Yuqian. I look retarded in all of them. I wish I didn't cut my fringe on impulse. The only correct haircut I've ever made was chopping off the braids. (Sigh) Don't be like me. Now I've got not much hair left to chop. Maybe my unlimited mana pool will let my hair grow out faster so I can turn it into something crazy.

So there. Enjoy your life, people :)

Monday, July 30, 2007

You scored as Ghetto gangsta,

Ghetto gangsta






Drama nerd










What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with QuizFarm.com

I don't deny that I'm a stoner, but ghetto gangsta and goth?!
Ha, ha, ha.
Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night;
Give me my Romeo; and, when I shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night...

-Romeo and Juliet, Act III Scene ii

Extremely impatient!!!
Eclipse, Eclipse, Eclipse.
Wait, wait, wait.

Sheesh. Eclipse is contributing to the further deep-frying of my brains.

Today was quite boring... But at least not shit-filled, which is considerably good. Inked "I must not tell lies" on the back of my left hand (It's still there) and Miss Rani asked me if I wrote it myself, haha.

Maybe she was kinda expecting, like, "No, teacher so-and-so" made me write it. Which further explains the whole bleeding-black thing :D

My phone got scammed today. Will post some pictures soon (Cackles); I'm using my dad's comp for today. I kinda hate my tablet cos it's so frigging slow. The start up takes about 10 minutes. My dad's is as quick as lightning. Maybe it's got something to do with the file overloads.

Today's Haoting's last day too. I'm so going to miss her! I kept trying not to cry. Hope she writes to us, and visits us during the hols. Goodbye Haoting! We'll all miss you lots ♥

Some stupid pictures from Mugglenet :D I love Photoshop; it just works wonders.

Mutated Willy Wonka

Manga overload :D

I know this picture looks almost the same as the one below, but still. (:

Wowwwww. My favo character in Harry Potter is Willing to Work for Food.

Haha, okay, enough gobbledegook. Off to play Pacman!

Hey wow woo sexy car. A "Lotus Elise", hmm. But I still love Aston Martins many many.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

"Boys should help girls, right? That's called chivalry." -Mrs Sim, Elective History teacher of 31207

I'm going bananas trying patiently to wait for Eclipse to hit the stores, meanwhile reading the QoTDs on stepheniemeyer.com.

I think it's the QoTDs that are driving me up the walls, actually. One day it says

"Well, that just sucks! I guess I'm stuck with Mike Newton after all." -Bella Swan


"It's the thought that counts. I ought to know." -Edward Cullen

THEN today's.

"I offered eternal servitude, remember. I’m your slave for life.” -Jacob Black

I'm trying to convince myself that Jacob doesn't have a prayer in terms of trying to win Bella over. Right? Bella, don't be a fool. Edward can give you immortality :) All Jacob has to offer is a nasty, unpredictable temper and probably death if he loses control.

Wow, crude...

I'm really bored of my life. Eclipse is the only thing that's worth waiting for. What else? Common tests? Maths? Chemistry? Homework. Hardly. Hardly at all.

Watched Jacky Wu's variety shows last night. Am proud to say that I'm a huge fan of his variety shows. Yeah all the hardcore games! Nowhere near as boring as Singapore's (though we're supposed to support the local talents everyone speaks of, but I can't see them). Then I got all grossed out to the core by Dreamcatcher. Lovely mutated slugs. Reminded me of Elise.

Toodles, that's all for today. I apologise for not updating earlier.
Hi, my name is Amanda and I'm a by-product of Pokemon's secret unlimited mana pool. I can soot lubberbans at people and wield lightsabres. My idol is Mr Edmund Ng because he is the master of the Pokemon unlimited mana pool. His (okay, maybe not so) secret trait is to attack head-on with flying markers and whiteboard dusters.

Never misses a shot I guess.

Yeah beware of the characters from the unlimited Pokemon mana pool. We're dangerous.

Very dangerous.

Sheesh, drugs?

I want to watch High School Musical later. HSM reminds me of my Disney times. Nostalgia rekindles itself :D

Thursday, July 26, 2007

"There is hope in the world. Timothy is doing his work."
-Miss Seto, English teacher of 31207

Yeah today went by okay-ish. I'm actually quite fine with heading back to school, though my most desired life would be that of a vampire's- limitless wealth and time on my hands.

But of course, as a vampire, I can neither enjoy chocolate nor ice cream (sighs). Whoever said being a vampire was easy?

Elise says I read too much. Naw, I just pay attention. I'm known to do that every once in a while, see.

Spent lunch in the classroom reciting a quote on the famous Xiaxue's blogpost.

She was suaning Lao Zhar Bor, some old blogger (who has been assumed to have arrived on the same boat as Sang Nila Utama). Xx quoted, "I can just imagine her reaction after she sees this post in which I claim her to be a noob. She might just go, 'DIDI! WHAT IS N-ZERO-ZERO-B!?'"

Brilliant. Just my kind of humour. (Chokes on spit and laughs again)

N-ZERO-ZERO-B. Then I came up with a B-ONE-M-B-ZERO concotion for Chrysan. Timotheus joined in the fun and shouted at Yining "Eh you S-L-O-W!"

She took 10 years to get it

I'm not coherent at the moment, so just go and watch the Free Hugs clip, okay? My current infatuations are Edward Cullen, Aston Martins and Free Hugs. Oh quite cool.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm feeling a little better after the drugs.

So, Aston Martins are classified into 3 main designs: the Vanquish (Edward's), the DB9, the V8 Vantage. Yep I love them all :D

So, in Singapore it costs about S$698,000 (w/o COE) for a DB9 Coupe, and S$738,000 for a DB9 Volante. Though I've got absolutely Zen idea with regards to the price difference- they're both still DB9s, right? No, wrong.

Okay so someone explain that to me! For a girl I'm relatively in touch with cars already. Rosalie's M3 convertible has never looked so appetizing! One of Brent's friends have got exactly the same car as Rosalie. Gosh. I don't expect any BMW M3s to come flying down the PIEs of Singapore, though, since the highest speeds you can ever get to in the highways are probably 100km/h, which is pretty pathetic.

The Vanquish!

The DB9.

Convertible. Woooh the V8 Vantage!

I'm off to do Maths. I can't wait to migrate when I get older.

Go watch the Free Hugs video, by the way, if you've not watched it. My wish, your command. Hahahahahaha.
My immune system just sucks like lemon barley, so go figure. If I cough some more I'd probably end up with a pair of blood-filled lungs and/or a set of abs that may give Yanling's or Timotheus's a run for their money.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Don't watch it and you'd regret. You don't wanna leave this blog filled with regrets, don't cha?

Okay, so basically this is a story about this hero named Juan Mann. Will never forget that name! He only has one motive while prowling the streets of Sydney holding up a FREE HUGS sign- which is to spread the love and revive the humanity which have been much lost in most people around the world.

The most touching part of this clip is the part where the little old lady first comes up to him to request a hug, which he, of course, willingly obliges. Then the colour spreads in the clip as he slowly begins to reach out to the Australians, hugging and spreading warmth to everyone willing to participate.

Juan's motives were distrusted, no doubt, as hugging can come up as a controversial issue, especially when it involves hugging strangers of different religions, races and genders. Thus the police bans this Free Hugs campaign, and Juan and his helpers begin a petition. Their target was reached- a whopping 10,000 signatures. The campaign was allowed once more!

Watch out in this clip for the blue shirt guy who practically sprints and throws himself onto his friend. And that skateboard dude! Wow, I didn't know humanity could be rekindled with small gestures like hugging. The practical will go all "Oh, no, he's probably just trying to hook chicks up or something" but I beg to differ. Such people who view this Free Hugs Campaign are the ones who need these hugs the most! Hahaha.

We really ought to start such a thing in Nan Hua. Sometimes I feel that people are going mad in there. It will be like a dream come true if 312 actually starts the campaign. It'd be magical. No ulterior motives, just hugs.

In Empower U we had to hug as many people as possible. For example, after dancing or some activities etc, Taki or Brent will exclaim, "Okay, give at least 5 hugs!" (Or 10 in some cases. We had 20 on the last day). So you'd see everyone going around to hug everyone, and it's a truly beautiful thing. The smiles and the laughter's just amazing.

To date, since Friday evening, I'd probably hugged around 70+ people, no matter whether I know them or not.

I'm sure the outcome will be cute. :) Go around hugging everybody, no matter whether you love/hate that person. Hug, just hug. If you know that it's just a gesture of friendliness, warmth and passion to reach out, you've got true love in your hearts.

And by the way, please ignore the date above :D Today is the 23rd, not 22nd. Skinning gone wrong, huh.

Seeya guys tomorrow. Love y'all.
Yeah, I miss you too. A lot. Doesn't change anything.


Yes, okay, Here I am typing out this blogpost when everyone else is in school.

This weekend has been extremely eventful for me, but utterly tiring as well. In general it was a 2 and a half days course (Empower U), and I really, really enjoyed myself there.

A lot.

Now, the reason behind all these exhaustion and sudden illnesses is mostly contributed by the timings and non-stop activities of the programme. Timings ain't no figurative expressions; a course from 8am to 9.30pm pretty much sums up everything, not to mention the practically non-existent breaks we had. We laughed and talked and interacted and moved about and listened and learned, no doubt, but the short breaks had me all drained out.

Furthermore, the only food I ate on Saturday and Sunday were 2 lunches, and 2 dinners. A drastic drop from all that snacking I used to have everyday. Maybe it'd do me some good.

During the course we had these absolutely crazy disco-dancing-to-relieve-stress sessions after every break, which in all, we danced about 8 times. You can say that was the main cause of my currently aching muscles. Dancing never felt so good though :)

Exhaustion is another matter entirely. But this 2 and a half days were incredibly well-spent. If you didn't get any of these I forgive you :D Well it's harder to read off text and experience what I had experienced on Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. Seeing is believing, right?

It was meant to be a rhetorical question. So, don't answer that.

Well mainly I've also been thinking about the class tee design. I've discarded the previous idea, something I've never told anyone about, and came up with this whole new one. It's nothing like the usual class tee about I LOVE 312 or 312 ROCKS MY SOCKS. This one has it in for true meaning. I don't know if you'd get what I get. Maybe yes, maybe no. But if you do get my meaning I am proud of you.

This idea was generated on 220707, aka yesterday. I was at Empower U, of course, and my brilliant mentors Taki and Brent showed us many, many clips and movies, all with positive motives. But this one hit me like a saucepan -smack- on my soft spot. I found the video he showed everyone on Youtube.

I'd post it on another post altogether. Please, please do watch the movie and read off its meanings if you find it too figurative. It's on the above post. Enjoy!

Friday, July 20, 2007


Okay I know you guys probably have seen this on Jemimah's blog, but I'm just re-emphasizing it. Please give us comments, or we'd be at a loss of what to do. Really. Jemimah's been working very, very hard with all the photoshop and stuff. Thank you Jemimah.

Speaking about class tees, I managed to think about one today- I'm at my most creative when I'm procrastinating. It's pretty funny, actually, but relatively practical. When I'm done with the idea I'd post it or something. I'd be drafting everything in my trusty notebook♥

I won't talk about today here, since almost every schoolday sucks. Yeah who doesn't know every schoolday sucks?

No, don't answer that.

Blogger is making me fuzztlated. (Frustrated)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Okay guys.
Here's the POTD (Picture of the Day)

I'm going to get murdered by Mr Ng for handing in my Book D late anyway, so if Huiqin does the killing for me, it probably won't make much difference cos I'd still end up dead, right?

Huiqin in secondary one looked like


HAHAHA!!! Her hair in sec one is most commonly found in markets. :D The majority of people that end up in markets on Sunday afternoons.

There's SOMEMORE! From sec one and (very) early sec two. Ew. Long hair disaster.

Yeah so basically today I had an okay-ish day. I'd give it one star out of five. The day I rate 5 out of 5 is when I get to do anything I want. 6 out of 5 is if I ever get to meet James Franco or Edison Chen, etc. Haha.


Had English, TRIPLE MATH, Social Studies, Bio and PE (Not in sequence). Hell Maths test was disgusting. I couldn't concentrate at all, and I was annoyed at myself. After the test I sat there and stoned. Suddenly Mr Ng looked in my direction and said weirdly, "Why your face so black?"


I thought he was talking to SK, actually. But he looked pointedly at me and I had nothing at all to say, so I just muttered "Wow. Black. I thought should be white." Incoherently. Heck, I'd never dream in a million years that someone'd come up to me and tell me that my face is black, Lest, of course, if I stayed in an oven for 4 months or something. Whatever.

Yeah, so, Miss Tan announced during SS that we're going to have this stupid remedial on Saturday MORNING. Shit. I thought I could've slept in. So my timetable for Saturday is going to be like

9-10am Remedial
11-1pm Math Tuition
4-5.30pm HCL Tuition with Jemimah.

HCL Tuition isn't that stressful, cos there's Jemimah♥! Woot. Both of us always laugh at the graffiti on the wall -.- Some dumb person wrote, next to all the profanities, in a thick magenta marker, "DO NOT VANDALISE. -LAO SHI"

See what I meant by dumb.
Pui. I'm going to dread Saturday.

And my mum's not treating me any nicer. She refuses to give me my pocket money. :( And let me go out. C'mon, she screams at me even WHEN I'M AT THE EFFING LIBRARY. Fuck, I'm not even at Orchard or some shopping centre in town after school!!! She wants me to turn all autistic and antisocial. She hates it when I talk too much to my friends and stuff like that cos she thinks everyone's not trustworthy, horrid, not nice, whatever.

Like I can't tell between good and bad. Yeah, right.

I should escape from Jurong East and put myself in Forks. Maybe I'd find a person to house me :D Then I can go hike on trails, find meadows, and live in a fantasyyy :)

I think I'm going to fly away as far as possible once I'm of age. No kidding. Living here is like trying to live in a slaughterhouse. After homework, she wants me to do revision. After revision? Oh! Surprise! More revision! Fuck, if you don't have a life please go get your own! I'm not five years old or some infantile shit who can't think at all!!! *Smashes table*

15 years of patience has come to an end here.
Floodgates are open. Evacuate!

I'd just post pictures. Writing and venting has become a sort of catharsis. You would, too, pick up on my hobbies if the furthest from home you can go is the carpark at the ground floor. Reading and Writing. That's the best.

Oh did I mention that my mum hates it when I read storybooks? She thinks I should read Chemistry as bedtime stories. No wonder I suffer from insomnia every night. What does she know? Nothing. It's antagonizingly horrifying. So whoever who thinks their mum are control freaks, RAISE YOUR HANDS.

My mum also hates it when I use the computer cos once I turn on my tablet IT MEANS MSN MESSENGER to her. Like I've said. She doesn't know ANYTHING. Fuck, screw my life. Someone turn me into an immortal, or maybe just do me a favour by running me over with a truck or something.

No mood to caption. If you're depressed just by reading this vented-on post, look at Haoting's picture.

Haoting we'd miss you!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

"Which is more fun, Foccer or Sootball?"
-Elise Tan

Yasou! (That's "hello" in Greek.)

I'm reading about Cromwell's rule now! :D It's friggin' fascinating.
Go to http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/cromwell_england.htm

Oliver Cromwell's quite weird. Yeah just look at the rules he enforced in the mid-1600s... Just wonderfully insane. And he himself was not strict at all(Rolls eyes). What a hypocrite.

Fine. Anyway, today was quite slack... I kinda love Tuesdays now; even better than Wednesdays. Simply because there's triple English on Tuesdays now, but TRIPLE MATH on Wednesdays!!!

Seriously, who can stand Math?!
Though we've got quite an okay teacher. Mr Ng is relatively nice, but that doesn't exactly curb by long-time-since-primary-one dislike for Maths.

Went to JE library with Yuqian after school. I can't find a decent copy of Romeo and Juliet! I was looking forward to reading Shakespeare's most lomanteek love story of all time, but they only stocked the simplified versions.

The simplified versions were in the CHILDREN'S SECTION. AND HELL YEAH I WENT THERE.

Gosh, embarrassing!

The simplified version was so shallow; it didn't contain much information or Shakespearean English whatsoever. The quotes are still there, but definitely not worth borrowing. Maybe I'd try to search for it online. I don't know what's with this thirst (haha) for old literacy texts... Pfft. Maybe I'm really out of my mind. :)


Monday, July 16, 2007

Had school till about 12pm today, then flew off to Pizza Hut for lunch with cliquette. :) I was such a PIG, I tell you. I was the only one gorging on ice cream (and a chocolate fudge one at that) after the whole meal.

Och. Someone stop me!

The Os Listening Compre was later on, at about 2. THE EFFING THING MADE US LISTEN TO MUSIC FOR HALF AN HOUR -__-

But still, I had time to catch up on sleep, so that was fine actually. I was quite afraid to fall asleep at first, but when I turned around and found, like, 3/4 of the class dozing off, I slammed my head on the table followed suit. Huh. Pig trait #2...

Went Kboxing after school. Sheesh it was fun, but I was tortured by my contacts on the way there. Then Charlene and Yuqian and I kept playing Superstar-and-fans (roll eyes). We can be lame, too lame in fact, sometimes.

Home later on.
(Sighs) I'm not in the mood to write now.

So I'd just... :)

With inspiration from Low Yihua and Jemimah Seow; they started this idea first. Haha

Dearr diiariiex,

Todaee ii go out kaikaii wif maii Boiboi... boiboi sh0 kewt lorrhx. he saee maii dresses todae sh0 kewt w0rx... of cos lahhs ; ii g0 tuu Far Eastt* derr NWO buyy everrithiing fer t0daes one nehs.

(Must... stop... bile from... rising...)

Fiirst we g0 eat @t Mac... iie luk at hiim l0ngl0ng hehe ^^ thenn iie thiink 0rf lastt tyme he aSk miie be hiis steAd... 3 mths 2 daes 21 hrs 45 min alreadii w0rx.. he iish stiLl sh0 kewt... keke

("Still so cute"? Yeah I would like to see you say that when he's old and infertile. Besides, I highly doubt this relationship will last for more than half a year. 5 bucks.)

Thenn we g0 see sh0W.. Ex0rciSm.... Sh0 sCArriie w0r! iie sh0 scared den iie cryy lerhhx... Boiboi saee dunch scaredd... but iiee stiLl scARedd.. Boiboi sh0 brAvE sh0 manx lehhs. o^.^o Hehe Afterr sh0w we paii neopwintx.. Pink machiine..

("Brave"? Yeah I bet another 5 bucks your man boy goes home to puke the contents of his dinner out. Or he probably shut his eyes during the movie. OR MAYBE HE WENT HOME AND CRIED TO HIS MUM INSTEAD. Heh.)

Laterr we g0 playy p00L! ; mit JiEMuIs... *[[aii nii men 184]]* maii p00l quiite zaii worhs..; Deyy saee Boiboi and iiee tgthr sh0 l0ng, dey jeal0us alredii w0r hee... Then g0rrt 0nE boi... c0me over askk miie hp n0.. saee iie veri chiiox lehhs; [hehe i noee lahhs] Wann sTeAd wif miie. BuT iiee saee iie hAv la0gongs alredii... bUt hE saee w8t ferr miie w0rx... aiiyo whyy liidat..*

(Sorry, but was the guy who asked her out visually handicapped, or was it just that he couldn't tell the difference between a mentally mutated being and a normal one? I was surprised he didn't ask for a one night stand or something. Uh, ew.)

4amm... cAb h0me wiff La0gong boiboi...; he kiiss miie w0rx. shyy alredii lahhs... kekex he saee he luRbe miie 184...* la0g0ngx and la0pox lurbbe 4evr...;

(Ew, ew, ew, ew, EW. I bet his mouth rotted like the one in the cigarette ad after kissing her, cos of the thick layer of foundation the mentioned twit probably applied. Maybe a spatula/ shovel would be enough to remove the foundation on her face. Errrk.)

Okay I'm never going to add another twit post in my blog. Yuck. Abolish Twit Talk. ATT. Someone hurry up and start a campaign.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I think Charlene is a rich kid because she uses $48 conditioners.

Wow. Haha.

Okay so basically I'm back to advise all 312ers, those reading this page at this very moment, to head for Jemimah's blog for the class t-shirt design. Please give us both comments!

Sorry, alteration. I think you best give Jemimah the comments cos I'm pretty useless with feedback. Ha

And Jemimah is doing it again. She's pushing the credit to me! And I only drew the words! (Sighs) The credit goes to both of us and all of you out there. If you're any other Nan Huarian who've just stumbled across my blog here, or probably even came here intentionally but without any notification, kindly note that our design is already copyrighted.


I sound mean. But sometimes we have to be mean, or we'd just get eaten alive when we step into the outside world. Cos there're more mean people than nice people on this planet if you watch closely.

Most of them are hiding under horrid masks that are striving to contain their evilness. So, beware :D You'll never know when someone decides to chuck a knife in your head.

I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack
I must learn not to sidetrack

Tomorrow you'll see the words get carved at the back of my left hand :)
Umbridge is so annoying. Her laughter makes me feel like smacking her with anything I can get my hands on.

So, all in all, 312ers, please give Jemimah ready suggestions about the design. Your constructive comments are much appreciated. Awww don't be shy!

Yay, my mum taped down Jacky Wu's variety show! His shows are full of nonsense sometimes, that's why I love them.

They say,
"Women have PMS because they have periods"


I think men are the ones who have PMS, for the love of everything beautiful. One minute they act all nice and friendly and chummy to you, and the next minute they start yelling at you like everything's your fault.

Then they'd start storming around and barking at people, like as if someone died and made them King. Yuck, I feel utterly revolted.

Some people should just get a grip sometimes. No one owes them a living.

My dad is annoying me. ALOT. I'd have to hide in the toilet first, or he might just let off that shit bomb he had constructed for the last 5 hours. Or whatever. Some men are so, so stupid sometimes.

Three cheers for feminism.♥

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I feel jerkish.
Emotionally deranged, damn. Not under control.

I've been singing Wonderwall into a pair of scissors (yes yes) and walking around in circles these days. When I feel pissed, apparently. It occurs often, but keeping myself perfectly concealed behind that facade will do everyone good. I am so friggin' irritated with myself.

And I feel even more jerkish for not visiting Darryl today. But my mum didn't tell me anything about the planned visit- she didn't even mention Darryl's condition to me whatsoever... But it's still my fault.

I'm therefore am going to visit Teapot when he's more coherent and well.

Happy 14th, best friend #2! :) (Tomorrow.)

Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now

Backbeat the word was on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do about you now

And all the roads we have to walk along are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would
Like to say to you
I don't know how

Because maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

Today was gonna be the day?
But they'll never throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you're not to do
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do
About you now

And all the roads that lead to you were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you
I don't know how

I said maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after all
You're my wonderwall

I said maybe
You're gonna be the one who saves me ?
And after an
You're my wonderwall

Said maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me
You're gonna be the one that saves me

Elise told me to post something about my opinions on Emoism (whatever). Since she's delirious with joy after having watched Brokeback (Dan got it out for her), I shan't dampen her spirits with my ultimate BDOD. (Black drag of Depression)

My definition of Emo involves excessive mosh pitting, self-mutilating and vision obstruction with all that hair on 3/4 of the face.

Emos cut themselves with penknives, scissors and whatever sharp and, er, life-threatening objects that can kill. They are wet blankets and hate socializing, though probably with an exception of their emo band, where everyone just plays along to Simple Plan and whatever emo bands there are in the music market right now.

Complete with a permanent scowl etched upon face, top-to-toe black, hair in casual disarrays that always seem to end up mostly on their faces, countless piercings, black nails... and eyeliner is practically a religion in Emoism.

Emos like to write poetry and sit by the window and strum their guitars and sing along to Welcome to my Life, probably, or sit in a corner and look antisocial.

I agree that I'm in black half the time, but I've had always been in black since forever- even before that whole Emo thing came about.
I don't slit myself, but I'm relatively masochistic sometimes.

I can't even decipher Emily Dickinson, so poetry writing is downright ridiculous to me.

I have nothing against Emoism simply because it's tons better than Twitism.
Twitism is sinful and absolutely disgusting.

Digressing. Sorry. :D

For more information about twits, however, please visit MOT. www.musuem-of-twits.blogspot.com. Satisfaction guaranteed (that is, if you're in the right mind/ you absolutely detest Twitism.)

"These violent delights have violent ends."

Friday, July 13, 2007

I hereby declare on my blog
That I'm going to read Romeo and Juliet by all means >:)

Wahlaoeh. I couldn't even sit through the first two chapters of Nicholas Nickleby and Jane Eyre. Elise says she's impressed simply because I even bothered to pick classics up to read.

Everybody knows that Elise gets her book reviews off me and that she only reads Lime, Seventeen, Vogue, Smash Hits, Vanity Fair (sometimes) and Girlfriend. Pfuit.

Exposed, haha, Elise is exposed!!!

Today was okay. Read New Moon for the 10th (and still counting) time today... I'm going insane. Thanks, Stephenie Meyer! Gosh. I'm starting to worry alot about my Literature Unseen Poetry analytical skills. Out of 6 stanzas of one of Emily Dickinson's death poem we were thrown at by Miss Rani, I could only decipher and break down THREE stanzas!

If this carries on I think I'd have to dig my grave for CT 2. Shit.

I keep laughing my guts out everytime I happen across Juliet's melodramatic "Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo!" in Shakespearean websites. Gosh.

But I'm sure old English quotations from famous, brilliant but extinct poets are much more meaningful than the pickup lines of the 21st century. Haha. All so shallow, no meanings. "Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes."

I keep chewing on my lip. It's swollen now. Very, very swollen, and itchy and painful at the same time. (Hisses)

Today was rather devastating, since we got the news abotu Haoting leaving us for Taiwan for good. I felt both sad and angry at the same time, I don't know why. I felt like hugging her and I felt like smacking her. Luckily SK was in between us or I would have moaned at her for the whole of Chemistry or something.

Jemimah and I are going to expedite the class tee ASAP, so that Haoting will be in time for a copy of such. I'm really, really, REALLY going to miss Haoting. Alot. Hot Tea! Wherefore art thou Hot Tea! AHHHHHH (Stomps around the room)

I've just realised that I hiss alot when I get irritated or angry. Heh

I'd try to avoid that as much as possible, since it sounds seriously menacing. And what with all the "Amanda wow you vely emo you know", I think I'd never be able to escape the clutches of... Emoism. Whatever.

And lastly, a quote from Twilight/Romeo and Juliet. I know I'm incoherent in this post. Sorry.

"Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath
Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty."

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Today was good, good, yeah, actually quite great (Smiles impishly)
Because there was NO MATHS

I mean, really. We've been taught not to act like typical hypocrites and go "Ah, I love Maths! Gosh! Maths is so interesting, I can fall on my butt anytime to do it! Blah! Blah! Blah!" When you actually HATE Math, like me, right? Same applies to Chemistry. Gosh, I think Chem has taken the place of Least Favo Subject on my list.


Fell asleep in Elective History. The only okay part of the whole 1-hour long lesson was the video of Hitler.

Hitler's got some really nice hair! (There I go again) Its parting is so... retro. Reminds me a bit of Mr Peh :D

Later on, I was doodling and doodling on my book and realised that I'd dozed off. Woke up to see Chrysan and Timotheus sniggering from across me. Maybe it's just kind of weird to see someone whom you've never seen sleeping since like, forever, to suddenly drop down and snore (not that I did snore), eh. AND drawing at the same time.

So it was like, my right hand was busy tracing circles all around while I was actually sleeping. Now I don't blame them for laughing.

SK is officially going to read Twilight.
Where's the Twilight FC? But to be strictly accurate, I think it's more like "Edward Cullen FC" to me. (Scratches head and giggles)

Eugene Wong is afraid of me now. He doesn't want to talk to me. (Waves pompoms around again)

Went to JE with Maylynn, Charlene and Yuqian after school. Bid goodbye to Maylynn a little while later before the other two and I went to Macs to have lunch.

Charlene could make me laugh non-stop for one-minute straight. WOW. A feat. Just by making so-and-so's signature move. She did it so convincingly, I have to give her a standing ovation. Talked alot of rubbish and went home.

I feel disgusted with myself for eating at Macs. What with all the brutal chicken killings... Eeek. Read Chew On This. (Yeap another book recommendation) It's really good, especially if you're the one who loves gore and the blindingly horrific truth about fast food chains like KFC and Macs etc.

I'm serious. Read it, borrow it from the library, whatever. The last time I read it I boycotted Macs for six months straight. If you're worried about the content then that's another story altogether. But really. Look at what happened to Twilight when I first read it! :)

Now it's got quite a bit of members in a FC, and still counting. Hip hip, hurray.

I've got about 80+ pictures to upload, which is quite impossible to do now, but let's be hopeful for just this once- I'd upload them, bit by bit. In the meantime, I won't take as much pictures with my phone anymore. Deal.

MC pictures here.
I miss the gang of S4L 7146 so much!
Especially my crazy insane partner Zhiqi.

Watch her eat cheese and you'd get terrified.

She ordered pasta at Pastamania during lunch back then on one of those days, and the way she poured Parmesan cheese... It's scary, it really is.

She adds humongous amounts of cheese every 3 mouthfuls she takes. After the meal, I thought she would've stopped or something, but she actually screwed off the cap of the shaker and poured about another 2 spoonfuls in her mouth.

(Kowtows to Zhiqi)

Pure torture

This was the top I wore when Zhiqi and Shannon claimed: "Amanda you look haunted."

I was trying to take a picture and chew at the same time, hence the expression :D

Eurk Zhiqi >:(

Oh hey yo

"What's your PROBLEM!?"
"Uh, nothing."
"Yeah, right."

Attempting to finger-whistle


She's not that shy. Hahahahaha!

Kissy kissy

Conned her into taking this picture.

That's all for now; more next time! I'm a very lazy blogger-picture-uploader. Apologies.

My cousin's hospitalized with appendicitis. He's just done with surgery... Ow.
Darryl kor get well soon!♥

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. With who?
Ummm, Edward Cullen? No, no, I'd walk with my best friend.

2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind?

3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?
Milk the moo :D

4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing and before you is your dream house. Describe it?
A nice cosy cottage made out of gingerbread

5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?

6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining room table. Whats on it?
Lots of food! Mmmmmn.

7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it?
A porcelain mug.

8. What do u do with the cup?
Pick it up and stare at it

9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself standing at the edge of a body of water. What kind of body of water is it?
A lake with beautiful sparkling water!

10. How will you cross the water?
Ehhh I'd get my best friend to piggyback me over. (Pah. As if he will.)

1. The person who you are walking in the woods with is the most important person in your life.
Eeek! Cheong Wei Hong's not the most important person of my life!!! Okay I'd go with Edward Cullen. Haha. Joking. Not accurate one.

2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems in your life.
Moos are big!

3. The severity of the interaction you have with the animal is representative of how you deal with your problems.
So it means that I take everything with an air of insouciance? You can say that, but you can't at the same time (:

4. The size of your dream home is representative of the size of your ambition to solve your problems.
Awww. This quiz is getting accurate.

5. A lack of a fence is indicative of an open personality. People are welcome at all times. The presence of a fence indicates a closed personality. You'd prefer people not drop by unannounced.
Oops. I've got a closed personality. You can say that too.

6. If your answer did NOT include food, flowers, or people, then you are generally unhappy.
I'm happy! Emo.

7. The durability of the material with the cup is made of is representative of the perceived durability of your relationship.
Argh! Porcelain! Shit.

8. Your disposition of the cup is representative of your attitude.
Haha, I'd be fascinated with it for a while. Why's this quiz so accurate!

9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire.
Lake. Wow luckily I didn't pick ocean or something. Guanzhi'd definitely pick the 7 oceans of the world.

10. How wet you get in crossing the water is indicative of the relative importance of your sex life.
Hahaha my best friend will get wet. Oops. Make CWH shoulder responsibility :D
When I logged onto MSN just now, I received a nasty scare from Elise. But according to her reactions, I seriously think she's more traumatized than me.

Okay, I think I shall relate what happened a couple of days back. My parents returned home hooting with laughter one fine night, and claimed that they saw my twin on the streets.

Twin. Miss Seto!!!

According to them, my "twin" was a spitting image of me, with the same hairstyle, same glasses (though I wear contacts most of the time now), same skin tone (that's sad. Really), same height and same face shape (even sadder. I've got a face shape of a mango, damnit.).

If whoever that girl was lived through her life not getting called a geek/ emo/ moron, or possibly labelled androgynous (nicer term. Not-so-nice-and-less-classy term= tomboy), I really salute her. My mum said she was a couple of years older than I was. INTERESTING, I HAVE A SISTER. Wowiezowie.

Jamie, however, got extremely freaked. She was screaming on MSN, "Gosh that's your doppelganger!!!" (Doppelganger= something like your splitted soul or whatever.)

I'm hardly Sun Wu Kong, so how do you expect my soul to split itself into pieces? Jaaaaaaamie.

Back to the topic: Elise. Apparently, Elise was surfing through flickr.com for some suggestions for short cropped hair or emo hair or whatever she was hunting for, and she saw

Yes, she sent me the picture on MSN and I actually thought it was me, for a fleeting moment. But I swear that's NOT me. My fringe is not that long (But on the way. *Smiles*).


I don't even look like Erika Toda or whoever. It must be sad having a mango for a face, and getting called eeeemooooo to the face at least thrice a day.

Today was uneventful, and later I've got tuition. Misery is taking over. The only thing I'm looking forward to is the Harry Potter OoTP movie I'm going to catch with Cheryl and Darryl! Please, please, PLEASE let Sunday come quickish.

HCL O level Oral exam was horrifying just now. I stumbled over 4 words during the passage-reading, looked all around (north-south-east-west) while having the stifled conversation with the examiners, and got stuck at a couple of words at the end of my supposed sentence. PHWOAR.

And I screwed things up even more later on!!!

After I finished the whole exam thing, I took my time to put the chair back into place and bowed goodbye to the examiners. Then I stepped back and said bye again (cos I didn't know what to do). The most embarrassing part was smushing myself into the orange couch when I turned around and headed for the door D:

Charlene and Yuqian tried to comfort me by assuring me that the examiners probably wouldn't have heard my nasty collision.

Impossible. The room was dead quiet and I was lumbering about like a blind elephant. Even a person with difficulties hearing would have heard my smash sound. Pffffft.

I'm getting more and more like Bella. A typical klutz. Argh!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Happy 15th Tay Weijie! :)
You're old already. Awwwww

Today was great. Yeah actually kind of, on the account that there was NO MATHS. Yesss! (Waves silver and blue pompoms around)

Then during Lit today I was kind of... confunded. Haha. Don't want to elaborate here. That's the bad thing about a blog- you can't confide your utmost feelings, for fear that someone random will just pass by here to read. Wow, and that's going to cause alot of trouble. Hmph.

Yea okay today my mum was being uncharacteristically nice to me, I wonder why. For once she didn't scream at me, yell at me or shoot me off on the phone. That's why I went home skipping.

Imagine how much that can change someone's day! So, people, I best advise you guys not to grumble, nag or scream so much. Besides the fact that you'd spoil someone's day rotten (and in the bad way), you'd also grow older befre your time. (Chortles)

Junjie and Elaine got out of CSS. I'd forever remember Junjie as the funny guy who sings "Ni shi WATER... Zhuan zhu tian shi, wei wo neng du jiaaaaaang".

Then that guy, Guohao, sang some Cao Ge song. My mum and I laughed throughout his performance without stopping. Then my dad came out and started laughing too. Aw sorry. That was mean. But funny. Sorry. :D

I guess I'd go soon. I've just recovered from a nasty bout of a passing fever (Sighs) I hope this doesn't carry on; I have HCL oral tomorrow.

Get well soon, Timotheus. (: Oh but I seriously didn't know you were so... masochistic. Hmmm. Haha okay don't do a Ashley Olsen, dude.

And EWWWWWWW KEELY GOT INTO THE NEXT ROUND. Yerk. She sings like Rainie Yang with two wads of tissue stuck in her nose. Pfuit.

Monday, July 09, 2007


Amanda! (Yeah yeah her name is Amanda too)

CariDee (Overall winner)

Melrose. Lots of potential but a horrid attitude.

Amanda's twin, Michelle.

Pictures from America's Next Top Model (Yes it's still my favvve show!), Cycle 7.
When's the new cycle airing in Singapore? :D
Wow Eugene Wong sure talks alot of crap on MSN.
I hope he sees this. (Unlikely, though)

Okay first and foremost, I seriously think that the Monday timetable is kinda suckish... What kind of mentally sound person will put Chem, Maths and Combined Humans together?! It's sheer torture.

I couldn't concentrate during Elective History and Chemistry and Math (surprise surprise). Chem was SUCH a bore. Well it was never interesting in the first place, but this new teacher we've got is making everything worse... I wouldn't have been shocked to see half the class sleeping. Her jokes are not even cold jokes. Uh.

SK is a miracle. She can appear to daydream and doddle around in class, but her assignments are always in tip top condition.

(Kowtows to SK)

Literature later on was super funny. We went through Daddy by Sylvia Plath again, and then Miss Rani confunded us all by announcing that we're supposed to write a poem for this year's National Day. How am I supposed to whip out that patriotic side of me and cough up a poem?! I'm not the sit-by-the-window-while-it's-raining-and-write-poetry kind of girl.

I think.

I found myself a new singing partner :D Her name is Chelsea and she sits in front of me during Lit and beside Huiling. I randomly sang some really ancient cheenapiang song in front of her during discussion and she could actually follow up (Gasps in horror).

Then Vera and Huiling were extremely grossed out to the core by my whole nail-biting thing. Hahaha you can't change my nature. Sorry.

Went to JE library with Jamie, Yuqian and Huiling after school.

Jamie and I kept taking stupid pictures. Yuqian and Huiling were staring at us like we were freaks. (True, quite true)

Mum kept calling to scream and scream and scream, so I had to return to Bedlam before my eardrums exploded.

Some pictures here from MC, and I think Shannon's off to HK already. Shannon you good! Off on a holiday (and in the midst of school, I wonder why), and here I am, slogging my guts out trying to make sense of Properties of Circles.


♥Zhiqi, Shannon, me.

S4L (TH) 7146!
Faggots. I look massive.

In allllll directions.

Zhiqi and I (:

Me, Zhiqi, Shannon, Joachim.

No more.

Alright, alright, I'd bluetooth some pictures from my phone over next time... If I do it now it'd take 10 years or something, cos you know how laggish my TPC is when it comes to these kind of stuff.

I need time. Give me some. :)


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Non-Twilight readers, kindly ignore this post and move to the previous ones.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Okay, so Rosalie and Jasper are not twins.
My bad, my bad :D

Alice was changed by a worker (obviously already a vampire at that time) in the mental asylum she lived in when she saw that she could see the future (things were like that in the olden days). However, the vampire that changed Alice was killed by James later on.

But in New Moon, Laurent claims that Edward killed James for biting Bella. Technically speaking he's wrong; Emmett and Jasper were the ones who took care of James, as described at the end of Twilight.

Edward's real name, the one he'd took in his human life, was Edward Anthony Masen.
Which means that his surname last time was Masen, then he added a Cullen behind after being transformed by Carlisle.

I don't care about Aro, Marcus and Caius. Old faggots. How do you pronounce Caius, by the way?

I know how to pronounce Carlisle's name already. My dad says that my version is right. Car-lie-serl. I love the name. And the guy.

Esme's and Carlisle's love story is sooooo touching! (Dreams) As follows:

In 1911, Esme broke her leg falling out of a tree she’d climbed. Her family lived on a farm on the outskirts of Columbus. The local doctor was away, and it was after dark by the time they got her to the small hospital in Columbus. A Dr. Cullen treated her. It was his last month in town. She never got over the experience.

Esme was the last of her friends to marry. She was thinking of moving West to be a schoolteacher, but her father didn’t think it was respectable for a lady to live alone in the wilds. The son of a family friend, a man with good prospects, wanted to marry her, and her father pressured her to accept. She was indifferent towards Charles Evenson, but not opposed to him. She married him in 1917 at the age of 22, and quickly found that this had been a bad decision. Charles’s public face was very different from his private face; he abused her. Her parents counseled her to be a good wife and keep quiet. When he was drafted to fight in WW1, it was a huge relief to her. When he came back in 1919, it was terrifying.

Shortly after his return, Esme discovered she was pregnant. The pregnancy was Esme’s catalyst to escape. She couldn’t let a child be brought into that home. She ran away in 1920 to live with a second cousin in Milwaukee, and then moved further north when word of her whereabouts leaked to her parents. She blended in easily, pretending to be one of the many war widows. She taught school in a small community outside Ashland. When her baby died in 1921 from a lung infection just a few days after he was born, she had nothing left. She had no idea that Carlisle was working in the little hospital in Ashland when she jumped off the cliff outside the town. Carlisle remembered her, of course, as the happy girl she had been at sixteen. He didn’t want her to die and so he saved her.

When she opened her eyes, in all that pain, and saw the face that she’d never forgotten in a decade, she was relieved. She was not really that upset to find out she was a vampire, but she didn’t take it as in stride as Emmett had. Still, she was happy to be with the man/vampire of her dreams. She did always have that maternal ache, and, as the physically oldest of the Cullen’s, she fell into a mothering role.

(Still dreaming)
(Stands in a corner)

Rosalie was changed by Carlisle, but the reason still remains behind the veils. Eclipse will explore more about Rosalie's transformation.

Edward had green eyes when he was a human. He's currently (and will always be) 6 foot 2 inches (about 188 cm. Perfect!). He has bronze untidy hair is lanky, not bulky like Emmett, and has amazing boyish looks. He can read minds (duh). He has 2 cars, a Volvo (read previous few posts) and an Aston Martin V12 (no idea what's that, either. Will find pictures).

The uncivilised vampires, like James, Victoria and Laurent, are different in the way they move. Their walk is catlike, which means that they're more animalistic than the rest of the more civilised ones (like the Cullens).

Too weak strong a word. He's more like, nondescript. Cos he was unattractive when he was a human, thus he only took up an "average" look when he became a vampire. Transforming into a vampire makes you look more beautiful, so that stamps a guarantee chop that James was ugly when he was a human.

He's dead already, anyway. Hurray.

Mike-shmike Newton is an asshole. He's only attracted to Bella because of her attractiveness, which is actually, in reality, what most guys are carved out as (Screams with laughter) HAHAHA.

Okay enough ranting here :)

Saturday, July 07, 2007


Elise is SO going to flip. Hahaha. By the way, I publicly would like to announce my immense gratitude towards WEI YANLING for lending me her copy of New Moon :) I've did my best to keep it out of others' hands too. Thanks dear!

Okay basically I was exhausted from Monday to Friday, but other than that usual bout of insomnia I experienced every night, I didn't show signs of dying whatsoever.

The floodgate opened on 070707.

Haha, Earth Day. Yesterday was the start of Earth Day. Happy Earth Day to all.

Went for chinese tuition and waited for Jemimah at Bugis MRT when we were already running late... Haha. I didn't feel like going for tuition anyway. And she arrived later than me! (Gasps) I'd never imagine in a million years that Jemimah will be, for once, later than me- considering my horrid reputation on the latecoming part during tuition.

Arrived there 20 minutes late and we still had to search for the classroom! I don't know why they changed classrooms all of a sudden. Jemimah was super funny; she kept going into wrong classrooms, and all the occupants stared at us everytime we intruded.


We finally found the dreaded classroom later on, but we talked throughout most of the lesson and ate M&Ms. Yesterday's tuition session was incredibly boring, as compared to last times'. Ew.

Went to Kino after tuition and read for an hour there before going to pc. When I was reading New Moon (though I had Yanling's copy in my bag. I know I'm weird), there was this guy standing a few paces away from me, looking seriously wary and suspicious.

Because he was reading an erotic book. (Hoots with laughter)
I knew that cos I picked up the book he had been reading after he left, and browsed through the summary. Something about prostitution and whorehouses. Well at least not sheer visual porn or whatever (Chortles).

Aik Kai kept mussing with my hair in pc! Rawr. Then I saw my best friend #1 and #2 again. :) Seeing them both makes me happy.

Yeah okay then Huishan and Pris kept calling me punkster. (Grins)
Cos I was wearing my hoodie and my hair was all ruffled thanks to Aik Kai!
Huishan was Punkster 1 and I was Punkster 2. Huishan cut her hair in this totally cool way. :) Pris wants to cut hers too, but she's afraid of her dance teachers' reactions.

That whole punkster thing was started by the unmerciful Jeremy.

Best friend #1 and I have telepathy. We make faces at each other to communicate -.-

So that was the end of yesterday. I'm going to continue reading New Moon and play that infantile Lemonade Game.

Go to LemonadeGame.com. Haha.

Friday, July 06, 2007

The Black drag of depression

The pain that had me now,
Had me cold.
Never had I expected the
Odds to be so precariously
Stacked against us.

Flitting across my already
Brutally wounded subconscious
Was the excruciatingly painful truth
I had to face for
All of eternity-

Our paths always met at
Various checkpoints;
But thou's destinies,
Never once intertwined.


Uh ok, haha. Comments please, on my tagboard- some words, other than cheem. Cos this is not cheem!!!
Read the poem, Daddy by Sylvia Plath. That, I tell you, is literally mind-bogglingly cheem.


Okay so, Miss Rani was the one who threw us that cynically morbid poem at us last Lit, and cheem as I am (which is completely zilch), I didn't get the poem at all.


That wa so depressing at first, but after catching the expressions on Huiling's, Vera's, Chelsea's and Jemimah's faces, I knew I wasn't alone :D The whole poem sounded uncannily like Hitler, which was quite obvious.

But Miss Rani said there was more to just that. Figurative expressions.

Whatever. Anyway, Here's the latest list compiled by me...

It's quite crazy, thanks to all that emo poems Miss Rani assigns us every Lit. But don't get me wrong; I love those sad, listless and strange poems that create third dimensions to the mind.

Of course.

Since Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is out this July 14 (Cheryl!!! Where are you!!!), I shall contribute something about my childhood fantasy.

Amanda's list of the top 10 favourite Harry Potter characters

1) Sirius Black

...Is the Coolest. Coolest with a capital C! Yay. Though he looks like he hasn't bathed in 12 years (which probably is the truth). But JK Rowling killed him off in OoTP, which is unbelievably irritating.

2) Remus Lupin

Him and Nymphadora Tonks= Super cute couple!♥
"I'm too old, too poor and too dangerous"

Well at least he has better manners that THE OTHER KIND of werewolf. The version in Twlight, named Jacob Black. (Winks)

3) Dumbledore

Suave old man, hahaha. But he died in HBP. Another irritating thing.

4) Ronald Weasley

Okay I totally love his whole sense of humour, and the fact that he tries so hard to pursue Hermione. The Yule Ball in GOF left me laughing like nuts; his dress.

Gosh. where's the fashion police?

5) Fred and George Weasley

...And their whole sense of humour thing, too. But I swear they look like girls in this picture.

6) Hermione Granger

Omg, Emma Watson is superrrrr pretty! She's growing prettier as she is growing older, unlike Daniel Radcliffe. Somehow I don't like how Harry is turning out.

7) Harry Potter

Speak of the devil.
Daniel Radcliffe, by the way, is going nude in some new show of his (Not Harry Potter. Thank goodness)

8) Cedric Diggory

Found another Edward face. Well he's got the gentle Edward Cullen Look I'm searching for, but James Franco is still the best. This one comes in second.

I still vividly recall watching GOF in the Omnitheatre with my parents and paternal-side cousins about a year or so ago. My mum fell asleep cos it was too damn hard to watch, sitting in the first row, with the screen, like, above your head.

It was friggin' irritating, and I could see Daniel Radfcliffe's pores up close. Went all dizzy, of course. However, before I had the time to tell my cousin Cedric Diggory was handsome, AVADA KEDAVRA byebye Cedric Diggory.

Au Lang Syne. Pffft.

9) Rubeus Hagrid

Big and hairy and full of love.

10) Bill Weasley

I don't know, really, if this IS really Bill Weasley- I just googled "Bill Weasley"
and this picture popped out first.

This dude looks pretty good to me, and if you notice, he's wearing the Gringotts' uniform. Damn cool.

The Dumbledore's Army♥

Ginny Weasley's poster looks kind of like, the coolest.

Another version of Harry Potter OoTP.

Enough of Harry Potter. I'm awaiting it, to watch it with my own eyes.
The Omnitheatre sucks. I hope I'd be setting off somewhere more normal with Cheryl and Darryl and my aunt and uncle, hahaha.

I'm sure Harry Potter will be a much better show than the last show I watched with them (POTC 3); plainly because 1) We know what's going to happen and 2) I doubt the director will spring something stupid on us, like Harry getting hit by some new spell and can only come back to Hogwarts to meet everyone every 10 years or something.

Enjoy the weekend. Byeeeeeee!